Casting News!!
'ANWT' Came "Colin" for 'GL' Alum
'GUIDING LIGHT' alum Wes Ramsey has been cast in the role of "Colin Taylor". Although he was originally intended to be a dayplayer, Colin's importance in an emerging storyline prompted the powers to be at 'A NEW WORLD TURNS' to cast Ramsey in the recurring role. Look for Colin to be a love interest for one Oakdale dame who is currently going through a romantic drought and a menace to his adoptive sister. His first airdate is October 1, 2008.
The Doctor is Back In
Paul Korver is back in the role that he last portrayed from 1999-2002. Although "Chris Hughes" was last seen being played by newcomer Dylan Bruce, the powers that be wanted to ask an old favorite to return. Korver will only be sticking around for a short while, but his short-term appearance will play an integral role in two ongoing storylines on 'A NEW WORLD TURNS'. Chris returns October 2, 2008.
Emma's Got a Boyfriend
As most readers know, Emma Snyder, the Oakdale matriarch long known for her heart-to-hearts and warm apple pie, has been sneaking out of town for almost a year now. And as seen recently, she's been going to see a mystery man. Well, this week, that man gets a name when Holden tricks "Clark Allan" into coming to town. Most recently known as "Asa" by 'OLTL' fans, Phil Carey steps into the role. His first airdate is October 8, 2008.
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