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Who's the Momma? Episode102!



Huntington Memorial Hospitalbig_hospital_pic.jpg

Daniel walks over to the nurses station and asks to see Lauren. Dr. Diego Serrano walks over to him.


“You’re here for Lauren ?”


“Yes Serrano. I received a phone call saying was shot.”


“She’s brain dead. We have her on life support. She’s not going to be able to come back from this.”


“What about the baby? Can you save the baby?”


“The baby won’t make it either. It will be up to you to say when we can pull the plug.”

Daniel, a little overwhelmed, voice fades in and out,

“Can I see her?”


“Of course.”

Daniel walks into the room where he sees his fiancée, Lauren, laying in the hospital bed. He walks over to her with tears in his eyes. He caresses her cold and pale face.jyrs.jpg

“I can’t believe this is happening!. I…can….not…believe it! Why!? How is it that God didn’t let me be the blessing that you deserve? I promised him I was going to be good to you. It’s too late. It’s always the fu(k too late.” Daniel gets angry and pounds his fist on the table.

“Who did this to you?…I am so sorry Lauren…… I don’t want to live without you. It’s because of you I am alive. I would have raised this child like it was my own. I’d give my life to have either of you two here. You were the one who got me through Mona’s torture chamber. The love I feel for you kept me hanging on to hope…. And this precious baby. The last part of Chris gone. Thanks to Mona. I bet she did this to you. “ His mind goes blank as he looks up into Lauren’s face.

“Why did you have to leave me Lauren? Why did God do this to you? Why didn’t he take me? Is this my punishment? Is this what I deserve? Not having you in my life.” He puts his head back down on her chest as he realizes he’ll never see the love of his life again.


Episode: 102, Who’s the Momma?

Written by ML Cooks with Felicia A. Howard

Lavender Hill,IMG_0042.jpg Sabryn’s MansionPasadena.jpg

images3.jpginfant-baby.jpgSabryn, who was holding Bryan Jr, puts him down when her cell phone rings. She knew who it was, being that she set a special ring tone for Gilbert.

“Hello Gilly? Are you outside?”


“Yes I am. It’s pure madness out here. WABC, Fox, E! MSNBC, Glamour magazine, and The LA Times are all camped outside the front lawn.”

Sabryn, looking out her door panel to see the mass media,

“I’m going to let you in. Hurry up and run in as soon as I open the door.”

Sabryn opens her front door as Gilbert rushes in. Reporters and news crews try to get a word in with Sabryn but she slams the door in their faces.

Sabryn ,walking into her living room as Gilbert follows,

“I don’t think it will ever stop.”


“About it tell me. It’s just one thing after another. Where’s Bryan?”

Sabryn, getting tensed up,

“He’s in the shower.”


“Have you two talked about Ashley?”


“I haven’t said not two words to him. I am on fire with my emotions. I don’t want to say anything I will regret.,,, Are you thirsty or hungry? I can have one of the maids get us something.”


“No I am ok. Listen, I got some financial reports on SG.”


“I know it’s bad considering my brand new wedding line launch was a total flop yesterday.”


“Indeed. SG had everything riding on this wedding yesterday. But it was a complete disaster thanks to Ashley.”


“I know the reporters had a field day with pictures of me and Ashley rolling around in my wedding cake.”


“They did, it’s on the front page of all the major newspapers across the country. Several even took it as far as calling you and Ashley the real-life Krstyle and Alexis off of Dynasty.”


“My life is now being mocked. Great!… What is the financial damage so far?”


“SG stock is now closing at an all time low. Our stock plunged 52 percent at the close of the business day yesterday. And opening shares today are doing no better.”

Sabryn shaking her head in disgust,

“For a long time, outside forces have been controlling my life.”


“I think it’s Bryan. His fling with Ashley has caused you a world of pain on so many levels. I really say you just cut your losses now Sabryn.”


“Easier said then done. I share a child with Bryan now. “ She looks into his eyes.

“Are you telling me this as my best friend, or the person who has romantic feelings for me?”

“Isn’t this interesting?” They both hear Bryan say as he walks down the stairs.


“You have feelings for my fiancée Gilbert?”

Sabryn, jumping off the couch,

“Don’t you dare come down here and question people. You have a child with Ashley for goodness sake.”


“Don’t say that. We don’t know what is going on. We don’t even know if its really Ashley, let alone if that’s my child she has.”

Sabryn, breaking into tears,

“This is too much for me Bryan! Why does this relationship have to hurt me so bad? Why do I always get the short end of the stick? I am sick and tired of this. You slept with that low class skank over a year a go and the ramifications are still being felt to this very day. This very moment. What did I do to deserve all of this Bryan? I want you to tell me.”


“Honey, just calm down. Wait until we get proof of who this woman really is. I don’t believe it’s Ashley. I ran her over. There’s no way she could have survived something like that, let alone have a child on top of it. It’s just some sick game somebody is playing.”


“It’s too late to wait. The damage has been done. The entire country and the world for that matter had a front row seat to our disastrous wedding yesterday. My company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Why am I going through all of this by myself? Why is nothing happening to you? You are the one who cheated and yet me and our son has to pay. Bryan Jr will have to grow up and bear witness to your foolishness.” She slaps him, letting her emotions get the better of her. Then they hear a pounding on the door.

“Open up! It’s Ashley. Bryan, your son needs to meet his father and he needs some baby wipes. Come on and open up this door!”

Bryan looks at Sabryn.


“The cheap Bitch has the nerve to show her hideous face on my door step.” Bryan Jr begins crying and Sabryn walks over to the crib and picks him up and holds him, looking at Bryan.


“Let her in. Let’s solve this mess. I hope God gives me the force not to kill this Bitch. I hate her with every fiber in me.”

Bryan opens the door and in walks Ashley with her Bryan Jr in a stroller. big1.jpgShe sees Sabryn and can tell she is upset. Ashley decides to rub salt in the wound.


“Looks like we are going to be one big blissful family Sabryn. Who would have guessed it?” She says smirking at Sabryn. Sabryn just rolls her eyes, still rocking BJ in her arms.

Downtown Pasadena, Pasadena City Jail12824943_551f054d6c.jpg

Sister Patterson, along with her two sons walk up to a sergeant.


“Yes Sister Patterson?”


“I want my husband and I want him now! Where is he?”


“We’ve been paging him all night and we have not heard nothing yet.”


“That’s not like pops.”


“I’ll try calling his cell phone again.”

Sister Paterson

“Well I want to see the woman that was brought in here last night. She was acting a damn fool in my God’s house. I got something for her though.” Sister Patterson pulls out her bible and her Holy water.

“I am armed and ready to do the work that needs to be done. I got my third eye and we are ready for the battle field of sin.”

Kevin, clearing his throat,

“Let’s not forget about you and DC.”

Sister Patterson

“Don’t talk to me like that boy! I am still your mother. This isn‘t about me right now!”

Sergeant, not wanting the sister to get loud and cause a scene, leads her to the prisoner. Mona walks up to the bars that separate her from her family.jailcell.jpg Kevin and Karim really look at her and wonder how could a woman do so many heinous crimes.

Sister Patterson, pointing her long fingernail in Mona’s face,

“Uhm hmm. Now look, I am only going to say what I have to say the only way I know how to. I only know how to speak the truth. My third eye and I have 3 simple words for you. ……..Who are you?”


“I’m your daughter.”

Sister Patterson, acting as if she is about to faint putting her hand on her forehead,

“Lord Have Mercy, the devil is a lair.”


“How? Then what Sharan told me is true? Did my father really makes us all believe you were dead?”


“Yes that sick son of a bitch did!”

Sister Patterson throws holy water on her daughter,

“Thou shall not sin. Don’t talk about my husband like that!”

Mona, wiping her face,

“Some husband. I know Abe was not my father. He told me. He told me his brother was. Don.”

Karim , looking at his sister getting closer to the bars of separation,

“How do you know all of this?”

Kevin, looking at his mother,

“Ma is this true?”

Sister Patterson

“Lord have mercy. This can’t be happening. Could you be my baby girl?” She says wiping tears from her eyes.

“My third eye is telling me you are speaking the truth. But I know my God wouldn’t do this to me. Lord why did he do this to you? Lord, wait till Miss Jenkins find out.”

Karim and Kevin both roll their eyes at the mentioning of Miss Jenkins.


“Here we go.”


“I know who Miss Jenkins is.”

Kevin, Karim and especially Sister Patterson look at Mona in shock.


“Say what?”


“Miss Jenkins is real?”


“I know everything. I’ve been watching my family for a while.”


“Right, you were the one who were stalking me and Sharan then you kidnapped Sharan! Why?!”


“ Just look at her. She’s every black man’s dream. But she’s mine now. I love her.”

Sister Patterson, falling back into Karim’s arms,

“Lord!…Lord.....Oh God NO!!!. Lesbianism. My baby girl is a gay. Lord No. Don’t do this to me. Where is Abe damn it? He needs to be here. He needs to answer all of this. What is happening to my third eye? It didn‘t see none of this!”


“Abe has already answered for his crimes. You won’t be talking to him no time soon.”


“What the hell are you talking about?”

Kevin, grabbing the bars and yelling at her,

“What did you to our pops?”

Then the sergeant walks up to the Williams family.

“I’m sorry but I have some horrible news. A few of my officers found Abe’s body.”


“Found his body…..? What does that mean? Is my pops ok?”


“I’m sorry, but Abe was found dead.” Sister Patterson faints as Mona smiles. Kevin and Karim look at Mona in disbelief. Their whole family has been turned upside down.

The Blue Notebluenote.jpg

Daniel grabs a seat next to Mike at the bar.


“Looks like we are two mourning souls about to get drunk.”


“It looks that way. I am not even going to ask how you are doing. I read the newspaper this morning and read about Lauren. I am so sorry.”


“ I am regretful for you too. I heard about Jodie.” Daniel orders whatever is on tap.

Mike, taking a sip

“Why us? What did we do to deserve this man?”


“Well see, Jodie, and Lauren died two different ways. Lauren was shot. And now she’s brain dead. I want to know who in the hell did that to her. She was pregnant for Fu(k’s sake. She was carrying Chris’s baby. This baby was going to carry on Chris’s spirit. He died for nothing. Thanks to Mona. I bet she is the one who shot her. Before she showed up at the church.”


“The church? Mona is in town?”


“Yes that crazy nut is. I would have killed her had it not been for Sister Patterson jumping on me. She is purely crazy. I see where Mona gets it from.”


“I have to agree that Sister Patterson is not the sharpest tool in the shed.” They toast up on that one.


“You know, I am really having a hard time trying to put together a funeral for Jodie.”


“I can’t even bring myself to get around to doing something like that. It’s like I just saw Jodie. We were supposed to meet up Sabryn and Bryan’s wedding. I just proposed to her. I mean I just got Lauren back in my life and now’s she’s been ripped from it again. Forever.”

Daniel then gets a phone call. He answers it.

“Are you sure?…. Don’t we have anymore time?….. I understand.” Daniel hangs up his phone and finishes the rest of his beer in one swallow.


“Is everything ok?”


“The hospital pulled the plug on Lauren’s life support. It’s official. She’s gone. “


“I feel your pain. I was throwing a surprise birthday party for Jodie, but when I showed up, she was already gone.” He says, getting choked up. He takes a sip of his beer.


“I just had a thought. Why don’t we plan Lauren and Jodie’s funeral together. It will make it easier for us to get through it. We are going through the same thing.”


“You’re right. We can get Sister Patterson to help.”


“Sounds great. Two great woman, Gone forever.” Just then, Mike’s cell phone rings. He pulls it out his pocket and answers it.


“Is this Michael Dietz?”

“It is who’s calling?”

“Mayor Ray Nagin. Mike we have a crisis on our hands and I need to speak with you right away.”


“You want to speak to me about it?”


“Yes I do. Abe has been found dead and a city wide crisis is looming. Their has been a crime wave here in Pasadena and I need you help.”


“Ok sir, I’ll be down at city hall in thirty minutes.” Mike then hangs up the phone.


“City hall? What’s going on?”


“Abe was found dead.”


“Everybody is dying. What the hell is going on?”


“Mayor Nagin wants to talk with me. I’ll keep you updated. I got a feeling he wants me to join the police force again. I may need your help. Too many crimes here in Pasadena have gone unanswered for.”


“You’re right on about that one. I know just where to start, Mona and Tyler.”


“My thoughts exactly. And that’s why I will need your help. I’ll be in touch.” Mike leaves. Daniel keeps sipping on his beer.

“I will find out who killed you Lauren, and I promise you I will make them pay!”

Back on Lavender Hill, Sabryn’s Mansion

Bryan, taking control of the situation before things get out of hand.


“Don’t start nothing Ashley. I think you have done enough. We want some answers.”


“I sat in jail because of you. You were alive this whole damn time! Even your own sister Alexis sat in jail for your supposed death.”


“Well, I am sorry for the inconvenience. But I am here and alive and I bore Bryan a son.” She looks at Bryan.

“Come meet Bryan Jr.”


“Bryan Jr? No ............no, that’s my son’s name.”


“My son is older and it’s on his birth certificate. So I guess my son gets to keep his name.”


“I can’t believe this. It keeps getting worse.”

Bryan looks at Ashley’s son,

“He does have my facial features. He looks like Bryan Jr too.”


“You mean your son with Sabryn? Isn’t it ironic that both your sons have the same name.”


“I’ll say. And you just knew when to tell us all about it. At my wedding huh? I bet this was all set up! “


“No it was no set up. Thanks to Dr. Serrano and his health facility in the Bahamas, I was nursed back to health. At the time I was runned down, I was already with child. Thanks to Diego and his excellent team of doctors, I was able to survive with Bryan’s child.”


“Well isn’t that all so convenient?”


“Is is Sabryn? I did not asked to be mowed down by Bryan.”


“Correction, Alexis was driving a u haul truck during that dark and stormy night that rammed into the back of Sabryn’s car. It does sound like a set up. You were being to nice back at the hospital thank to your physical attack on Sabryn, waving the white flag. Even Sabryn told me it was too good to be true. I bet you and Alexis had this planned from day one huh?”


“Such a vivid imagination. Did I ask mother nature to make it rain?”


“Then why where you at Bryan’s house that night of the storm? Standing in the rain no less.”


“I had forgot some expensive lingerie at Bryan’s house and I wanted to get it back.”


“I bet your broke ass did.”


“Grow up Sabryn. You would think mother hood would have changed you but I see it has not. You’re still that bitter bitch with a smart ass mouth. By the way, I had fun rolling around in that cake getting your million dollar dressed ruined. Did you see the papers? We look so good on the covers, covered up in cake.”

Sabryn, putting her son back down in the crib,

“There she goes Bryan! That’s the sh!t I am talking about. I can’t deal with this.”

Bryan, walking over to stand in between the ladies before the claws come out so soon again,

“There is no way I am going to believe this is my child with out a paternity test. This could be more trickery your trying to pull.” He says looking at Ashley.


“I have no problem with that. Shall we go now?”

Then, they hear another pounding at the door.


“Who the hell is it now?”

3128734.jpg“Natalia! Let me in. I need my baby!”

Ashley is taken aback. Her face begins to get warmer. She wonders if Natalia knows that she stole her baby.


“What the hell is that extreme Bitch talking about?”

Bryan, also confused,

“Did she say her baby?”


“Yes she did. Should I open the door?”


“Why the hell not? The more the merrier I suppose.” Gilbert opens the door and in barges Natalia. She sees Ashley and walks over to her.


“Natalia, what the hell are you doing here?”


“Ashley has my baby and I would like my son back.”


“Have you lost your mind? This is my son!”


“Diego told me everything. You stole my son from me and I want him back now!” Sabryn and Bryan are stunned! Ashley wonders how she is going to get out of this one.

Bryan wonders if this is true, and if it is, is it his child with Natalia, which would mean Sabryn is about to find out he slept with another one of her arch enemies, Natalia!

Next time on S.T.E.A.M.:

Lauren’s Killer is revealed!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

OMG! Daniel's scenes were so sad! Poor Lauren! I could really feel his pain. So tragic.

Boy do I love Ashley. ML do you think you could give me some background on her?

Sister Patterson rocks! Her scenes are always fun. I kept waiting for her to realize her daughter was gay. I enjoyed her reaction.

I loved the Brian/Ashley/Sabryn scenes. Very good. And I didn't even expect Natalia to show up. Very good! The next episode should be great!

BTW great locations pics. It all looks so beautiful!

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OMG!!!!! This is like cleaning house in Pasadena...... Great episode man... Love it!!!! Things are moving very fast... How many more characters are you going to cut!!!! and I see Sabryn has a new face - wow!!!!!

Very good... Can't to see who killed Lauren - Now you can have a threesome Funeral!!!! Too Funny...

Lot of dramas....

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Thank you guys for the warm comments. They are such motivaters. I am glad you guys are enjoying it. I am working really hard on the series this season. Towards the end of the 2nd, Things fell apart I belive and I am trying to repair STEAM and recenter it and I hope it pays off.

Durand, some actors weren't clicking and I needed to recast. I know it was a lot of changes but I wanted to do them all at one time to get them out the way. I think the cast will be pretty steady fromhere on out.

Jay, Good ol Ashley huh? When the show pemired, she was sleeping with bryan. Bryan told her he had a twin named Ryan. The truth was exposed by abryn, Bryan's true love. Bryan ended things with with Ash and she went crazy and has been crazy ever since. Her sister is Alexis and Ash's time before Pasadena is unkown at this time, but you given me a story idea. Hope this was good enough.

So good to see most of the SONOP'er's backin action. Feels like old times. We just need a series from Durand

Thanks for reading

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Daniel's scene with Lauren were very touching but the whole time I kept thinking...she played you the whole time. She gave up hope when you were "alive" and went from guy to guy. Daniel is one of my favorite characters but he comes off as very vulnerable at times. Most of the guys do...well at least the ones that slept with Lauren...all seem to have a sweet spot for Lauren. (Thought it was still a good scene to read.)

About time Mona revealed who she really was to Mama Patterson. Let's face it, both girls aren't right in the head. Screw physical genes, they both have the same messed up emotional genes. Abe was killed because for his sins and it's going to be interesting to see how the rest of the family will react. Will this make the Bro Hoes get drunk and screw a skank? It's looking so!

I was waiting for a slap across the face from Sabryn and Ashley but I'm sure love sick Gil would've probably helped also. He so needs to stand up to Bryan and admit how he feels for Sab. Look out because Nat's going to be giving everyone in the town a verbal knockdown.

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lauren was lost and confused when she got with Chris and kevin. though she has slept with 3 men huh. I think she is up there with Ria. I loved ur comment with the crazy ladies, patterson and Mona.

Sorry bout the recasted role of Sab. I think it will be better in the long run.

The Williams family have so much to ift through and their pain is not done. THeir are more secrets out there.

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