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Sharan Fights Back!!Episode68



Pasadena City Jail12824943_551f054d6c.jpg

Lauren walks over to Chris.


"Lauren, I am so glad you showed up. It's good to see you"


"I don't know why. I'm just here to look at the face that killed Daniel. How could you?"


"Lauren.... I didn't stab Daniel. I know it sounds crazy and I know evidence says other wise but I am telling you I am being set up. You have to believe me."


"Why should I? After I told you Daniel hit me in the head with the phone, you said you hope Abe finds him first because if not, you were going to kill him."


"I sure did say that. Daniel should be dead for putting his hands on you. Look at all the things he's done to you."


"Daniel didn't deserve to die. He needed help. Not a knife through the chest"


"Then why didn't you help him?"


Well you took that chance away from me now didn't you?"


"Oh Lauren please. Daniel didn't want help. He kept escaping from the nut ward. What happened to all the times you said it was over between you two. You were ready to move on, away from him without Daniel in your life and now you wanted to help him?"


"I don't even know who you are anymore. How could I be so stupid to fall for a man like you."


A man like what? A man that is truthful"


"Keep telling yourself."


"If you really feel I killed your ex crack head boyfriend, then Lauren why are you even here?"


To ask you why? Why did you kill Daniel?"


"I'm not going to say this again. I didn't kill him. You say you don't know how you fell for me, well the feeling is mutual. If you think I could be so cold hearted and sadistic then you need to leave and never come back. I will prove my innocence and you will see I was set up. After that I will be expecting an aplogoy"


"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were smoking crack too. I'm going to make sure you get the death penalty you heartless bastard." Lauren leaves after saying that.


"Please some one help me. Help me prove that I am being set up."


Episode: 68,

Written by ML Cooks with Monique Bitches


Sierra Madre, Mona's Underground Bunker50d6.jpg

Mona walks out from the tunnel she has dug. She puts her shovel down and sits down. She looks at Sharan, still tied up to a bed.


"How do you feel pretty?"


"Not good. You try being tied up and see how you feel. Why are you digging that tunnel?"


"That's how we are leaving this place. Were going on our honeymoon. A romantic tropical island. Just me and you baby."


"What about Daniel?"


"That's a good question. What about Daniel?" She says as she looks at him. Daniel who is very weak, from lack food and water, in pain from the abuse Mona has implied him, from beatings by steel shovels to having blunts ashed into his skin. And if that wasn't bad enough, Daniel has been chained up , in a standing position for weeks.

Daniel, softlydanny3.jpg

"Please kill me. I don't want to live no more. I'm sorry for everything."


"You sound like a man with a clear head. A man is no longer on drugs. I bet the withdrawal from meth is killing you."


"Please stop this madness. Let us go. We didn't do anything to you."


"But your fiancee's father did."




"That sick bastard. It's because of him why this is all happening. He did this to me!" She says as for the first time ever, we see Mona's vulnerable side when she sheds a tear. Mona does have some emotion. Not wanting to let Sharan or Daniel see her in her weak state, she gets her shovel and walks into her tunnel. Sharan thinks to herself" I have to come up with a plan to get us out of here. There's no telling what this mad woman is going to do. I have to do something before she takes me to that island. Damn where is Abe? Where is Kevin? Why hasn't anyone found me yet?" Upon saying Kevin's name, Sharan has a flashback to the night her and Kevin were making love and she called out Dondre's name.

Back at Pasadena City Jail

To Chris's surprise, Ty walks up to his jail cell. He stands up from his cot.


"What the hell are you doing here?"


"I need to ask you a few things."


"We don't have anything to talk about. You've wasted your time coming here. "


"I would not be so sure."


"The last time we saw one another, it wasn't pleasant."


"Stop the drama. You're acting like a woman. I am here to help you prove your innocence."


"Why do you want to help me? You don't do anything unless it serves you. So what is really going on?"


"I think I may know who's really responsible for killing Daniel"

Chris is stunned.

Pasadena City Court Room,100_1391.jpg

Police hold Sabryn back as Bryan rushes over to her to calm her down. Sister Patterson is throwing Holy Water on Alexis as Alexis is handcuffed and is escorted to the holding cell area. alexis-thorpe-15.jpg

Natalia, Ria, and Jodie are all shocked that there boss has been arrested for killing her own sister.

Lisa walks over to Stacylisa.jpg

"I see you ain't smiling now Bitch."


"Ghetto trash. I got more trials to prosecute. This won't happen again." Stacy grabs her suitcase and leaves the court room in embrarrasemsnt.


"Wait until I tell Karim his bo-nop is locked up. And it seems they won't be letting her out."


"I don't think so. I got half a million invested in Alexis and her Divine Design."


"Damn, that's messed up. Girl come on and lets' go find Karim." Looking at Jodie" Girl you want to come with us? We can grab a drink later."


"No I'll pass. But I will take a rain check?"


"I don't step out in the rain, my hair cost too much but when the sun shines again, yea girl we can have a girls night out."

Jodie laughs

"Ok, Take care."


"You to." Jodie leaves. Natalia turns to Ria

"She seems quiet. Kind of shy."


"Those are the ones you have to watch out for." And with that they both leave the courtroom.

Sabryn finally calms down once Alexis is escorted out the court room. Bryan holds her as tears of joy run down her face


"It's over baby. Everything is going to be ok."


"It's about time." She pulls back and looks into his eyes


"I love you."


"I love you too" They kiss once more as Judge Judy releases them from custody. Sabryn and Bryan both approaches Lisa


"We want to thank you for a job well done."


"I told yall it's never a problem. You can show your gratitude by paying that bill that I'll send you. Congratulations. And if you need my services again, please, come holla at me."


"Will do" Lisa grabs her briefcase and leaves the courtroom. Sabryn and Bryan begin to leave the courtroom , that is until Sister Patterson stops them.

Sister Patnymom_gesture2.gif

"I have a few words for you two...."

Back at Pasadena City Jail


"So you know who's setting me up. Man I can't believe this. Of all people to believe that I am telling the truth, I certainly never expected it to be you."


"Yea well don't go falling in love with me ok? I need you to tell me what exactly happened the night Daniel was killed."


"I pulled up to Lauren's house and left my head lights on due to the black out, heard Daniel trying to rape Lauren so I ran inside, once I finally made my way to Lauren's bedroom I was going to try and find Daniel in the dankness but I somehow passed out or something. When I woke back up, I had Daniel's blood all over me and Daniel had a knife in his chest and Lauren was screaming her head off. I know I didn't kill Daniel. Some one is setting me up. Now you said you knew who now tell me so I can get the hell out of here!"


"Thank you for your time Chris." Ty walks away


"That's it!" He says hollering after him. "Ty help me! Tell me who!" To no avail Ty is now gone. Chris hopelessly kneels down by his cot and prays that some how some one will come through for him and prove he is being set up.

Downtown Pasadena, Ivory Inc.Apr18_0003.jpg

Natalia and Ria get off the elevators and walks toward Karim's office. Karim's secretary LaDonna tries to stop the two


"Can I help you?"




"Well you can't just barge in on Mr. Williams with out an appointment."


"Watch me." Ria walks right past Ladonna and walks into in Karim's office. Natalia follows. Karim is surprised and angry as he was in the middle of a conference call with a chemist from the lab downstairs. Karim hangs up the phone.


"What the hell are you doing here?"

Ladonna, walking in

"Sorry, she would not listen."


"It's ok. Ria is hard of hearing anyway." Ladonna smiles and closes the door to the office


"Put the brakes on the jokes."

Karim, in a bid to make Ria mad, ignores her and warmly greets Natalia

"How are you Natalia? It's good to see you."


"I'm Fin-"

Ria, cutting her off

"Don't do that. We are much better than that."


"Are we? Last time I checked, you cheated on me.


"Here we go again."


"Ria, just tell the man why we are here and stop arguing with him."


"Finally some one with some common sense."




"Why are you Miss Winters?"


"Well your girlfriend has been arrested"


"Ria, I mean really you could not have come up with something better than that?"


"She's telling the truth. She tried to kill Ashley."

Karim is stunned. He then looks at Ria

"You just had to come and tell me huh." He grabs his car keys and begins to leave the office.


"I was trying to help you. You know what fu(k you Karim."

Karim, turning around to look at her

"You would like too." He then leaves without giving her a chance to respond. Ria stands there feeling salty.


"You still love him. I can see it."


"If I did it doesn't matter. He clearly doesn't feel the same way about me."


"I can see why"


"What you talking?"


"Let's go have a drink and I'll explain everything."


"I guess girl. Sh'mone" She says as they leave Ivory Inc.

Sierra Madre, Mona's Underground Bunker

Mona walks out of her tunnel and over to Sharan

"Well it's time pretty brown eyes."

Sharan, nervous

"Time for what?"


"For our trip to paradise." She says untiing her from the bed


"What about Daniel?"


"Compassion. That's why I love you baby. No need to worry about him. He's not coming with us."


"Then what are you going to do with him?"


"Leave him here to rot and die. He's about half way there now. Besides this is what he wants. You heard him say "kill me let me die". He even tried to commit suicide. So I am doing him a favor."


"You are sick. What's the matter with you?"


"I don't have time for this, We on a mission. Now when you get up, move slowly and don't make no sudden moves. You've seen what I have done to Daniel, I hope I don't have to hurt you like that."

Sharan slowly gets and walks towards the tunnel with Mona right behind her. Suddenly Sharan turns around and decks Mona right in the mouth. Mona is thrown off her balance and Sharan jumps on top of her, pinning her down and bashing her head into the ground. So intense is the head bashing and so fast is Sharan moving Mona has no time to respond and she loses consciousness......


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Yay for Sharan! It was about time Mona got what was coming to her. Even though she had some sort of compassion, after everything she did, even if she became a nun it wouldn't be enough. (Good job on showing a second side to a villain.) I'm hoping that Daniel can return to his own funeral in time to clear Chris because you know that Ty will be shutting his mouth up. He has way too much to lose so my guess is that he'll either use Chris for his own evil doings or just mislead him. In speaking of being mislead, wow is Lauren being really dumb. First she leaves Daniel for Chris only to not trust him when it comes to his ex. Why get into a relationship to begin with? She obviously still cares for Daniel and now I'm torn between who she should belong with. I think that Sharan should fall in love with Daniel to leave Chrisauren alone.

Ria weeping was sweet to see that she does have a softer side to her weave. It was also nice to see Sabryn not being a priss for once and opening up to Bryan, someone who truly loves her. I hope that Gilbert doesn't get his heart broken too much if he finds out.

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WOW S.T.E.A.M. is moving really fast these days, very good - Mona does has a heart deep down inside, I almost feel sorry for her, "almost"... Man Daniel needs a miracle to get out of this one, maybe lady in Red might come to his rescue ( "HAHAHA"- I would laugh)

RIA is one confuse bitch - I hope she find whatever she is looking for.

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