Episode 117
Kendall OR Greenlee...
51 members have voted
Decisions are made in Springfield.......


Gus walks into his room.
He has bandages on his shoulder
He was offered to stay with Natalia and Alan.
Also an offer from Harley, and from Buzz.
But he refuses.
Gus walks over to the bed and lays down.
There is a knock at the door.
Gus shouts, "Who is it?"

Olivia opens, "The owner of this hotel. I just wanted to see how you were doing?"
Gus sighs, "I didn't expect to see you here."
She looks at him, "Well as I said this is my hotel."
He turns to her, "I'm glad to see your okay."
She walks towards him, "I wish I could say the same for you."
Gus laughs, "Me? Never better."
She sits on the chair by his bed and stares, "Gus... I need to know something. Just please..."
He is confused, "What's up Olivia?"
She looks into his eyes, "Why?"
He shakes his head, "Why? Why what?"
She keeps looking, "You know what!"
He looks down, "It's my job."
She sighs, "Gus you have children of your own! You weren't on duty. And honestly we've never liked each other. You warned me but I didn't listen to you. Yet for some reason you still jump in front of me and took that bullet and I need to know why!"
Gus is speechless.

Marina's House:

Rocky falls to the couch, "I... I... I don't even know what's happening right now. Are there hidden cameras? Is this a joke?"
Shayne sighs, "Rocky please be open minded."
Rocky scoffs, "Open minded?!?! Shayne..."
Rocky sees Marina.
Rocky takes Shayne to the other room.
Shayne looks at him, "What?"
Rocky shakes his head, "Oh my God! You not only tried to throw a wedding at me but now you've volunteered us to raise my niece's baby? I don't get how you don't get what's wrong with this!"
Shayne sighs, "We are at this point in our lives anyways."
Rocky is confused, "What? No we are not. I'm still in school. I'm not even sure about a career yet. It wasn't that long ago that I couldn't drink."
Shayne sighs, "Rocky look at me. I'm heading to my late 20's. I have a good job at Lewis. I am ready to settle down."
Rocky stares at Shayne, "Well this is just another reminder that there is an age difference between us. We are not in the same place in our lives which is what is causing these problems."
Shayne corrects him, "We both know that Kevin Marler is causing these problems."
Rocky gets nervous, "What do you mean?"
Shayne stares, "What? Are you forgetting that he attacked you a few months ago?"
Rocky nods, "Months ago! Can we move on! Please?"
Shayne takes Rocky's hands, "Listen... maybe this was the sign. Remember that night you said there was some sort of sign. Remember who found you? Marina! Maybe somehow fate is giving us a child. Are you really going to turn this child down?"
Rocky turns and sees Marina sitting in the other room rubbing her stomach.


Michelle is sweeping the floor.
Bill runs over, "Hey I was thinking that this is very similar to our last club we had."
Michelle laughs, "Oh yeah because we've had so many!"
He nods, "We have!"
She shakes her head, "No I don't think so."
He smiles, "The Club House!"
She puts down the broom, "Tell me you aren't talking about that old tree house in the middle of town!"
He grins, "Yeah! That's the one! Remember all the fun we used to have."
She nods, "Until your Mom would find out. She was always afraid of her Little Billy falling and breaking something."
Bill sits, "Oh man we had so much fun. It was always an adventure. You, me, Ben. We would all go up there after school. No matter how hot or cold it was. It was always the place to go where kids could escape all the problems that the grownups were creating in Springfield."
She sighs, "I really needed that after my Mom died."
Bill looks at his watch, "We have time now."
She turns to him, "What?"
He grins, "Go up to the tree house come on!"
She laughs, "No! Bill we are to old!"
He keeps smiling, "Come on!"
She sighs, "You know I can't so no to you and your big dimples!"
He takes her hand, "Come on!"
The two leave.

Bauer Home:

Mindy is pounding on the door of the closet, "Help! Somebody help me!"
Mindy keeps kicking.
Finally the chair tips over.
Mindy pushes the door open.
She runs out, "Oh my God!"
She runs downstairs.
She shouts, "Roxie! Roxie Shayne where the hell are you?"
Mindy walks to the door and opens it.
She walks out.

Rusty Shayne is driving by and stops, "Hey there Melinda Sue. What seems to be the trouble."
She walks over, "The trouble? Your psycho sister locked me upstairs in the closet! Like I'm some freaking animal!"
He smiles, "Well I know Cassie can be a real..."
She scoffs, "You know that's not who I'm talking about."
He smirks, "Well I'll be... That Reva!"
She kicks his car, "Roxie! Why do you have to be such a jerk!"
He laughs, "I'm just teasing. You and Roxie used to do this stuff to each other all the time."
Mindy shakes her head, "Well we aren't kids anymore. And I'm not going to let her get in between me and Rick. No one will do that."
Rusty gets out of his car.
He walks close to her, "No one?"
She stares into his eyes.

Old Mill Road:

Jonathan is driving towards Alan.
Natalia runs in front of Alan.
Jonathan sees her face in the headlights.
He pictures Tammy.
Jonathan stops just in time.
Natalia stares, "Please stop!"
Jonathan gets out, "You need to leave!"
Natalia shakes her head, "I know who you are now! You are Jonathan. Your Reva's son. Olivia's nephew. I know Olivia she's my friend."
Jonathan scoffs, "Well good for you but I have business with your boyfriend Al. Right AL!"
Natalia shakes her head, "He's not my boyfriend. He is my fiance, the father of my young baby boy, and he is.... Alan is the love of my life!"
Alan turns to her, "Natalia..."
She looks down, "It's true Alan... You are the love of my life! I love you Alan. So Jonathan you can't take him. I'm so sorry about what happened to your wife."
Jonathan nods, "Tammy."
Natalia cries, "Tammy. I'm so sorry for Tammy. I know about her. Everyone in Springfield talks about her all the time. I heard about her from Harley, Olivia, Dinah, Remy, and even Alan. Alan told me that the biggest mistake of his life was that night! And he never forgave himself. I'm not asking you to forgive him either! All I am asking is please don't take him away from me."
Jonathan pulls out a gun.
He aims it at Alan.
Natalia falls to her feet, "No! Please! Oh no no!"
Liz and Phillip run over.
Liz shouts, "Jonathan no!"
Jonathan is getting nervous.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra puts down her phone.
She just got an upsetting phone call.
Tammy's Ghost appears to her, "What's going on Mom?"
She looks up, "Hey Baby. It turns out that your brother RJ is enjoying his new boarding school and... he's not coming home for Christmas. He said that he's having fun up there and... it would just be us for Christmas. And now Edmund had fled town. I have no idea where he is. I'm gonna be alone for Christmas this year."
Tammy walks over, "No. Are you forgetting me."
She smiles, "No baby I haven't. Oh my Little Girl. It's just going to be the two of us this year."
Tammy walks around Cassandra, "Just look at the bright side. The Spauldings are going to be in separate houses this year. The family is already falling a part. And it's all because of us."
Cassandra smiles, "Oh yes. We are getting them back for taking you away from me."
Tammy shakes her head, "But we aren't done yet are we Mom?"
Cassandra shakes her head, "No?"
Tammy nods, "We have so much more to do. You see now Alan has a little son. A son that he holds dear to his heart. We need to save that little boy before the Spauldings destroy him."
Cassandra sighs, "I don't know. It's just a baby."
Tammy scoffs, "I was your baby! And that didn't stop that bastard Alan did it? No! He took my life! He took your baby...."
Cassandra nods, "And I'll take his."
Gus looks at Olivia, "I told you. It's my job Olivia. I'm a cop. A detective for the Springfield Police Department. It is my responsibility to protect the citizens of Springfield. All of them. That includes you."
She shakes her head, "No. I don't think so. There is something else. Something that you are trying to hide."
He gets angry, "Oh yeah? What? What the hell reason could I possibly have for saving your life besides that?"
She stands up, "You know what Gus. I don't think either of us know. But we do know there is a reason."
He shakes his head, "I think you are just a crazy woman with a little to much time on her hands."
She sighs, "Maybe so. Gus you are in my hotel. We are going to be seeing a lot of each other. We should try to get along."
He nods, "Yep."
She looks around, "Can I get you anything?"
He sighs, "No. But thanks Olivia. I'm fine."
Olivia nods, "Okay... I guess I should be going."
Gus looks over, "I'll see you Olivia."
She turns before she leaves, "Gus... thank you."
He doesn't say anything.
Olivia leaves.
After she leaves Gus puts his hand over his shoulder.
He moans in pain.
Gus's pain is more than he is letting on.
Bauer Home:
Mindy backs up from Rusty, "Listen... I don't know what your hinting at. All I have to say is your sister better stay away from me and Rick if she knows what's good for her."
Rusty sighs, "I know. I'm gonna work with Roxie. I'm going to keep her away from you and Rick."
Mindy sighs, "Thank you Rusty."
He nods, "Don't mention it. I just... I'm worried about her. She hasn't been the same since, well everything. She's had a rough life and I just want you to be understanding of that."
She scoffs, "Are you kidding? Roxie is a jealous bitch. She always has been and always will be."
Rusty sighs, "Wow Melinda Sue. You never get over yourself do you?"
She shakes her head, "What are you talking about?"
He laughs, "Nothing I just thought you would have grown out of this by now. You know rich little Melinda Sue Lewis. Everyone is jealous of her and she is just so beautiful."
Mindy scoffs, "This is ridiculous. It's cold. I have to get to work."
Rusty speaks out, "Mindy?"
She turns, "Yes Rusty?"
He smiles, "You look nice today."
She keeps walking.
He watches her go back into the house.

Tree House:
Bill and Michelle walk inside.
Michelle looks around, "I don't think this place is safe."
He looks, "Hey I'm in construction. I'd know if this place wasn't going to be able to hold us."
Michelle laughs, "Well I'm a doctor so if/when one of us gets seriously injured then my skills will come in handy."
Bill looks around, "Wow this place has so many memories! I remember this is where we used to all get together and complain about our parents, sibling, everything else in our families."
She sighs, "We really had some serious talks here. I mean we had a lot of fun but it was a serious place too."
He walks over to her, "What was your favorite part of being here?"
She looks around, "I think the main thing was escaping everything. I mean I love my family and my life, but sometimes it was nice to have this place to get away from it and be free. Even for just a little while."
Bill nods, "Maybe we should come up here more often now a days."
She laughs, "Are you kidding? We shouldn't even be up here now. First of all it's way to cold. Second, this is for children. It's a rule that no parents let alone adults are allowed up here. We had our chance here and now it's time for new generations to come and get away from all of the pain of growing up."
Bill smiles, "Maybe that's what our club will be. A place to get away from everything."
She nods, "I'd like that."
Bill runs to the ladder, "I'm gonna race you!"
She runs after him, "No! Your such a goof Lewis!"
The two friends exit the tree house.
Spaulding Mansion:
Cassandra is decorating the tree.
She picks up the angel.
Her vision of Tammy appears, "My favorite."
Cassandra nods, "Yes. Another Christmas where I don't have you to hang up the angel."
Cassandra sits it down.
Tammy nods, "Don't worry. I mean you have people to do this now. Decorate. We have bigger things to focus on now."
Cassandra turns to her, "You mean the Spauldings."
Tammy nods, "We need to prove it. Come 2009 this will no long be the Spaulding Mansion. It will be the Winslow Mansion."
Cassandra nods, "Yes. The Winslow Mansion. I like it. We'll finally prove that this town underestimated us."
Tammy grins, "And everyone will be sorry. Sorry that they let Alan take my life away."
Cassandra walks around, "This whole place is ours Tammy. I've done all of it for you my Baby."
Tammy nods, "I know Mom. But remember... we are no where near done..."
Tammy fades away.
Old Mill Road:
Jonathan looks at Liz, "Lizzie you need to stay out of this."
Phillip walks towards him, "Jonathan. Jonathan Randall do you know who I am?"
Jonathan nods, "Your Lizzie's crazy father."
Phillip nods, "So you've heard. Well then you probably know how I feel about my father. I despise him. He tore this family a part. And by far the worst thing he has ever done.... was being involved in Tammy's murder."
Jonathan scoffs, "What are you saying?"
Phillip looks at him, "Do it Jonathan! Pull the trigger."
Natalia sobs, "Oh please no!"
Jonathan turns to him, "What are you talking about?"
Phillip sighs, "Jonathan! Listen! I know you want to kill him. He deserves it. So do it! But remember the consequences. It will costs you everything."
Liz is staring at Jonathan.
Phillip continues, "Years ago I made so many mistakes and it cost me my family for years. My children grew up without me and I had a Granddaughter I never met. Do you want that to happen to you?"
Jonathan shouts, "Get the hell out of here!"
Phillip shouts back, "If you don't give a damn then pull the damn trigger! What would Tammy want you to do?"
Jonathan shakes.
He puts his finger on the trigger but drops the gun on the ground.
Natalia cries, "Oh thank you! Thank you!"
Liz walks over to Jonathan, "Let's go home. Okay? We need to leave right now!"
Phillip looks at Natalia tending to a bruised Alan.
Phillip stares for a moment.
Alan gets to his feet, "Thank you Son."
Phillip sighs, "Who me? I was hoping he'd pull the damn trigger. Get out of here Alan."
Phillip walks back to Liz and Jonathan.
Natalia walks Alan to the car.
Marina's House:
Rocky looks at Shayne, "How can you be so sure about this?"
Shayne smiles, "Because it's us. We have spent these past years falling in love. Now we are finally getting ready to celebrate a whole year since we came back to Springfield. And we are still together. Rocky we can get through anything. Don't you believe in us."
Rocky hesitates, "Shayne, it's a big commitment."
Shayne takes Rocky's hand, "I love you. We are going to spend the rest of our lives together. There is no commitment greater than that."
Rocky nods, "I guess there isn't."
Rocky and Shayne walk back into the room.
Rocky walks towards Marina, "I guess we're going to do this."
She cries, "Thank you. Thank you Rocky."
The two hug.
Shayne walks over, "We are gonna be a team. The three of us."
Marina nods, "I would like it if you two could move in here with me? If it's not to much..."
Shayne looks to Rocky.
Rocky nods, "I think that's a great idea."
The three hug.
Shayne and Rocky put their hands on Marina's tummy.
Christmas in Springfield!
Shocking revelations at the Coopers
The Lewises have a few surprises
The Bauers have an emotional holiday
Spaulding and Boudreaux's celebrate together again
Mallet and Dinah have the family over


Gus walks into his room.
He has bandages on his shoulder
He was offered to stay with Natalia and Alan.
Also an offer from Harley, and from Buzz.
But he refuses.
Gus walks over to the bed and lays down.
There is a knock at the door.
Gus shouts, "Who is it?"

Olivia opens, "The owner of this hotel. I just wanted to see how you were doing?"
Gus sighs, "I didn't expect to see you here."
She looks at him, "Well as I said this is my hotel."
He turns to her, "I'm glad to see your okay."
She walks towards him, "I wish I could say the same for you."
Gus laughs, "Me? Never better."
She sits on the chair by his bed and stares, "Gus... I need to know something. Just please..."
He is confused, "What's up Olivia?"
She looks into his eyes, "Why?"
He shakes his head, "Why? Why what?"
She keeps looking, "You know what!"
He looks down, "It's my job."
She sighs, "Gus you have children of your own! You weren't on duty. And honestly we've never liked each other. You warned me but I didn't listen to you. Yet for some reason you still jump in front of me and took that bullet and I need to know why!"
Gus is speechless.

Marina's House:

Rocky falls to the couch, "I... I... I don't even know what's happening right now. Are there hidden cameras? Is this a joke?"
Shayne sighs, "Rocky please be open minded."
Rocky scoffs, "Open minded?!?! Shayne..."
Rocky sees Marina.
Rocky takes Shayne to the other room.
Shayne looks at him, "What?"
Rocky shakes his head, "Oh my God! You not only tried to throw a wedding at me but now you've volunteered us to raise my niece's baby? I don't get how you don't get what's wrong with this!"
Shayne sighs, "We are at this point in our lives anyways."
Rocky is confused, "What? No we are not. I'm still in school. I'm not even sure about a career yet. It wasn't that long ago that I couldn't drink."
Shayne sighs, "Rocky look at me. I'm heading to my late 20's. I have a good job at Lewis. I am ready to settle down."
Rocky stares at Shayne, "Well this is just another reminder that there is an age difference between us. We are not in the same place in our lives which is what is causing these problems."
Shayne corrects him, "We both know that Kevin Marler is causing these problems."
Rocky gets nervous, "What do you mean?"
Shayne stares, "What? Are you forgetting that he attacked you a few months ago?"
Rocky nods, "Months ago! Can we move on! Please?"
Shayne takes Rocky's hands, "Listen... maybe this was the sign. Remember that night you said there was some sort of sign. Remember who found you? Marina! Maybe somehow fate is giving us a child. Are you really going to turn this child down?"
Rocky turns and sees Marina sitting in the other room rubbing her stomach.


Michelle is sweeping the floor.
Bill runs over, "Hey I was thinking that this is very similar to our last club we had."
Michelle laughs, "Oh yeah because we've had so many!"
He nods, "We have!"
She shakes her head, "No I don't think so."
He smiles, "The Club House!"
She puts down the broom, "Tell me you aren't talking about that old tree house in the middle of town!"
He grins, "Yeah! That's the one! Remember all the fun we used to have."
She nods, "Until your Mom would find out. She was always afraid of her Little Billy falling and breaking something."
Bill sits, "Oh man we had so much fun. It was always an adventure. You, me, Ben. We would all go up there after school. No matter how hot or cold it was. It was always the place to go where kids could escape all the problems that the grownups were creating in Springfield."
She sighs, "I really needed that after my Mom died."
Bill looks at his watch, "We have time now."
She turns to him, "What?"
He grins, "Go up to the tree house come on!"
She laughs, "No! Bill we are to old!"
He keeps smiling, "Come on!"
She sighs, "You know I can't so no to you and your big dimples!"
He takes her hand, "Come on!"
The two leave.

Bauer Home:

Mindy is pounding on the door of the closet, "Help! Somebody help me!"
Mindy keeps kicking.
Finally the chair tips over.
Mindy pushes the door open.
She runs out, "Oh my God!"
She runs downstairs.
She shouts, "Roxie! Roxie Shayne where the hell are you?"
Mindy walks to the door and opens it.
She walks out.

Rusty Shayne is driving by and stops, "Hey there Melinda Sue. What seems to be the trouble."
She walks over, "The trouble? Your psycho sister locked me upstairs in the closet! Like I'm some freaking animal!"
He smiles, "Well I know Cassie can be a real..."
She scoffs, "You know that's not who I'm talking about."
He smirks, "Well I'll be... That Reva!"
She kicks his car, "Roxie! Why do you have to be such a jerk!"
He laughs, "I'm just teasing. You and Roxie used to do this stuff to each other all the time."
Mindy shakes her head, "Well we aren't kids anymore. And I'm not going to let her get in between me and Rick. No one will do that."
Rusty gets out of his car.
He walks close to her, "No one?"
She stares into his eyes.

Old Mill Road:

Jonathan is driving towards Alan.
Natalia runs in front of Alan.
Jonathan sees her face in the headlights.
He pictures Tammy.
Jonathan stops just in time.
Natalia stares, "Please stop!"
Jonathan gets out, "You need to leave!"
Natalia shakes her head, "I know who you are now! You are Jonathan. Your Reva's son. Olivia's nephew. I know Olivia she's my friend."
Jonathan scoffs, "Well good for you but I have business with your boyfriend Al. Right AL!"
Natalia shakes her head, "He's not my boyfriend. He is my fiance, the father of my young baby boy, and he is.... Alan is the love of my life!"
Alan turns to her, "Natalia..."
She looks down, "It's true Alan... You are the love of my life! I love you Alan. So Jonathan you can't take him. I'm so sorry about what happened to your wife."
Jonathan nods, "Tammy."
Natalia cries, "Tammy. I'm so sorry for Tammy. I know about her. Everyone in Springfield talks about her all the time. I heard about her from Harley, Olivia, Dinah, Remy, and even Alan. Alan told me that the biggest mistake of his life was that night! And he never forgave himself. I'm not asking you to forgive him either! All I am asking is please don't take him away from me."
Jonathan pulls out a gun.
He aims it at Alan.
Natalia falls to her feet, "No! Please! Oh no no!"
Liz and Phillip run over.
Liz shouts, "Jonathan no!"
Jonathan is getting nervous.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra puts down her phone.
She just got an upsetting phone call.
Tammy's Ghost appears to her, "What's going on Mom?"
She looks up, "Hey Baby. It turns out that your brother RJ is enjoying his new boarding school and... he's not coming home for Christmas. He said that he's having fun up there and... it would just be us for Christmas. And now Edmund had fled town. I have no idea where he is. I'm gonna be alone for Christmas this year."
Tammy walks over, "No. Are you forgetting me."
She smiles, "No baby I haven't. Oh my Little Girl. It's just going to be the two of us this year."
Tammy walks around Cassandra, "Just look at the bright side. The Spauldings are going to be in separate houses this year. The family is already falling a part. And it's all because of us."
Cassandra smiles, "Oh yes. We are getting them back for taking you away from me."
Tammy shakes her head, "But we aren't done yet are we Mom?"
Cassandra shakes her head, "No?"
Tammy nods, "We have so much more to do. You see now Alan has a little son. A son that he holds dear to his heart. We need to save that little boy before the Spauldings destroy him."
Cassandra sighs, "I don't know. It's just a baby."
Tammy scoffs, "I was your baby! And that didn't stop that bastard Alan did it? No! He took my life! He took your baby...."
Cassandra nods, "And I'll take his."
Gus looks at Olivia, "I told you. It's my job Olivia. I'm a cop. A detective for the Springfield Police Department. It is my responsibility to protect the citizens of Springfield. All of them. That includes you."
She shakes her head, "No. I don't think so. There is something else. Something that you are trying to hide."
He gets angry, "Oh yeah? What? What the hell reason could I possibly have for saving your life besides that?"
She stands up, "You know what Gus. I don't think either of us know. But we do know there is a reason."
He shakes his head, "I think you are just a crazy woman with a little to much time on her hands."
She sighs, "Maybe so. Gus you are in my hotel. We are going to be seeing a lot of each other. We should try to get along."
He nods, "Yep."
She looks around, "Can I get you anything?"
He sighs, "No. But thanks Olivia. I'm fine."
Olivia nods, "Okay... I guess I should be going."
Gus looks over, "I'll see you Olivia."
She turns before she leaves, "Gus... thank you."
He doesn't say anything.
Olivia leaves.
After she leaves Gus puts his hand over his shoulder.
He moans in pain.
Gus's pain is more than he is letting on.
Bauer Home:
Mindy backs up from Rusty, "Listen... I don't know what your hinting at. All I have to say is your sister better stay away from me and Rick if she knows what's good for her."
Rusty sighs, "I know. I'm gonna work with Roxie. I'm going to keep her away from you and Rick."
Mindy sighs, "Thank you Rusty."
He nods, "Don't mention it. I just... I'm worried about her. She hasn't been the same since, well everything. She's had a rough life and I just want you to be understanding of that."
She scoffs, "Are you kidding? Roxie is a jealous bitch. She always has been and always will be."
Rusty sighs, "Wow Melinda Sue. You never get over yourself do you?"
She shakes her head, "What are you talking about?"
He laughs, "Nothing I just thought you would have grown out of this by now. You know rich little Melinda Sue Lewis. Everyone is jealous of her and she is just so beautiful."
Mindy scoffs, "This is ridiculous. It's cold. I have to get to work."
Rusty speaks out, "Mindy?"
She turns, "Yes Rusty?"
He smiles, "You look nice today."
She keeps walking.
He watches her go back into the house.

Tree House:
Bill and Michelle walk inside.
Michelle looks around, "I don't think this place is safe."
He looks, "Hey I'm in construction. I'd know if this place wasn't going to be able to hold us."
Michelle laughs, "Well I'm a doctor so if/when one of us gets seriously injured then my skills will come in handy."
Bill looks around, "Wow this place has so many memories! I remember this is where we used to all get together and complain about our parents, sibling, everything else in our families."
She sighs, "We really had some serious talks here. I mean we had a lot of fun but it was a serious place too."
He walks over to her, "What was your favorite part of being here?"
She looks around, "I think the main thing was escaping everything. I mean I love my family and my life, but sometimes it was nice to have this place to get away from it and be free. Even for just a little while."
Bill nods, "Maybe we should come up here more often now a days."
She laughs, "Are you kidding? We shouldn't even be up here now. First of all it's way to cold. Second, this is for children. It's a rule that no parents let alone adults are allowed up here. We had our chance here and now it's time for new generations to come and get away from all of the pain of growing up."
Bill smiles, "Maybe that's what our club will be. A place to get away from everything."
She nods, "I'd like that."
Bill runs to the ladder, "I'm gonna race you!"
She runs after him, "No! Your such a goof Lewis!"
The two friends exit the tree house.
Spaulding Mansion:
Cassandra is decorating the tree.
She picks up the angel.
Her vision of Tammy appears, "My favorite."
Cassandra nods, "Yes. Another Christmas where I don't have you to hang up the angel."
Cassandra sits it down.
Tammy nods, "Don't worry. I mean you have people to do this now. Decorate. We have bigger things to focus on now."
Cassandra turns to her, "You mean the Spauldings."
Tammy nods, "We need to prove it. Come 2009 this will no long be the Spaulding Mansion. It will be the Winslow Mansion."
Cassandra nods, "Yes. The Winslow Mansion. I like it. We'll finally prove that this town underestimated us."
Tammy grins, "And everyone will be sorry. Sorry that they let Alan take my life away."
Cassandra walks around, "This whole place is ours Tammy. I've done all of it for you my Baby."
Tammy nods, "I know Mom. But remember... we are no where near done..."
Tammy fades away.
Old Mill Road:
Jonathan looks at Liz, "Lizzie you need to stay out of this."
Phillip walks towards him, "Jonathan. Jonathan Randall do you know who I am?"
Jonathan nods, "Your Lizzie's crazy father."
Phillip nods, "So you've heard. Well then you probably know how I feel about my father. I despise him. He tore this family a part. And by far the worst thing he has ever done.... was being involved in Tammy's murder."
Jonathan scoffs, "What are you saying?"
Phillip looks at him, "Do it Jonathan! Pull the trigger."
Natalia sobs, "Oh please no!"
Jonathan turns to him, "What are you talking about?"
Phillip sighs, "Jonathan! Listen! I know you want to kill him. He deserves it. So do it! But remember the consequences. It will costs you everything."
Liz is staring at Jonathan.
Phillip continues, "Years ago I made so many mistakes and it cost me my family for years. My children grew up without me and I had a Granddaughter I never met. Do you want that to happen to you?"
Jonathan shouts, "Get the hell out of here!"
Phillip shouts back, "If you don't give a damn then pull the damn trigger! What would Tammy want you to do?"
Jonathan shakes.
He puts his finger on the trigger but drops the gun on the ground.
Natalia cries, "Oh thank you! Thank you!"
Liz walks over to Jonathan, "Let's go home. Okay? We need to leave right now!"
Phillip looks at Natalia tending to a bruised Alan.
Phillip stares for a moment.
Alan gets to his feet, "Thank you Son."
Phillip sighs, "Who me? I was hoping he'd pull the damn trigger. Get out of here Alan."
Phillip walks back to Liz and Jonathan.
Natalia walks Alan to the car.
Marina's House:
Rocky looks at Shayne, "How can you be so sure about this?"
Shayne smiles, "Because it's us. We have spent these past years falling in love. Now we are finally getting ready to celebrate a whole year since we came back to Springfield. And we are still together. Rocky we can get through anything. Don't you believe in us."
Rocky hesitates, "Shayne, it's a big commitment."
Shayne takes Rocky's hand, "I love you. We are going to spend the rest of our lives together. There is no commitment greater than that."
Rocky nods, "I guess there isn't."
Rocky and Shayne walk back into the room.
Rocky walks towards Marina, "I guess we're going to do this."
She cries, "Thank you. Thank you Rocky."
The two hug.
Shayne walks over, "We are gonna be a team. The three of us."
Marina nods, "I would like it if you two could move in here with me? If it's not to much..."
Shayne looks to Rocky.
Rocky nods, "I think that's a great idea."
The three hug.
Shayne and Rocky put their hands on Marina's tummy.
Christmas in Springfield!
Shocking revelations at the Coopers
The Lewises have a few surprises
The Bauers have an emotional holiday
Spaulding and Boudreaux's celebrate together again
Mallet and Dinah have the family over
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