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Summer's Eve!Episode 66



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19-1.jpgPat having just read her bible, comes down the stairs, hearing the pounding at the door

“Who is it knocking on my door like you the devil? I am armed with Holy Water and I’m not afraid to use it.” She looks in the peep hole and see it’s Ty. Sister Pat opens the door and before Ty can get a single word out, Pat slaps him

“You simple Bastard. Don’t you know what time it is. It’s 9 am. It’s rude for you to pound on someone’s door that damn early. See, you got me cussing. What if Miss Jenkins saw you knocking on my damn door like you crazy. Get yo ass in my house!” She says pulling him inside


“Sister Patterson, I am sorry to drop by like this. But I wouldn’t have, had it not been for an emergency.”


“Emergency huh. You want some of this good Holy water?”


“I don’t think Holy water will get this job done. Is your husband around? I need to talk to the chief”


“Don’t ever, ever, ever, refer to that man as my husband. He is my roommate and it just so happens we share two sons.”


“I’m sorry sister Patterson.”


“I know. I think he’s in the bathroom stanking it up. Lord have Mercy” And as she says that, Abe walks down the staircase.


“Ty! What the hell are you doing here?”


“You better watch your mouth. It’s about to be Sunday. “


“Pat, can it. I’m not in the mood for your antics today.”

Pat unscrews the top of her holy water bottle and begins to splash Abe with it.

“Simple Bastard. That’s the devil coming out of ya. Lord don’t let Miss Jenkins find out.” Abe pushes Ty outside to escape the rain showers of holiness.


“You ever think of taking that wild bat to get checked out?”


“Ty, don’t insult my family. What the hell are you doing here?“


“Santino showed up on my doorstep last night.”


“What? I thought he died when his car was rammed off a cliff?”


“Me too. He showed up on ,my doorstep. Burnt pretty bad.”


“So why are you telling me?”


“Mona is playing games. She’s the one who probably killed Daniel and she’s the one who kidnapped Sharan.”


“So Chris and Dondre are innocent?”


“I don’t have time for that. We have got to find Mona! She’s dangerous.”


“What do you mean find her? Aren’t you two working together?”


“Not no more. If I ever see your daughter, I swear I will kill her on sight”


Episode : 66

Written by ML C

Westwood Park, Mark’s HouseuntitSabynsfrontdoor.jpg

Mark and Natalia are sitting in the living room watching TV. Mark is distant, not really watching TV. Natalia, who continues to chow down on a sandwich she made for her and Mark notices Mark has barley taken a bite.


“Is it nasty?”

Mark, snapping out of his dazed statemjhfg.jpg

“Oh, no it’s not that. “ He says laying his sandwich on his plate and standing up/


“Mark, what’s going on? I can tell something is really bothering you.”

Mark, thinking of Rufus, plays it off by saying

“It’s Dahlia. I miss her. I just still can’t believe she’s dead”

Natalia, thinking in her head(Damn Dahlia again. Get over her. She’s dead, she’s gone and never coming back)

“My mother always told me, as the worlds turns, we have winter, spring, summer and fall, and therefore man has his cycle too.”


“Natalia sometimes I really wish you would think before you speak.”


“You know Mark I am tired you talking to me crazy.”


“You have no one to blame for that but yourself. You were the one who black mailed me into having sex with you. I didn’t ask you to be in my life. You forced me. I don’t like being forced to do anything. SO therefore, I have no respect for you. I get depressed thinking of the fact, of all possible people, I have to have a child with you.”

Natalia, wiping a tear from her cheek

“Mark I love you-”

Mark, cutting her off

“Well I don’t love you. I loved Dahlia. You took her away from me. Your lies and schemes”


“Are you implying I killed Dahlia?”


“You know, that thought never crossed my mind till now. Thanks Natalia, I’ll have to give Chief Williams a call.”


“You can’t be serious?”


“Oh but I am. And while I’m at it there’s something else I need to get off my chest.”

Natalia, wiping another tear from her eye

“By all means. Don’t stop now.”


“I don’t know how else to say this other than just coming right out with, so…I think it would be best if you aborted this baby.” Natalia is stunned, that the man she loves, is asking her to kill a child they are about to raise.


Inside Natalia’s House

Rufus, who has just broken into the house through the back door enters the kitchen. He looks around.

“Ok girl, let’s see what kind of house you keep. Where’s your dirty laundry.” He says as he looks in the cupboards. He sees a box of cereal and nothing else

“Damn I thought I had it bad.” He says opening the refrigerator and after only seeing cheese slices, a loaf of bread and a jar of jelly he says “She doesn’t eat like she pregnant. This bitch eating toasted cheese sandwiches with jelly on it. Let’s see what else we can find” He says as he makes his way deeper into Natalia’s house.

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Pierre escorts Ria to a table that has defense attorney Lisa Ray sitting at.


“Hey girl. Long time no see.”


“Hey, you look cute girl.”


“Thank you so how are you?”


“I’m real good. I just signed on to be a model for Divine Design.”


“That’s with Alexis right?”


“Yea girl. I’m going to blow up.”


“Congrats. Let’s toast” Lisa says holding up her champagne glass and Ria does the same. They toast and sip


“So tell me what’s up with you girl. I’ve been seeing you in the news a lot lately. Sabryn, Bryan, Dre, Chris. It’s crazy.”


“It is. This is the first night in about a month I had some “me” time.”


“Girl I don’t see how you do it.”


“You said Dre as in Dondre…Whitfield”




“You say Dre like you know him.”


“Very well. He was the part time lover I was telling you about.”


“It is a small world.” Lisa and Ria drink


“You know I must say, I’ve known Dre for a while now, and he’s not capable of kidnapping.”


“I’m really sorry girl I really can’t talk about that. “


“I had to get it out there.”


“Listen, Were throwing a mixer this weekend in Atlanta.”


“We’re as in APF?”


“Yes girl, alphaphifuckem.”


“That is so crazy. A mixer as in sex party?”


Naw girl, APF aint all about sex. We all invest our monies in different projects, and stocks and bonds. This sorority is about sisterhood, woman hood. Empowering woman. Letting woman, live lives that is fulfilling and meaningful. APF is like a whole nother life. And yes, good ass, crazy ass sex comes with it. You’d be surprised at who’s in this sorority.”


“That is what’s up. But I’m supposed to go to Cleveland with a friend today.”


“I understand. We have meetings once a month in different locations.”


“Why is that?”


“Got to keep the profile low. You can maybe join us in our next one. Maybe we can do something with Divine Design.”



Westwood Park, Mike’s House

Jodie, laying in the bed with Mike’s arms wrapped around her , opens her eyes, having just finished up a heavy sleep. She smiles and kisses Mike on the lips. He awakes as well


“Good morning sleepy head.”


“Same to you. How do you feel?”


“Like a million dollars. It’s been so long since I was able to wake up next to a man and he isn’t giving me money for my services and trying to leave me. It feels so nice.”


“I’m glad you feel like that.”


“Mike, you mean so much to me. I just want you to know that.”


“I know that. And guess what?”




“I love you.” Jodie smiles


“You really mean it?”


“Of curse I do.” He kisses her on the lips and they hug. Jodie is in heaven as the man she has loved for a while now, has just told her he loves her back. He loves her, flaws and all. After thinking she would never love gain after finding out she has HIV Jodie has surprised herself, with a wonderful and wholesome man.

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alicia_silverstone_10.jpgJenn is sitting in the room with Santino. She continues to stare at him as he sits in the wheel chair.les3.jpg

“Damn you Tino. I was supposed to go to Cleveland today to get some dirt on Jodie.” She continues looking at him

“What in the hell happened to you? Take about flame broiled.” Santino coughs. Jenn gets up and pats him on the back and offers him a glass of water. Santino doesn’t respond.

“Jenn, I don’t know what happened to you. But I’m going to help you get better. Just like you were there for me when Ty shot me. Don’t worry bout nothing Tino, I’m sure Ty will find out who did this to you.”

Westwood Park, Natalia’s House

alexis-arquette_03.jpgRufus is still continuing to go through Natalia’s house. He walks into the bathroom and opens the medicine cabinet. He sees a box of summer’s eve.

“At least the Bitch got a clean twat box.” He throws the box of Eve into the toilet and continues to make his way into the bedroom. He begins going through Natti’s drawers. He pulls out some sexy lingerie

“ The bitch got no food, but got a clean cat box and some sexy ass lingerie. Now what kind of sense does that make?” Then Rufus comes across an unmarked DVD. Rufus pulls it out and pops it in the DVD player. He turns the TV on and Rufus begins to watch Natalia’s and Bryan’s sexual escapade on the pool table at The Jump OFF.


“He got a big ass dick. I’m going to need me some of that.” Rufus looks at the time stamp of the DVD and it matches up with Natalia, sleeping with Mark around the same time she slept with Bryan.

“Like they say, Sex, Lies, and DVD’s” Rufus takes the DVD out the DVD player and smiles

“A little Black mail too. A bitch got to eat.” Rufus puts the DVD in his purse and decides to write Natalia a note

“Hey girlfriend. I found your porn with big dick Bryan. I’m going to keep it for safe keeping. Tootles” Rufus then leaves the house The tables have turned on Natalia


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Oh no she didn't! There are so many comments I want to make about this episode because there was so much action to it. When I saw the scene between Natti and Mark, I thought OMG this is so like when Nan blackmailed Carlos into going out with her to save Jenny from turning her in for vandalizing her room in Season 1. Well, maybe it's not like that but the point I was trying to make was they both have similiar character traits. It's very shocking what Mark suggested. Seems they're going to have even more trouble now that rowdy Rufus found the sex tape. I think he'll use it for two reasons, for blackmail and to get off.

What the heck is APF? Even though Lisa tried explaining it to Ria, I still don't get it.

After watching the I Love NY: 2 Reunion for like the 5th time, you really do have Sister Patterson down. She's so funny in STEAM and just like the same whacko she potrays herself on TV. Maybe she could have an affair with someone similar to Champ.

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LOLOLOLOL - LOVE IT - MATT is RIGHT, in one thing blackmail and to get off. - I do think he will fully expose Nat - in hope of getting Mark to her/himself... AND WAIT A MINUTE - DOES NAT, really pregnant(?) -

MAN so many direction the story can take - It would be fun if RUFUS gets some of Bryan not so little junior - HAHAHA Good Times!!!

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