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Episode 117: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Matt P.


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Alicia instinctively grabbed Will’s body and put him in a comfortable position on the stairs, he slumps to his side. Frantically she feels for a pulse and is relieved to see that he was still breathing, except he was unconscious. She then notices his head was bleeding from broken glass.


(screaming to the others)

Someone call an ambulance! Now!

One of the other housemates gets on his cell phone and dials 911. Alicia made her way upstairs and finds Jace inebriated.


Everyone get out. Go back to your rooms. I need to talk to Jace alone.


No. We’re all having a good time. Turn the damn music up!

Jace blasts his stereo until Alicia turns it off. The housemate who made the call, finds Alicia to update her. The others heed Alicia's warning and leave.


An ambulance is on their way. The police are coming too. Will’s lying on the couch.


Help me get rid of all the beer.


(to his housemate)

Dumb ass! Why are the police here?


Please go look after Will until an ambulance gets here.

The housemate exits. Alicia continues to clean up the room.


What happened?


I…I’m not talking to you! Let me pass out. Alone!


I’m not going anywhere. Did you push Will down the steps?


I’ll admit that I hit the bastard but that’s all I remember.


Oh my god, you did!


Why does it even matter? You don’t believe me. Go run to your boy toy.


I don’t know what to believe Jace.


Because I’m a raging alchy! God forbid you won’t take your boyfriend’s side.


Look, I’m not worried about taking sides. The police can’t see you like this. You’re too drunk.


And you’re a cheating liar.

Alicia stops dead in her tracks. She knew what he was getting at.


Don’t you like the idea of two guys fighting over you? Does it get you off?


What are you-


Don’t play dumb with me! I know what you did. Will told me about your kiss.

Before Alicia could speak there was a knock on the door. Alicia opens it to find Officer Wendell standing before her flashing his badge.


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Episode 117:

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Executive Story Consultant & Series Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Guest Starring:

Gilbert Smith from S.T.E.A.M.

Noelle Beck from As the World Turns

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Carlos and his Blue Crystal Co-Star Ian Hadley enjoy drinks at the bar section of The Cue Ball. A few of the girls from across the bar had been giving them glances but Carlos was too deep in thought to notice or even care.


I thought that drinks were supposed to lighten the mood.


Sorry man I’m just…confused.


Let me guess. Relationships?


Yeah. Jenny and I went through a really bad time, probably the worst thing that could happen to anyone, and all Jenny can do is leave.


Maybe she needed sometime to herself.


That’s what she told me and I would like to believe that but- She should come back home.


Did you ever consider taking a break?


No. We’ve been through so much before. I love Jenny.


Whoa dude love is a strong word.


Some other chick is trying to be all nice to me.


You’re lucky. Hopefully it isn’t another actress, those types are crazy. Case in point...C.C.


Yeah don’t remind me. I’m only wanting to be this girl’s friend. That’s all.


Sure. Call me after you guys have gotten drunk and woken up naked next to each other. Then I’ll try to replay this conversation.


All I can hope is that Jenny comes back. If not, I don’t know how much more of this I can take!

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Anna Lee was not backing down with her confrontation. Nan looks at her sister and sighs.

Anna Lee:

Damn it Nan you better start talking or I swear I’ll let Jenny go. She’ll be like a rat coming out of a cage.


Fine. I didn’t want you to find out but-

Nan pauses and Anna Lee notices that Nan is emotionally distraught. It’s the first time she sees sincerity from her sister.


It’s not Jenny's place to let you know what happened to our sister!

Anna Lee:

Just tell me. Whatever it is I’m sure I can take it. Did Tracie get in to some of trouble or what?


Tracie died.

Anna Lee was shocked. Her eyes had become slit until tears of denial burst out of them.

Anna Lee:

No. You’re lying! Tracie didn’t die.


Yes she did.

Anna Lee:


Did you do it? Did you kill our sister?

Anna Lee lifts Nan out of her seat and begins to shake her violently. Nan slaps her across the face to get her out of her delirium. Anna Lee looks back at Nan.

Anna Lee:

How did it happen then?


It was an accident or so I was told. Tracie came to the school and she fell for Dylan Colby. Dylan was going out with Carrie Slondsbid but of course you know how stubborn Tracie is…she kept pursuing him.

Anna Lee:

And she died for a crush?


Carrie and Tracie got into a fight near the outskirts cliff. Dylan held onto both of them but- He lost Tracie and she fell to her death.

Anna Lee:

Why couldn’t you tell me?


Because I know how fragile you are. This is why I never wanted you to come here. This place is bad!

Anna Lee:

I…I don’t know what to say.


You just have to continue to help me. We have our visitors and once we use them, life will be better. That’s what we have to focus on.

Nan gently lifts Anna Lee’s chin to look at her. She wipes away Anna Lee’s tear and hugs her.

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Before Alley opens her door, she finds a note taped to the front of her door. Alley opens it and reads it.


Let’s get busy?

Alley opens her door to find John in his boxers surrounded by candles in her dimly lit living room.


Surprise baby.


What is all this?


I’ve been so into my work that I thought I could be spontaneous. Maybe chocolates would’ve have been better than breaking into your room but I figured you’d enjoy this more.

Alley tries smiling but can’t.


Okay obviously you’re not in the mood.


It’s not that. I can be but…I’m just sort of pissed off.

John blows out some candles.



Really? I couldn’t tell. Usually you want to jump my bones when I do something out of the blue for us.


This was a wonderful gesture though.


Who pissed you off?


Um…Blake told me some big news so brace yourself.


Two people I don’t want to talk or think about is Blake and Marissa. Those are my turn offs.


It’s rarely about Blake and your demon of a sister is in the back of my mind. I found out that Carrie and Dylan are engaged.


(caught off guard)

Oh. That is pretty big.




I’m guessing that you kept thinking of the past.


Unfortunately. Couldn’t stop thinking about all of the cheating on both sides and the lies.


(cheering her up)

So what? Who the hell gives a damn? Those two deserve each other.




But you have me and I’m ten times better than he is. Now I’m going to remove my boxers and go into your bedroom. I expect you to do the same.

Alley bites her lip and giggles. John teasingly throws his underwear at Alley and runs to her bedroom.

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Ginny wipes off the counters at The Palace Café. Ava walks in and finds Nate by himself, working on his laptop. She sits across from him.


We need to talk.


Move your mouth then. I’m busy anyway, I’ve been focusing on my job with the school board, it’s been helping me to get my mind off of what you’ve done to me these past few weeks.


I want to explain myself.


You used to me to get back at your ex. There’s a lot of explanations expected.


Yes and no.


Why? Why the hell would you do something like that? Granted I hated that bitch, I didn’t want to be used.


I like you! That’s the point I was trying to make for her.

Before Nate could respond, a female professor comes to the table to speak with Ava.

Professor Strope:

Ava may I have a word with you.


I’m sort of in the middle of something here.

Professor Strope:

It'll be really quick.



Professor Strope:

I have an amazing assignment for you. It would be perfect for the Sociology Volunteer Project.


Great. What would it be?

Professor Strope:

You would be volunteering at a mentally challenged facility. Observing the ways of others who are physically less fortunate. What do you say?


Sounds great. Sign me up.

Professor Strope:

Thanks. I’ll e-mail you more about it. See you in class.

Ava turns around to face Nate but finds him gone.


Damn it!

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At The River Teal, Dylan holds onto Carrie’s hand who was making sure to show off her fantastic engagement ring. The two were the center of attention at their very own engagement party. Blake pats Dylan on the shoulder and he smiles to see someone he truly wants to talk to.


How’s the best man doing?


I’m doing great man. How are you holding up?


Dude this is freakin’ fantastic! I’m getting married to this lovely thing and all of these people are going to give us gifts. It’s a really cool feeling.


Yeah, been there done that.

(acknowledging Marli behind him)

This is going to be my date, I don’t think you’ve met.


Hi Marli Calloway. I’ve heard so much about you two.


Nice to meet you. Are you new to the school?


Yes. I’m from Reno.


You’re definitely taking a gamble with Blake.


Oh my god! Look at the size of that rock. It’s just amazing.


My man does have good tastes.

Carrie takes Marli aside so the two could gawk at her ring.


Have you seen my mother?


No, I haven’t. I’m sure hurricane Lana will be huffing and puffing shortly.


Yeah. I’m afraid of that.

Dylan sees his assistant Sean from a distance and notions to speak with him.


Excuse me.


How’s everything going?


Everything’s great. You’re really doing an awesome job. I wasn’t sure how you were going to handle the age difference but if you can pull off everything that the school board shoves to an event like this, then you’re a master at work!


Thank you.


I was wondering something though.




Did you bring a date? Maybe planning to bring one to the wedding?


No I came solo. I’m the type of guy who gets so caught up into his work that he doesn’t have time for a relationship.


It’s very noble of you to notice something like that.

Dylan hears Lana laughing loudly from far away.


Great. Mama Colby’s here. I’ll introduce you.

Lana hugs Dylan and gives him a giant kiss on his cheek.


Oh my little man. You’re not so little anymore. Look who I brought with me.


Jason?! It's great to see you!


I know it's been forever.


I didn't think you'd make it.


Yeah well things in Lexington aren't working out.


You weren't involved with the DiMarco's were you?

Jason tugs at his own ear to change the subject, all he can do is smile.


I see. It’s good to see you too mom. Hey let me introduce you to this great guy who pulled together this wonderful event. Get this, he's my very own personal assistant. Sean this my mother, Lana-

Dylan turns around and finds that Sean has disappeared.


Hopefully you’re bride doesn’t do that to ya. Where’s this lucky lady at?


Right here. Lana’s it’s so good to meet you finally. Jason. Hi!


Carrie it's been-




That's right you're from the same town. Small world I guess.


Not small enough.


Carrie you sound just as I imagined on the phone.


You two talked before?


Wait how many people in my family do you know outside of our engagement party? I have a brother and two sisters, do you know them too?


Why yes. She told me all about…the cancer. I wished you would’ve told me but I’m just happy you’re a survivor. Now where the hell can I get a drink at?



Lana exits for a drink and Dylan glares at his bride to be who knew that her big mouth had caught up with her.

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Across the room, Blake leans against the bar and takes a swig of his drink. He hears Lana’s infectious laugh.


Miss Colby, how are you doing?


My oh my have you grown up.


Yeah I own the school and everything.


I thank you for giving my son a nice job.


He’s done a lot for me and I wanted to reward my best friend. There’s no way that I wouldn’t.


Maybe you can give something to his mother too. You know the song, when you’re good mama, mama's good to you.

Lana playfully runs her hand on his cheek.


It’s very nice to see you again.

(muttering to himself)

Mama needs to back off!

Blake exits to find Marli near the coat section, trying to hide from the others. She’s again on her cell phone.


I’m trying to do everything I can. I already took him on a vacation, well it was a funeral for rich people, but we were out of town. It’s not my fault he leads a good life! Just get the other one out of town, we both know he’s bad news. How did he know where I was?

Blake clears his throat and Marli quickly hangs up out of nerves.


I wasn’t eavesdropping.


It was a call from back home.


You seem to be getting a lot of those.


Yep. Let’s go dance.


Are you hiding something from me?

Marli is blindsided by his question.


Hiding…hiding what?


You seem so secretive. Whatever it is…why don’t you tell me now or forever hold your peace.


No Blake. I’m not hiding anything. I’m an open book. Like a fairytale, with a charming prince. I’m going to use the ladies room and when I come back, I want a dance.

Marli smiles at him and begins to leave with her purse but her cell phone accidentally drops to the ground without Marli’s acknowlegement. Blake picks it up and begins to go through it. He notices the call log, which reads ‘JIM FBI AGENT.’


Yeah, you’re not hiding anything.

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Bryan answers the doorbell and finds S.R. dressed in a hoodie. He lets him in.


Can I offer you a drink?


That would be great. Can I have a scotch on the rocks? Please.


At least you’re polite. Don’t think for a second that I’m your personal cocktail waiter.


I’ve dated a few of those before. Waitresses, not dudes. So what is it that you want to know about Hope?


She’s not using that name now.


Yeah I caught that. Marli something.


I want you to tell me everything. How you know her? What you’ve talked about? Anything and everything will be good.


She actually pursued me in Reno. Somehow she knew about a gang that I was in. We would scam casinos. I went to jail for it and I learned my lesson.


She knew about you going to jail?


Yeah. She actually came onto me. Said that bad guys turned her on. I told her all about the gang and getting arrested just so I can make those panties drop to the floor. They did.


What else?


I’m not telling you anything else until I see some money. Preferably cash!



Bryan digs through his wallet and throws five hundred dollars on the table. S.R. smiles and puts it in his pocket.


I know you’ll be paying me a lot more after this.


Just continue.


The last day I saw Hope was when I told her about this guy me and my gang had to rough up. The roughing up turned into us killing him and she saw it all. Then she skipped town.

Bryan walks over to his couch and picks up a file. S.R. continues to down his drink before pouring himself another one. He hands it to S.R.


What’s this? A warrant for my arrest?


No. It’s an obituary. Hope Crayno died!

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In the front part of Jenny’s dungeon that Nan had made for her, the main screen kept playing looped episodes of “The Nan World.” Jenny made sure to poke holes in the bathroom. The hole was almost big enough to break through and Jenny's determination wasn't going to let her down.


Come on…just a little more.

With one big thrust of her fist, Jenny breaks through to the other side. She then pulls parts of the walls aside to let herself in or out. What she found was definitely not an exit.


What the hell does that crazy bitch have going on here?

The room was dark but she kept hearing the beeping noises to what turned out to be a ventilation system.


Oh my god. I’m not the only one she’s been holding captive here.

Jenny makes her way up to an almost lifeless body. The person was very familiar but Jenny couldn’t make out who it was. Jenny slowly got closer to the person and their eyes open up.


Oh my god…it’s you!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

WELCOME BACK PP - I AM GLAD PP IS BACK.... MAN I MISS THAT SHOW - Very good episode.... WOW KIM is shaking things up in PP as Lana... Love her - and what the hell is NAN upto now - who's in the otherside of the door - GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK!!!

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My mutha fuckin boy is back. Damn I have missed PP. What the hell. But I know it was for a VERY good reason? How did the movie part turn out? Don't 4get about me....

NE way What a great episode. Nan is really up to no good. I love it. I can't wait to find out who else she is hiding. I know whom ever it is will be a shocker kuz I know how you do.

FOR THE FIRST time, Marli is interesting. Cutie SR is in town. I had to laugh when he said"Drop the panties" Hell naw. I so lov e Bryan as the main male villain and I just know he's going to use this info to get Blake and I can't wait. Blake vs. Bryan is one great male rivalry for sure. And I don't under stand why Marli's dumb ass gone put the entire contact name name Jim Webb FBI Agent, Who does that?, lol. Just based on my phone, I am more low key and have to code things up,(being who I am and doing what I do, lol) But I don't know. Blake's nosy ass. But he got a right I guess. That story is really picking up S.T.E.A.M. P.S. Bryan and SR would look hot together, lol.

Hmm, Jace, Alicia nem, I don't know where things are going to go but I know things are at a major cross roads. I will be keeping a close eye on this one beings I camp, Will and camp jace.

Gilbert Smith, thanks for the last name, didn't seem him in the ep or did I just miss him.

O yea I love KZ. I hope to see more of her.

This was a great episode Matt. The dialog was top notch and edgy and fancier. Can't wait for the next installment.

OOH and I can't forget Alley and John, What he did was nice and they really needed that.

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This blog is really great. I'm liking a lot of the characters. I enjoyed the Blake and Lana scenes. The personalities really come through.

And there seems like there are a lot friendships and relationships to get interested in.

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Thanks guys for the comments, you know they truly mean a lot to me. I'm actually enjoying Kim Zimmer's character of Lana because I wanted to throw Revaisms in there. She seems like a lot of fun to be around, to a point of course. Which was surprising because when Lana was first brought on, she was only seen by phone, but since she's actually in town makes her lively and exciting.

You all know that Nan is crazy on many levels. This time, it's just layer upon layer of being psycho. Nan's motto is to get whatever she wants at any cost. She always has a reason for doing what she does and she always has a masterplan if it doesn't turn out. Nan's master plan of kidnapping Jenny and this new guest, can just be added on the many list of all the evil things she's done. (I'm thinking this is probably number 35!)

Gilbert guest starred as the housemate who called the ambulance in the beginning scene. That scene sort of messed me up because it had to end on a mini-cliffhanger with Officer Wendell at the door but I wanted to wait until the next episode for it to be resolved. Which means that everything had to follow within the same night. Usually there's always a day break or two but not this time.

Yeah I noticed how stupid these characters can be sometimes. What with Sky screaming on the phone that got her caught and now Marli's phone may get her in trouble. That's basically why I write those ploys is so that I can have these characters with secrets get caught! Just to speed up the plot becuase if it said something shorter on Marli's phone, then Blake wouldn't have worried but now that Blake knows she's been talking to the F.B.I. well that's kind of a red flag for his own interrogation. Though Marli's secret isn't fully revealed, you'll see it come out in the next upcoming episodes and its consequences.

The Blake vs. Bryan rivlary is a lot of fun to write, though I have to admit, I liked it better when it was Blake vs. Nan and Bryan. It's always good vs. bad and the prize is power. That's what these characters are driven by. Being on top is the name of the game at Point Palace!

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Thaks for the comment Matt. I do to Miss Nan/Bryan vs Blake but there plots respectively are good apart from each other. And I know you had those plot ploys to speed things up. I think PP moves the fastest out of all of the SONOP shows which is nothing wrong with that at all. Keeps you guessing for sure. ANd I can't wait to see who this guest is, I can't think for the life of me who it could be.

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