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Episode 78



Many confrontations in Springfield..........

Cross Creek:

It's Ava's Baby Shower.
Bill kisses her, "You look beautiful."
Ava laughs, "I feel like a whale."
Olivia comes over, "Hey sweetheart. You wanna get your presents from the table?"
Ava gets up, "Oh yeah. I think I'll go take a peak."
Vanessa and Mindy are talking in the corner.
Mindy shakes her head, "Bill has got himself into a whole heap of trouble."
Vanessa is confused, "What are you talking about?"
Mindy sighs, "It's so clear that he still cares for Olivia."
Vanessa shakes her head, "Well Olivia is no good. But I trust Ava."
Marah walks over, "I wouldn't Ava Peralta is no good."
At the gift table Ava looks through the gifts. She sees a strange card.
Ava opens it.
She pulls out two pictures. They are confusing at first. But she quickly realizes that they are pictures of Bill and Olivia. Kissing. And then one of them naked in bed together.
Ava is furious.


Dinah and Mallet are getting a sonogram.
Dinah sits on the table, "So honey you think everything will be okay?"
He nods, "Oh yeah. It has to be. I mean we've done everything we need to. It's gonna be fine."
The two hold hands.
The doctor starts.
She looks at them, "Well Mr. and Mrs. Mallet. The baby seems to be fine. You seem to be doing everything that you are supposed to."
Dinah smiles, "Oh that's great!"
The doctor looks at them again, "Would you like to know the sex?"
Mallet and Dinah look at each other. This is a question that they probably should have discussed before.


Gus walks over to Mel, "Excuse me."
She turns around, "Oh hi Gus."
He shakes his head, "Where is she?"
Mel steps back, "Gus leave me alone."
He follows her, "Where is Natalia?"
She sighs, "Gus it's not my place."
He isn't happy, "Mel! She is my...... I just need to talk to her."
Mel pulls a note from her purse and hands it to Gus, "I'm sorry. But you should read this."
She walks away.
Gus reads the note. It's from Natalia. Gus is in shock by what she tells him.


Colin walks in, "Hello. Reva?"
Reva walks over, "Hey! I haven't seen you since you came back to Springfield. I didn't know you were staying for good."
He nods, "Well I didn't think so at first. So why are we meeting here. It's closed."
She walks to the table, "We need to talk in private."
He sits with her, "Okay. Sure."
She sighs, "Are you in a relationship with Lizzie Spaulding?"
He nods, "Yes Reva. I am. Now I know everyone is telling me to run but I really care about her."
Reva looks him in the eye, "Colin. Promise me that you won't tell her."
Colin shakes his head, "Tell her what?"
She sighs, "Colin! You know my secret. You know that Jonathan and Sarah are alive. And now you are dating Lizzie. You can't tell her that her daughter is alive!"
Colin didn't expect this.

Cross Creek:
Michelle bumps into Marina, "Oh hi. What are you doing here Marina?"
Marina sighs, "Well Ava and I used to be very good friends. Before she tried to break up Coop and Ashlee. But you know I felt that I should be here. What about you?"
Michelle nods, "Well Bill is my best friend. And it's his baby."
Marina nods, "Oh that's right."
After the awkward conversation the two ladies part.
Over in the hallway Bill finds Ava, "Hey are you okay?"
She turns to him, "Am I okay? Am I okay? Would you be?"
He shakes his head, "I don't understand."
She throws the pictures at him, "How long have you been screwing my mother?"
He is shocked, "Oh my God. Ava I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
She cries, "What is it? Am I not as attractive as before? Or is it that Olivia is just so hard to resist?"
Bill shakes his head, "It's not that Ava. I should have told you before Ava. I'm so sorry. I'm still in love with Olivia."
Olivia comes over after hearing her name.
Ava turns to her with anger rushing through her body.

Blake's House:

Remy walks in, "I'm home."
Blake runs over and kisses him, "Oh this is great! The rating just came in. They are great! Everything is great!"
Remy laughs, "Well it sounds like your having a 'great' day."
She smiles, "Well maybe you could make it greater. Clarissa is at the mall with friends. We have some alone time."
Blake starts to undress.
She leads him to the couch.
The two fall to the couch kissing.
She tears off Remy's shirt.
He is kissing her neck when he looks up and sees a picture of Ross staring back at him, "Blake! I can't. I need to talk to you."
Blake is confused.
Outside Guillespie is staring through the window, "Oh poor Officer Boudreau. Can't get it up for the sexy red head? It's a shame. But don't worry. I'll put you out of your misery soon enough."
Guillespie walks away and heads over to start his next hit.


Dinah and Mallet look at each other.
Dinah smiles, "Do you want to know?"
He sighs, "I don't see any reason we need to."
She stops him, "No. Do you want to?"
He smiles, "Yes. I think I do."
She takes his hand, "Good because I do too."
They nod at the doctor.
The doctor points at the sonongram, "Okay look. Right there. It's a beautiful baby boy."
Dinah smiles, "A boy! It's a boy."
Mallet kisses her, "Oh we're having a boy!"
The two are thrilled.

Cross Creek:
Ava looks at Olivia and Bill, "Oh this is great! Your both here together. Should I move? Are you two just gonna start humping right here in the hall? Or can you control yourselves for a moment?"
Olivia looks at Bill, "You told her?"
Ava shows her the pictures, "No! Someone else did! So I guess it's official Olivia. You'll do anything to get what you want."
Olivia cries, "I'm so sorry."
Ava shakes her head, "How did you two justify it? Oh wait the whole kidnapping thing?"
Bill is confused, "You remember that?"
Ava rolls her eyes, "Yes. Okay? I do. But Olivia I never told you who I hired. Mark Guillespie."
Olivia's face freezes.
Bill looks at them, "Where do I know that name?"
Ava sighs, "He's the hitman that Alan hired. But before that Olivia hired him. She hired him to get rid of me."
Bill looks at Olivia, "What?"
Olivia shakes her head, "I'm sorry Ava. You fogave me a long time ago."
Ava looks at her mother, "Is this okay with you now that Bill knows what a Bitch you are? What about Emma? She'll realize it too. And this baby. I'm gonna tell my baby exactly what you are Olivia. A no good whore! In fact lets tell everyone shall we?"
Ava runs out to the party.

Blake's House:
Blake stares at Remy, "What has gotten into you?"
He stands up, "I can't. Just I had a long day. I'm tired."
She scoffs, "Remy don't lie to me. You've been acting like this for weeks now. I'm tired of it! What is going on? Are we moving to fast?"
He shakes his head, "No. We're not."
Blake stands up, "Then what is it Remy? My life is going amazing right now. And all I want is for you and I to be happy together. Is that possible?"
He sighs, "Yeah. I just I need to go for walk to clear my head."
She shakes her head, "You know what Remy? We can't do this. I promised my kids that I wouldn't just bring anyone into our home. Only someone special and that's you! But if you don't feel the same way.... then maybe we should rethink this."
Blake goes upstairs.
Remy his jacket and leaves.


Gus walks into Alan's room, "Hey Dad."
Alan is surprised, "Gus what are you doing here?"
Gus hands him the note, "You need to read this. It's from Natalia."
Alan takes it and reads it out loud, "Dear Gus. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about the baby. I don't know what's wrong with me. I need to go away for a while. All I know is that I have sinned more then I ever imagined. I am so sorry. God works in mysterious ways and who am I to question it. That is why I am accepting his plans for the baby. The baby is gone." Alan has a tear run down his cheek. He continues, "I was feeling pains. That's why I left the wedding. I miscarried shortly after. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I'm sorry. PS. Please tell Alan and don't be hard on him. Tell him that he was right."
Alan puts the note down and begins tearing up the room. He throws chairs around and flips over a desk.
He falls to his knees.
Gus is completly angry at his father but puts his hand on his shoulder and allows for them to lean on each other.

Colin is confused, "I can't believe this didn't occur to me."
Reva looks at him, "Am I supposed to believe that you forgot this?"
He isn't happy, "Well I didn't think about it! Okay? This was a long time ago. I didn't even know Lizzie. And now! Why? Why can't we tell her?"
Reva sighs, "I'm trying to protect Sarah and Jonathan. Jonathan is my son. Do you think I don't want to tell her. It kills me every single time I look at her. But then I remind myself that she is the same girl that lied to Jonathan. That drugged him. That almost caused his death."
He shakes his head, "She's changed. There is no excuse for making Lizzie believe that her daughter is dead!"
Reva is angry, "I don't want to. I haven't seen Jonathan in a year!"
He holds her hand, "Reva you have to try and understand."
Reva looks around, "This is where he told me. I saw his car go off the cliff! I thought I had lost him and Sarah. But then he came here to tell me they were alive. And now they are hiding from Alan, Lizzie and the rest of the Spauldings until it's safe!"
Colin feels sick about all of this.

Cross Creek:
Ava comes over to the party, "I have an announcment to make. I would like to thank the happy couple for putting this party together for me!"
Vanessa walks over, "Ava. Is everything alright?"
Ava nods, "Mm Hmm. I'm fine. I just want to think Bill and Olivia. They make such a great pair. It's no wonder that they've been sleeping with each other for weeks!!! To Bill and Olivia! I hope it was worth it!"
Ava storms out.
Bill and Olivia follow her.
Outside Marah is walking to her car. She drops her keys.
Guillespie walks up to her, "You drop these?"
She smiles, "Oh thank you. Where do I know you from?"
He grins, "I'm kind of famous."
Marah suddenly recognizes him from the newspaper, "Oh my God! Your the guy! Your the guy who killed my cousin!"
He grabs her and covers her mouth. He throws her into the car and drives off with her.

Reva and Colin argue
Michelle meets with Danny
Olivia worries
Gus has an offer for Alan
Ava's plan takes a tragic turn!


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Great episode, JAYJAY. Loved the reveal at Ava's baby shower. Perfectly done. I could actually picture this happening on the show! If only the writer's had half of your imagination, the real GL would be so much better.

WOW. Gillespie taking Marah away. Can't wait to see what happens with that one.

Keep 'em coming buddy and I'll keep readin 'em. :D:D

Oh - I forgot - I actually like Remy and Blake.

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I had so much fun writing the Baby Shower scenes. I like to watch old GL episodes as I write for inspiration.

Oh yes some great drama is about to come with Ava and Marah.

I'm glad you like Remy and Blake. That seems to be my most popular new couple. :)

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