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Episode 123



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

A lot to discuss in Springfield....

Police Station:

Doris is hugging Ashlee, "Oh my Baby! I can't believe your here with me."
Ashlee cries, "Mom I can't believe this is happening."
Doris sighs, "I'm so sorry Ashlee. I didn't want the next time I see you to be like this."
Ashlee sighs, "I haven't even seen you in person in months."
Doris looks at her, "Oh my. I didn't even realize. You look great sweetheart. You've lost so much weight. I mean you were always beautiful but now you look... healthy."
Ashlee nods, "Well I've been going about it the right way. With diet and exercise."
Buzz smiles, "I'm so happy for you. Come here."
Ashlee hugs him, "Oh I missed you so much Buzz!"
He looks around, "Where's Coop?"
She hesitates, "Uh... Coop couldn't come. He just has a lot of stuff he had to take care of. But he is coming. It'll just take a little while. We decided to finally move back."
Doris smiles, "Oh sweetheart. I'm so happy. I just wish I could be here with you."
Ashlee sighs, "Don't say that."
Doris and Ashlee hug.
Buzz gets suspcious about Coop and Ashlee.


Harley is sitting at a booth.
Rocky walks over to her, "Hey Harley. Are you busy?"
She shakes her head, "To busy for my little brother? Never. Sit."
He looks around, "Well if your waiting for Cyrus or someting..."
She laughs, "No he's not here. Sit."
Rocky sits, "I was just wondering about your job."
She nods, "As a detective. What about it?"
He turns to her, "Well being a cop is dangerous. But I mean your saving people. And it makes it all worth it right?"
She nods, "Yeah. I mean I know that I am making a difference and making the world a little safer for my family."
Rocky goes on, "But when you had Zach. I mean I know you had Susan but she was grown and living with the Lemays. When you had him did that change how you felt about the force?"
She sighs, "Well at first but after a while I felt like it was what I was supposed to do. And then I got shot and almost gave up all together. I didn't want to leave my children motherless but.... I don't know I feel like this is my passion and my responsibilty."
He smiles, "Wow. That's so cool."
She sighs, "Is this the speech?"
He is confused, "What speech?"
She laughs, "The whole 'Quit being a cop' speech. Daddy, Lucy, Coop they all do it to me, Frank, and Marina. Am I gonna get it form you too?"
He shakes his head, "No Harley. I actually think I understand. More than you think."
She puts down her coffee, "Wait, Rocky are you thinking about becoming a cop?"
Rocky smiles.


Jonathan walks inside, "Hello?"
Marah and Shayne walk over to him, "There you are."
He smiles, "What is this?"
Marah walks over, "Well we haven't really gotten to know you yet. So we wanted to take a chance to get to know our little brother."
Jonathan laughs, "You two are nuts. But I'm sure Mom would love this."
Shayne smiles, "Well we can tell her all about it later but I think we need some sibling time without Mom."
Marah smiles, "Maybe we can look at what we have in common."
Jonathan laughs, "I don't think there is a lot we'd have in common."
Shayne looks at him, "Actually I know your wife Aubrey is expecting a child. Rocky and I are going to adopt the child that Marina's carrying."
Jonathan nods, "So you and Rocky Cooper?"
Shayne sighs, "Yes. Are you going to have a problem with having a brother who is involved with a man?"
Jon laughs, "Your looking at the guy who fell in love with and married his cousin. I believe that no one can interfear with true love."
Marah sighs, "We can talk about her. We were close with Tammy."
Shayne nods, "You know Tammy was like a sister to us. I think about her everyday."
Jonathan nods, "Me too. I mean I don't know if I'll ever be able to accept her death. But Aubrey really helped me with that."
Marah nods, "Aubrey seems like a nice girl."
Jonathan smiles, "Oh yeah. She is the typical good girl. I'm lucky to have a bond with her."

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra is sitting in the livingroom.
Aubrey walks in, "Hello. They told me I could find you here?"
Cassandra looks at her, "Who are you?"
Aubrey smiles, "I'm Aubrey Randall."
Cassandra stands, "Oh my God. I heard so much about you. I'm happy to meet you."
Aubrey grins, "I heard a lot about you. Your a very inspirational person. Jonathan is really happy with what you've accomplished."
Cassandra hugs her, "Oh I'm so happy he has you. I didn't think he'd ever find someone else to love after Tammy. I mean he'll never love someone the way he did her but you just... you remind me of her."
Aubrey walks around, "Yeah I wasn't sure at first either. I mean Tammy was just perfect. I didn't think I would be worthy of being Jonathan's next love after her."
Cassandra turns to her, "What made you change your mind?"
Aubrey sighs, "You are going to think I'm nuts."
Cassandra shakes her head, "You don't know that."
Aubrey sits, "Well. I wasn't sure until someone told me that I was going to be good for Jonathan and Sarah."
Cassandra sits with her, "Who told you Aubrey?"
Aubrey sighs, "Tammy."
Cassandra stares in shock.


Gus and Olivia are playing cards.
Olivia has to remove another item of clothing.
She takes her jacket off.
He laughs, "You sure you don't want to quit?"
She shakes her head, "Oh no. You see it's only a matter of time until the game flips and I have the upper hand."
He grins, "Don't say I didn't offer."
She giggles, "This was an interesting game for you to suggest."
Gus nods, "Well I used to play this in high school."
She gasp, "Oh my God! Tell you Natalia played!"
He shakes his head, "Oh please! She would never do that. No she doesn't like any kind of gambling. Especially for clothing. No Natalia was always a good girl. And I was the bad boy back then."
Olivia smiles, "Believe it or not I was a good girl. But as I got older I realized that not all good girls get to have their dreams come true. So I had to be a bad girl and go after what I wanted."
Gus nods, "Well I can respect you for that."
She sighs, "I do take pride in knowing that my success I got on my own without anyone handing it to me."
He deals the cards, "Well I would be too. You are an admirable woman."
Olivia smiles at him.

Ice Skating:

David is taking Lucy ice skating for their date.
They get onto the ice.
Lucy smiles, "I haven't done this in so long!"
David grins at her.
She notices, "What is it?"
He stops her, "It's just weird how much you've changed these past months. I mean when we first hooked up you were this... well trainwreck."
She shoves him.
He laughs, "But look at you. I mean you remind me of yourself before you married Alan Michael."
She nods, "Well I liked myself a lot better then. I mean I do miss the business world. But I like helping my father with his diner. But I do want to say that he has now given me full pwoer of CO2."
David hugs her, "That's great! Congratulations."
She nods, "Yep. I'm going to be working their now. Like it's mine. Of course we don't get a whole lot of business in the winter. But by the time I'm done it's going to be the hottest place in Springfield."
David smiles, "Well I know that you can do anything you set your mind too. You always amaze me."
The two kiss.


Harley looks at Rocky, "Are you really considering becoming a cop?"
Rocky nods, "I've been thinking about it latley. I mean after my attack I knew Ihad to hve some change in my life. I thought I knew what it was but that turned out to be a big mistake that almost costs me everything."
Harley nods, "But you think joining the force is what you should do?"
He sighs, "It's just when Marina found me, it was just like she was some hero. Which she is. You all are. At that moment I realized what you guys were really doing. I thimk I could really get into that."
Harley smiles, "I'm so happy for you. I mean I know what it's like when you realize something like that. But I am worried. I mean as your sister I feel like I should tell you to find a job where you aren't in the line of danger all the time."
He laughs, "But that would make you a hypocrite."
She nods, "Yes it would. Have you talked with Shayne about this?"
He shakes his head, "Not yet. I wanted to be sure first. And I think I am. I just don't know how to tell him. I mean that would not be good news for him. He is very protective of me."
She nods, "I konw. But if he loves you he'll respect your decision to do what you feel pasionate about."
Rocky smiles, "Thanks Harley."
The two hug.

Marah and Shayne are laughing with Jonathan.
Shayne laughs, "Are you serious? I mean I can't even picture Mom doing that."
Jonathan nods, "Oh yeah. Reva's awesome. We used to raise hell when I was in town."
Marah sighs, "You really changed her. I mean when we left she was more... I don't know motherly."
Jonathan pours drinks, "Well she told me I brought out the old Reva in her. But I don't think Joshua was to happy about that."
Shayne sighs, "I wish they could be happy together but now I am starting to think that maybe those two would be happier if they weren't together."
Marah nods, "I think this may be where the Josh and Reva story ends."
Jonathan leans over, "So what do you guys know about her and this Chandler guy? I don't know something weird is up with them."
Shayne sighs, "I don't know but I just hope he is good to her."
Marah looks at her phone, "Oh I need to get going. I have to go meet with Jeffrey."
Jonathan smiles, "Jeffrey O'Neill. He's a good guy. He helped me, Aubrey and Sarah. Let him know how much I appreciate that."
She nods, "I will. Jeffrey is a great guy."
Shayne gets up, "I should go to. I have to pick up Marina and meet Rocky. We have to go over some stuff."
Jonathan hugs them, "It was nice getting to know you guys I'll see you at the next family event."
They all walk out.

Ice Skating:
David and Lucy are still skating.
Lucy turns to him, "You know I have been wondering if it's time we officially started dating."
He laughs, "What have we been doing."
She smiles, "You know what I mean. You can come over and see my family. I baerly know yours. And your daughter Vi. I'd love to get to know her. You don't talk about her a lot."
He nods, "Yeah I do."
She shakes her head, "Yeah but not in detail. I mean how is your ealtionship with her?"
He sighs, "Vi is a little mroe complicate then most people would think. Things are not quite as they seem."
Lucy is confused, "I don't get it. What do you mean?"
He sighs, "Vi has had a difficult life. And as she got older she started to rebel more agaisnt me and she has somewhat of a chip on her shoulder."
Lucy shakes her head, "I can't believe that. I mean she seems like the perfect kid. I always see her voulunteering at Cedars."
He nods, "Well no one else knows the real Vi except for me. I'm only telling you so you'll be prepared."
Lucy laughs, "Prepared for what?"
David sighs, "If I'm going to be in your life then so is she. And I'm not sure if you could handle her."
David skates ahead.
Lucy stays for a moment.

Olivia and Gus are sitting and still playing the game.
Olivia still has her shirt and pants.
Gus is in his underwear.
Gus smiles, "I think your better than I orginally thought."
She nods, "This isn't just a game of luck. It involves strategy, deception, and thinking. All of my specialties."
He sighs, "Well maybe we should stop here."
She shakes her head, "Lay donn your cards."
They both put their cards down.
Olivia jumps up, "Yes! I knew it! I win. You lose. Now let's drop 'em Gus!"
He shakes his head, "Come on."
She sits, "It's a game. You have to play by the rules. You can put them back on later but just take them off so I can officialy win the game."
Gus stands up, "This has to be the low point of my life. I'll be naked with a beautiful woman without getting anywhere."
She laughs, "I guess we'll see."
Gus slowly pulls down hsi boxers.
Olivia stares for a moment but turns away, "Okay okay. Uh... just... that's good."
He laughs, "Thank you."
She shakes her head, "I uh... just. I've... Just get dressed."
Gus gets dressed.
Olivia turns red.
She feels so embarrased which she didn't expect.
But now her desire for Gus has grown more.

Spaulding Mansion:
Cassandra stares at Aubrey, "You.. you.. are you telling me you talked with Tammy?"
Aubrey nods, "I know it sounds insane."
She shakes her head, "No. No I know what you mean. I... Okay I've talked with Tammy a few times. But just keep that between us."
Aubrey nods, "But it's like she always has the advice you need. I don't get why other people don't get it."
She hugs Aubrey, "Oh thank God! Someone else who understands. Who understands everything."
Aubrey nods, "I think being with Jonathan has made me close to her. Atleast that's what she tells me. And I don't think Tammy wants Jonathan with Lizzie. How is that fair?"
Cassandra shakes her head, "It's not."
Aubrey nods, "I mean Lizzie gets to have Tammy killed an years later she gets her husband too. I don't get how someone can be so sick and selfish."
Cassandra sighs< "She's going t hurt him and Sarah. But we wo't let that happen. I couldn't save Tammy. But I can save you Aubrey."
Aubrey hugs her, "Thank you."
Cassandra nods, "We'll work togeher. Okay? I promise."
Aubrey leaves.
On her way out she calls Rafe, "Hey. Yeah it's me. Part 1 of the plan has started."
She walks out.

Police Station:
Doris sit with Ashlee, "Oh baby. All I ever wanted was for you to be safe. I wanted to protect you."
Ashlee nods, "I know that."
Doris sighs, "I'm not so sure. I mean everything that happened last year with you... your eating disorder. I know it was my fault because I didn't give you enough self esteem. I didn't encourage you enough. I made you feel like you weren't good enough all because I was insecure about myself."
Ashlee shakes her head, "No. No. I knew Mom. I always knew you loved me. I knew Mom."
Doris smiles, "I have so much more I need to tell you but I don't want to do that now. I have to go talk with a lawyer. Buzz will you take care of her."
Buzz nods, "Of course I will."
Ashlee hugs her, "I love you Mom."
Doris cries, "I love you sweetheart."
Doris is walked away with a cop.
Ashlee sobs,
Buzz hugs her, "It's going to be okay."
Ashlee nods, "Yeah."
Buzz puts his arm around her, "I'll take you to Company okay?"
She nods, "Yes. That sounds good."
The two of them walk out.

Edmund returns!
Liz makes a shocking discovery
Rocky tells his plans to Shayne
Mallet confesses to Vanessa
Roxie is caught red handed
Beth has a secret


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I like the idea of Rocky becoming a cop

The Ice skating date was cute but they came out of now whre. i think its taking too long to fit in all your characters. Like weeks. Kuz some of these folks I am like who in the hellis this.

Is david black mixxed or white?

A NAKED GUS LORD HAVE MERCY. He must be packing if Olivia i more drawn to him. I loved that poker game.

So Aubrey will enlist Sandra's help? Ol dirty Bitch

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Rocky's career choice is going to have a huge impact on his story. At first I wasn't sure but the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea.

Yes I agree. Lucy and David have been on the backburner. I'm going to try and give them more aritime and see how it works. If it doesn't, well then I'm not sure about their future....

And David is black.

Gus and Olivia have had their sexy scenes. But they have much more coming up. This story is going to be big and have a lot to it.

Aubrey has a bunch of allies she is recruting. This new character is going to rock Springfield. I hope you enjoy her story!

Thanks for reading!

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