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Episode 118: Crash Course Collision

Matt P.


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Jenny almost fell backwards when she realized that the person hooked up to the ventilation system was London. All Jenny could do was shake. Jenny taps on London’s elbow. London looks at her and begins to scream. Jenny takes off the ventilation mask to let her speak.


Help me!


Funny I was going to tell you the same thing. How did you get here? What- I thought you were dead.


That’s what Nan wanted people to think. She’s had me here for the longest time. How much do you know about my situation?


Not a heck of a lot. I kind of been going through my own situation that Nan so happened to get involved with.


Well, I thought that I was dying. I had my baby and was told that there was a chance of death due to birth complications. I found out that I wasn’t dying but instead was kidnapped by Nan. She made me watch everything as she took over my life. She pretended to be me so that Blake would sign over the school to her.


That sounds like our girl alright. Are you okay now? You’re hooked up to a machine.


It’s a machine to drug me. She knew that I was going to freak out. Every hour this machine knocks me out. I wake up groggy and forgetful. Though she has taken somewhat good care of me. Giving me clothes and feeding me. I guess it’s better than death. What has she done to you?


What hasn’t she done? She tricked me into thinking that my boyfriend was here, ordered my miscarriage, stole me phone and made him think that I don’t love him anymore so that she can dig her claws into him, and then kidnapped me also. I’ve been staying in the room next to you.


I thought I heard some sort of banging.


Yep. That was me trying to escape. The worst part of the whole thing is that she’s been tape recording what’s going on outside of her lair. It’s called The Nan World.


She’s taken it too far this time.


We need to get out of here.

Jenny disconnects London from the machine. London shakes her head and stands up.


Thank you but there’s something you need to know.


What’s that?


When she first threw me in here she told me that I couldn’t try escaping because she has these rooms hooked up to explosives!

- - -


Episode 118:

Crash Course Collision

Executive Story Consultant, Head Writer, and Series Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Guest Starring:

Noelle Beck as Professor Strope

Adrienne Frantz as Stephanie

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Officer Wendell puts his badge away and Alicia walks into the hallway, shutting the door behind her.


Can I help you officer?

Officer Wendell:

We got a call of a disturbance in this apartment complex. Mind if I speak to the owner of the room? A mister Jace Broyeau.


He isn’t here at the moment. I’m his girlfriend Alicia Amberson.

Officer Wendell:

Where did he go? It’s not exactly the smartest thing to leave the scene of the crime.


I wasn’t sure that a crime had been committed. Hope it’s nothing serious.

Officer Wendell:

What all can you tell me then?


All I know is…that there was some sort of argument between Will and Jace. Will hit his head on the steps. That’s basically it. Boys will be boys. Stupid boys of course.

Officer Wendell:

Was there drinking involved?


Not that I recall. If you excuse me, I’m going to go to sleep. It’s been a very long night. Should Jace come and find you?

Officer Wendell:

Not yet. We’ll be in touch.

Officer Wendell exits. Alicia walks back into Jace’s room and gives it a moment to make sure that the coast was clear. He’s on his computer typing, still drunk and disheveled from the previous incident.


You don’t have to worry about the cops. Everything seems to be cleared.


Things aren’t cleared between us. I know you two kissed and I’m disgusted. I don’t know if I wanna vomit from all of the drinking or the thought of you two smacking lips.


It was an accident. It was harmless. It meant-


Nothing. That’s how you feel about our relationship.


NO! I love you.



You’re lying!

Jace hurls a book from his desk at the wall out of anger. Alicia ducks in fear.


It’s time for you to go.




You sided with Will when you told me how you believed that I threw him down the steps when I didn’t. I needed you to believe me and not think the worst.


How the hell did he end up that way?


I don’t know. The guy’s twisted! He has problems, just like you, so maybe you two are meant for each other.


I just lied to the police for you! Hopefully that shows that this relationship means more than just nothing. You and I aren’t normal but we survive because we have each other. That’s why I wanted to protect you from authorities and from yourself. That’s why I lied to them.


The only person you’re lying to is yourself! Get out of my room before I do something drastic! If I see Will, I just might kill him!

Alicia exits. Jace slams the door behind her. All Alicia could do was slide from the wall to the floor. Tears began to steam out of her eyes but Alicia cupped her hands in her face to hide them.

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The next morning, Alley walks in the shopping area of Point Palace. She then sees Blake standing by himself at The Palace Café. She smiles at him and gives him a hug.


Hey you.


Hey yourself.


You seemed so serious on the phone.


Yeah I need some girl advice and you’re my number one to go to.


Still trying to cope over your dead ex?


No. I have someone new in my life.


Wow I have been out of the loop. Please tell me all about her.


Her name’s Marli and she’s from Reno. That’s all I know about her at least that's what she's let me know.


And the problem is?


I have this distinct feeling like she’s hiding something from me. She’s so secretive all the time and last night, I find out that she’s been talking to the FBI.


Maybe she’s going to school for that kind of stuff or she’s an actual ninja spy!




Does she make you happy or did you just dive into a reationship to get over London?

Blake pauses to think for a moment. Before answering, Alley gets a call on her cell phone. It’s John who was outside of his darkened photo lab.


Hold on.


Hey John.


Where you at?

Alley has a flashback of what he told the previous day.


Two people I don’t want to talk or think about is Blake and Marissa. Those are my turn offs.

The flashback ends when John catches her attention.


Hello? Alley?


Yeah I’m here. I’m…actually at the Library right now.


Are you alone?

Alley looks at Blake.


Yes I am.


When you’re done, maybe we could go out to lunch or something. I gotta go, I have a beep. See you later babe.


Sure thing. I love you.

Alley hangs up with John. John switches his cell phone over to Marissa who’s also at the shopping area of Point Palace. She walks the sidewalks with baby L.J. in a stroller.


What’s up sis?


Wanted to ask if it’s okay to have a business partner come over? It is after all your place that you’re being kind enough to lend to me. I wasn't sure if I needed clearance on visitors.


Yeah go ahead. Actually I’m stuck at the photo lab and I know for a fact that Alley’s at the library. I don’t know when she’ll be back. You two better behave.


Great. Thank you John and L.J. says she misses her daddy.

John smiles when he hangs up with Marissa who looked across the street to see Alley with Blake.


Well, well, well. At the library are we?

Marissa positions her cell phone and takes pictures of Blake and Alley together.


(to L.J.)

I love it when I catch that girl in a lie. Makes my life so much more enjoyable.

Marissa giggles with satisfaction and walks off.

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On Cemetery Hill, Anna Lee stands in front of her dead sister’s grave. It read Tracie Sheridan, 1983-2001. Anna Lee touches the engraved lettering.

Anna Lee:

Hey Tracie. This isn’t fair what happened to you. You should be alive right now. Probably plotting with Nan and me. It was always fun when it was the three of us. We were inseparable. A hassle for mom and dad. There for each other when they were divorced. I always thought you were the best sister out of all of us. Nan has her own problems and I was a follower but you…you were a lover.

Anna Lee forces a smile and places a rose on top of the grave.

Anna Lee:

I would change and do anything to have you alive. Too bad we have to face reality. That this life is harsh and that people here are cruel.

Anna Lee begins to tear up. She couldn’t control it anymore. Tears drop onto the top of the grave.

Anna Lee:

I miss you. I thought I’d find you here. Alive and well. Not the total opposite. Somehow I still can’t over the shock that you’re gone.

Anna Lee kisses the grave with her fingers.

Anna Lee:

Goodbye Tracie. I love you and I’ll avenge you.

Anna Lee wipes her tears away and walks off.

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Will wakes up in his hospital bed at Cody Memorial Hospital to Rena pouring him water. She hands him the cup. He accepts.


How are you feeling?


My head hurts. You should’ve seen the other guy.


I’m sure you gave Jace a good ass kicking.

Will chuckles at her comment. He holds onto his head to feel the bandages.


You don’t have to be here.


Nonsense. I want to. I know you’re probably wanting me to be Alicia but I guess you have to settle for second best.


You’re not-

Alicia enters the room with a to go box from The Palace Café.


Speak of the devil.


I wanted to see how you were doing. I got you something from the café. Enjoy.


How’s your maniac of a boyfriend?


Still passed out. I came to also find out what happened last night. I open the door and I find you falling down the steps.


It’s kind of obvious what happened. Your boyfriend attacked Will!


Why don’t you let him talk.


Rena’s right. We got into an argument, then a fight, and then he bashed a beer bottle off my head.


I’m sorry to hear that. Are you going to press charges?


I haven’t decided yet.


Alicia can I talk to you outside?


Sure. Will I hope you feel better and I feel awful for what happened.

Alicia and Rena walk outside of the room in the hall of the hospital.


You should feel terrible. They were fighting over you.


I was going to make my decision on who I wanted but then this happened. I was sidetracked!


It’s too late. I’ve decided that I feel something strong for Will.




Yes. I think that means that you’re decision was made. Go and stay with Jace.

Rena steps into Will’s room until turning back to Alicia.


By the way, keep that raging alcoholic away from my man!

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Later in the afternoon, Carrie knocks on Dylan’s office door at the schoolboard wing, Sean answers it instead. Carrie shoots him a warm smile and walks into Dylan’s office.


Hey Sean is Dylan around?


He’s not. There’s a meeting going on for the school board members.




Anything I can help you with?


I wanted to thank you for the wonderful engagement dinner. It was just perfect.


Only doing my job. Dylan wanted perfection and you both got it.


I actually was wondering. How did you find out about the job to begin with? You seem so poised and mature. I’d imagine you would be working for The White House.


That’s quite a compliment but I needed to keep myself busy so this was the perfect opportunity. A friend told me about it.

Myra buzzes into Dylan’s office. Sean intercepts her call.


Lana Colby is on her way up to see Dylan.


He’s busy right now.


Send her up. I’d love to spend more time with my future mother in law.


Will do.


Did you get to meet Lana?


I did. Very lively lady. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go run some more errands.

Sean quickly makes his way out leaving Carrie by herself. Dylan walks into his office and gives a dirty look to Carrie.


Great to see you too.


I think you kind of know why I’m angry with you.


I apologize for telling your mother that you had cancer. It was a slip of the tongue.


My mother-


Is in the building! Gosh you know I could hear you two arguing all the way down by the elevator.


Hi mom. I actually have to go.


Don’t leave on my account.


He’s not. Dylan we’ll talk later.


Sure we will.

Dylan exits, slamming the door behind him.


That wasn’t awkward in the least.


He’s just upset about something stupid.


Something over what I said. I didn’t know that you telling me about my son’s health condition was going to cause trouble.


Who would’ve thought. How about we just change the subject. Actually, I was just going to ask you what you thought of Sean Asters. He just left a little bit ago.


That’s Dylan’s assistant right?


Yes. You should find out if he’s single. He’s very handsome.


Hell if I’d know.




The guy was colder than a fish. He ducked out before I could even say hello. In speaking of people ducking out, don’t worry about Dylan. He usually just brushes things off. I’m going to let you two handle it. Mama’s staying out of this one.

Lana hugs Carrie then exits Dylan’s office. Carrie walks over to Sean’s desk and starts to rummage around.


You’re not a good liar Mister Asters.

Carrie finds a framed picture of Dylan and Sean together.


What the hell would bring you to Point Palace and better yet, to Dylan?

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Evening was close for many of the students, one of which was reporter Mik Lanlo, who was hard at work on his next magazine article. Bryan knocks on the door and walks in with a smile on his face.


Bryan. I’d say that it’s a pleasure to see you but I haven’t been paid for the last time that I helped you out.


Consider it done.

Bryan throws down an envelope full of cash. Mik counts it.


I have another proposition for you, if you’re interested. That is if you want a bonus.


How are you getting all of this money? Last time I checked you were still unemployed from the school board.


That’s going to change real soon. I’ve been talking to Howard Ballinger and he’s been reconsidering his offer to the Hammertons.


Really? That’s a great story.


It is but that’s not the one I want you to print.


Who am I targeting this time?


Marli Calloway. She goes by that name and by Hope Crayno.


Still going after that poor girl. She’s definitely a hot topic if she has two identities.


A source who knows Hope or Marli or whatever the girl’s going by figured out that she faked her death in Reno.


How did you figure that one out Sherlock?


I did the research. Hope Crayno’s been dead for a few years now. She had an orbit and all.


That’s definitely front page material.


You’re the best.

Bryan exits Mik’s office and makes a call to S.R.


Hey I know you’re going to pay Marlope a visit later and I want you to apply as much pressure on her as possible. Something that my ex girlfriend taught me, you always have to have a plan B. If Marli doesn’t cave in, I can at least rely on forging e-mails from the old senile president. Remember, I’m going to need a VP when I come into power and it’s going to be you.

Bryan hangs up with S.R. and walks off with a bigger smile then the one he walked in with.

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Ava meets Professor Strope at the entrance way of Cody Special Needs Institution. The environment was shaped like a school, full of students with special needs, and others who were willing to help them.

Professor Strope:

Ava I hope that you’re excited to meet your student. Her name’s Bobbie and Bobbie has down syndrome. It's all in the packet that I e-mailed you. It has tons of research for you.


I’m looking forward to it.

Professor Strope:

Follow me.

Professor Strope leads her to an open classroom where Ava sees a girl close to her age with her head down.

Professor Strope:

Bobbie. This is Ava Cecieneli. Ava this is Bobbie.


Hey Bobbie. It’s nice to meet you.

Bobbie forces a smile at her.


You too Ava. Please sit and join me.

Ava takes a seat across from her.

Professor Strope:

Well things look like they are off to a great start. I’ll leave you ladies be.


Tell me about yourself.


Okay. I’m not as stupid as you think.


(caught off guard)

What did you say?


I know why you’re here.


I’m here to be your friend.


You’re here for a grade. You have to help me out and be there for me. I’ve had many people like you come in and out. The volunteer service is like a revolving door.


Look I’ll admit that this is a project but I’m willing to learn.


Play by my rules and you’ll be fine! Don’t even thinking about telling anyone what we talked about. Remember, who are they going to believe? You or me?

Bobbie pats Ava’s shoulder and walks away to a bookshelf for a new book to read. Ava was stunned by her volunteer subject. Ava looks at her cell phone and sighs. Time wasn’t going fast for her. To hopefully make it go faster, Ava calls Nate. Nate answers on the third ring.


What’s up?


Not much except I have the student from hell.

Ava hears giggling on the other end of the phone. Nurse Stephanie from Cody Memorial Hospital was getting cozy with Nate inside of a limo that he rented. The two are drinking and having a good time.


Are you busy?


Yes I am.

(asking his guest)

Stephanie right? From the hospital?


That’s right.


Stephanie from the hospital and I are very busy.


You’re not alone?


I needed some time to myself. What better way then to be with a girl who appreciates me.


Hang up the phone lover.


I’m about to go. Things are getting good where I’m at. Hope things work out for you.


Nate wait! I-


I’m taking my bra off.



Nate hangs up and rolls the cell phone onto the cold black floor of the limo. He then jumps on top of a half naked Stephanie and fiercely kisses her.



Ava feels her cell phone getting yanked out of her hand.



Ava turns around to find Bobbie with a smug look on her face.


Do you want to fail? You’re supposed to be giving me attention and talking on the phone is not my idea of fun!

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Night falls in Cody, Colorado. Carlos had decided to take Nan up on her offer for dinner in her room. It was going to be completely innocent he told himself. Then he hears Jenny’s ring tone, which makes him pull out his cell phone to find that it was only a text.


Great. I can’t even hear her voice. Wonder what it says this time.

Carlos reads with disbelief.


I’ve gone away for good. I don’t want to be with you anymore. Please understand. I’m sorry.


What the hell?

Carlos retaliates by dialing her number. Again he gets her voice mail, which angers him even more.


Jenny how the hell can you do this to me? You disappear out of no where and then you break up with me? I…I don’t even know what to say you! I can at least call you to talk to you. You hide behind a damn text. I can’t believe you’re going to throw this all away. Fine. Be like this!

Carlos hangs up with Jenny. Nan watches from the front window of her dorm room to see Carlos freaking out on his phone. Nan laughs into her hidden camera.


(to the camera)

You broke his heart! How could you do such a thing? Now watch me pick up the pieces.

Carlos knocks on Nan’s door. She notices how distraught he is or at least was playing it off like she was noticing it.


You look like hell.


May I come in?


I invited you. Please do.

Carlos walks into Nan’s room. Nan grabs two wine goblets and a bottle of Chianti.


Can I offer you some wine? You seem to have a look on your face like you want some.


Yes. That would be great.



(pouring two glasses)

Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?

Nan hands Carlos the glass in which he gulps in four sips.


You of all people should be happy to know that Jenny just broke up with me.


Carlos I wouldn’t wish that kind of hurt upon anyone. I’m sure she’ll come around.


May I have another glass?



Nan pours him another in which he downs again.


Slow down cowboy. I don’t want you to drink because you’re angry.


I loved her and she threw it all away. In a text!


That is kind of low.


It’s beyond words.


I’m here for you. Through thick and thin. You’ve been there for me to see that I’m a better person than I used to be so for that I owe you some quality friendship. Starting tonight.


You’re an amazing person Nan.


Oh I wouldn’t say that. I would maybe sa-

Before Nan could finish her sentence, Carlos planted his lips onto hers. She was happy that he took it there. Tasting the wine from his breath, Nan continues the kiss, making sure that the cameras were catching every steamy second of it.

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Marli was pacing back and forth in her room. She felt like the walls were caving in around her. A knock on her door made her jump. Marli looks into the peep hole to find S.R. She doesn’t answer it, she just stands there, shaking.


(knocking louder)

I know you’re in there! Open up.

Marli opens the door and pulls him into the room and shuts the door.


I like a girl who takes charge.


Shut up! What the hell are you doing here anyway?


I knew exactly where you were. I did after all send you that nice gift. Thought you’d get a kick out of the bloody basketball player. Kind of like the guy that we offed way back when.


That doesn’t answer my question.


I came to see you and I ended up making a best friend in Bryan Daniels.


That guy is bad news.


Talk about bad news. That’s kind of you. We did the research and found out that Marli Caloway doesn’t exist because Hope Crayno died but that can’t be, you’re still alive.


I admit it. I faked my death.


Bravo but why? Why would you do it?


I was going through a bad time in my life and when I met you, I knew you could help.


That’s so sweet to know that I could be there for you.


I needed to witness a murder. I wanted to vanish. Did you ever wonder who would come to your funeral if you died tomorrow? Well I found out. I was allowed to enter the witness protection program and I watched my closest ones mourn me.


Funny I wasn’t invited. You have problems Hope.


We’re both sick. You kill people and I fake death. I want you to go back to Reno and save your dignity while you still can.


Not so fast. I want you to convince Blake to sign over the school to Bryan and me. If you don’t, then Blake gets to see what kind of a girlfriend he really has.


Don you realize that Bryan’s using you? He doesn’t want any part with you. He’s only in this for himself. Why don’t you come with me? We can live a life together outside of this place. My time here is up. I have nothing left, just like in Reno.


Nope. I think I’m going to pay Blake a little visit. He deserves to know everything.





For a girl in the witness protection stand you really are dumb. I thought you were a better secret keeper than this. You cracked under the pressure.


You’re the one who’s stupid because I’m going to have the FBI on your ass so fast that you’re head won’t even be able to spin. You’re a murderer and I have all the proof that they want. Have fun being a prison bitch.


You better start dialing because I’m on my way to see Blake. If I get to him, then you lose everything.

S.R. runs out of Marli’s room and gets in his rental car. In a desperate rage, Marli gets into her car and speeds off after him. The two drive down the hills of the outskirts. Marli bumps into S.R.’s car to try to stop him. S.R. gets away from her until Marli puts the pedal to the medal and with all her force, slams the rear of S.R.’s car. Both cars come to a screeching halt and crash into trees.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

What a great Episode - Its good to see London -Its Funny, cause in HHD... There's a little scene; where her friends toasted and say goodbye London; and bang - there's she is alive a kicking, and screaming under Nan's basement... - wow; what they said again? Great Minds Think alike... Thats was very sweet...

S.R. and Marli was nice; I hope Marli put a stop to Bryan's little plan; and come out to Blake before it blows up on her face... It would be the best thing todo if she has any real feelings for him...

Nan and carlos was awesome; and can't wait to see the women teams up against Nan... who knows, Ann Lee might be the one who is strong enough to take out her sister....

OH - its good to see Addrienne being bad; reminded me of her days in B&B... Don't really like her in Y&R - but she was awesome in B&B... hopefully we can see some of those hot action here on her short run at Point Place...

AND MAN - WOW - BOBBIE IS A BITCH!!!! LOVE HER!!!! - That's my new best friend.... Can't wait to see what's she has in store for AVA....


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Thanks for the comments. I realized that there was a casting error. John Paul-Lavosier plays Mik Lanlo, not Jon Lindstrom. JL is Carrie's father.

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Good episode. Lots of movememnt with Marli . Loved the "secret keeper" I found that scene kinda of odd for me, I don't know. A lot of new faces and stuff.

I can't belive London is alive and what a great choice. I've always felt London is the main heroine of PP and was so shocked that she was killed off.

Nan is straight tripping. It's only going to be a matter of time before she's exposed. and I bet Anna Lee will be the one that outs her.

I can't belive Nata played Ava like that. It cracked me up

I see Lena wised up and staked her claim in WIll. Nice twist. And tyhat story got more interesting.

Oh and I hope Bryan outs Marli as well. Suck on that Blake

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