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Normally Crazy #106



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Westwood Park, Dondre's House

Dondre walks through his front door and calls out for Lauren. She walks out from the bedroom.


"Is your brother ok?"


"He good…. How are you?"


"I'm ok. As well as to be expected for the situation I am in."


"I talked to my brother and he will look after you. So you won't have to worry about the baby."


"I really need to know who's child this is,. Kevin's or Chris's."


'My bro can find out for you. Listen, I know you know what today is."


"My funeral."


"You gone be able to handle all of this? Kiko gave me some drugs to give you. It's the same stuff Diego gave us when you were in the hospital."


" The drugs that makes me seem dead. It's going to be so creepy laying down in that casket. It's going to be so hard when Daniel pays his final respects to me. I know he is devastated. I'm devastated that it's happening like this. I hope Sister Patterson's third eye doesn't realize I'm really not dead!"


"Well shawty, I'ma get freddy fresh, so I'll holla at you in a few." After saying that, Dre steps into his bathroom to hop in the shower.

Lauren sits down on the couch and pulls out a picture of Daniel and lets out a sigh, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry that I am doing this to do this to you Daniel. I know this is hard for you. But it's only for a few months. Just until this baby is born. If this child is Kevin's, I know you won't be able to handle it. I did this to protect you. I love you and I hope we make our way back to each other again."


Episode 106: Normally Crazy!

Written by: ML Cooks

Huntington Memorial Hospital

Ashley walks into Kiko's office and sees Natalia already waiting for the test results.


"Where's my son?"


"You my son Natalia. Don't start going crazy on me."


"You're the crazy on. I know in my heart you stole my son from me. And today these paternity test will prove it."


"Yawn. You're boring. There's no way in hell you'll get your hands on Bryan Jr."


"I'm going to change his name too."

Just as she says that, Mark walks into the office.


"Did I miss anything?"


"Wow….(Surprised Mark showed up after all) Thanks for coming. And no, Dr. Whitfield has not given us the results."


"I don't know why you're here Mark. Didn't Natalia you tell this child may not be yours?"


"Excuse me?"


"Oh yea, tell him Natalia. Tell him how you slept with Bryan. And while your at it tell him you were the one who tried to kill Dahlia. In fact if it weren't for you, Dahlia might here right now."


"What the hell is she talking about Natalia?"

Natalia just gives Ashley a "You dirty bitch look" .Before she can answer the charges Bryan walks in,

"Please tell me I am not too late."


"No baby." She says walking over and giving him a hug. Bryan shoves Ashley off of him.

"Keep your hands off me. I feel nothing for you Ashley. I don't know what kind of stunt you are trying to pull this time but it's not going to work. You will not succeed in breaking me and Sabryn up."


"Well why isn't she here supporting you right now? Where is she?"


"Like it's any of your business, she's at home taking care of my real son."


"Enough damn it."

Bryan, turning around and looking at an aggravated Mark,

"What the hell is your problem man?"


"Ashley just accused you two of having sex. This baby could be yours then?"

Then the man of the hour walks into the office.


"Sorry I am late everyone." Kiko walks to his desk and sits down.


"Ok, Dr. Whitfield. Let's get right to it. Did Ashley steal my son?"


"Alright, first things first. I have the DNA results regarding Ashley." He opens the envelope and reads as Sabryn then enters Kiko's office.

Kiko continues,

"The test reveals… That in fact, Ashley says who she says she is. "


"Great" She says responding, rolling her eyes.


"Now for the baby in question." He pauses as he opens the next envelope.

"The child in question belongs to Natalia and Bryan."

Everyone is out raged.

Natalia, looking at Ashley,

"Where's my son?"

Sabryn, the news beginning to set in,

"What? You slept with Natalia?" She says looking at Bryan with hurtful eyes.

Natalia, standing up and getting in Sabryn's face,

"I've been waiting to tell you this forever. And I have the privilege and honor to rain on your parade. Yea Bitch. I slept with your man!"


"I think this is the wrong place for this." Just as Kiko says that, and as if two great minds think alike, at the very same moment, Ashley and Sabryn both attack Natalia, knocking Mark and Bryan to the floor.

Can I Get a Witness West Coast Baptist Church

Sister Patterson is in her church by herself. She walks up toward the front where Jodie's, Lauren's and Abe's, who's casket is closed. She walks over to Abe's and caresses it. She closes her eyes and lets her mind marinate on the things that has happened to her family as of late. She looks up toward God.

"Explain all this crazy to me. My family is falling apart. Piece by piece. I don't know what do or say. You have this dark cloud hovering over me. My third eye, the special powers you given me to see good and evil is broken." She wipes a tear from her eye.

"How could Abe make me believe Kelis was dead? What caused him to do this? He molested her. God why? Why would you do that to my baby girl? She didn't do nothing. I did! The devil is all around me. Waiting to get in. But I won't let him. The devil is a liar." She wipes her eyes and gets ready for the guest by walking back to the entrance of the church, grabbing programs on her way. The first guest to arrive are the Labelle girls, Patti, Jasmine and Ria.

Patti, walking up to Patterson and giving her a hug,

"I am so sorry for your lose sister. I know we haven't seen eye to eye yet since I got here but I want you to know I am very sorry for your loss. "

Sister Patterson

"Thank you Sister Patti." They hug again , then Patti walks in.

Jasmine then walks up to Patterson,

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

Sister Patterson

"Who the hell are you?"

Jasmine is stunned that the sister would speak like this at a church.

Ria, interjecting,

"You old bat. So loud and rude. She's my sister, Jasmine."

Sister Patterson

"That's good. If you're nothing like your sleazy sister, you will be ok in my God's house. You may enter."

As Ria is about to enter right after Jasmine, Sister Patterson grab's Ria's arm and spins her around. Ria takes her arm back.


"You better keep your eagle claws off me."

Sister Patterson

"I want a few words with you, and I want them now!"


"You better not ever in your life touch me again. "

Sister Patterson

"Such a slut. I'm still upset that you hurt my son! Cheating on him with Dondre. "


"Look Pat the bat, that happened like a year ago. Karim has moved on. He's happy."

Sister Patterson

"You cheated on him. How dare you? You act like it's no big thing!"


"You're tired Pat. Go take a nap! You have no room to judge me. You're just as bad as me. Didn't you cheat on your husband? Does the name Mona ring a bell? You're a slut too."

Sister Patterson slaps Ria.

Ria's first instinct is to give a beat down to Patterson but she refrains,

"You're nothing but an obnoxious, crazy, bitchy windbag. You're a detestable bigoted old woman; like an old swamp gator in a very bad wig and lobster claws. You are the one who needs deliverance. You look like a man with a wig and 2 miles worth of forehead. You're the stuff nightmares are made of! You need to get you some d!ck and a life."

Sister Patterson

"Something bad is about to happen to you girl. Just watch out. You will pay for you're sins like I am paying for mine. God is going to get you!"

Ria rolls her eyes and walks inside the church.

Next to Arrive are the Hutchins Family, Karl, his son Ty, his fiancée Jenn, and her lover Santino.

Jenn, looking at Sister Patterson,

"Great, just what I need."

Karl, approaching the Sister first and giving her a hug,

"I am so sorry for your loss."

Sister Patterson

"Thank you Karl. My husband arrested you many years ago. I am surprised to see you here paying respects today."


"Abe was doing a job. Besides, I don't hold grudges. And I have been exonerated."

Sister Patterson

"Well you need to come clean with the information you know. I know too. My third eye told me a few minutes ago about the pictures you took a few weeks ago."

After hearing that, Santino and Jenn freeze up, looking at each other.

Karl knows exactly what she's talking about and decides to ignore it and walk into the church. Ty then tries to walk right past the Sister but Patterson blocks him by stepping in the way,


"I know you won't be that rude in my God's house. Don't Render Evil with Evil."


"It's good to see you too Sister Patterson."

Sister Patterson

"I got a feeling I am going to be seeing a lot more of you. You've done some things you shouldn't have. And they involve my family."


"Have you been hitting the bottle Pat?"


"That's Sister Patterson to you son. Now take this program and get in my God's house and repent."


"Honestly, who passes out programs at a funeral? This isn't a play." And with that Ty walks quickly in the church before the sister could get in a come back.

Jenn trying her luck, tries to walk right past the sinful sister. Sister Patterson, as usual intervenes by stepping in front of her and Santino both.

Sister Patterson

"Not so fast missy. I know, that you know that I know what yens did. Lust is evil."


"We won't be needing you to preach to us after you and your husband's brother were caught in between the sheets."

Sister Patterson

"No you didn't. You will not talk to me like that. " She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her holy water."


"Here we go. I know what's coming next. I am armed and ready to do the Lord's work. Yea yea, heard it before Patterson. You need to work on yourself."

Sister Patterson then slaps Jenn across the face with her bible.

"God told me to do that for talking to one of his angels like that. How dare you?"


"You got issues." Santino then walks past Sister Patterson. Jenn tries to as well but then Sister Patterson grabs her arm. Jenn looks back.

Sister Patterson

"I would watch it if I were you. I know what you and Santino did." Sister Pat lets go of Jenn's arm and Jenn gives Sister Patterson a look then walks off.

Sister Patterson's own family arrives, in the form of her two sons Kevin and Karim with his girlfriend Alexis.

Sister Patterson

"Hi babies. I haven't seen you two in days."

Kevin walks right past his mother with out so much as looking at her or speaking.

Sister Patterson hollers out after him.

"Kevin, Come back here and talk to your mourning mother!"


"You're wasting your breath ma."

Sister Patterson

"What do you mean? He is still my son."


"He doesn't want to talk to you right now. He's trying to make sense of everything. I am too. I find out I have a sister. She killed our pops and my sister kidnapped my brother's girlfriend. And to top all that off, we just found out you were cheating on pops with his brother. I really hope DC doesn't show his face here today."

Sister Patterson

"Why shouldn't he? Abe was his brother."


"It would not be right. We have a lot to deal with and Uncle Don will make it worse."

Sister Patterson

"Well at least your acting civil and talking with me. That means a lot to me Karim."


"You're my mother. But I am still having a hard time dealing with all of this and to be honest, I am not ready to speak with you either. I was just being civil as you said. If you will excuse me, Alexis and I are going to pay our respects to my pops."


"Nice to see you Sister Patterson."

Sister Patterson

"Well I can't say the same. You're evil and your hiding something and pretty soon it will come out. Hell look at me."

Karim wonders what his mother means.

Sister Patterson, handing them a program,

"Here and now get my face. I've been hurt so much today." Alexis with Karim walks inside the church as Karim thinks of what his mother said about Alexis hiding something. He decides today is not the day to follow up with it, being it's his father funeral and all.

Back at the hospital

Sabryn and Ashley both jump on Natalia at the same time, hitting her. Mark jumps in and tries to pull Sabryn off Natalia and Kiko doing the same with Ashley. Bryan stands there in shock as Sabryn gets herself back together. She looks at Bryan.


"This was the last straw. You slept with Ashley, now you slept with some one even dirtier than her. Natalia of all people and you have a son with her. It's over Bryan. I don't want to see your fu(king face ever again! Stay the hell away from me and my son!"


"He' my son too. We share a child together. You just can't cut me out your life."

Sabryn, wiping tears,

"Watch me! I am so done with you. This is the last time you hurt me." Sabryn, unable to speak any more storms out Kiko's office.

Mark, looking at Natalia,

"You led me to believe all these months I had a son with you. You tried over and over again to try and trap me into loving you. Just like you trapped me to sleep with you in the first place. And all this time, you knew, this child might have not been mine. You're evil. But I am so glad all this has happened. You can't trap me no more. It's over. You're hold on me has evaporated. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And I could not feel better." He then looks at Bryan,

"Why couldn't you have said anything to me. I lived my life for the past 6 months believing I had a child. Then I was made to believe this child died when Natalia got shot. But no more. Let freedom ring. Good luck in dealing with Natalia. You got a lot on your plate." After saying that, Mark also leaves.

Natalia then turns to Ashley,

"Ok you heard the results. You have my son and I want him back now!"


"This was not supposed to happen."


"Tough cookies. Give me my son now!"


"This child was to supposed to bring Bryan and I back together."


"I don't love you. For that matter, I don't even like you. You're a psycho. You need mental rehabilitation.'


"I AM NOT CRAZY!! I just love you Bryan. Can't you see that? I did all of this for us. But we can still be together. Sabryn has made it obviously clear she doesn't want to be with you no more."


"I don't like you. I could never be with you. You're insane. You need help."


"Damn all that. Just tell me now! Where is my son or do I have to beat it out of you?"


"That child belongs to me and Bryan. You'll never get Bryan Jr. back and Bryan, (Now looking at him) you will be with me. I've gone through too damn much to be with you." Suddenly Ashley runs out the hospital.

Natalia, hollering after her,

"Get back here bitch!"


"Get out of my office! This is a hospital! You can't shout out obscenities like that."

Natalia, looking at Bryan,

"Are you going to help me get our son back?"


"I can't believe I have a child with you."


"Fu(k you man! Are you going to stand there and wait until some one pays a penny for your thoughts or are you going to help me get our son back?"


"Let's go." They both run after Ashley.

Downtown Pasadena, Police Station

Mark walk into Mike's office.


"Thank you for coming down so fast. I am late for Jodie's funeral, but I did get some info on Dahlia."


"She's alive?"


"Uhm, well, she was. "


"What do you mean she was?"


"There was a report of a woman tied to a set of train tracks right outside of Pasadena."

Mark, getting emotional,



" I am sorry to be telling you this. The train tried to stop but it was to late. I am sure I don't need to tell you the rest."


"Dahlia was mowed down by a train. Who in the hell would do this to her!? My God she has been through so much. To being arrested then being stabbed in jail, then ending up at the landfill and supposedly dying there. But she survived that only to be killed again. What the hell?"


"I know how you feel Mark. There is a major crime wave sweeping through Pasadena and as the new police chief I plan to clean this mess up and get answers for all the victims of this wave. I don't want to be rude but I must get going. I'll be in touch. I need to follow up with what you told me about you and Rufus. I now will need to question Rufus." Mike then gets up, puts his tie on and heads down to the church for Jodie's funeral. Mark still sits there, letting the news soak in that Dahlia died so heinously. He gets up and then heads to his house.

Lavender Hill, Sabryn's Mansion

Sabryn lays Bryan Jr. down in his crib after he falls asleep from Sabryn rocking him in her arms. She then goes downstairs and turns the lights out. She walks over to her kitchen and pulls out a bottle of wine from a wine rack and then walks towards her living room. She sits down on her couch and let's the tears fall from her eyes as she opens the bottle of wine and begins to drink it straight from the bottle. She then talks to herself

"Bryan. ….Bryan has ruined my life. He's hurt me so many times and he won't stop. Damn him!" She says after taking a big gulp from the bottle. She continues,

"Nothing is happening to him. I am the one who keeps ending up with a heart broken. I am going to lose my fashion empire if I haven't already. I can't take this. Something has to happen to him.. .Bryan must feel some of this pain. I have to make him pay. I told him if he hurts me again I would kill him and that's exactly what I plan on doing. Bryan is going to pay for doing this to me!" She finishes her bottle of wine and then tosses it across the room, shattering upon impact into the marble floor.

Ashley gets in her car in the hospital parking lot. She talks to herself like any normally crazy person would,

"They won't get me. They won't get my son." She starts up her car and speeds off before Bryan and Natalia can catch her.

Natalia almost catching up to Ashley's car hollers out after her

"No!!!… Ashley, give me my son!!!." She says with tears forming in her eyes.


"Let's go. We can hop in my car and get her." They run towards Bryan's car.

Making a right out of the parking lot, Ashley heads for the highway. She's still talking to herself,

"They won't get me. Natalia will never get her son. That child is the last chance I have to be with Bryan and no one will take that away from me."

Ashley looks in her rear view mirror to see if Bryan and Natalia are on her trail but she almost losses control of her car, from shock, at seeing Rufus in the back seat, with a gun pointed at her.


"It's payback time."

Next on S.T.E.A.M.:

Drama occurs at the Funerals!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Okay I'm going to start from the ending to the beginning. What an ending. I didn't see it coming and it was so shocking!

The whole episode was action packed and fast paced. I liked that Natalia's secrets are exposed yet I feel bad for her because of what Ashley did to her baby. Sabryn and Bryan needed to be broken up. Their relationship was nothing but lies.

It was awesome to finally watch people stand up to Sister Patterson. The Bro Hoes stepped it up in my book. I loved the confrontation between Patterson and Ria. I'm thinking that Patterson and Jasmine might become best friends very soon.

This was the one episode that I kind of felt sympathetic towards Lauren (which is very rare!) How long can she keep with this fake death charade? She needs to face her problems...what she did was very Marli/Hope-ish.

Again, one of the greatest STEAM episodes of the season.

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LOL - POOR ASHLEY running her TATA out of town... LOL - Finally Rufus can get her reveal.. but if Ashley have to die!!! I hope Sabryn is the one take her out!!!

Great Episode man... Love it!!!!

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OMG! Great ending! I Love it!

So much action in Pasadena! I'm loving it! And your writing is getting even better. I feel like I am there in some of these scenes.

Also I feel like we are getting to see more character driven stuff. I really enjoy it.

Rufus and Ashley are my faves!

I'm not a fan of Sabryn but I do like Brian.

I have mixed feelings about Natalia.

The ending rocked!

I truely didn't expect it. It's great! I dont know what Rufus will do? Cut of her vag?

But even though I like both of them I hope she gets her revenge on Ashely.

It's kinda obvious where Ashley is headed. It's classic soap stuff. Her character rocks! You've done great with her!

I can't wait for Rufus to appear on FTL. You should see her reaction to the town of Springfield!!! LOL!

Great work!

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Thanks guys for the very nice comments.

Natalia got a hard road ahead. her past will still hautn her. Look out for another twist you never saw coming.

It does seem the odds are stacked against Bryan and Sabryn. THis story got lots more twis tto it too. You guys say you know wehre Ashley is headed but come on, this is S.T.E.A.M. do you really? I got you all right where I want you. LOL

Thank you Jay esp for the nice comments. I am working really hard in flehing things out.

I do what to know why you dont like Sabryn. Your a first and its very interesting as to your reasoning. You like Bryan huh, he got a lot of stuff coming up to. Having babie by two rivals wont be easy at all.

I wish you could have seen Ashley in the frist seaon of STEAM Ask Matt. She was crazy then too.


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