Episode 108
Kendall OR Greenlee...
51 members have voted
Tragic day in Springfield.....


Michelle and her children sit with Danny in his room.
They are trying to find a way to say goodbye to him.
Michelle hugs her children, "Just talk to him for a little bit. Just tell him how you feel."
Robbie walks over. He is fighting tears, "I promise I'll take care of Mom and Hope. I won't let anything happen to them. I love you!"
Robbie cries.
Hope has tears in her eyes, "i'm sorry for when I was a bad girl."
Michelle shushes her, "No. Don't be sorry baby."
Michelle takes Hope over to Danny.
Hope leans in and gives her Daddy a kiss on the head.
Danny whispers, "I love you. My babies."
The children walk out of the room.
Michelle sits with Danny, "Hey. I know we have so much to say to each other but the dcotors are telling me that there isn't that much time. But... I just don't know how to say goodbye."
Danny can't move but looks over to her, "I love you Michelle. I love you with all of my heart."
She sobs, "Danny you are the one true love of my life. And I don't know what to do without you."
He looks into her eyes, "I will always be with you. I promise you."
She nods, "I promise that no matter what I will always love you forever and ever. Danny Santos you are my husband forever."
She leans down and gives him a kiss.


Liz walks up to the hosue.
It's practically finished.
All it needs it the finishing touches.
It doesn't even look like the same house that Cassie burned down last year.
Colin complelety changed it.
Unfortunatly Liz has no plans to move in anytime soon.
She is holding a picture of Sarah, "I'm so sorry baby. I love you. But I don't know where to find you."

Colin walks up behind her, "Hello Liz."
She turns to him, "Okay you need to get out of my sight right now."
Colin sighs, "I deserve to be scolded I know."
She shakes her head, "I can't stand to be around you!"
He walks towards her, "Listen I have something very important to tell you Liz. I know it's gonna be hard to believe but I want you to know."
She sighs, "Unless you know where I can find my daughter I really don't want to hear what you have to say."
He shakes his head, "I won't lie to you again. I have no idea where Sarah is. But I need you to help me with something."
She scoffs, "Why the hell would I help you. You sick son of a bitch?"
He sighs, "I deserve that but I have been given a mission. And I need you to come with me."
She is confused, "Go where with you?"
He sighs, "To the Island of San Cristobal."
She can't believe his request.

Alan sits with Natalia in her room.
She is waking up, "Alan.... Is that you?"
He nods, "Oh yes! Natalia! Doctor! She's awake!"
The doctor comes in, "Hello Ms. Rivera. How are you feeling?"
She sits up, "I don't remember what happened. I was at the building. It collapsed and my... My Baby! Alan where is the baby! Alan tell me you took care of the baby! I want my baby!"
Alan turns to the doctor, "What is the news?"
The doctor sighs, "Detective Cooper did a good job of keeping the baby warm but it was very cold out. The baby has some lung damamge and his heart beat isn't where we want it to be."
Natalia cries, "No! Please! Save my baby! Please!!!"
Alan walks out with the doctor to discuss the baby.
Natalia climbs out of be but is weak.
She drops to her knees.
She puts her hands together, "Please! Please. I am not trying to question you or your plan but I beg of you. Please save my baby. You can take me. I'll go. But I am begging you to save my baby. Please save my baby!"
Alan rns in, "Natalia!"
He picks her up off of the floor and puts her back into the bed.
Natalia is sobbing, "My baby! Alan we need out baby!"
She cries in his arms.

Harley's House:

Harley is sitting on her couch.
This whole thing has put her life into perspecitve.
Maybe it's time to stop waiting around for things to work out.
Maybe she needs to learn to trust her gut feeling.
There is a noise coming from upstairs.
Harley goes up.
She looks around, "Hello? Is someone there?"
She walks around.
The next thing that happens is Harley gets grabbed and tossed into her room.
The door slams.
The lights are out.
Harley falls to her bed, "Who's there?"
The lights go on.

Susan and Guillespie are standing there.
Harley jumps up, "Susan baby! Oh my God! Your here!"
Susan cries, "I saw you on the news! I can't believe you could have died in that building and it's my fault."
Harley shakes her head, "No it's not! It's his fault."
Guillespie scoffs, "You know what we didn't have to come here. She wanted to check on you."
Harley sighs, "I have to call the police."
Guillespie knocks the phone away, "I don't think so."
Harley scoffs, "Who's gonna stop me?"
Susan aims a gun at her, "You can't call anyone Mom."
Harley stares at the end of the gun.
Michelle is sitting with her children outside the room.
Marina walks into the room.
She is trying to to break.
She walks over, "Hey big guy. Your starting to scare me. I mean I've been here all day. Not to fun you know."
Danny looks at her, "You don't have to be brave for me."
She can't hold in her tears anymore< "Danny! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you. Just like I couldn't save Tammy."
He stares at her, "None of this is your fault. I love you Marina. You could never hurt me."
She looks at him, "Danny... You are the love of my life. We fought so hard to be together when this whole town thought you belonged with Michelle. But you made me feel like I was number 1. I always feel loved when I'm with you. You make me feel safe and secure. I just wanted so badly to get married and have babies with you."
He smiles, "That would have been great."
She cries, "I will never ever forget how you loved me. Thank you for everything that you have given me. You will always be my guy Danny. I don't care what anyone says. You are my love."
She kisses him and stares into his eyes.
A tear runs down his cheek.

Reva Bend:

Reva walks into her livingroom.
She is confused on what to do about the information she now knows.
Does she tell Josh that the woman that got the plastic surgery wasn't really Annie Dutton. That the real Annie is still out there?
Suddenly there is a knock at her door.
Reva is hesitant but answers.

Chandler walks in, "It took you a while."
She sighs, "Well a psychopath is out there who wants to kill me so I hope you can understand why I questioned on opening it."
He nods, "It's good that you are aware but we need to think of someway to keep you safe in case she really does show up one day."
She sighs, "What like a secret knock or something? Listen this is just getting to complicated for me."
He nods, "I know. But we need to make some plans. Annie could be anywhere in this entire world."
Reva sits, "Exactly! I mean she's been out there for over a decade. And she hasn't contacted me once!"
He looks at her, "Don't you want us to be prepared for when she does."
Reva turns to him, "I'm curious. Why are you so set on keeping me safe."
He looks up at her.
Little do they know someone is watching from out in the bushes.
Danny is being wheeled on his bed to another room.
The doctors are trying to make his last moments as comfortabe as possible for him.
As he is being wheeled donw the hall, he sees a baby in an incubator.
It's Baby Boy Rivera.
He stares at the little baby, "I know.... life isn't always fair. One of us isn't going to make it."
Danny is wheeled past the room.
He is placed into his room.
Danny looks up at the ceiling.
He knows that today is the day.
Harley's House:
Harley stares at the gun, "Susan you don't know what your doing. Put the gun down right now."
Susan shakes her head, "I made a promise to myself that I would never go to prison. I will not go."
Harley sighs, "You came back! Y came home! Why would you do that unless you were turning yourself in?"
Guillespie sighs, "We came to say goodbye."
Susan looks at her mother, "We are leaving today."
She shakes her head, "Susan you already left."
Susan sighs, "We are leaving for good. We are taking our money and starting a new life."
Harley cries, "Where?"
Susan shakes her head, "I can't tell you that. But I need to tell you goodbye."
Cyrus sneaks up the stairs.
He sees Susan with the gun and grabs her.
She drops the gun.
Guillespie throws Cyrus against the wall.
Susan turns and sees Harley holding the gun, "Susan... I am your mother and I can't... I won't let you throw your life away for this monster!"
Susan cries, "Harley! You need to listen to me. You are my mother but it is time for you to let me go!"
Harley is pointing the gun.
Alan pushes Natalia in a wheel chair.
He pushes her down the hall.
They are outside the room.
Natalia looks through the window at her baby.
He is in a incubator, "Oh no. He's so little."
Alan sighs, "I know but he is more than just an infant Natalia. That child is a Spaulding."
Natalia nods, "This is all my fault. I am the worst mother in the world."
Alan shakes his head, "No! Don't you say that. Natalia you did everything to protect this child."
She cries, "Aren't you angry that I kept the secret from you? That I lied to you about this?"
He sighs, "I am but Natalia.... I love you and I love our baby. I don't care. We are a family. I missed you Natalia."
Natalia sobs, "I missed you too Alan and I love you!"
The two kiss.
Alan takes Natalia into the room.
They look at their tiny baby who is hooked up to machines.
Reva Bend:
Chandler stands, "Reva I was the doctor. I should have realized that the woman wasn't really Annie Dutton. But I didn't and now I need to pay for my mistakes and not let you."
Reva sighs, "Well people have been paying for my mistakes for decades. So I guess this is my karma?"
He sighs, "I just want to keep you safe Reva. You seem like a nice woman who has 4 children who love her."
There is a noise outside.
Chandler turns, "Someone is outside."
Reva goes to the window but he stops her.
She steps back, "What do we do?"
He grabs a bat from the closet, "What's this?"
She sighs, "That's Shayne's? What are you gonna do?"
He turnsto her, "Get back!"
He opens the door.
The mysterious woman is standing there, "Hello."
He backs up, "Who are you?"
She scoffs, "I'm here to see Reva. Who are you?"
Reva runs to the door, "Oh my God! What are you doing here?"
Chancler looks at Reva, "Do you know this woman?"
Reva laughs, "Know her! I love her to death!"
The women hug, "Oh Reva I've missed you so.'
Reva cries, "Oh Roxie! My little sister has come home!"
Roxie Shayne smiles at her sister.
Liz looks at Colin, "I cannot believe that you would even suggest whisking me away after what you did!"
Colin sighs, "Liz this is important! I can't tell you all of the details but I am involved in something now that is very serious. I need you to trust me."
She shakes her head, "No. I don't trust you. And frankly I don't give a damn about you."
He sighs, "We love each other."
She shakes her head, "No! I did love you Colin but I don't love you anymore," she pulls out the picture of Sarah, "you see her? She is my little girl. And her birthday is going on without me. So you see I don't have time to iisten to you explain why I should speak to you ever again!"
Liz rusn in and slams the door.
Colin sadly walks to his car.
His stuff is all packed.
He gets in, "Oh my God. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into but if I discover what I think I am going to..... it will change everything."
Colin drives off and leaves Springfield on his mission.
Liz is inside the house.
She throws he purse across the room.
She starts to cry.
She then sees that someone has moved stuff around.
She sees a small pink jacket on the table.
It has the letter "S" on it.
The bedroom door is open Liz walks in.
And just a few feet away a littie girl is sleeping on the bed.
It's little Sarah only older.
Liz gasp, "Oh my God! Is that you?"
Jonathan walks in from the other room, "It's her Lizzie. Sarah and I are alive."
Liz falls to her knees sobbing, "Oh my God! Oh!! Baby! Sarah!!!"
Liz sits by her sleeping daughter.
She stares in disbelief at the child that she thought was dead for years.

Danny lies in his bed.
He opens his eyes and sees Marina and Michelle looking down at him.
His cousin Father Ray s getting teary eyed as they all pray.
He thinks to himself, "Wow. I am the luckiest guy in the world. I have made so many mistakes yet I have the two most beautiful women with me on my death bed. Ray my cousin. You were always the blakcsheep of the family. But you helped me keep my faith in God. Robbie and Hope. My little children you are my reason for everything. You are my light. It's time for me to be with my brother Mick, my cousin Tony, and finally meet my mother in law. Marina and Michelle. Thank you for making me tha man I am. Ironically enough... I wouldn't change a thing. I promise you I wouldn't..."
Danny Santos closes his eyes.
The machine starts beeping.
Ed runs in.
Mel is out in the hall with the chidren. She takes them and runs them away from the room. They both start crying.
The machine flatlines.
The sound is loud.
Marina has to cover her ears.
Michelle stares in shock.
Ed looks up, "He's gone. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
Marina collapses, "No!!! Danny! NO!"
Father Ray sits with Marina and holds her.
Michelle walks over, "Danny? Oh my God! Don't leave me!"
She lays over him.
Ed holds his daughter.
Danny Santos has died.
Michelle and Marina are devestated!
Harley makes a shocking decision
Natalia and Alan worry for their child
Liz is shocked to be back with her daughter
Reva catches up with Roxie
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