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#60 Monday, January 7th



#60 Monday, January 7th

At the Athletic Club, Leigh is meeting with her lawyer.


Leigh: I hope you have come up with a plan how to get my kids back, I was very disappointed with the outcome of the hearing.


Ben: Look, I did everything I could. In these kind of cases, the individual has to demonstrate they are person of character.

Leigh: I thought that's what I was doing.

Ben: All you've been doing is trying to make your ex-husband out to be the bad guy.

Leigh: I didn't try to make him out to be a bad person, I just wanted to point his value, which I think are the wrong ones

to teach my children.

Ben: What you need to focus on now is getting yourself together, you need to show the court that you are a stable parent.

Leigh: I thought I showed them that.

Ben: In court, You didn't give them any reason why you should get custody, other than Edmund has the wrong values. I tried

to warn you, but you didn't listen.

Leigh: Okay, I get what you are saying, but how am I supposed to go about this? I need more advice.

Ben: Well, first off, you need to start being a little more civil with Edmund. For your children's sake, this shouldn't remain a bitter custody battle.

Leigh: I'll do whatever it takes to raise my children, so if that's what it takes, so be it.

Ben: And remember, you'll have to have some patience, appeals take awhile and nothing changes overnight.

Leigh: Good, I need all the time I can get, I need to be able to plot of my move. I think I might have a good idea now of what I'm going to do.

Ben: I'm advising you now, if you are planning on coming up with some sort of scheme, don't do it, it could blow up in your face.

Leigh: I gotta get myself a little leverage, you haven't come up with anything surefire yet.

Ben: If you ruin your chances, don't say I didn't warn you.

Leigh: I'm about to find a way to make the court view me in the best light possible, the last thing I'd do is ruin my chance.



Anna is in her office with Yvette. Anna has learned the truth about Andrew from Cassandra.


Anna: Please tell me that none of what that woman said was true.


Yvette: I wish I could, but I'm afraid it is.

Anna: When I met with George, I felt there was just something about him that was familiar.

I didn't say anything, because it was just a feeling. Now I know why.

Yvette: I'm so sorry.

Anna: How could he have done something like this? I mean, if the story is that way that Cassandra told it, that means

he married me while he was still legally married to her.

Yvette: I know all of this is upsetting, but try to remember all that you and Dad built. You raised 4 children, you started a successful corporation and you had a strong relationship.

Anna: Yes and it was all based on lies.

Yvette: I never wanted you to find out.

Anna: How exactly did you come into contact with this woman anyway?

Yvette: Well, it's a long story.

Anna: I'd like to hear it.

Yvette: I thought she could help me build that shopping center I've been planning.

Anna: The one you wanted to build on the conservation property your father set aside in his will?

Yvette: Yes.

Anna: You know that I was against that when you proposed it months ago. So you just went behind my back?

Yvette: It was the wrong decision and I realize that now.

Anna: I can't believe this, I really can't. All of this because you just had to have your way.

Yvette: Mother, you've got to believe me. I never intended for anyone to get hurt, I just used bad judgment.

Anna: Well, the damage is already done. It couldn't possibly get any worse.


Carol is in her office, the telephone rings.


Carol: (into phone) Carol Donahue.

George is on the other end.


George: Mrs. Donahue, this is George Lightner from Lighter Corporation.

Carol: I've heard of your company before. You're a construction company, right?

George: That's correct.

Carol: Well, Donahue isn't seeking a building contractor right now, so why are you calling?

George: I think we could serve each others business interests very well.

Carol: How so?

George: I'm looking to acquire a new holding and that holding just happens to be your competition.

Carol: You're talking about McGregor?

George: Exactly.

Carol: That's a big corporation to try and acquire, seems rather lofty to even think about it. How is it even possible?

George: Are you interested?

Carol: I don't know, sounds risky, but I do like the idea of bringing McGregor down.

George: I'll fax you my game plan and you can look it over.

Carol: I'll check it out, but I'm not making any commitments.

George: Of course, no pressure. I think you're gonna like what I have come up with.

Carol: We'll see.

George: Thanks for taking my call.

George hangs up.

George: Plan B, set it motion



At Edmund's house, there's a knock at the door. It's Leigh.


Edmund: Hi.

Leigh: Hi, I just stopped by to see the boys for a bit.

Edmund: They're upstairs.

Leigh: I also wanted to talk to you about something.

Edmund: Sure

Leigh: I want to work out the arrangements for visitation.

Edmund: I figured you'd be wanting to talk about that soon.

Leigh: I think we can work out fair arrangements, without all the lawyers and stuf.

Edmund: Really?

Leigh: Yeah, I figure it will be better that way.

Edmund: I certainly would prefer to do this quietly.

Leigh: Me too.

Edmund: You know, you seem a bit different than before. You're nicer.

Leigh: I'm trying to be more civil.

Edmund: Well, I'm glad to hear that.

Leigh: I also wanted to tell you, that I'm appeal the custody ruling.

Edmund: You're not? I'm kind of surprised to hear that.

Leigh: I don't see that point in getting into a long drawn out fight.

Edmund: You've done a complete 180 on all of this, why?

Leigh: Let's just say, I realized there is a better way of doing things.

Edmund: Hey, I'm not complaining, I never wanted to do this the hard way.

Leigh: I'm going to go on upstairs and see the boys.

Edmund: Sure.

Leigh goes upstairs. Edmund starts to look a little suspicious about Leigh's new attitude.

Edmund: What is she up to now?


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Loved this episodes. The stroylines are tight and I love this new Buisness storyline. Now George is teaming up with Carol this will be good. Also can't wait till the custody battle plays out. Welcome back Redd

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I really like Ben, he's really a tough lawyer as he should be with Leigh. She's obviously a lover scorned who's set out on revenge.

Poor Anna for not finding out anything. I love shady business deals, they can only lead to exciting scandal. Nice episode and it's awesome to see you back.

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