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Episode 110



Thanksgiving is celebrated in Springfield....

Cross Creek:

Billy and Vanessa are hosting at their house.
Billy kisses her, "Happy Thanksgiving Darlin'."
She grins, "Oh Happy Thanksgiving."
Bill walks down with baby HB, "Looks who's up for his first Thanksgiving."
Vanessa walks over to the baby, "Oh look at Grandma's big boy!"
Bill sighs, "Yeah I just wish Ava could be here to see this."
Vanessa nods, "I know you do. But that's why we take pictures. When Ava wakes up we can fill her in on all of this."
Josh walks over, "Everyone ready for some turkey?"
Billy smiles, "I know I am!"
There is a knock at the door.
Josh walks to the door, "I'll get it."
He opens the door.
Reva walks in, "I'm here!"
Vanessa hugs her, "Oh Reva! I'm so glad to see you. Another woman to talk to. You know Mindy is at the Bauer's this year."
Reva sighs, "Well Marah should be here soon. I hope she comes I know my family isn't too happy with me."
Vanessa sighs, "Well I don't care. It's Thanksgiving and we all should be togehter. Come on with me into the kitchen."
Billy walks over to Josh, "You know Little Brother you can't be mad at Reva forever."
Josh turns to Billy, "I wish you were right. But some lies cause to much damage to just be swept under the rug."
Josh walks away.


Sarah is sleeping on her bed.
Liz just sits there watching her.
Aubrey walks in, "Liz. Do you think you could let her nap."
Liz turns to her, "I'm not bothering her I'm just watching her."
Aubrey sighs, "Okay but she'll wake up and see you staring at her. It'll scare the heck out of her."
Liz gets up and walks over to Aubrey, "Don't you dare tell me how to take care of my daughter."
Jonathan walks over and walks the women out of the room, "Can we tone down the drama. I know a lot is going on. But it's Thanksgiving. Let's just put it all aside and put on happy faces for Sarah."
Liz sighs, "I told my family that I was out of town. They still don't know I found you. And I told my Dad not to tell my Grandfather about you and Sarah. I know how dangerous you think it is."
Jonathan nods, "Well good. Now Aubrey made us a nice meal."
Liz scoffs, "Well I'm doing dessert. I have a pie in the oven. It's cherry."
Jonathan sighs, "Well there's gonna be a lot of it."
Liz turns to him, "What do you mean?"
Jonathan looks at her, "I don't like cherries. Neither does Sarah. But that's not your fault. You didn't know."
Liz gets frustrated, "Okay well I only made them for her! I don't even eat sweets. Does anyone eat cherries."
Aubrey slowly raises her hand.
Liz tries to smack her but Jonathan stops her.
Liz pulls away and runs out of the room crying.
Jonathan goes after her.

Mel's House:

Mel is having her family over. Alan Michael is inviting his family over as well.
The Spauldings can't celebrate in the mansion this year thanks to Cassandra and Edmund.
Remy walks over to Mel, "You need help with anything?"
Mel shakes her head, "No. I think I got it covered. Why don't you go mingle with everyone?"
Remy scoffs, "I don't mingle with Spauldings. I don't understand why we have to spend the holiday with those monsters."
Mel sighs, "Those monsters are Alan Michael's family."
Remy sits, "I just wish I could see Blake today. I haven't talked to her in weeks."
Mel walks over to her brother, "I know it's tough but maybe it's for the best. You and Blake were just too different."
Remy sighs, "I don't know Mel. I just don't feel like it's over with us."
Across the room Phillip sits with Beth, "Have you heard from Lizzie today?"
Beth shakes her head, "No and I'm worried. She has to be in shock still from the news about Jonathan and Sarah. Which I still believe we should share with Alan."
Phillip shakes his head, "My father is a sick man. We can't let him in on this."
Just then all eyes turn to the door.
Alan and Natalia walk in with their new baby boy.
The two parents have big smiles on their faces.


Buzz is setting the table.
Lucy walks over, "This all looks really good."
Buzz smiles, "Well thank you. I'm glad to have you and your brother here for the holidays for a change."
Rocky smiles, "Well we're glad to be here."
Lucy looks around, "Where's Harley?"
Buzz looks, "I don't know. She's been preocupied latley. I don't know I'm not sure if she's gotten over Gus yet."
Outside Harley is making out with Cyrus.
He grins, "God I've missed spending time with you."
She looks at him, "I know. It's just I have to be with my children now."
Cyrus kisses her, "I know but why do we have to keep this a secret?"
She sighs, "It's just... you have a past. Your Guillespie's brother and Marina's ex. Marina has a lot going on with Danny's death. We just can't put this on her now."
Upstairs Marina sits crying.
She is covered in tears, "Oh Danny.... we were supposed to spend our fist Thanksgiving together...."
She can't stop crying.
Just then she hears a voice, "Now look at my little Granddaughter all grown up."
Marina turns her head in shock, "Oh my God.... Grandma?"
Marina sees a vision of her deceased Grandmother Nadine.

Bauer Home:

Rick and Mindy are getting the food ready.
Michelle is holding some pans in her hands.
Ed walks over, "Honey are you alright?"
She shakes her head, "I'm supposed to make the pies... I always make the pies. Mom used to make the pies but now I make them.... I just can't remember the recipe."
Ed sighs, "Well I think it's written down somewhere."
She nods, "I know that... but I have it memorized so..."
Robbie and Hope are sitting at the table.
Michelle looks over at them.
She knows how hard it is to celebrate the holidays after a parent dies.
She feels tears building up.
Ed puts his hand on her shoulder, "Why don't you just go upstairs and rest for a moment. I'll get everything set up."
She nods, "Thank you Daddy."
She runs up the stairs.
Rick walks over, "Is she okay?"
Ed sighs, "No. She just doesn't want to talk about it. But I know that when you spouse dies.... you need to grieve or it's going to drive you mad."
Upstairs Michelle falls to her bed crying, "Oh Danny!!! No!!!"
She is sobbing on her pillow.
She then hears a voice, "I knew you weren't crying over my pie recipe."
Michelle turns in shock, "Mommy?"
Maureen's vision smiles at Michelle.

Malah House:

Mallet and Dinah are setting the table.
Maureen walks over to Dinah, "You need to sit down. You could go into labor at any minute."
Dinah smiles, "Oh your sweet. But don't worry I'll be fine."
Dinah sits down.
Mallet walks over, "Are you okay? Can I get you anything?"
Dinah shakes her head, "No nothing. We are hosting Thanksgiving in our own beautiful home. We have our family with us. What more could I possibly ask for?"
Mallet kisses her.
Blake walks in, "Happy Thanksgiving everyone."
Mallet hugs her, "Happy Thanksgiving Blake. You hungry?"
She nods, "Oh yes! I am starving.
Clarissa walks over to Dinah, "When is the baby supposed to be coming?"
Dinah smiles, "Any day now. Little Anthony is going to be here."
Jason sits down, "Well I'm happy for you guys you really deserve this Dinah. Dad would be happy for you too."
Dinah hugs him.
Kevin walks in, "Hey... you look great Dinah."
Dinah smiles, "Well have a seat. We're about to start eating."
Kevin sits next to his Mom."
Clarissa is taking pictures of everything.
Dinah smiles, "What's that?"
Clarissia grins, "My camera! I got it a few weeks ago."
Blake laughs, "Clarissa can't stop taking pictures. That's all she does now."
Dinah looks at the pictures on the camera.
She stops at a picture.
Clarissa looks over, "Oh that's me with my friend Belinda."
Blake nods, "That's Gus and Harley's adopted daughter."
Dinah stares, "There's just something about her face.... I don't know what it is."
Dinah has no idea she is looking at a picture of her own daughter!


Mel's House:
Everyone walks over to Natalia and Alan.
Natalia holds her baby.
Rafe walks over, "Hey Mom."
She hugs him, "You want to hold your brother?"
Rafe shakes his head, "Nah. I'll let you hold onto him."
Mel grins, "Oh he's beautiful. What did you name him?"
Natalia grins, "Everyone I'd like you to meet Alan Rivera Spaulding."
Everyone smiles at the little baby.
Across the room Gus is staring, "Great Alan Jr."
Olivia walks over to him, "Oh is someone bitter? Well I don't like Alan being in Natalia's life either but it's all your fault."
Gus scoffs, "What are you doing here anyways?"
Olivia sighs, "Bill is getting Emma for the holiday's this year. So Mel invited me over here."
Gus shakes his head, "Looking to get your claws in some new unsuspecting fella?"
She grins, "Oh no. I'm not going to fall for some dumb hero anytime soon."
Olivia walks away.
Felicia walks over to her son Remy, "You don't look happy."
Remy shakes his head, "Natalia. She looks happy now. But she is tied to Alan for the rest of her life. And I have to watch this happen all over again."
Felicia looks at him, "Is that all? Something tells me that you are missing Blake?"
He nods, "Of course I am. She is the first woman I ever truley loved and now she is just... she's out of my life and I can't stand it."
Felicia hugs her son.

Cross Creek:
Everyone is seated around the table.
Emma is helping feed little HB.
Bill smiles, "I must be the luckiest guy in the world. I got the best children."
Emma hugs him, "I just wish Ava could be here."
He nods, "I do too sweetheart."
Vanessa looks around the table, "I think it's time we all took a moment to think about the people in this town who don't get to have a happy thanksgiving. We all know right now the Bauer's are having a difficult time. They are in our prayers."
Bill stops to think about Michelle. Possibly the best friend he has ever had.
He has been upset about Ava being in a coma while Michelle just lost the love of her life.
Life just doesn't seem fair sometimes.
Marah walks in, "Hey everyone."
Josh gets up and hugs her, "Hey there's one of my beautiful children. Your brother is spending Thanksgiving with the Coopers. Marina's had a rough time with everything."
Marah nods, "I know I'm gonna swing by there later."
Marah sits next to her father and doesn't even look at her mother

Harley walks inside.
Buzz turns to her, "Where have you been?"
She gets nervous, "Huh? Oh... I was just going for walk."
Buzz smiles, "Well it's good to have you here."
Harley hugs him.
Lucy walks over, "The kids are helping Shayne in the kitchen. You should see how cute they all work."
Harley grins, "I missed them while I was gone. I thought about them every day."
Buzz sighs, "I wish you had more luck with Susan."
Harley nods, "I know I wish I had too. But you know I two sons. My two new daughters. I still have a lot to keep me busy. And I want to help Marina get through all of this."
Upstairs Marina stares at the angel of her Grandmother, "Grandma? What are you... Is this for real?"
Nadine nods, "Yes it is. Oh look at you. Your so beautiful. You get that from your mother."
Marina cries, "I don't understand... why are you here?"
Nadine smiles, "I'm here for you baby. Marina you have a lot going on right now. And I want you to be prepared."
Marina sighs, "I think it's too late to prepare me."
Nadine shakes her head, "Oh baby... there is more going on then you even know."
Marina is confused.

Aubrey is furious that Liz is getting to Jonathan.
She is afraid of their connection.
She gets ready to go join them in them outside when her cell phone rings.
She stops to answer.
Outside Liz is crying.
Jonathan walks over to her, "I'm sorry Lizzie."
She shakes her head, "Sarah doesn't even remember me! Aubrey is her mother now! I'm just some woman who she doesn't even know."
Jonathan sits with Liz, "Listen... Sarah knows that Aubrey isn't her biological mother."
Liz is confused, "What?"
He sighs, "I have told her that she has another mother. She just doesn't know much."
Liz scoffs, "What did you tell her it was Tammy?"
He shakes his head, "No Tammy is her Guardian Angel. She is watching over her everywhere she goes. I never told Sarah all about her biological mother. But maybe it's time she knew."
Liz scoots closer to him, "Do you think she'll.... like me?"
He nods, "I think she will."
Lis stares into his eyes for a moment.
Aubrey interupts, "Jon... we need to talk."
Liz jumps up, "Is Sarah okay?"
Aubrey shakes her head, "That was the doctor..."
Liz is confused, "Sarah's doctor? What?"
Aubrey shakes her head, "No my doctor... we were right Jon. I'm pregnant."
Jonathan and Liz are in shock.

Bauer Home:
Michelle looks at her mother's angel, "Mommy! Oh my God!"
Maureen smiles, "Oh Baby you know I hate seeing you hurt like this."
Michelle cries, "I haven't hurt like this since..."
Maureen nods, "I know Baby. But you are so strong. You will get through this. You'll be there for my little Grandchildren."
Michelle sobs, "I want to so bad.... but I just don't know how I'm supposed to go on without Danny..."
Maureen sighs, "Well you need to keep your eyes open. Because there are people who you've known your whole life that you'll need now more than ever."
Michelle nods, "Your talking about Rick and Daddy right?"
Maureen sighs, "Actually Darling I'm not."
Michelle becomes very confused.
Downstairs Ed takes the kids into the livingroom.
Rick and Mindy work in the kitchen.
She kisses him, "It's great to be a part of your family Rick. I mean I know I have my own and I love them but... two families is something nice."
He grins, "Well I'm glad your here. I don't know if I could have got through these last weeks without you."
She nods, "I know it's difficult with Penelope's birthday but remember it's the anniversary of the day I returned to Springfield... sort of.'
Rick laughs, "How should we celebrate?"
She smiles, "I was thinking about having some fun. I got a nice outfit I wanted to show you. It's out in my car."
She goes out to her car.
Rick is cleaning in the kitchen.
He hears a knock at the door.
He walks over, "Back so soon?" he opens the door and stares in shock, "My God.... Roxie Shayne?"
Roxie smiles, "Hello Rick. It's been a long time."
Rick is shocked to see his ex girlfriend.

Malah House:
Dinah keeps staring at the picture of Belinda, "She's very pretty. She looks like someone but I can't put my finger on it."
Clarissa glances, "You know she kind of looks like..."
Mallet walks in, "Turkey's ready."
Everyone smiles.
Dinah grins, "Oh Babe it looks great!"
He sits it down, "Today is gonna be the best Thanksgiving ever."
Blake smiles, "Thank you both for having me in your home. This is really something that I've been looking forward too. I think it's times like these where you really remember that family is the most important thing."
Dinah looks at her, "We're glad to have you here Blake."
Blake looks at everyone, "Ross would be so proud. Clarissa you've grown up to be such a great young woman. Jason you are so much like your father. Now Kevin you are more like me. But you still have your father's big heart. Dinah... your father would love to see the woman you turned out to be and what a great mother you'll be to his Granddaughter."
Dinah tears up, "Thank you Blake."
Mallet smiles.
Dinah has a strange look on her face.
Maureen worries, "Is everything alright?"
Dinah whispers, "Water..."
Kevin gets up, "Water? I'll get some."
Dinah shakes her head, "No!"
Mallet walks over, "Babe what is it?"
She looks up, "My water broke!"
Everyone is in shock.

Dinah gives birth!
Rick catches up with Roxie
Marina talks to Nadine
Michelle talks to her mother
The Lewises try to get along
Alan surprises Natalia
Liz and Aubrey argue


Recommended Comments

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Damn this show should be called All My Children I swear. So many babies driving the stories

Dinah and her child

No Aubrey pregant, but I think it's a ploy to keep Liz away from Jonathen.

This was a nice episode.

I love the spirits talking to Marah and Mariana but I got a feeling they got more heartbreak coming to them

And poor remy. DOn't worry Remy, greener pastures are coming to u baby. lol

Roxie is very sexxy and when did u cast Montel Williams on ur show and what made u choose him? I could see a romance with them. I loved Josh's and Reva intro scene

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Oh yes Family is big on FTL.

Aubrey and Jonathan's relationship is going to go through a lot in these next months

The messages from Maureen and Nadine to Michelle and Marina are strong forshadowing. It'll make so much sense as time goes on.

Montel Williams is Chandler who is working with Reva to find Annie.

Months ago GL cast Montel to play Remy's father. Which sounded like a good idea so I almost did the same but I felt that I should give him a new role and one that had more potential to be front burner.

As time goes on we will see much more of him. He is going to be one of our leading men.

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