Episode 122
Confrontations and conversations in Springfield....

Police Station:

Buzz walks into the station.
He walks over to Harley.
He sighs, "Do you have any news?"
She looks at him, "Doris has a lot of charges against her. She has been talking to her lawyer. Things don't look to good."
Buzz takes a deep breathe, "Is there anything you can do?"
Harley sighs, "Daddy I know you are friends with her and she is Ashlee's mother but she did really bad things. She is most likely going to go to prison for what she has done."
Buzz shakes his head, "She has been turning her life around. She has come so far from the woman she once was."
Harley looks at him, "Daddy is this more than what I think it is?"
Buzz nods, "You know i was going to ask her out on a date. I was going to take her to the park. No fancy restaurant. Just a nice date. I really think it would have worked. She would have liked it."
Harley puts her hand on his shoulder, "Well I think she would have too. But you need to understand. Doris is not going to be walking out of here anytime soon. She will go to prison."
Buzz shakes his head.
Doris is brought out of the room in handcuffs.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra is in her office.
The Butler Jeremy walks in, "Excuse me Madame. You have guests."
Cassandra stands.

Jonathan walks in holding Sarah.
Cassandra runs over, "Oh my God! I heard but I can't beleive it!"
He hugs her, "Yep. Me and Sarah."
She stares at him, "I can't believe it. You are really alive. Oh thank God for that."
Jonathan looks around, "Wow. You did it. I mean you took down the Spauldings and got revenge for Tammy. I can't believe it."
Cassandra smiles, "What do you think?"
He grins, "I think it's awesome."
She hugs him, "Oh finally! Someone who understands. It's like this whole town wants to forget about what happened to Tammy but I can't let that happen. You get it."
He nods, "Yeah. I think about Tammy every single day. All the time."
She cries, "Oh so do I. But seeing you and Sarah just.... feels like I got a piece of her back today."
He hugs her again, "Well seeing you makes me feel the same way. I'm so proud of you. You are a force to be rekoned with now."
Little Sarah is walking around the room.


Aubrey is cleaning.
She is the only one there.
She rubs her stomach, "Oh Baby. Soon it'll just be you, your sister, me and Daddy. Our little family."
There is a knock at the door.
She goes to answer it.

She is shocked to see Rafe at her door.
She backs up, "What are you doing here?"
He walks in, "This is a nice place. Took me a while to get here."
She shakes her head, "How? How did you find me here."
He laughs, "I know a thing or two about you Aubrey."
Aubrey shouts, "Okay it's time for you to go!"
Rafe grins, "You should have asked me my name. Rafe Rivera."
She shakes her haad, "So?"
He laughs, "Okay what about my Grandfather's name? Alan Spaulding."
Aubrey backs up, "No."
He nods, "Oh yes. I am a Spaulding. Liz Spaulding is my sort of cousin."
She walks away, "No. You stupid punk!"
He walks towards her, "Now. How about we play the little game of what I like to call: Blackmail."
Aubrey is disgusted by his smirk.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Phillip and Beth have been in meetings all day.
They walk down the hall and run into Mel and Alan Michael.
Phillip smiles, "Hey. My little brother. Are you working today?"
Alan Michael shakes his head, "No. I have some meetings."
Beth nods, "Meetings for what?"
Mel looks at Alan Michael, "Honey I think it's time we told them. They need to know what they are up against."
Beth shakes her head, "What are you talking about?"
Alan Michael looks at his brother, "Phillip. I have been planning to take control back of Spaulding Enterprises from Cassie and bringining to the Spaulding family."
Phillip laughs, "Didn't you here my speech that's what my plan has been. I just started persuading some of the stockholders."
Alan Michael shakes his head, "No. I've been planning to do this. Mel is supporting me. I am more than ready."
Phillip nods, "Well okay. You can work with me. I'd love it. The Spaulding brothers."
Alan Michael sighs, "I'm sorry Phillip but that's not going to happen. I am running for CEO of Spaulding Enterprises. I will win. I will take control of the family."
Beth and Phillip are taken back by his statement.


Olivia walking to her room.
Gus stumbles over to hre, "Can I talk to you in your room for a moment?"
She nods, "Um sure. Of course."
They go into her room.
He walks in, "I wanted to apoligize for my behavior a few weeks ago."
She smiles, "Oh no it's fine. I was intruding."
He shakes his head, "No no no. I saved you because I cared about you and you deserve to know that."
Gus is pouring a drink.
Olivia walks towards him, "How many have you had?"
He turns to her, "Not much. But I did want to come up here and spend some time with you."
Olivia laughs, "It's not even nighttime and your already tipsy."
Gus hands her a glass, "Well the more the merrier."
She backs up, "I don't drink."
He laughs, "I remember you drinking all the time."
She nods, "Exactly."
He puts it down, "Oh I'm sorry."
She shakes her head, "It's fine. It's fine Gus you didn't know."
He sits on her couch, "I still feel like a lot happened between us and we need to talk about it."
Olivia is confused, "Now?"
He nods, "Now."

Malah House:

Mallet sits and holds the information in his hand.
He is still in shock.
How is going to tell Dinah that he was investigating her past.
That he found out about her child she had in Europe.
And then break the news that her child died in a fire at an orphanage.
Dinah would never recover from that.
Mallet feels lost.

Dinah walks down the stairs, "Good morning Babe."
He stands up, "Good morning. How did you sleep?"
She smiles, "Good. Are you going to work soon? You'll be late?"
He looks at the clock, "Oh damn. I lost track of time I have to run.
Mallet kisses Dinah.
Dinah smiles, "Have a nice day."
He leaves.
Dinah sits at the desk and cleans up the mess.
She shoves it all in drawer.
She notices a bos in the drawer.
She pulls it out and is shocked by what she has found.
Spaulding Enterprises:
Phillip looks at his brother, "Alan Michael. We are brothers. If we are going to take down Cassie we need to show a united front. We can't be against each other. We all need to work together."
Alan Michael looks him in the eye, "Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to take the backseat and let me be in charge and be the CEO. And not you. Could you do that Phillip?"
Phillip sighs, "I have layed the groundwork already. Beth and I have big plans for Spaulding. I am ready to take the company back."
Alan Michael sighs, "Well I'm sorry but you are going to be greatly disappointed. Because this time next year the company will be at the top and I will be the CEO."
Phillip sighs, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
Beth looks at Alan Michael, "Alan Michael your brother is trying to do something for you family. Why do you have to be so selfish."
Mel looks at her, "Excuse me Beth. But Alan Michael is far from selfish. He is trying to do what's best for his family. He will be the CEO of Spaulding. I will be with him every step of the way."
Beth nods, "Wow Mel. You certantly have changed over the years."
Mel smiles, "And you haven't."
Beth laughs, "I guess I should take that as a compliment."
Mel shakes her head, "You probably shouldn't."
Phillip takes Beth's hand, "We need to get going. I'll talk to you later."
Alan Michael nods, "Good luck Phillip. You'll need it."
The two couples go their seperate ways.
Olivia sits with Gus, "So you saved me from being shot at the bank that day and it almost costs you your life. Why?"
He sighs, "Olivia I know we haven't always gotten along."
She laughs, "Gotten along? I'd downright say we despised each other."
He nods, "Yeah. But I saw you. You were worried about Emma. I wasn't about to let Emma lose her mother."
Olivia sighs, "You know what this is just too weird. I... I don't think I can do this."
He sighs, "Okay... let's just let's do something else while we talk um... cards do you have cards."
She nods, "Uh yeah. I never use them but I have some. What do you want to play? Poker?"
He laughs, "You play poker?"
She nods, "Well when I ran Spaulding it was a good way to bond with clients and get them to give you what you wanted."
He smiles, "Exactly."
She hands him the cards, "Okay well this should be fun."
He looks at her, "What if we make it ineresting?"
She shakes her head, "I'm not betting my money to you."
He grins, "I was thinking something else.... maybe your clothes."
She looks at him, "Are you talking about strip poker?"
He smirks, "Oh yaah."
The two laugh.
Spaulding Mansion:
Jonathan sits on the couch.
Cassandra hands him a drink, "So are you in Springfield for good?"
He nods, "Right now yes. But I don't know> I mean how do you handle being in the same town as that man?"
She sighs, "Sometimes I can't. But I know that I have been taking him down one piece at a time. And he has lost his real power. It's only a matter of time before he finally pays for killing Tammy. When they all will pay."
Jonathan sighs, "I know you won't want to hear this but I'm going to have Sarah bond with her biological mother."
She sighs, "Oh Jonathan! You can't trust her. Lizzie is a Spaulding. I know she seems like she's changed but you can't trust her."
He nods, "After what happened last time believe me. I'm keeping my eye on her. But don't worry about Liz I don't think she'll cause you problems."
Cassandra sits with him, "So tell me about this new wife of yours what is her name again?"
He nods, "Oh Aubrey. She's great. She's a sweet girl. She is going to be a teacher."
She smiles, "Wow she sounds a lot like Tammy."
Jonathan nods, "Yeah. She's just a really smart, calm, good person."
Aubrey sits on the couch.
He walks over with two beers, "You want to join me for a toast?"
She shakes her head, "I can't drink. And neither can you. I don't know how old you are but I know your not 21."
He laughs, "Since when has that stopped anyone."
She sighs, "Why are you blackmailing me? I have nothing?"
He puts his hand on her leg, "Oh... you have something."
She shoves him, "You know what? I don't care. No one would believe a freak like you."
He laughs, "They'd believe the truth. That you hired me to kidnap Sarah last night and put a little scare into Jon and Liz. And I caught the second act. Where you were having pains. Nice. Real tears?"
She stands up, "It's time for you to go."
He grins, "Well what about bribary? How does that suit you?"
She turns to him, "Now what do you have that I want."
He smirks, "Listen. we want simaler things. You want to keep Liz from your husband. I need to get Jonathan out of town. He tried to kill my Granddad and almost killed my Mom. I don't want him near my family."
Aubrey shakes her head, "And how do you plan on ending this thing between Liz and Jonathan?"
He smiles, "Well we both know Jonathan is a sucker for a damsel in distress. And that's you Babe. If we team up we can get Liz back in the family and Jonathan and you ride off with Sarah and your baby."
Aubrey sighs, "I just want that sick twisted bitch away from him."
He smiles, "So is it a deal."
She takes a glass of water and holds it up, "We are going to break up Jonathan and Liz. That psycho Spaulding will be out of my life. And that is my New Years Resolution."
They clink drinks together.
The two start a plan.
Malah House:
Dinah pulls a box out of the drawer.
She recognizes it.
She opens it.
She pulls out the baby blanket.
Along with a picture and baby toys.
Dinah is in shock, "No. Oh my God! Mallet what are you doing?"
She takes the things and stands up.
She goes through it.
She shakes her head, "Oh my God. Mallet knows. Mallet knows about her. He knows about the baby! No why now? Why now? It wasn't supposed to be this way. Damn it!"
She grabs her cell phone.
She goes through it to find a number.
Dinah makes a call, "Hello. It's me. Listen we need to talk. No.... I am serious. It's important. It's Mallet. He found out.... You know what. About her.... Yes he knows about the baby. I'm going to meet you right now."
She hangs up.
She grabs her coat and leaves.
Police Station:
Buzz walks over to Doris, "I can't believe this is happening."
She giggles, "Well the rest of Springfield is probably dancing. The bitch is getting what she deserves."
He shakes his head, "I'm not dancing."
She sighs, "I know. Buzz I really thought that we would... well one day maybe go out or something. Stupid right?"
He shakes his head, "Doesn't sound stupid to me. Maybe a movie. A walk in the park. Sit at a bench. Have a little picnic. A little champange. Sit under the stars."
She tears up, "Wow you give it much thought?"
He laughs, "A little."
She nods, "I would have been swept off my feet."
He sighs, "Well I never thought you'd say yes. I mean your Mayor Wolfe!"
She laughs, "Oh! I probably wouldn't have at first. But if you were persistant. I would have had to accept."
He looks down, "If only...."
She nods, "I guess we'll never know. And now I have to call my daughter."
A voice is heard across the room, "I'm here Mom."
Doris and Buzz look over in shock.
Doris grins, "Oh my God! Ashlee! Your home!"
Ashlee runs to her mother and hugs her.

Ashlee and Doris have an emotional reunion
Aubrey goes to the Spaulding Mansion
Jonathan meets his siblings
Gus and Olivia play a game
Rocky has questions for Harley
Lucy and David have a date

Police Station:

Buzz walks into the station.
He walks over to Harley.
He sighs, "Do you have any news?"
She looks at him, "Doris has a lot of charges against her. She has been talking to her lawyer. Things don't look to good."
Buzz takes a deep breathe, "Is there anything you can do?"
Harley sighs, "Daddy I know you are friends with her and she is Ashlee's mother but she did really bad things. She is most likely going to go to prison for what she has done."
Buzz shakes his head, "She has been turning her life around. She has come so far from the woman she once was."
Harley looks at him, "Daddy is this more than what I think it is?"
Buzz nods, "You know i was going to ask her out on a date. I was going to take her to the park. No fancy restaurant. Just a nice date. I really think it would have worked. She would have liked it."
Harley puts her hand on his shoulder, "Well I think she would have too. But you need to understand. Doris is not going to be walking out of here anytime soon. She will go to prison."
Buzz shakes his head.
Doris is brought out of the room in handcuffs.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra is in her office.
The Butler Jeremy walks in, "Excuse me Madame. You have guests."
Cassandra stands.

Jonathan walks in holding Sarah.
Cassandra runs over, "Oh my God! I heard but I can't beleive it!"
He hugs her, "Yep. Me and Sarah."
She stares at him, "I can't believe it. You are really alive. Oh thank God for that."
Jonathan looks around, "Wow. You did it. I mean you took down the Spauldings and got revenge for Tammy. I can't believe it."
Cassandra smiles, "What do you think?"
He grins, "I think it's awesome."
She hugs him, "Oh finally! Someone who understands. It's like this whole town wants to forget about what happened to Tammy but I can't let that happen. You get it."
He nods, "Yeah. I think about Tammy every single day. All the time."
She cries, "Oh so do I. But seeing you and Sarah just.... feels like I got a piece of her back today."
He hugs her again, "Well seeing you makes me feel the same way. I'm so proud of you. You are a force to be rekoned with now."
Little Sarah is walking around the room.


Aubrey is cleaning.
She is the only one there.
She rubs her stomach, "Oh Baby. Soon it'll just be you, your sister, me and Daddy. Our little family."
There is a knock at the door.
She goes to answer it.

She is shocked to see Rafe at her door.
She backs up, "What are you doing here?"
He walks in, "This is a nice place. Took me a while to get here."
She shakes her head, "How? How did you find me here."
He laughs, "I know a thing or two about you Aubrey."
Aubrey shouts, "Okay it's time for you to go!"
Rafe grins, "You should have asked me my name. Rafe Rivera."
She shakes her haad, "So?"
He laughs, "Okay what about my Grandfather's name? Alan Spaulding."
Aubrey backs up, "No."
He nods, "Oh yes. I am a Spaulding. Liz Spaulding is my sort of cousin."
She walks away, "No. You stupid punk!"
He walks towards her, "Now. How about we play the little game of what I like to call: Blackmail."
Aubrey is disgusted by his smirk.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Phillip and Beth have been in meetings all day.
They walk down the hall and run into Mel and Alan Michael.
Phillip smiles, "Hey. My little brother. Are you working today?"
Alan Michael shakes his head, "No. I have some meetings."
Beth nods, "Meetings for what?"
Mel looks at Alan Michael, "Honey I think it's time we told them. They need to know what they are up against."
Beth shakes her head, "What are you talking about?"
Alan Michael looks at his brother, "Phillip. I have been planning to take control back of Spaulding Enterprises from Cassie and bringining to the Spaulding family."
Phillip laughs, "Didn't you here my speech that's what my plan has been. I just started persuading some of the stockholders."
Alan Michael shakes his head, "No. I've been planning to do this. Mel is supporting me. I am more than ready."
Phillip nods, "Well okay. You can work with me. I'd love it. The Spaulding brothers."
Alan Michael sighs, "I'm sorry Phillip but that's not going to happen. I am running for CEO of Spaulding Enterprises. I will win. I will take control of the family."
Beth and Phillip are taken back by his statement.


Olivia walking to her room.
Gus stumbles over to hre, "Can I talk to you in your room for a moment?"
She nods, "Um sure. Of course."
They go into her room.
He walks in, "I wanted to apoligize for my behavior a few weeks ago."
She smiles, "Oh no it's fine. I was intruding."
He shakes his head, "No no no. I saved you because I cared about you and you deserve to know that."
Gus is pouring a drink.
Olivia walks towards him, "How many have you had?"
He turns to her, "Not much. But I did want to come up here and spend some time with you."
Olivia laughs, "It's not even nighttime and your already tipsy."
Gus hands her a glass, "Well the more the merrier."
She backs up, "I don't drink."
He laughs, "I remember you drinking all the time."
She nods, "Exactly."
He puts it down, "Oh I'm sorry."
She shakes her head, "It's fine. It's fine Gus you didn't know."
He sits on her couch, "I still feel like a lot happened between us and we need to talk about it."
Olivia is confused, "Now?"
He nods, "Now."

Malah House:

Mallet sits and holds the information in his hand.
He is still in shock.
How is going to tell Dinah that he was investigating her past.
That he found out about her child she had in Europe.
And then break the news that her child died in a fire at an orphanage.
Dinah would never recover from that.
Mallet feels lost.

Dinah walks down the stairs, "Good morning Babe."
He stands up, "Good morning. How did you sleep?"
She smiles, "Good. Are you going to work soon? You'll be late?"
He looks at the clock, "Oh damn. I lost track of time I have to run.
Mallet kisses Dinah.
Dinah smiles, "Have a nice day."
He leaves.
Dinah sits at the desk and cleans up the mess.
She shoves it all in drawer.
She notices a bos in the drawer.
She pulls it out and is shocked by what she has found.
Spaulding Enterprises:
Phillip looks at his brother, "Alan Michael. We are brothers. If we are going to take down Cassie we need to show a united front. We can't be against each other. We all need to work together."
Alan Michael looks him in the eye, "Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to take the backseat and let me be in charge and be the CEO. And not you. Could you do that Phillip?"
Phillip sighs, "I have layed the groundwork already. Beth and I have big plans for Spaulding. I am ready to take the company back."
Alan Michael sighs, "Well I'm sorry but you are going to be greatly disappointed. Because this time next year the company will be at the top and I will be the CEO."
Phillip sighs, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
Beth looks at Alan Michael, "Alan Michael your brother is trying to do something for you family. Why do you have to be so selfish."
Mel looks at her, "Excuse me Beth. But Alan Michael is far from selfish. He is trying to do what's best for his family. He will be the CEO of Spaulding. I will be with him every step of the way."
Beth nods, "Wow Mel. You certantly have changed over the years."
Mel smiles, "And you haven't."
Beth laughs, "I guess I should take that as a compliment."
Mel shakes her head, "You probably shouldn't."
Phillip takes Beth's hand, "We need to get going. I'll talk to you later."
Alan Michael nods, "Good luck Phillip. You'll need it."
The two couples go their seperate ways.
Olivia sits with Gus, "So you saved me from being shot at the bank that day and it almost costs you your life. Why?"
He sighs, "Olivia I know we haven't always gotten along."
She laughs, "Gotten along? I'd downright say we despised each other."
He nods, "Yeah. But I saw you. You were worried about Emma. I wasn't about to let Emma lose her mother."
Olivia sighs, "You know what this is just too weird. I... I don't think I can do this."
He sighs, "Okay... let's just let's do something else while we talk um... cards do you have cards."
She nods, "Uh yeah. I never use them but I have some. What do you want to play? Poker?"
He laughs, "You play poker?"
She nods, "Well when I ran Spaulding it was a good way to bond with clients and get them to give you what you wanted."
He smiles, "Exactly."
She hands him the cards, "Okay well this should be fun."
He looks at her, "What if we make it ineresting?"
She shakes her head, "I'm not betting my money to you."
He grins, "I was thinking something else.... maybe your clothes."
She looks at him, "Are you talking about strip poker?"
He smirks, "Oh yaah."
The two laugh.
Spaulding Mansion:
Jonathan sits on the couch.
Cassandra hands him a drink, "So are you in Springfield for good?"
He nods, "Right now yes. But I don't know> I mean how do you handle being in the same town as that man?"
She sighs, "Sometimes I can't. But I know that I have been taking him down one piece at a time. And he has lost his real power. It's only a matter of time before he finally pays for killing Tammy. When they all will pay."
Jonathan sighs, "I know you won't want to hear this but I'm going to have Sarah bond with her biological mother."
She sighs, "Oh Jonathan! You can't trust her. Lizzie is a Spaulding. I know she seems like she's changed but you can't trust her."
He nods, "After what happened last time believe me. I'm keeping my eye on her. But don't worry about Liz I don't think she'll cause you problems."
Cassandra sits with him, "So tell me about this new wife of yours what is her name again?"
He nods, "Oh Aubrey. She's great. She's a sweet girl. She is going to be a teacher."
She smiles, "Wow she sounds a lot like Tammy."
Jonathan nods, "Yeah. She's just a really smart, calm, good person."
Aubrey sits on the couch.
He walks over with two beers, "You want to join me for a toast?"
She shakes her head, "I can't drink. And neither can you. I don't know how old you are but I know your not 21."
He laughs, "Since when has that stopped anyone."
She sighs, "Why are you blackmailing me? I have nothing?"
He puts his hand on her leg, "Oh... you have something."
She shoves him, "You know what? I don't care. No one would believe a freak like you."
He laughs, "They'd believe the truth. That you hired me to kidnap Sarah last night and put a little scare into Jon and Liz. And I caught the second act. Where you were having pains. Nice. Real tears?"
She stands up, "It's time for you to go."
He grins, "Well what about bribary? How does that suit you?"
She turns to him, "Now what do you have that I want."
He smirks, "Listen. we want simaler things. You want to keep Liz from your husband. I need to get Jonathan out of town. He tried to kill my Granddad and almost killed my Mom. I don't want him near my family."
Aubrey shakes her head, "And how do you plan on ending this thing between Liz and Jonathan?"
He smiles, "Well we both know Jonathan is a sucker for a damsel in distress. And that's you Babe. If we team up we can get Liz back in the family and Jonathan and you ride off with Sarah and your baby."
Aubrey sighs, "I just want that sick twisted bitch away from him."
He smiles, "So is it a deal."
She takes a glass of water and holds it up, "We are going to break up Jonathan and Liz. That psycho Spaulding will be out of my life. And that is my New Years Resolution."
They clink drinks together.
The two start a plan.
Malah House:
Dinah pulls a box out of the drawer.
She recognizes it.
She opens it.
She pulls out the baby blanket.
Along with a picture and baby toys.
Dinah is in shock, "No. Oh my God! Mallet what are you doing?"
She takes the things and stands up.
She goes through it.
She shakes her head, "Oh my God. Mallet knows. Mallet knows about her. He knows about the baby! No why now? Why now? It wasn't supposed to be this way. Damn it!"
She grabs her cell phone.
She goes through it to find a number.
Dinah makes a call, "Hello. It's me. Listen we need to talk. No.... I am serious. It's important. It's Mallet. He found out.... You know what. About her.... Yes he knows about the baby. I'm going to meet you right now."
She hangs up.
She grabs her coat and leaves.
Police Station:
Buzz walks over to Doris, "I can't believe this is happening."
She giggles, "Well the rest of Springfield is probably dancing. The bitch is getting what she deserves."
He shakes his head, "I'm not dancing."
She sighs, "I know. Buzz I really thought that we would... well one day maybe go out or something. Stupid right?"
He shakes his head, "Doesn't sound stupid to me. Maybe a movie. A walk in the park. Sit at a bench. Have a little picnic. A little champange. Sit under the stars."
She tears up, "Wow you give it much thought?"
He laughs, "A little."
She nods, "I would have been swept off my feet."
He sighs, "Well I never thought you'd say yes. I mean your Mayor Wolfe!"
She laughs, "Oh! I probably wouldn't have at first. But if you were persistant. I would have had to accept."
He looks down, "If only...."
She nods, "I guess we'll never know. And now I have to call my daughter."
A voice is heard across the room, "I'm here Mom."
Doris and Buzz look over in shock.
Doris grins, "Oh my God! Ashlee! Your home!"
Ashlee runs to her mother and hugs her.

Ashlee and Doris have an emotional reunion
Aubrey goes to the Spaulding Mansion
Jonathan meets his siblings
Gus and Olivia play a game
Rocky has questions for Harley
Lucy and David have a date
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