2/8/08: SURPRISE!!!


The family works to help Maggie get the club ready. They are then surprised to see Abby and Maxwell walk in. Jack follows behind as Abby says she’s not going to the safe house tonight. Jack tells everyone he’s tried to convince her otherwise but she’s as stubborn as her mother, which Abby takes as a huge compliment. She wants to be there for the big opening and Lawrence or anyone else won’t stop her. Julie tells her it’s too dangerous and Max says it’s no use. They’ll get her out of town in the morning.

Tony and Anna just look at Cassie. Alexandra walks in, wondering what just happened, and Tony tells her. She walks over to Cassie and congratulates her.......finally, Stefano has a descendant he can be proud of. Stefano can’t believe it, saying...
Stefano: After everything I’ve done for you all.....to betray me like this.......
Tony: You really have your nerve, old man. Betray you?! You have made ALL of our lives a living hell for 30 years!
Stefano: How can you speak to me this way?
Tony: Because you deserve it.
Lexie: After what you’ve done.......you’re lucky any of us are even standing in the same room with you.
Stefano: You all......disgust me.
Anna: And I curse the day I ever met you. Guess you forgot how you had Tony, Renee and me living under your roof. And for what?! To prove who should receive your fortune. You bastard.
Stefano: Tony...........you are dead to me. Just remember that.
Tony: Gladly, Stefano. Good thing I know this. Now........I won’t have to get you anything for Father’s Day.
Tony looks at Cassie and walks over to her. With one tear falling down his cheek, he tells her......
Tony: My dear........you have no idea what you have done here today. But, when that man leaves you ruined in the streets........don’t come running to me.
Tony, Anna and Alexandra turn to leave. As they do.......Cassie runs out into the hall, begging them not to go. Stefano walks out behind her, wondering why she wants these turncoats to stay. Cassie can’t answer. All she can do is look at Tony’s back. He still hasn’t turned around and refuses to do so. Cassie says she only did it because there is another war coming their way.......and Stefano says that this time, everyone may be ruined by it. Lexie and Anna look at Tony, who turns to face his father and little girl.......
And he tells them both that for all he cares, whatever they get they deserve. He’ll be damned if he ruins his life because of some garbage Stefano got involved in. Stefano spits at Tony and Tony rushes over and grabs Stefano by the collar as the ladies try and pull them apart. Tony then says to a shocked Stefano......
Tony: I have never forgiven you for what happened........to my mother on that island all those years ago. And........I will spend my life making you pay for that........dear Father.
Tony shoves Stefano against a wall and turns, walking out the door with a seething rage that makes everyone fearful.

ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)
Nicole walks into the bedroom and sees Joey reading. He asks if she will read with him and she says she’s too busy. She then turns her purse over on the bed and rifles through it, looking for anything she can hock to get money and get the hell out of Salem. Joey sees her doing this, shakes his head, and gets up and goes into the other room. Nicole calls out to him after a few minutes but he doesn’t answer. She goes to the bedroom door and calls again.
She starts walking down the hallway and goes into his room. She doesn’t see him. She gets worried, thinking he has ran off. She runs to her bedroom, throws her shoes on, and runs out the bedroom door......
And runs straight into a sight she never thought she would see again. She sees Joey, walking into the room, with a huge smile on his face. He is sucking on a lollipop and Nicole stares at the person who gave it to him as this person walks into the room.....
Person: CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PERSON!!! Well.........aren’t you going to say hi?
The person smiles at a shocked Nicole and the scene freeze frames on her face........
And slowly fades to black.
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