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Jenn hits the Jackpot!Episode73



Pasadena City Jailjailcell.jpg

Natalia walks over to Alexis's jail cell.

Natalia, referring to Alexis's orange jail get up

"I think orange looks nice on you."


"Don't be cute. Like I already told you. I won't be in here for long mark my words."


"It's going to take a miracle for you to get out of this."


"Don't worry about all that. Just take notes."


"Don't need too. Enough of the crap what's your answer? Hand over control of Divine Design, refund my monies, or talk to my lawyers. Now what is it going to be?"


"You really are a Bitch."


"I already knew that."


"You can oversee the development of the fashion show. I won't be in here for long, and when I get out, I won't forget this."


"Well just don't forget, I have an investment in D&D. I'll assume day to day operations. I can't wait until Sabryn finds out."


"Yea, Yea, you won't be enjoying that title for long. Divine Design is my company at the end of the day. Don't you ever forget that."


"Yea, ok Lexie. See you next lifetime. You'll be in here the rest of your life for killing your sister. You really are sick."


"Wait until I get out of here. You will be sorry."


"In your dreams. Tootles." Natalia says with a smile, walking away.


Episode: 73,Jenn hits the JackPot!!

Written by: ML Cooks


Across the street from The Williams House, is Sister Patterson, leaving a darkened house, she looks to see if there are any cars or anyone watching her. Once she sees the coast is clear, Sister Pat makes a dash for her house. She enters the front door, out of breath. "I hope Miss Jenkins liked what I cooked. She can be picky."10.jpg



entertainment_25213_2.jpgAbe, on the outskirts of Pasadena, in a vacant field, is digging into the earth until his shovel hit's something hard. Abe digs around it. Once the casket looking box is cleared of dirt, he prays it opens. Finally after a few tugs at it, the casket opens. The casket is empty. "This is where I buried Kelis. So that must mean she really is alive, living as Mona. Oh my damn. Everything I did to her is going to come out." Abe closes the casket back up and fills the whole he dug back up with dirt. As he puts the dirt back, he wonders, where is Mona, and what else has she done. He also wonders why Mona and Ty are working together."I have to put a stop to this madness. " He says as he walks brushes himself off and walks over to his car and drives off.



At Mona's bombed underground bunker slash mountain resort,

Ty lays on the rubble, having fainted from seeing Daniel in the rubble. Karl walks over and slaps his son's face

"Get up you woman. What kind of son did I raise?" When Ty doesn't respond, Karl then punches his son in the face. Ty wakes up and rubs his jaw, sitting up

"What the hell is the matter with you?"


"Get up you fool. Get it together. I can see why your life is falling apart around you. That's all going to change now. Daddy is home."


"Right, whatever. Just help me carry Daniel to the car." Ty and Karl carry Daniel's weakened and tortured body into Ty's car and drives off to the hospital.0804_14.jpg

Just Chris, takes his last breath of life. Chris, having been lethally injected is no more. The state of California, with Mona's underhanded treachery, has killed an innocent man.lethal-injection-sanquentin21.jpg


"Time of death is 11:53 pm." Chris's body is covered and taken to the morgue at the hospital.matt.jpg

Westwood Park, Lauren's HouseuntitSabynsfrontdoor.jpg

On Lauren's couch, both Lauren and Kevin have climaxed together. As he lays on top of her, and right after he release's inside her, the guilty moment begins to take affect. There breathing slows as they both realized what happened. Kevin slowly slides out of his best friend and put's his boxers on. Lauren, looks panicked, as she grabs her clothes


"I can't believe this happened."

Kevin doesn't respond.ginuwine.jpg


"This wasn't supposed to happen Kevin. You love Sharan." As Lauren says that, he has a flashback, of the last night he saw Sharan, they was arguing because she called out Dondre's name in the middle of making love. He finally responds

"Lauren, I really don't even know about that no more."


"What? What do you mean?"


"I am so sorry this happened. I guess we got caught up in the emotional moment. We both have suffered mass loses. You especially. We were drinking."


"Kevin, we've been friends since high school. We've gotten drunk before. But this? This is a whole new level. I don't know if I can look at you the same."



She cuts him off

"We had sex. Kevin's I am just .. I don't know" She says looking away from him. Kevin doesn't know what to say or do at this point. He know he made a mistake sleeping with Lauren.

"Look Lauren, I don't have the answer right now. I hope this doesn't mess up our friendship. I'm sorry this happened." Kevin grabs his coat and leaves. Lauren releases tears from her eyes as her life continues to spiral out of control. She goes walks into her kitchen and pulls out a bottle of her favorite liquor, Gin. "Gin will make you Sin they say" Lauren says to herself as she opens the bottle and begins to drink straight from the bottle. She drunks until she can forget that her life is a mess.

Cleveland, Ohiocleveland.jpg

Off of Cedar Ave,

An older man with a top hat, a gold tooth, black church shoes and black slacks and silk shirt walks over toward Jenn's car.

alicia_silverstone_01.jpg"He's going to rape us"


"You working my nerves girl with this scary act you pulling." The man opens Jenn's door and gets in the back seat. Jenn and Ria both look at each other.






"I said drive bunny."


"Hold on patna, you don't hope in this car and shout out orders. You leave that to me" She says as she looks at the man up and down.


"You sexxy for an older man" Ria nods at Jenn to drive


"They call me DC. How old you think I am young thang?"


"I'd say mid forties"


"You close."


"So where am I driving too."


"I'm hungry, pull into this Wendy's"

Ria and Jodie look at each other on confusion


"Look man, we want to know about Jodie."


"Yes, Good old Jodie. She was my best white girl."


"What you talking?"


"When Jodie worked that track, she brought me so much money."


"All hell naw."


"The race track?"


"Naw girl. Jodie was a hooker."


"Yea lil bunny, I could make some money off you too." Looking in Jenn's's direction


"Naw pimp. We don't get down like that."


"So why are you looking for Jodie?"


"Uhm," Before Jenn can answer, they pull up to the intercom

"Welcome to Wendy's go ahead with your order"


"Yea, tell em you want four five piece nuggets with ranch and barbeque sauce."

Jenn gives the order and pulls up to the window


"Where is Jodie anyway. We have unfinished business."


"Interesting. I can take you to her. I know where she is"


"Where's your money for the food?"


"You got me."

Ria rolls her eyes at the sexxy pimp and opens her purse.


"Yea, I'ma need to see my favorite trick. When can I see her?"


"We leave on plane out to LAX in the morning"{


"Jodie in L.A.?"




"That's nice. I can get my shirts and my white hat. This cold weather aint getting it."


"I know that's right"

DC, leaning up and caressing her back

"Do you pretty thang."

Jenn hands DC his bag of nuggets.


"Well if I am going to stay in Pasadena, I'm need a place to stay. Starting with tonight."


"You said you a pimp? Shouldn't you have wad's of money. Or pimpin You said easy in Cleveland."


"I guess Jodie really was a good money maker. It's ok Ria. He can stay at the hotel with us."


"Now you talking lil bunny."

Ria, rolling her eyes

"I just hope your feet don't stink being in your tight ass dress shoes all day."

DC laughs

"I like you young thang. Feisty. Just like I like em"


"Uhm Hmm"

The Williams House

Abe walks into the front door. Sister Patterson is sitting in a chair in her living room reading her bible by the fireplace. Pat closes her bible and looks at her watch.

"Don't you know what time it is? You got off work hours ago. And why are you coming into this damn house so damn dirty. Lord what if Miss Jenkins saw you. Now you got me cussing."


"I'm not in the mood."

Pat, getting up and walking over to him

"Don't talk to me like that. We share two kids bastard!"


"I had a rough day at work. I don't want to be bothered."


"That's too bad. I waited up for you."


"Since when do you that?"


"Excuse me?"


"You haven't waited up for me since the last time we made love and that was 20 years ago."


"Don't give me that. I waited up so we can pray."


"Here we go. Yea, you need to pray. A marriage is about love, respect and sexual satisfaction. You give me none of those."


"Well it's not peaches and cream living with you either. You know why I can't give myself to you. SO don't take me there."


"Yes, Pat, let's go there. I have needs and wants to. What am I supposed to do?"


"You got two hands, a DVD player, and a computer. Put all that to use. Lord have Mercy, where is my Holy Water. You tripping tonight."


"No Pat, let's talk about it. Since our-"


"Abe, please don't go there."


"We have never come to terms since we lost our daughter." Pat instantly sheds tears


"Lord, Have Mercy, Abe, please don't bring my baby girl up. That precious soul."


"That's just it. I have something to tell you about Kelis"..........


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My heart is broken. It's sunk with the Titanic and that stupid Celine Dion song. Poor Chris! I was like screaming at my computer screen. Is this your revenge for killing off Trella? This makes me DESPISE Lauren. I don't know who I loathe more, man whore Kevin or loose Lauren! If you're in love with Sharan, I wouldn't be trying to blend up a vanilla shake! And to quote Felicia from America's Next Top Model Cycle 5 "shut up you alcholic bitch!" That's what Lauren's turning into. If she's so horny, maybe she could shove- I'm not going to go there. If she doesn't take or accept Daniel back, then Lauren will be dead to me.

Really Ria? I love Ria and all but I think she has more class than to flirt with a pimp. Too funny. Maybe she was just trying to get some info out of him, well we know Jenn was, but Ria might've wanted some "tricks" on the side. The Wendy's scene was funny but if this pimp is homeless, then this is also very serious, but still a little bit funny because it involved Ria and Jenn.

Abe was always a blah character for me but now he's actually standing out. He needs to either divorce or knock out Sister Patterson. It reminds me of NORBIT in a way. He is definitely her bitch.


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WOW - ITs a WELL MOVE EPISODE - no times to blank away from the screen, it was just beautiful - well done. Pure orgasmic!!!!

It was a Killer - I gave it five STARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

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Wow thanks for the kind words. The decision to kill Chris off was a very hard one. But it will not be in vain. I know Lauren is acting up right now, her journey is just begining.

The battle between Jenn and Jodie will take center stage when S.T.E.A.M. returns from a brief hitaus.

THe fall out of Chris's death and Daniel's return will have profound effects on many people in Pasadena.

DC has a shocking connection to Pasadena other than Jodie, keep you eye on that one.

Matt Your comments had me dying man. And no Killing Chris off was not my response for you killing off Trella, lol. I am glad Abe finally is growing on you somewhat.

Get ready when S.T.E.A.M. returns for the second half of season 2. I'm just getting warmed up.

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