Episode 114
A day of shocks and surprises in Springfield.....


Alan and Natalia are sitting in the waiting room.
Harley walks over, "Any news yet?"
Natalia sighs, "Nothing yet. They are doing their tests to see if the surgery was successful but so far no word yet. How are the kids?"
Harley nods, "Oh there okay. They were worried of course. But they went to school."
Natalia stands, "I have to go do something. Let me know if there is any news while I'm gone."
Harley sits, "Of course."
Natalia walks down the hall.

She sees Olivia sitting by herself.
Natalia walks over, "Hey! Where have you been?"
Olivia looks down, "Oh I've been here. I just didn't want to get in the way."
Natalia sits, "I heard you helped save Gus. I'm grateful."
Olivia sighs, "Don't be grateful to me. Gus was saving me. I was stupid and tried to get away. He jumped in front of me and took the bullet."
Natalia holds Olivia's hand, "Yep that's Gus alright. He's our hero. It's just in his blood."
Olivia cries, "If anything happens to him I'll never...."
Natalia looks at her, "I didn't realize you were friends."
Olivia shakes her head, "We're not. Not at all. But he saved me..."
Natalia nods, "And you saved him."
Olivia keeps flashing back to that day.


Shayne stands with his family.
Reva hugs him, "I can't believe your really doing this. It's such a beautiful ceremony."
Shayne smiles, "I know! I just hope Rocky feels the same."
Josh grins, "What did you tell him?"
Shayne looks around, "I told him we were gonna have a little date here. And I had a surprise for him. He's gonna be over the moon!"
Reva sighs, "Sweetie. Do you think maybe something like this shouldn't be kept a secret?"
Shayne shakes his head, "It's not a secret it's surprise. There is a big difference. Believe me I know Rocky. This is just what he wants."
Josh and Reva hug their son.

Buzz walks over to Lucy, "So what do you think your brother is going to think about this?"
Lucy sighs, "I don't know."
Buzz gets worried "We should have told him."
Lucy shakes her head, "Daddy we promised Shayne we wouldn't."
Buzz sighs, "Rocky doesn't like surprises. He likes to know what is going on around him."

Carriage House:

Kevin is sitting on the couch.
There is a knock at the door.
He walks over and opens it.
He is surprised when Rocky walks in, "Is anyone else here?"
Kevin turns to him, "No. What ate you doing?"
Rocky sighs, "We need to talk."
Kevin shuts the door, "About what Rocky?"
Rocky walks around, "Today I'm having a big date with Shayne. I want to make sure that you are going to stay away."
Kevin walks towards him, "No."
Rocky gets angry, "Well you better or else..."
Kevin interrupts, "I meant 'No' as in that's not why you came over here today. Now tell me the real reason."
Rocky starts to back away, "I told you the real reason. I'm trying to have a happy relationship with Shayne and I don't want you to come between me and my relationship."
Kevin stares at Rocky, "Or maybe that's exactly what you want?"
Rocky grabs a picture from the table.
It's a football photo of Kevin.
Rocky holds it up, "This? This is you. This is what you are. And I don't want any of it!"
Rocky throws the picture at Kevin, almost hitting his head.


Liz and Jon are driving down the road from the house.
They have been staying there for weeks.
They have decided to go take a trip into town.
Liz is driving, "Okay so my Mom and Dad still believe I'm on vacation. So when we get there we'll explain everything to them."
Jonathan nods, "And you think they'll help us with Alan?"
She looks at him, "My Granddad has no power anymore. Cassie took everything from him. And Natalia has brought out the best in him. He's a changed man. I really believe it this time."
Jonathan looks at his phone, "I'm gonna text Aubrey and ask how Sarah's doing. I'm glad that you trusted her."
Liz sighs, "It was tough but I know she is closer to Sarah then I am."
Jonathan smiles, "I'm glad to see how much more mature you are. Your not the same Lizzie Spaulding I knew before."
Liz nods, "Well of course she would know Sarah better. She has spent so much time with Sarah while I thought she was dead. I mean I gave birth to her sure, but Aubrey got the birthday parties, and all the other stuff."
Jonathan gets worried, "Liz?"
Liz speeds up, "Were you going this fast with her that day? After Tammy's funeral? Were you going this fast?"
Jonathan picks up his phone.
She grabs it and tosses it out the window.
He turns to her, "Liz what the hell?"
Liz locks hid door, "You know Jonathan you were right, I'm not Lizzie anymore. I'm more mature. I'm Liz now."
Jonathan realizes they are going the wrong way, "You promised me!"
She turns to him, "But you forget one thing... I'm still a Spaulding."
She speeds down the road.

Natalia's House:

The doorbell rings.
Rafe answers.
Maureen is at the door, "Hi. I thought I'd come over and see how you were doing with everything."
Rafe is confused, "Everything?"
She is taken back, "Rafe your father was shot. He's in the hospital. I would think you'd be more upset."
He sighs, "I don't know. We aren't really that close anymore."
She walks in, "But he's still your father. I'm not getting along with my mother a lot but she's my Mom."
Rafe sits, "Well it's different. I mean your Mom probably loves you. Your the perfect child."
She sighs, "Rafe. I'm sure your father loves you. It's just... I don't know you get into trouble and it causes you to fight. Believe me I've had a few arguments with my mother."
Rafe shakes his head, "Nope. You wouldn't understand."
She sits next to him, "Rafe you are such a nice guy. You put up a tough front but I can see that you are a big softy. And I think your parents see it too. I sure do."
Rafe grins, "You really see the good in me?"
She nods.
He leans in and kisses her.

Ed walks out.
Alan, Harley, and Natalia run over.
Alan is upset, "Please tell me he's okay!"
Ed nods, "He's doing much better. He's resting now."
Harley sighs, "Oh thank God!"
Natalia holds the cross necklace around her neck, "Oh thank you. Thank you."
Ed nods, "Yes. It was a tough surgery but we repaired the damage. We just need him to heal himself now."
Alan smiles, "Thank you very much Dr. Bauer."
Harley is anxious, "When.. when can we see him?"
Ed sighs, "Two of you can go in for only a moment. But he needs to get all the rest that he can."
Alan nods, "You two go in."
Harley is surprised, "Are you sure?"
Alan assures them, "Now we all know Gus would much rather have you two with him then me. I'll call the family. Go on."
Harley nods, "Thank you Alan."
Harley and Natalia walk in.
Ed has a flashback to watching Michelle and Marina walk into Danny's room weeks ago.
Ed is grateful that he was able to save this man.
Olivia watches from the distance.
Side of Road:
Liz walks Jonathan away from the car at gunpoint.
Jonathan stares at her, "Where did you get that?"
She grins, "I found it in your things. I figured I was gonna use it on you before you used it on me."
He scoffs, "That was not to hurt you. I have a gun to protect me and my family."
Liz keeps walking, "Don't worry. No one comes around here anymore. No one is going to find us."
He looks at her, "So what? Are you gonna kill me now? Blow my brains out. Leave Sarah fatherless?"
She shouts, "Don't you dare! You took her from me! You took my daughter. And if I don't do this you'll do it all over again! So the only way to keep my daughter is to make you go away!"
He shakes his head, "Don't do something you'll regret! Put the gun down now! Lizzie now!"
She screams, "Shut up! Don't tell me what to do! I call the shots now! I am a Spaulding and I always get what I want, when I want it, how I want it. And I want my little girl. And that means I need you out of the picture."
Jonathan stares at the gun in Liz's hand.
Natalia's House:
Maureen pulls back from the kiss.
Rafe stares at her< "I'm moving to fast huh?"
She shakes her head, "It's not that... I just... I'm still getting over Kevin. And...."
Rafe sighs, "Jason. You have feelings for him?"
She gets nervous, "Jason? No. I mean... we're friends but... besides he's dating my friend Vi."
Rafe stands, "So you and Vi are firends?"
Maureen nods, "Oh yeah. I mean at first I thought maybe she wasn't someone I could trust but she sweet and good to Jason."
Rafe looks around, "Yeah. Jason's a good guy. Probably a good boyfriend. I'd be a bad one."
Maureen shakes her head, "Now what makes you say that?"
He sighs, "I'm a Spaulding. People don't trust the Spauldings."
Maureen smiles, "I trust one of them."
She gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Maureen walks out.
Rafe sits on the couch.

He turns to see Vi walking in from the kitchen, "That was pathetic."
He is suprised, "Where the hell did you come from?"
She grins, "I got in the back. Please tell me your not letting her get to you. I'm not paying you to fall for her."
He scoffs, "I could care less about her. I'm just doing what you told me to do and I'm doing a great job!"
Vi walks towards him, "Maureen is completly clueless!"
Vi pulls him into a kiss.
Buzz looks at his watch, "Lucy do you have any idea what is taking your brother?"
Lucy looks around, "I have no idea. The ceremony was supposed to be ending right now."
Buzz sighs, "I had a bad feeling about all of this."
Reva walks over to Shayne, "Have you spoken to Rocky?"
Shayne is trying to keep a smiles, "Uh I've been texting him but he hasn't got back to me. I don't know what's going on. He'll be here though I'm sure. It'll be a little late. But when we look back this will all be funny."
Josh walk over, "Shayne maybe we should think about rescheduling all of this. I mean it doesn't have to..."
Shayne turns to him, "No! Today is the day. Rocky will be here. I know him. He wouldn't miss this."
Reva sighs, "Shayne he doesn't know what this really is."
They here footsteps.
Shayne smiles, "See. I knew it My love is about to walk over and see our ceremony."

Just then a very pale Marina walks into the gardens.
Shayne looks down.
Buzz walks over, "Hey how are you?"
Marina is quiet, "I'm.... just tired. But I wanted to congratulate Shayne and Rocky. Where is Rocky?"
Lucy sighs, "He hasn't shown up."
Buzz is worried about Marina, "How was your appointment?"
Marina turns to him, "Oh I'm fine. My emotions have just been causing me to be sick but I'm okay right now."
It starts to get colder and colder.
Shayne worries about Rocky.
Carriage House:
Kevin walks around the room, "You know what? I really thought you saw past all of that. But I guess I was wrong. Your just like everyone else!"
Rocky sighs, "I don't need this."
Kevin shouts, "Then why the hell are you here?"
Rocky is holding his head, "I am trying get you to stop what you are doing!"
Kevin looks at him, "I did stop! I stopped week ago. You came over here because you wanted to see me."
Rocky shakes his head, "You know you'v been getting to me."
Kevin laughs, "Funny I get to you even when I'm not with you. What does that tell you? Your playing these games. Your keeping Shayne and arms length but yet you want so much time with him. And you push me away and chase me at the same time."
Rocky shouts, "What about you? One minute your all up on me and then your making out with Vi Grant!"
Kevin kick the wall, "Damn it! I only kiss Vi because I couldn't be with you!"
Kevin walks closer to Rocky.
Rocky stares in his eyes, "You need to stop it."
Kevin whispers, "I'm not doing anything."
Rocky sighs, "Yes you are."
Kevin stares into Rocky's eyes, "Yes I am. And so are you."
Kevin leans in and kisses Rocky.
To Rocky's own surprise he kisses back.
The two have their arms wrapped around each other.

Ed walks into Gus's room, "Natalia, Harley. Gus needs is rest now."
The two women kiss him on the head.
They leave the room.
Ed walks down the hall to talk to nurses.
Olivia sneaks into the room.
She walks over to a sleeping Gus.
She whispers, "Hey Gus. You know that was pretty crazy. You took a bullet for me. No one's ever done that for me. I don't know why you did it but.... I need to do this. Thank you Gus. Thank you for saving me."
Gus starts to whisper, "Olivia...."
Olivia sits, "I'm here I'm here."
He mumbles, "You.... are ok?"
She cries, "Yes. You saved my life. You saved me. Why? Why Gus? You have children of your own? Why?"
Gus sighs, "I don't know.... but I'd do it all over again to see your beautiful face...."
Olivia looks at him, "What? Gus what did you say? Gus?"
Gus is out again.
Olivia stands up and wipes her tears.
She walks to the door.
She turns, "You saved me Gus. I need to find some way to repay you. I will Gus. Thank you."
Olivia walks out.
Shayne makes a shocking decision!
Rocky and Kevin may get caught
Marina makes a scene
Vi and Rafe discuss their plan
Liz and Jonathan go head to head
Olivia thinks about Gus


Alan and Natalia are sitting in the waiting room.
Harley walks over, "Any news yet?"
Natalia sighs, "Nothing yet. They are doing their tests to see if the surgery was successful but so far no word yet. How are the kids?"
Harley nods, "Oh there okay. They were worried of course. But they went to school."
Natalia stands, "I have to go do something. Let me know if there is any news while I'm gone."
Harley sits, "Of course."
Natalia walks down the hall.

She sees Olivia sitting by herself.
Natalia walks over, "Hey! Where have you been?"
Olivia looks down, "Oh I've been here. I just didn't want to get in the way."
Natalia sits, "I heard you helped save Gus. I'm grateful."
Olivia sighs, "Don't be grateful to me. Gus was saving me. I was stupid and tried to get away. He jumped in front of me and took the bullet."
Natalia holds Olivia's hand, "Yep that's Gus alright. He's our hero. It's just in his blood."
Olivia cries, "If anything happens to him I'll never...."
Natalia looks at her, "I didn't realize you were friends."
Olivia shakes her head, "We're not. Not at all. But he saved me..."
Natalia nods, "And you saved him."
Olivia keeps flashing back to that day.


Shayne stands with his family.
Reva hugs him, "I can't believe your really doing this. It's such a beautiful ceremony."
Shayne smiles, "I know! I just hope Rocky feels the same."
Josh grins, "What did you tell him?"
Shayne looks around, "I told him we were gonna have a little date here. And I had a surprise for him. He's gonna be over the moon!"
Reva sighs, "Sweetie. Do you think maybe something like this shouldn't be kept a secret?"
Shayne shakes his head, "It's not a secret it's surprise. There is a big difference. Believe me I know Rocky. This is just what he wants."
Josh and Reva hug their son.

Buzz walks over to Lucy, "So what do you think your brother is going to think about this?"
Lucy sighs, "I don't know."
Buzz gets worried "We should have told him."
Lucy shakes her head, "Daddy we promised Shayne we wouldn't."
Buzz sighs, "Rocky doesn't like surprises. He likes to know what is going on around him."

Carriage House:

Kevin is sitting on the couch.
There is a knock at the door.
He walks over and opens it.
He is surprised when Rocky walks in, "Is anyone else here?"
Kevin turns to him, "No. What ate you doing?"
Rocky sighs, "We need to talk."
Kevin shuts the door, "About what Rocky?"
Rocky walks around, "Today I'm having a big date with Shayne. I want to make sure that you are going to stay away."
Kevin walks towards him, "No."
Rocky gets angry, "Well you better or else..."
Kevin interrupts, "I meant 'No' as in that's not why you came over here today. Now tell me the real reason."
Rocky starts to back away, "I told you the real reason. I'm trying to have a happy relationship with Shayne and I don't want you to come between me and my relationship."
Kevin stares at Rocky, "Or maybe that's exactly what you want?"
Rocky grabs a picture from the table.
It's a football photo of Kevin.
Rocky holds it up, "This? This is you. This is what you are. And I don't want any of it!"
Rocky throws the picture at Kevin, almost hitting his head.


Liz and Jon are driving down the road from the house.
They have been staying there for weeks.
They have decided to go take a trip into town.
Liz is driving, "Okay so my Mom and Dad still believe I'm on vacation. So when we get there we'll explain everything to them."
Jonathan nods, "And you think they'll help us with Alan?"
She looks at him, "My Granddad has no power anymore. Cassie took everything from him. And Natalia has brought out the best in him. He's a changed man. I really believe it this time."
Jonathan looks at his phone, "I'm gonna text Aubrey and ask how Sarah's doing. I'm glad that you trusted her."
Liz sighs, "It was tough but I know she is closer to Sarah then I am."
Jonathan smiles, "I'm glad to see how much more mature you are. Your not the same Lizzie Spaulding I knew before."
Liz nods, "Well of course she would know Sarah better. She has spent so much time with Sarah while I thought she was dead. I mean I gave birth to her sure, but Aubrey got the birthday parties, and all the other stuff."
Jonathan gets worried, "Liz?"
Liz speeds up, "Were you going this fast with her that day? After Tammy's funeral? Were you going this fast?"
Jonathan picks up his phone.
She grabs it and tosses it out the window.
He turns to her, "Liz what the hell?"
Liz locks hid door, "You know Jonathan you were right, I'm not Lizzie anymore. I'm more mature. I'm Liz now."
Jonathan realizes they are going the wrong way, "You promised me!"
She turns to him, "But you forget one thing... I'm still a Spaulding."
She speeds down the road.

Natalia's House:

The doorbell rings.
Rafe answers.
Maureen is at the door, "Hi. I thought I'd come over and see how you were doing with everything."
Rafe is confused, "Everything?"
She is taken back, "Rafe your father was shot. He's in the hospital. I would think you'd be more upset."
He sighs, "I don't know. We aren't really that close anymore."
She walks in, "But he's still your father. I'm not getting along with my mother a lot but she's my Mom."
Rafe sits, "Well it's different. I mean your Mom probably loves you. Your the perfect child."
She sighs, "Rafe. I'm sure your father loves you. It's just... I don't know you get into trouble and it causes you to fight. Believe me I've had a few arguments with my mother."
Rafe shakes his head, "Nope. You wouldn't understand."
She sits next to him, "Rafe you are such a nice guy. You put up a tough front but I can see that you are a big softy. And I think your parents see it too. I sure do."
Rafe grins, "You really see the good in me?"
She nods.
He leans in and kisses her.

Ed walks out.
Alan, Harley, and Natalia run over.
Alan is upset, "Please tell me he's okay!"
Ed nods, "He's doing much better. He's resting now."
Harley sighs, "Oh thank God!"
Natalia holds the cross necklace around her neck, "Oh thank you. Thank you."
Ed nods, "Yes. It was a tough surgery but we repaired the damage. We just need him to heal himself now."
Alan smiles, "Thank you very much Dr. Bauer."
Harley is anxious, "When.. when can we see him?"
Ed sighs, "Two of you can go in for only a moment. But he needs to get all the rest that he can."
Alan nods, "You two go in."
Harley is surprised, "Are you sure?"
Alan assures them, "Now we all know Gus would much rather have you two with him then me. I'll call the family. Go on."
Harley nods, "Thank you Alan."
Harley and Natalia walk in.
Ed has a flashback to watching Michelle and Marina walk into Danny's room weeks ago.
Ed is grateful that he was able to save this man.
Olivia watches from the distance.
Side of Road:
Liz walks Jonathan away from the car at gunpoint.
Jonathan stares at her, "Where did you get that?"
She grins, "I found it in your things. I figured I was gonna use it on you before you used it on me."
He scoffs, "That was not to hurt you. I have a gun to protect me and my family."
Liz keeps walking, "Don't worry. No one comes around here anymore. No one is going to find us."
He looks at her, "So what? Are you gonna kill me now? Blow my brains out. Leave Sarah fatherless?"
She shouts, "Don't you dare! You took her from me! You took my daughter. And if I don't do this you'll do it all over again! So the only way to keep my daughter is to make you go away!"
He shakes his head, "Don't do something you'll regret! Put the gun down now! Lizzie now!"
She screams, "Shut up! Don't tell me what to do! I call the shots now! I am a Spaulding and I always get what I want, when I want it, how I want it. And I want my little girl. And that means I need you out of the picture."
Jonathan stares at the gun in Liz's hand.
Natalia's House:
Maureen pulls back from the kiss.
Rafe stares at her< "I'm moving to fast huh?"
She shakes her head, "It's not that... I just... I'm still getting over Kevin. And...."
Rafe sighs, "Jason. You have feelings for him?"
She gets nervous, "Jason? No. I mean... we're friends but... besides he's dating my friend Vi."
Rafe stands, "So you and Vi are firends?"
Maureen nods, "Oh yeah. I mean at first I thought maybe she wasn't someone I could trust but she sweet and good to Jason."
Rafe looks around, "Yeah. Jason's a good guy. Probably a good boyfriend. I'd be a bad one."
Maureen shakes her head, "Now what makes you say that?"
He sighs, "I'm a Spaulding. People don't trust the Spauldings."
Maureen smiles, "I trust one of them."
She gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Maureen walks out.
Rafe sits on the couch.

He turns to see Vi walking in from the kitchen, "That was pathetic."
He is suprised, "Where the hell did you come from?"
She grins, "I got in the back. Please tell me your not letting her get to you. I'm not paying you to fall for her."
He scoffs, "I could care less about her. I'm just doing what you told me to do and I'm doing a great job!"
Vi walks towards him, "Maureen is completly clueless!"
Vi pulls him into a kiss.
Buzz looks at his watch, "Lucy do you have any idea what is taking your brother?"
Lucy looks around, "I have no idea. The ceremony was supposed to be ending right now."
Buzz sighs, "I had a bad feeling about all of this."
Reva walks over to Shayne, "Have you spoken to Rocky?"
Shayne is trying to keep a smiles, "Uh I've been texting him but he hasn't got back to me. I don't know what's going on. He'll be here though I'm sure. It'll be a little late. But when we look back this will all be funny."
Josh walk over, "Shayne maybe we should think about rescheduling all of this. I mean it doesn't have to..."
Shayne turns to him, "No! Today is the day. Rocky will be here. I know him. He wouldn't miss this."
Reva sighs, "Shayne he doesn't know what this really is."
They here footsteps.
Shayne smiles, "See. I knew it My love is about to walk over and see our ceremony."

Just then a very pale Marina walks into the gardens.
Shayne looks down.
Buzz walks over, "Hey how are you?"
Marina is quiet, "I'm.... just tired. But I wanted to congratulate Shayne and Rocky. Where is Rocky?"
Lucy sighs, "He hasn't shown up."
Buzz is worried about Marina, "How was your appointment?"
Marina turns to him, "Oh I'm fine. My emotions have just been causing me to be sick but I'm okay right now."
It starts to get colder and colder.
Shayne worries about Rocky.
Carriage House:
Kevin walks around the room, "You know what? I really thought you saw past all of that. But I guess I was wrong. Your just like everyone else!"
Rocky sighs, "I don't need this."
Kevin shouts, "Then why the hell are you here?"
Rocky is holding his head, "I am trying get you to stop what you are doing!"
Kevin looks at him, "I did stop! I stopped week ago. You came over here because you wanted to see me."
Rocky shakes his head, "You know you'v been getting to me."
Kevin laughs, "Funny I get to you even when I'm not with you. What does that tell you? Your playing these games. Your keeping Shayne and arms length but yet you want so much time with him. And you push me away and chase me at the same time."
Rocky shouts, "What about you? One minute your all up on me and then your making out with Vi Grant!"
Kevin kick the wall, "Damn it! I only kiss Vi because I couldn't be with you!"
Kevin walks closer to Rocky.
Rocky stares in his eyes, "You need to stop it."
Kevin whispers, "I'm not doing anything."
Rocky sighs, "Yes you are."
Kevin stares into Rocky's eyes, "Yes I am. And so are you."
Kevin leans in and kisses Rocky.
To Rocky's own surprise he kisses back.
The two have their arms wrapped around each other.

Ed walks into Gus's room, "Natalia, Harley. Gus needs is rest now."
The two women kiss him on the head.
They leave the room.
Ed walks down the hall to talk to nurses.
Olivia sneaks into the room.
She walks over to a sleeping Gus.
She whispers, "Hey Gus. You know that was pretty crazy. You took a bullet for me. No one's ever done that for me. I don't know why you did it but.... I need to do this. Thank you Gus. Thank you for saving me."
Gus starts to whisper, "Olivia...."
Olivia sits, "I'm here I'm here."
He mumbles, "You.... are ok?"
She cries, "Yes. You saved my life. You saved me. Why? Why Gus? You have children of your own? Why?"
Gus sighs, "I don't know.... but I'd do it all over again to see your beautiful face...."
Olivia looks at him, "What? Gus what did you say? Gus?"
Gus is out again.
Olivia stands up and wipes her tears.
She walks to the door.
She turns, "You saved me Gus. I need to find some way to repay you. I will Gus. Thank you."
Olivia walks out.
Shayne makes a shocking decision!
Rocky and Kevin may get caught
Marina makes a scene
Vi and Rafe discuss their plan
Liz and Jonathan go head to head
Olivia thinks about Gus
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