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Extra Crispy! Episode70



It’s Morning in Pasadena

settings.jpgRia rings the doorbell at Ty’s Mansion. Jenn opens the door and is happy to see Ria again


“Hey girl”


“Hey, come in.”


“I sho’ will. I’ve always wanted to see how you was living Jenn. I see you living large.” She says looking around and seeing oversized statues, pieces of glam ours art, and a grand white piano.


“I guess it’s nice.”


“Girl what you mean? You got everything. A fine ass man, he got money, you live in a fly ass crib.”


“It’s just-“ They hear someone coughing


“Oh hell naw. Who is that? That didn’t sound right at all”


“You’re not going to believe this but Santino showed up on our doorstep.”


“You mean Ty’s limo driver.”




“Girl he can get it to. He Latino or something. Fine as hell. But I read he drove off a cliff and the car exploded upon impact. You mean to tell me he survived all that?”




“How in the hell does that happen?”


“You Guess is as good as mine”


Episode: 70 Extra Crispy

Written by: ML Cooks

Pasadena City Court House100_1391.jpg

Kevin meets up with Lauren outside the court room.

Lauren, hugging himkutdo.jpg

“It’s so good to see you.”


How are you holding up?”


“TO be honest I’ve been a mess. Ever since Chris stabbed Daniel I haven’t been able to sleep. Every time I close my eyes I instantly go back to the night when the lights went out.”


“Believe me I know how you feel. I can’t even think straight since Dondre kidnapped Sharan. I am even thinking of handing over complete control of Ivory Inc. to my brother.”


“Wow. It seems we are in the same boat.”


“I guess so.” He says as they walk into the courtroom. They see Bryan and Sabryn all ready sitting inside. Sabryn gets up and greets Kevin


“Kevin it’s so good to see you. I am so sorry about Sharan.”


“Thank you. I hope and pray we get a lead soon.”

Sabryn, looking at Lauren

“So sorry for your loss”


“Are you really? I mean Aren’t you here supporting Chris?”

Bryan, interjectingimage.jpg

“Yes we are Lauren. I believe Chris when he says he didn’t kill Daniel.”


“I was there when it happened. I saw it with my own two eyes” She says getting upset


“Lauren, lets go grab a seat. The trial is about to start.”

Chris with handcuffs on his ankles and his wrist is escorted into the courtroom. Judy calls court into session


“No need for a big long drawn out case. And Thank goodness Sister Patterson isn’t here.”

Lisa and Stacy both smile


“Mr. Douglas will you please rise?”

Chris stands up as does Lisa


“Chris Douglas, you are aware you have plead guilty to murder in the first degree correct?”

Chris, hesitantlycedeno05.jpg

“Yes your honor.”


“Are you ready to be sentenced?”


“Yes your Honor”

Back on Lavender Hill, Ty’s Mansion

Ria, looking at a freakish looking Santinosan.jpg

“Back from the dead. Who knew?”


“Wrong timing that’s for sure. This is the reason I can’t go to Cleveland.”


“I see.”


“And Ty wasn’t having it anyway.”


“Girl please. Let’s just take Tino with us. I am curious myself as to what Jodie is hiding.”


“Ty is not going to be happy at all”


“Who cares? You’re a grown ass woman. If he loves you then he will respect your decision to go to Cleveland. Now get Mr. Crispy ready here and I’ll pack a bag and meet you at the airport.”


“Sounds like a plan.” They smile at each other as Ria leaves. Jenn is thrilled to be on her mission to bring Jodie to her knees.

West Wood Park, Natalia HouseuntitSabynsfrontdoor.jpg

Natalia is freaking out over her discovery that her sex tape with Bryan is missing. She reads the note Rufus left.” I got your porn flick. I’ll be in touch. Tootles” Natalia sits on the bed and freezes up. Ria walks in.

“Girl what’s the matter with you?”


“Ria. Some one got it.”


“Got what?”


“The sex tape of me and Bryan”


“What do you mean? How did this happen?”


“Someone broke in here”


“Ohh hell naw. I hope they didn’t take any of my weave pieces. I paid good money for that.”


“Damn that hair Ria. Did you just hear what I said? Some one has the sex tape of Bryan and me. There’s no telling who it is. What if Mark sees the tape. I’ll loss any chance with Mark. And I can’t let Sabryn see the tape. I am not ready to have her as an enemy. I got so much to deal with now as it is.”


“Girl I see. What about your monies at Divine Design?”


“I can’t even think about that right now. I think I’m going to be sick” Natalia gets up and runs into the bathroom to vomit. Ria goes into her room to make sure her real human hair weave pieces aren’t missing

“I’ll be damned if anyone touches my hair.”


ngckmjgb.jpgRufus parks his rusty bucket at oldcar.jpgBrook Side Park.263985614_15b75b033c.jpg Pulling out a pack of steaks he stole from a grocery store, Rufus gets out the car and walks over to the public bathroom. He retrieves a buggy he hid and walks over to a grassy area. Rufus puts sticks and twigs under the buggy and lights a fire. Rufus throws the steak onto the bottom of the buggy, therefore making it a make shift grill of some sorts.grill.jpg

“I hope no one sees me. This is so degrading. All because of Mark. But rest assured, now that I got this tape with Bryan and Natti, I’ll be living the good life real soon. As soon as I cook this steak up, It’s time to get paid,” Rufus continues to simmer his steak

Ria walks into Pasadena’s Friendly Skies Airport.

She sees Jenn with Santino in a wheel chair. Ria walks over to them.


“Girl we look crazy with Santino being wrapped in bandages. He look like a mummy.”


“I know. Let’s get going. The sooner we get in Cleveland the better. I hope I find something real good on Jodie. I got a feeling I will” Jenn wheels Santino onto the airplane with Ria following.

Back at Natalia’s House

Natalia comes out the bathroom wiping her mouth off. Her cell phone rings and she answers it.



“Nice sex tape”


“Who in the hell is this?”


“Never mind about that. Let’s talk about your dirty secret.”


“You don’t know me. I will find out who this is.”


“In your dreams girlfriend.”


“What do you want? I can’t be stressed I’m pregnant?”


“And the million dollar question. Who is the daddy? Bryan or Mark”


“You know a lot about me huh? Tell me who this is!”


“In due time. But in the meantime, you should be asking, what are you going to do, to keep this tape in safe keeping.”


“I don’t think so. You will not blackmail me.”


“You don’t have a choice honey“


“You don’t know who you’re messing with”


“Yea yea, look Bitch enough with the empty threats. There isn’t a damn thing you can do to me. I hold the trump card. I will tell you what to do and when to do it.”


“Then what the hell do you want?”


“Leave Mark!”

Natalia is speechless

Back in The Courtroom

Sabryn, Bryan, Kevin, Lauren, Lisa, Stacy and Chris all wait to hear Judy’s punishment for Chris.


“Chris Douglas, you are hereby sentenced to death by legal injection. You are to be executed tonight, at midnight” Chris, upon hearing he is California’s newest death row inmate, passes out and collapses to the ground……..


Recommended Comments

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This episode was different...it wasn't too fast paced but it wasn't slow at all. It was in the medium and very well balanced. I love how Ria does not care about anyone but herself. She has no consideration for anyone (like Mr.Toasty hehehe.)

Natti, as smart as she is, was so dumb to make that tape. And Rufus should go to jail for what she did. Breaking and entering but after all she is in love with Mark. The confrontation was nice.

I really can't believe the ending! I think that it would've been even better had the verdict ended on a cliffhanger (a la Ava's trial) but that's just me. I really like Chris's character, ever since the beginning, I always thought that he was the right one for Lauren. I'm so hoping that she doesn't go after Kevin, Karim, or Kiko! Bring back Daniel.

Damn that Mona! This is all her fault.

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WOA _ CALM DOWN - CHRIS sentence to death... MAN... home boy Chris, can use some of sister Pat Holy water to get out of this one... OH WAIT - her third eye didn't sees that coming...

I am seeing a lot of changes in STEAM lately, very good - the dramas is still there, and always exciting and enjoyable, a lot more relax... Love it - as always Priceless MOMENT!!!!.

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Thanks guys for the comments. They are VERY interesting. As far as the different feel, I really don't know, I am just glad yens like it. I am trying to really develop the characters more and tighten my stories.

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