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Crazy and Deranged! #107



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Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Church

Just as Sharan is about to walk up to the pathway that leads to the church, she sees Daniel walking up to her. She decides to wait for him. They hug once he gets close enough.


"I am so sorry for Lauren."


"So am I."


"You were so close Daniel. After everything Mona did to you, you made it through all of it. Just when you were about to get your life back, it all goes to hell once again. It seems you and Lauren can't catch a break."


"I know. It's never ending."


"I want you to know that I am here for you . We have been through a lot together. We've seen a lot together. We survived Mona's hell for all those months. If there is anything you need, or if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you."


"That means a lot to me Sharan. It really does. " He gives her a hug as Kevin walks out the church and watches this friendly embrace take place. He walks over to them to break it up.


"Am I interrupting?"

Sharan and Daniel pull back.

Sharan, looking at Kevin,

"No, Daniel and I were talking about Mona's Dungeon."


"Yea, your crazy ass sister. She's probably the one who killed Lauren. Damn you and your entire family. Mona is going to pay for all the things she's done to the people in this city."


"I have nothing to do with this. I had no idea Mona was my sister."


"I'm going to go inside before I lose my cool. I think I've heard enough of Kevin's mouth." And Daniel does just that.

Kevin looks at Sharan,

"You've been back in town for a few days and I have not heard from you or anything. Then I come outside and see you all hugged up with Daniel. What's good Sharan? I love you. We were together before my sister kidnapped you. We were going to get married."


"Kevin, I have been through a lot the last several months. Kidnapped and held hostage. I was rapped. I had to watch Mona torture Daniel. It was sick. I needed time to make sense of everything and to enjoy my freedom."


"Why couldn't I help you with that? Isn't that what I am here for? I am going through a crisis my damn self. Where's my fiancée? Why can't we be here for one another?"


"Kevin, I'm not ready."


"What's that supposed to mean? I'm your man."


"Kevin, I don't want to be with you. You are Mona's brother and honestly I don't want no connection to Mona what so ever. This is very hard for me. I still have nightmares of some of the vicious thing's your sister has done and said. Especially about your father rapping her night after night. It sends chills up my spine."

Kevin, pleading,

"I had nothing to do with that. That was my father and my half-sister. Sharan I love you. I can't lose you too. I've lost everything already. My pops, my mother. I don't even know who my own family are. But I know that I love you. I need you Sharan. Please don't do this to me. I have nothing else left. I have no hope to cling too. I thought about you night and day, hoping and praying for your return. I've been crazy with out you."

Sharan, wiping a tear from her eye,

"I'm sorry Kevin. I'm not ready. I love you, but I am not ready." She then walks off as Kevin turns around to watch the love of his life, walk out of his life.


Episode:107, Crazy and Deranged!

Written by: ML Cooks

Daniel walks up to Lauren's coffin and stares at her. He is still unable to believe that Lauren is dead. After enduring months and months of torture, he thought his salvation would be Lauren. He feels some one touch his shoulder. He turns around and sees Jasmine.


"I'm so sorry for you loss."

Daniel, with a tear forming in his eye,

"Thank you." He says giving her a hug. He then looks at her.

"I don't think I've seen you around."


"I'm Jasmine Winters."


"Winters..Winters… Ria Winters?"


"She's my sister."


"Wow. Never knew Ria had a family. You seem much nicer and civil than her."

Jasmine chuckles,

"I've been hearing that a lot since I got here. Listen, I'm a psychiatrist and I came to Pasadena to fill in at Huntington Memorial Hospital. I think it would be very useful for you to talk to some one. Get out your pain and agony. You've been though a lot."


"Ria must of told you. The gossip Queen."


"Bits and pieces. It's a heart breaking story, and I would love to help. You shouldn't keep your feelings bottled up. It can be dangerous."


"Your right. I madder as every day pass that I don't have Lauren. Every time I think of something Mona has to done to me, I have this urge to seek vigilante justice."


"My point exactly. Here's my card." She says pulling it out from her purse and handing it to him.


"I don't want you to think of it as an official counseling or what not. Let this be comfortable for you. Like two friends talking about our past."


"Will do Miss Winters."


"Oh no, call me Jasmine. You make me sound old calling me miss."

Daniel smiles,

"I'll give you a call in the morning. Thank you."


" My pleasure. I made you smile. A sign of good things to come. I look forward for your phone call." She then walks away from him and Daniel walks outside to smoke a cigarette.

Lauren, in the coffin, whom just over heard everything has a few thoughts,

"I don't know what was worse, hearing Daniel talk about how much he misses me or that Jasmine flirting with him. I'm dead. I'm right here. She flirted with him right in front of me. Have you no respect for the dead? I can't stay dead for long or I am going to loose Daniel. "

On the Highway

Ashley is stunned to see Rufus in her back seat through her rear view mirror.


"Surprise. I bet you weren't expecting me." She says aiming her gun at Ashley.


"What the hell are you doing here?"


"I have something for you. I made it myself."


"What the hell are you talking about?"


"It's my favorite dish and it's served cold."


"I'm not hungry!"


"Revenge is a dish best served cold. You are going to pay for what you did to me. Kidnapping me and then using a chain saw to cut my man hood off."


"I was doing you a favor. I was trying to help out. Now you're a full fledged woman right? I did what the doctors were going to do to you. So why be mad at me?"


"You're flipping crazy. Maybe I wanted to keep my cock. Ever think about that. You didn't ask me if I wanted you to use a chain saw on me, you just thought I would want that. Do you know how painful that was?! Crazy Bitch!"


"I am not! DON"T CALL ME THAT!!!"


"You're crazy and deranged. And I give the demands here, I have the gun." He says waving it in front of Ashley.


"Please don't do this. Natalia is trying to take my child from me. I am going to loose everything. Everything I worked so hard for is going up in flames."


"Serves you right. But you're forgetting, that baby isn't yours. It belongs to Natalia. I overheard you say that in that dungeon."


"This is not the time for your bullsh!t! You got that damn gun so use it!"


"Fine, pull this car over."


"I won't let you do this to me. My son and Bryan mean to much to me." After saying that, Ashley rams her car into another causing her car to spin on the highway. So fast dose all this happen, other cars hit the back of Ashley's car, causing a 12 car pile up. Once the cars come to a standstill, Ashley gets her bearings back and looks in her back seat. She sees Rufus has been knocked unconscious. Ashley, with a bruised face and blood coming from her head, climbs out her car. Through all the smoke from the engines and confusion from the people, Ashley is able to make her escape as she begins to run down the exit ramp.

She talks to herself,

"I told you, you won't get me. I have to go get my son before Natalia gets to him first."

Back at the Church

Dre and Kiko walk in. Dre sees Sharan and walks over to her. Kiko is approached by Ria.

Ria, admiring Kiko's suit,

"Wow, you look amazing. You always clean up nice."


" Do you expect anything less? But thank you. How are you?"


"I am fine. A little stressed out. My mother and sister has decided to invade my sovereignty."

Kiko laughing,

"Maybe that could be a good thing?"


"Not at all. My parade is being rained on. You know, I haven't seen you around in a while. Where have you been?"

Kiko, having a flashback of being kidnapped by Santino,

"I was out of town. I had a training in Santa Barbara. And why are you keeping tabs on me?"


"Because I care about you Kiko. You know how I feel about you."


"And you know what I told you about us."


"We can still be friends right?"


"As long as you know the definition."


"You're silly. Well friend, I want to go out. Let's go out to the club or get a bite to eat after the funeral. I am stressed out. Too much sadness here. I need some excitement to get my mind of all these dead people. I've never been to a triple funeral before. Is that how they do it these days? I didn't know the economy was that bad. They had to economize these funerals. Death is not cheap."


"Uhm, well you know, I could use a drink too. My training was pretty intense and stressful. I'll meet you at The Jump Off then?"


"Yup Yup"

Kiko, smiling at her,

"See you soon" He says as he walks away.

Ria watches Kiko walks away,

"Kiko, you just don't know all the freaky thangs I want to do to you. I will have me some of you." Her thoughts are interrupted when her sister walks over,


"He was handsome. That's you're lover?"

Ria, rolling her eyes,

"No. Why you all up in mine? You so damn nosey and you know how much I hate that!"


"I'm you're older sister. That's my job."


"Uhm hmm, I saw you talking to Daniel. Is he your man?"


"Don't be coy Victoria. He's in mourning."


"Don't call me by my government name. You know I hate that too. Look, I am going to pay my respects to Jodie. I don't got time to be talking to your nosey ass."


" Why do you have to talk to your older sister like that? Whatever Victoria, go ahead. I am about to put mother's make up on anyway. "


"Make up? Why?"


" Look at who's being nosey now. Eat your words little sis. You don't want to go toe to toe with me. … Mother decided to sing here at the funeral."


"Oh God!"

Dre walks up to Sharan. She smiles at him and gives him a hug.


"I've missed you shawty."


"I've missed you too. I miss my freedom. But here I am."


"You looking good as ever."


"Thank you."


"They tried to lock me up for kidnapping you."


"I know. Mona told me. How have you been?"


"I've been holding it down. But a brother doing better now that you here."


"You're still your sweet self."


"I saw you talking with Kevin earlier. Things didn't look right."


"They aren't. I can't be with Kevin right now. Knowing his sister raped me and did all those horrible things doesn't sit well with me. I am traumatized by the thing's I've seen thanks to Mona."


"Maybe you should take your mind of things. Let's have dinner or something. "


"That sounds nice. Is the Blue Note still open?"


"It is shawty. After this dreadful funeral, let's go grab some food."


"Sounds nice." They hug again as Kevin watches on in anger. As Dre walks away Ria walks up to Sharan.

DC walks into the church and walks up to his brother's closed casket. He touches it, bowing his head . Sister Patterson walks up to him.

Sister Patterson

"God is punishing us."

DC, opening his eyes and looking at Patterson,

"He is indeed. I feel like my heart has been ripped out from my chest. The Williams family has been turned upside down. I lost my brother right before he found out we had an affair. Then the daughter you thought was dead is alive and she's mine. "

Sister Patterson

"And my son's hate me. Lord have mercy." She says wiping a tear. She puts her hand on the coffin as well.

Sister Patterson

"Mona said, I mean Kelis. That's my baby's name, Kelis, Kelis told us that she killed Abe."


"What? How? Why?"

Sister Patterson

"Kelis is accusing Abe of molesting her. Abe kidnapped her at birth to make me believe she was dead. Abe held her hostage for 15 years and molested her night after night." She says with tears streaming down her face. As she thinks about what she just said, she gets weak in the knees and collapses to the ground. DC gets on the ground too and holds her as the church goers begin to look at Sister Patterson especially Kevin and Karim.

Sister Patterson

"Why would Abe do such a thing? Why would he do this to our baby girl? He led a double life for all these years. How could he look at his sons in the face knowing he was doing devilish things to their half sister.? How could he sleep at night knowing an innocent child laid tied down to a bed, probably thinking of all the sinful things Abe was doing to her? Lord why? Tell me why?"

DC stands Sister Patterson up as Kevin has tears in his eyes. He doesn't know whether he should hit DC or console his mother. Karim walks over to him.


"You alright man?"


"No! Pops is gone! Forever! We can never here his side to all of this bullsh!t. How do we know if this so called Mona is telling the truth? Because of Mona, I will never be able to hear pops defend himself against these allegations. Mona took that away from me. And why? Because my half sister killed him. DO you know how that sounds Karim when I hear myself say that? I don't understand what would lead to this. This all stems from your mother's affair with DC."


"She's your mother too Kev."


"No. I am done with her. I don't even know who I am any more thanks to her. I don't know who my family is. Sharan doesn't want me no more thanks to Mona. I lost everything thanks to your mother and uncle. "


"You have me man. I'm your brother and I love you." Karim pulls Kevin into a hug as Kevin let's his pain out through his tears.

Sharan watches on with tears in her eyes as well.

Mike, Lena and Heath all arrive at the church together.

They walk up to Jodie's coffin. Mike walks even closer to grab a hold of Jodie's cold hand. He begins to feel a little sick to his stomach as the smell of funeral go through his nostril system. He looks down at her face as Lena and Heath walk up behind him.


"She looks beautiful doesn't she?"


"She does."

Mike clenches Jodie's hand even tighter.

"I love you Jodie. I'll never stop. I am sorry our time together wasn't longer. But I know, deep down in my heart, your suffering is done."


"Yes it is." He says wiping tears from his face.

"This is a little overwhelming for me. Soon, it will be me in a coffin like this. "


"Heath, let's just enjoy the time we do have left. God has a plan and we have to follow it. We are all going to have our time. We can't focus on that. We need to make the best of things now."


"She's right Heath. And if Jodie was here, I am sure she would be telling you the same thing."


"I guess your right."


"Thank you two so much for being here with me. It means a lot." He looks into the crowd.

"If you will excuse me, I have a few people I want to talk with."


"Ok, we are going to grab seats."


"I'll meet up with you in a little while." They part ways as Mike walks up to Jennifer.


"How dare you show you're face here?"

Jenn, looking at Mike,

"Why wouldn't I be here?"


"I don't understand why you are! You put Jodie through so much right before she died. Have you no remorse?"


"Look Mike, I had no idea she was going to die so soon."


"You didn't help her out any by black mailing her. You added to her stress and that's probably why her health faded so fast. "


"Mike, what do you want me to say? I can't change the past. And even if I could, I don't know if I would. What's done is done."

Mike, tears forming in his eyes,

"I have this urge to wrap my hands around our neck. I would just love to choke the dear life out of you. But I am not that type of man but I want you to know that's how mad you make me. When did you become so vial? What happened to the woman I fell in love with all those years ago. You're so different these days. I guess Tyler and his money has changed you…..a lot. Do you even know who you are Jennifer?"

Jennifer, thinking of how Ty hits on her and mistreats her and her current affair with Santino that Ty's father knows about,

"Mike, all I can say is I'm sorry. I was jealous of her ok?! Jodie had a good life, she had it all including you. Tyler even had a thing for her. I didn't get it. What was it about Jodie? She had aids for goodness sake. She had a death aids and men still flung to her."


" Was it a competition Jenn? Is that what this thing was between you and Jodie? Let me tell you something about Jodie! She's a real person. She was compassionate, funny and intelligent. She was a beautiful human being. Not some frigid conceded immature ice queen. You're a rotten person Jennifer. You left me to be with Tyler! Remember that? And yet you are jealous of the love Jodie and I shared with each other. That was your choice. I'm going to make you pay for what you did to Jodie."


"What do you mean by that?"


"I'm chief of Police now Jenn. What you did to Jodie was a crime and I will press charges on you. I'll arrest you myself. Then I'll go after your crime lord boyfriend Tyler. Enjoy the last days of your freedom." He then walks away sending a cold chill up Jenn's spine.

Back on the Highway,

Bryan and Natalia run up to Ashley's car as paramedics, fire trucks and police begin to ascend on the scene. Natalia looks in the car but sees no Ashley but Rufus instead.


"What the hell is Rufus doing here?"


"A better question is where is Ashley?"

Rufus begins to come to as the sirens get louder. He rubs his head as he looks at Bryan and Natalia.


"What happened?"


"You were in a car accident. "


"Right, that crazy bitch Ashley did this on purpose. She has lost her mind. She kept talking about Bryan Jr."


"What are you doing in Ashley's car? Where is Ashley now?"


" I tried to be a vigilante and take justice. She chain sawed my penis off. And as to where she is, I don't know. But I do know she's dangerous. There's no telling what she is going to do next. You better find her."

TC Hotel, Alexis Suite

Ashley enters and sees the nanny holding Bryan Jr.


"Thanks for your time, you can leave now."

Nanny, looking at the blood running from Ashley's forehead, noticing how nervous Ashley is,


"Are you ok?"

Ashley, noticing she's shaking and can now feel the blood rolling down her head, wipes it, trying to keep her cool,

"Yes I'm fine. I was in a little fender bender."


"I can stay and help if-"


"No..No! That's ok. Just leave. I need time alone with my son."


"Ok no problem." The nanny grabs her things and then leaves.

Ashley walks over to Bryan Jr's crib and looks down at his pretty brown eyes. She wipes free falling tears from her cheek,

"Look at you little one. I don't know what's going to happen from here. But I want you to know this, I love you. And there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. I will not let Natalia get her hands on you. You are the key for the happiness I deserve from Bryan. I just want a happy family with the man I love. Is that too much to ask for? I didn't know Bryan was with Sabryn when we first starting having sex. He told me I was the only one. He did this to me." She reaches down in the crib and picks up Bryan Jr and holds him in her arms.

Ashley, still looking at the baby,

"We are going to be together forever little one. If I can't get what I want, then why should any body else? That's right, If I can't be happy then no one else will be neither. Except you Bryan Jr. I think you need your brother. Let's go grab Sabryn's son." Ashley puts Bryan Jr in a crib, grabs a baby bag and leaves the suite, intent, on taking Sabryn's son.

Next time on S.T.E.A.M.:

Ashley continues wreck havoc!

And now read the SHOCKING and JAW DROPPING season 5 finale of Pointe Palace.


Recommended Comments

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If someone says "I'm so sorry for your loss" one more time...maybe it should've been the episode title.

I laughed out loud at the sister schematic between Jasmine and Ria. What's even better is who their mother is. Ria's last line was funny.

Mike, Heath, and Lena saying goodbye to Jodie was very touching. I thought that it was for sure about time that Jenn had it coming to her. It's like after Jodie dies, Jenn has a conscious.

I think that Sharan and Daniel should end up an item. That way when Lauren comes to after being a fake corpse, she can realize what a mistake she made. AGAIN!

Thanks for the PP mention.

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AWWWW - very nice, first off, I am happy you keep Heath and Lena around; it was nicing seeing them at the funeral... Very touching; and real...

Man Poor Rufus; not come out on TOP no matter what he/she does... kind of feel sorry for him... But its always fun seeing him trying... Good Time.

Ashley is beyond crazy... girl friend is psycho Kresten DAYS and Annie GL, and don't forget Alison OLTL, and Sheila Y&R join into one. Love her.

Man, for some reason I can feel anything for Daniel... Don't know why, even when he cries, I am not feeling him... MMM we have to do something.... Have him kill Mona!!!!!

ANother great one...

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Boy oh boy do I love my girl Ashley!

Call me crazy but the psycho bitches are always my favorite characters!

She reminds me so much of Annie Dutton!!!

I can't believe what Lauren is doing to Daniel. I enjoyed his first scenes. You could really feel his grief mixed with anger.

Oh! I loved it when Sister Patterson called her Kellis! I love how we get to see more of the real side to her.

I loved the interaction with Jasmine and Ria! I hope we get to see more of them. You did good with their scenes.

Once again I feel like things are getting more fleshed out.

Your writing really inspires me.

Keep up the awesome job!

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Sorry about Matt. I didnt realize everyone was saying it that much. THis is a triple funeral though

Matt I like how Sharan and Daniel look too. Keep your eye on them, I'm, already one step ahead of yoou.

Thanks Redd. It's a little hard writing for them at this point as their story develops but it's picking up. Ria's story is about to explode. I am just setting things up( more slower this season) We'll get there.

It was only fitting that Lena and Heath be there. They were Jodie's friends. I see they are fan favs so look for them in the future. I have stories for both characters.( Minor though)

Rufus will get her day. She's going over to springfield for some time but she will be back. In fact I am setting up her return to STEAM( I am about 6 weeks ahead) Rufus will be come a froce to be reckoned with.

A lot of my inspiration for Ashley comes from Sheila Carter from Y&R/B&B. I love writing Ash and her story is not done by a long shot. It will invole many more people and have far reaching efffects.

I love my Daniel Durand. Holla at me about him

And again thanks to you all these comments are really rewarding for me

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