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Miss Jenkins Kinship #104



TC Hotel, Ty’s Office103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

2835910373.jpgKiko, with a gun aimed to his head, courtesy of Santino,

“Dondre, please tell me this is not true? Tell me you did not kill Lauren? She was 5 months pregnant!”

ddcvdac.jpgDre, with a gun aimed at his head as well via Ty,

“Bro, I had to man. I had no other choice. I had to or this situation right here we are in could have been worse.”


“You’re right about that….” He thinks of Lauren being dead.

“Hearing you say Lauren is dead has warmed my soul. Now no one will have to hear her flaber mouth ever again.”


“What kind of man are you? What makes you want a pregnant woman dead? What about that little baby she was carrying?”


“Well now we won’t have to listen to flaber mouth junior.”


“You’re a pig.”

Ty, looking back at Dre,

“You better tell your brother to shut his mouth or he is going to piss me off. Just like Lauren did and we all seen what you did to her.”


“You’re going have my own brother kill me too?”


“You got it twisted homie. Aint nothing like that going down. Kiko, just be quiet and everything will be ok.” He then looks back at Tyler.

“Look man, I did the job you asked me to do. Lauren is dead and gone. You have no reason to keep my brother.”


“Your brother better not open his mouth up to the police. I am sure he won’t. He doesn’t want his brother going to jail for the rest of his life. So I trust Kiko won’t be a problem?”


“No problem at all.”


“I can speak for myself. I’m my own man.”


“Just shut the fu(k up Kiko. Damn you talking to much right now.”

Ty, pulling his gun back,

“Job well done. I’ll call you with more work later. I already have another job lined up for you.”


“You can cancel that. My brother won’t be needing to work for you no more.”

Tyler, looking at Dre and pointing at Kiko,

“You’re going to need to handle that before I do.”


“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it. Just don’t touch my brother.”

28tzvxf.jpgTy, looking at Santino,

“Let the pretty boy go.”

les.jpgSantino unties the ropes that bounded J to a chair. Kiko rubs his wrist and stands up.


“Let’s go Kiko.”

Kiko eyeballs Tyler and Santino one last time,

“With pleasure.” Kiko follows Dre out Ty’s office as Ty sits down in his chair with a smile on his face.

“Lauren is dead and I could not be any happier.”

Santino just sets back and wonders what kind of man wants pregnant woman dead.


Episode:104, Miss Jenkins’ Kinship

Written by ML Cooks and Tara Smith

The Jump Offbar2.jpg

Santino walks over to Jenn who is sitting at the bar. She looks at him and smiles.


“I’ve been thinking of you.”


“You’ve been on my mind too.”


“Do you think this is a good place for us to meet?”


“Yea, Ty has his hands tied at the moment.” He says grabbing her thigh. He continues,

“The other night when we had sex was everything I thought it would be.”


“I haven’t felt that kind of passion in a long time. But listen.,.. about that night. We have a serious problem.”


“What do you mean?”


“Karl saw us.”


“What do you mean Karl saw us? I made sure we were in a secluded location so no one would know.”


Apperntly Karl followed us to South Pasadena. He’s a sick pervert. He took pictures of us having sex.”


“Oh great. Just what I need. Ty to see those pictures. He’ll kill me.” He then looks in her eyes. “ And to be honest with you Jenn, there’s no telling what he would do to you.”


“Well he already beats me so I doubt there’s anything worse than that.”


“Jenn you have no idea. Tyler is changing. He’s becoming a new person. Someone very dark and dangerous.”


“What makes you say that? What is going on?”


“I’m not at liberty to get into to that right now. But he did something I just don’t care for. It’s almost sick. It is sick, what the hell am I saying?”


“Santino tell me.”


“I can’t. It’s for your safety.”


“Well I am not very safe if Karl has photos of us sleeping together.”


“Listen, right now is not the right time. We need to decide what we are going to do with Karl. Ty finding out about us will be disastrous.”


“What do you recommend we do?”


“I thought you would have a plan since that seems to be your field of expertise.”


“What’ that supposed to mean?”


“Does the name Jodie ring a bell? Didn’t you black mail her and make her life a living hell before she died?”


“Died? Jodie is dead?”


“Yes she is. I thought you knew.”

Jenn, looking away from Santino, with a cold chill going through her body,

“No…no I had no idea….. Wow.”


“Feeling bad for all the things you’ve done to her?”


“I don’t know. It’s not about Jodie right now. We need to figure out how to neutrilize Karl. He’ going to try and black mail us.”


“Well doesn’t that make him as guilty as us? He knows about our affair but yet he’s keeping it from his own son. What does Karl have to gain by black mailing you?”


“If we don’t deliver a pre-emptive strike first, I guess soon we will find out.”


“Ok listen, we’ll meet again tomorrow night. At Brookside Park. Let’s say nine p.m. By then we should both have ideas on how to get rid of him.”


“We are playing a dangerous game. But it’s so hot. I wish I could lean over and kiss you right now.”


“But you can’t, there are too many people here. I’ll see you tomorrow tonight. “


“Think of me lover.”


“You do the same” Santino then gets up to leave Jenn at the bar by herself. She thinks of Jodie.

Huntington Memorial Hospitalbig_hospital_pic.jpg

dc.jpgDC walks into the morgue where a morgue worker awaits him.


“I know this is hard for you, but this will only take a few minutes. I could not get a hold of any other member of the Williams family. Just identify the body and state whether or not if this is your brother. Are you ready?”


“Yea man.”

underwood_010207_252x190.jpgThe worker then pulls the cover off Abe’s body. DC is barely able to recognize his brother due to the horrific nature of the crash.


“That’s my brother. Please cover him back up. I can’t see him like that.’ He turns around to look away, getting choked up. He wants to break down in tears, as the man he looked up to, the man he grew up with, the man who always had his back, the man who he did wrong is dead and gone forever.


“Give me some private time wit my bro.”


“Certainly.” The worker walks out of the morgue.

DC talks his hat off and turns around to walk toward Abe. He stares at him. Still in shock that his only brother is dead.

“I don’t understand why this had to happened to you. In fact, I don’t get why it had to happened like this. You’re car ran over a cliff? What in the hell was you doing boy? Man why does it have to be like thiss. ..(He pauses for a second) …Abe, I did some real foul things my brother. I did what one brother should never do to another. I slept with your wife. Kelis was mine and I am so sorry for that. It happened so many years ago. I was young, dumb and horny. Lynn and I were going through so much. She put me through hell. Pat was just there for me. She understood me. I know it’s hard to understand, but Pat was never that damn crazy. I don’t know what in the hell happened to her. Then Lynn just up and left me and took our two sons away. They just left me, ripped out of my life. Gone, and I have not been able to locate them since. I don’t if my wife and kids are dead or not. But its no excuse. A brother should never do what I did to you. And if you can hear me now, I want you to know I am so sorry and I will be sorry for the rest of my days. I love you brother, and I hope you are resting in peace. “ He closes his eyes, and has a few childhood memories of himself and his brother back in New Orleans.


“New Orleans. Our home town. Well you left and came out west. And it was my home until Hurricane Katrina came and washed everything away. Just like now. Everything has been taken from me. I have no one. Your sons hate me. I have no one. I just an old dried up pimp. I have to find my sons. I have to give my life purpose.”

He then hears the door close. He looks up and sees Kevin.


“The only purpose you seem to have is hurting my family. I bet your happy my pops is dead. Now you can have my mom all to your self. Sick son of a bitch. !“


“You better watch your mouth boy. I understand you are upset and going through the most with Abe dying and all. I know you are still mad you found out your momma and I had our thang going on. But boy, it’s thangs you don’t understand. It seems all you know how to do is get mad and cuss me and your mother out. If you would pump ya brakes and sit back and take the time to listen to the story, you might understand something. Everyone isn’t perfect including your father. So before you continue to play that almighty God attitude, know the facts.” And with that so coldly spoken, DC puts his hat back on and smoothly walks right past Kevin , out of the morgue. Kevin is flabbergasted that DC just got him together.

Sister Patterson arrives at the Hospital to also identify her husband’s body. She runs into DC. They look at each other in silence, until Sister Patterson throws out an ice breaker

Sister Patterson10.jpg

“We are going to hell because of you.”


“You know girl, I am getting real sick and tired of you and your sons so quick to blame me. You have some fault here to. I didn’t force you to sleep with me.”

Sister Patterson

“And your dumb ass don’t know what no means. Simple ass Bastard. What is Miss Jenkins going to say about this? How is Miss Jenkins going to react when she finds out my husband, the father of my two sons died after finding out his brother slept with his wife?”


“I don’t’ give two damns about no Miss Jenkins. Damn her to hell too. Our family has been turned upside down. We don’t need no antics from you. It’s time for healing. I lost the only family I had left. My brother, who died in a car crash. Damn you Pat and damn your two sons. The only one I have to answer too now is my brother’s spirit.” After saying that, DC walks off.

Sister Patterson, speaking to her self,

“Lord have mercy. The devil is testing me today.” Sister Patterson is about to get on the elevator when something catches her eye. She gets off the elevator and looks down the hall and sees a big, tall grayed haired woman.

Sister Patterson

“I need to see a doctor about my third eye. My third has been failing me for a while now. Did I lose my special powers?” She says walking closer to this familiar woman. Sister Patterson realizes it’s none other then the infamous Miss Jenkins herself.

Sister Patterson

“Miss Jenkins!? What are you doing out of your house?”

madea.jpgMadea turns around and looks at Sister Patterson,

“Well, well. If it isn’t the devil’s advocate. Thought I would never make it out of my own house did ya honey?”

Sister Patterson

“We need to get you back to the house now. You can’t be out here like this.”


“I aint going no where. You crazy bat. It’s time to let the world know that you have been up to no damn good in my neighborhood.”

Sister Patterson

“Miss Jenkins, please don’t this. What are you doing here? How did you get out?”


“I saw one of those man’woman’s in my basement honey. She said call the po po and I said ok ho. Looked like she was raped.”

Sister Patterson

“I know you are not talking about Rufus.”


“Rufus, honey, Chaka khan, it don’t matter. That child needed help. And you need help too. Crazy ass physco. I don’t see how they let you loose in these streets. Lord, tell me how did I ever give birth to a demon child.”

Kevin walks over to his mother and Miss Jenkins,

“Is this Miss Jenkins?”


“Why yes it is. How you derrin’? I’m yo grand momma. Your crazy mother here, forget to mention me.”


“Is this true?”

Sister Patterson

“Yes. Miss Jenkins is my mother.”

Ivory Inc .Apr18_0003.jpg

Karim is sitting at his desk, thinking about all that’s happened. His father is dead, one of the evilest psychos of Pasadena is his sister, and his mother is still crazy. He is scanning over Ivory’s business plan for the next year, which had to change drastically due to the recent economic melt down. Not able to work right now he throws his pen down. Ladonna walks in and sees him there.

LaDonna 1821242892.jpg

“Something wrong, Mr. Williams? “

Karim 1-04082007-194241.jpg

“Please call me Karim. I don’t like formalities around here. But yes… I don’t think I want to talk about it. “

LaDonna , sitting down next to him,

Come on, its me you’re talking to. Your Ivory girl. Tell me what’s wrong.

Karim, looking up at LaDonna

“Well, its my Pops. I was never as close to him as Kevin was, but he’s dead, and I found out he molested my sister, and made my mom think she was dead. My mom cheated on my pops, and she’s gone completely insane. And Mona, the woman who kidnapped Sharan, is my sister Kelis, the daughter of my uncle and mom! And then there’s Alexis who just got out of jail. So yes, I am going through a lot right now”

LaDonna, getting up from her chair and begins to massage Karim’s shoulders

“I’m sorry, Karim. I really am. I don’t even know what to say, but you need to stick with your family. Your mother may be a nut, but she’s your mother. And your brother needs you too”


“My mom cheated on my pops, I don’t know if I can just let that go. Now my dad is dead.”


“But you can’t just desert her either. You need Patterson and she needs you…. And aren’t you back with that girl Alexis? Isn’t she a criminal? “


“No, Ashley I guess ended up alive. And yes I’m back with her but she’s really not that bad. Maybe one of the lone bright spots in all of this. I do care for her”


“I’ve heard about her from you, and I don’t know if I trust her. Its just a vibe I get. You said she was acting the same way Ria used to act until you found out she was cheating.”


“I know we have some issues but I am assuming we are going to work on them, though she has a lot of explaining to do. Listen, I really like Alexis, and I think that she’s not like her sister”


“Maybe not on the outside. Its none of my business, I’m just saying-

Alexis, walking in Alexis-Thorpe-0008.jpg

“Or maybe you just want a piece of my man for yourself? I saw how you was looking at Karim at the wedding. Smiling at me when Karim and I were arguing.”


“Excuse me? I am just Karim’s secretary and friend, you can’t just come up in here- “

Alexis, walking over to Karim and shoving LaDonna aside

“I know about girls like you. And I’m not stupid. I know what you want, and I’m what Karim needs to feel better. So how about you run along, go do your papers or something? “

LaDonna, grabbing Alexis by the arm

“Now listen here, I don’t take that kind of talk. “

Then Karim jumps in and pulls LaDonna off of Alexis.


“You better take your damn hands off of me.”


“Everyone calm down. Alexis, nothing was going on here. LaDonna and I are very close friends. I am not hiding anything like you. So please don’t go there with LaDonna and I think you owe her an apology.”

LaDonna smiles at Alexis as Alexis squints her eyes in disbelief and slight embarrassment.


“It’s ok Karim. I see she’s going to have a hard time saying it. I’m good. She just better watch how she talks to me.” LaDonna then walks out the office.

Karim, looking at Alexis,

“I really can’t believe you Lexie. You really embarrassed me.”

Westwood Park, Ria’s Housewestwoodpark.jpg

Patti is in the kitchen fixing sandwiches for her and Ria as Ria sits on her couch watching The Young and the Restless when suddenly she hears a pounding on her front door.


“Who in the hell pounding on my damn door like they the police. My stories on damn it!” She says cutting the TV off and getting up off the couch.


“Girl you better watch your mouth. Don’t talk like that in front of me.”

Ria rolls her eyes as she opens the door and is absolutely stunned to see her sister Jasmine on her door step. Jasmine smiles and gives Ria a hug.


“Hello little sis. Long time no see.”


“What the hell are you doing here? First Patti and now you!”


“You don’t sound to happy to see me? I haven’t seen you in a few years.”


“Well your so busy with your career so I wouldn’t see how you would have time.”


“Never, You’re my sister. I always have time for you. Where’s Patti at? Can I come in?”


“I guess!” She says motioning for her to come in. Jasmine walks in and sees her mother Patti. She hug her.


“Hello darling. Was the house hard to find?”


“Not at all.”


“Wait a minute. You asked Jasmine to come here?”


“I did darling. I haven’t seen my girls together in a very long time. I thought we could spend some time together.”


“In my house?”


“That’s where we are at.”


“I can’t take this. This is too much. How can you just invite people to my house Patti?”


“It wasn’t just anybody. Jasmine is your sister.”


“How long yall gone be here?”


“Why, you got something to do? I haven’t seen you working so I know you don’t have a job. How are you paying your rent and your bills?”




“Victoria come on, don’t talk to Patti like that.”


“I am about to explode. Yall working my last nerves. My sovereignty has just been invaded by you two. I have a life you know.”


“Your life includes your sister and Miss Patti. Now you better change that attitude girl.”


“I need a damn drink. Yall driving me to drink.” Ria grabs her purse and begins to head out the door.


“Don’t walk out that door. How rude? Your sister just got here.”

Ria, looking back at her mother,

“This is my house and I am a grown ass woman.” After saying that Ria slams her front door and leaves. Jasmine looks at Patti in disbelief.


“I see she still has that chip on her shoulder. I’m glad you had me come out here. It’s time for Ria to deal with the truth.”


“You’re right. I don’t know how she’s going to handle what I have to tell her.”


“You have to tell Victoria, she has to know the truth.”

Monte_Carlo.jpgDre drives his 84 Monte Carlo sitting on 22’s into his driveway of his home in Westwood Park with his brother Kiko in the passenger seat.


“Why are we here?”


“We really need to talk.”


“Talk about how my own brother killed a pregnant woman? I could have been killed because of you ? What the hell is the matter with you? When is this going to stop? When are you going to be done running this streets? There is nothing good out here. I told you if you needed some money I would loan you some. Now because you are hard headed, you got us caught up in some deep [!@#$%^&*]. How am I supposed to keep silent about you killing Lauren? I’m a doctor. I took vow’s to save lives Dondre. “


“You don’t know the whole story. Chillax. I want to show you something.”


“You are straight up tripping. This is the last time I am riding in this damn ghetto mobile. This damn things sit to high off the ground. I have to literally jump in and jump out.” He says as he jumps out of the car. They walk up to the front door and Dre pulls an eviction notice down from his door. He then looks at Kiko.

“This is the reason I need fast money man. I am about to lose everything. Working for my money the legal way just aint getting me my money fast enough. I don’t want loans from you. I am my own man and will make my own ends meet.”


“Look, I just want to get home, into the safety of my own home. Can we please hurry this up?”


“You always bitching about something.” Dre opens his door and Kiko follows Dre inside. Suddenly Lauren walks out from the back room.


“I think I got a contact from that drug stick you smoked in the car. I am now seeing things.”


“No you not bruh, it’s the real thing. Lauren isn’t dead. We faked her death. This was a set up.”

Lauren, smilingldkvna.jpg

“Hi Kiko.”

Next Time on S.T.E.A.M.:

Bryan Jr’s paternity test results are revealed!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Good episode. I like the scene, with DC at the morgue, very well written. I was wondering how Mrs. Jenkins was connected to Patterson, it's a nice twist that she's her mother. Ria's mother and sister seem quite pushy and I know it's going to be fun to see how this story plays out.

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I like the relationship between Kiko and Dre. I still hate that Dre murdered a pregnant Lauren.

I love Madea and Sister Patterson. They add good fun to reading STEAM.

A slower episode but not a bad one at all. I feel like I know more about S.T.E.A.M now.

Keep up the great work! :)

I am taking notes from you. I plan to add more of this kind of drama, sex, and action to steam up FTL. :)

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This was a slower episode. I had to set up other stories and characters. I can't rely on Mona/Sister Pat and Sabryn vs Ashley.

My writing style is "in your face" I am always going to have that oneplot or character that will make people say" I can't belive it"

I am so glad u are learning STEAM more and even more glad that some one like as matt calls them set 2 of the Bro Hoes.

lauren isn't dead. At the very end she revealed herself to be alive and that Dre and Lauren faked her death. DOnt know if u caught that or not

It thrills me anytime I get to write Sister Patterson in an episdoe. I know I am in for a good laugh. Sister Pat won't always be funny. SHE HAS SOME BIG SH!T COMING UP!!!!

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~ Oh yes. I caught that but forgot to add it!

I type some comments as I go along so I don't forget them. So I wrote that beginning part before I read she was alive. I forgot to edit that one.

I can't believe she is alive. This leads to more questions. But a good surprise. :)

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Did Lauren get plastic surgery to look like someone else because if that's the case then I might like her and be happy that she's alive. When I read the ending I was like "damn...why isn't she dead?" Then again is anyone really dead in any soap opera for that matter?

I'm hoping that Jasmine will give Ria a run for her slutty money. She obviously has the mouth but does she have that whorey aspect that Patti has unknowingly created? Maybe they'll both vie for the affection of Kiko because the only pus he seems to be getting is his own but that's because he's dealing with his bro ho! Though he's so unlike any of them and that's why I like him.

I'm rooting for LaDonna if there's a LaDonna/Karim/Alexis love triangle. Alexis is kind of pathetic but that leads to desperation which equals entertainment.

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Very well done... Little bit in the slow side coming from STEAM! But the drama was real, and alive... I really did enjoy it - First of, talking about brotherly love, there's DC mealtdown at the morgue looking down on his dead brother, saying somewaht goodbye, to DRE and KIKo strangely bond - in the most unlike situation ever.

Dre reveals Lauren's being alive to him, which mean Kiko will plays major part keeping his secret, which could mean two things, Bringing them closer topgether, and pushing them even farther, either way... Can't wait to see how this playout, and if Danny boy is in that little secret... WHich I can't he shouldn't know....

Patti/Ria/Jasmine... That's a Triangle I am most interesting on see how it will play out... First of, this scene was just beautiful, and it flows nicely, right from Victoria's alley... Big Big Big Secret... It would be funny if Jasmine turn out to Ria's daughter... LOL!

HELL NO!!!!!! Miss Jerkins is crazy Pat's mother... Where's my holy water when I need it!

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Thank u so much Durand. Your comment mean a lot to me. I am really trying to deepen these characters and I AM SO GLAD SOME ONE SEES THAT. I am also making steam more emotional.

Thank u for commenting on Dre and Kiko I am really on working on there brotherly love and thank u for realizing that story.

Thank u again for realizing Ria has a story. A big one at that.

Durand thank u so much, I was getting worried for a bit by some of the comments and but u gave me hope. I am working so hard on STEAM this season and I was starting to think it was in vane. Thanks for seeing the bigger picture.

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