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Sluts Of Pasadena!Episode60



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    • Greenlee

Sierra Madre250px-SierraMadreVillaHotel-1884.jpg

tynew.jpgTy pulls up in front of Mona's mountain side resort. He is shocked to see the resort, in what seems to be covered in a cement. Ty pulls out his cell phone and tries to dials Mona's number." You have reached a number that is no longer in service." Ty hears the operator say. "What the hell is going on. Where is Mona? Santino and Daniel are dead. This is not part of the plan. Damn you Mona." Ty speeds off from the resort and unto the highway. Tailing Ty the whole time is his enemy, Private Investigator Mike Dietz watching sly Ty's every move.2119_465369820_gallery_9_lg__H16592.jpg


Episode: 60, Sluts of Pasadena!

Written by: ML Cooks with Monique Bitches

Mona's underground Bunker50d6.jpg

Having been bashed in the knee cap with a metal shovel, Daniel is unconscious from the agonizing pain, still chained up in a standing position. It looks like a scene from the famous "Saw" movies. Mona is sitting at a table smoking a blunt. Sharan coughs


"What's the matter? Funk so good?"


"I don't like the smell of that mess. It stinks. And I have asthma."


"Aww, my bad baby. I'll put this out after I hit a few more times."


"Wow, thanks for being considerate. I didn't think you knew how."


"What makes you say that?"


"I mean, you did kidnap Daniel and I, you just probably busted Daniel's knee caps, and you got him chained up. "


"You need not worry about Daniel. And as far as kidnapping you baby girl I had too. There was no other way."


"What do you mean no other way?"


"No other way for us to be together."


"You did all of this, to be with me?"


"Sure did. I love you." She says walking towards her.


"So your going to make me love you?"


"You're pretty and smart. I like that in a woman."


"You are tripping. I don't even swing that way. "


"It's not about swinging. It's about love. I'm going to turn you out girl" She says putting her hand on Sharan's love muff.

Sharan, trying to move herself around to remove Mona's hand from her private palace

"Please STOP! I don't like this."

Mona, removing her hand from her muff, she then smells her hand

"Uhm sweet pu$$y. Girl I can't wait to make love to you."


"That will never happen. Your insane."


"They say love makes you do crazy things. One day soon Sharan, you will love me, and like I already told you the sooner you accept that, the better off you will be. No one is coming for you. No one will ever find us. This is our new life together. So you better start adapting." Mona walks away and continues to dig her tunnel through the mountain side . Sharan has tears falling from her eyes, fearing what may happen to her next.

Pasadena City Jail12824943_551f054d6c.jpg

jailcell.jpgTy approaches Chris's holding cell.


"I already know what you are going to say and No I did not kill Daniel?"


"I'm hearing differently. I understand that you were the one that had Daniel's blood all over your hands."


"That doesn't mean anything. It was a strange night. You know what, I don't even know why I am having this conversation with you. You're a nobody to me. I don't have to prove or explain myself to you. Point blank, I didn't kill your boy and if you don't want to believe that I don't know what to tell you."

Ty, wonders if Chris really is telling the truth

"You don't know who you talking to son? You are lucky these bars separate us right now."


"Ty, you may scare Lauren or even Mike but not me. Get the hell out of my face."


"You will regret this. No one talks to me like that. Disrespectful Bastard. You better hope a jury finds you guilty of murder in the first. It's no telling what will happen to you if you were set free."


"Are you threatening me?"


"Enjoy you're stay. I know people in the right places." Ty cooly says and walks out the City Jail.

Chris laying back down on his cot

"Damn, how do I try to prove my innocence if I don't even know what happened the night the lights went out."

TC Hotel103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

alicia_silverstone_07.jpgJenn is sitting in Ty's office at his desk. She types in the name Jodie Keefe into the computer.

Thinking aloud

"I got to find some dirt on you Jodie. I don't understand why Mike and Ty are so infatuated with you. We all have dark secrets and soon I am going to find yours." As Jenn researches on the computer, Jodie walks in

"Ty some one wants---" Upon seeing Jenn Jodie stops in her tracks. "Where's Tyler?"


"Why? You want to screw him too?"


"Not this again. You know, you must be really bored to come up with all these stories. Get a life Jenn and for that matter grow up."


"My My My, Look at the slut growing balls."


"Aint no balls here Bitch Just answer the damn question Where the hell is Ty?"


"Don't talk to me like that. I have the ability to have Ty fire you."


"Yea Yea Jenn. Keep telling yourself that."


"What is it with you? Your like a cancer, you're unwanted and you keep spreading."


"Mike wants me. I think Ty does too. I know that makes you jealous on the inside. Your insecure Jenn just face it." Jenn picks up a flower vase and throws it in Jodie's direction. It misses and shatters into the wall.


"Poor Jenn." Jodie says with a smile and leaves Ty's office.


"I hate you Bitch!" She says hollering after her" God I hate her." Jenn sits back down in front of the computer

"Got it, Cleveland, Ohio. I think it's time to visit Jodie's hometown." Jenn says with a smirk on her face. Just then Ty walks in. Jenn hurries up and exits out of her search. TY looks at the shattered vase.


"What the hell happened in here and what are you doing on my computer."

Jenn, closing out her search page before Ty can walk over and see what she is up to

"Nothing baby. I was just looking up some places for us to go. I think we need a vacation."


"Your out of your mind."




"Jodie told me about the little temper tantrum you just threw."


"Oh did she? And?"


"Jenn I am dealing with a lot right now. Santino and Daniel are dead. "


Santino's dead?"


"Yes, now I don't need you acting childish around here. "


"So now I am acting childish? I don't know how many more ways I can express to you that I don't like Jodie and I don't want her working so closely with you."


"Just get the hell out of my face. You really get on my nerves you know that. Leave Jodie alone!"


"I can't believe you." She says rolling her eyes at Ty and walking out his office.

Jenn walks past Jodie at the receptionist desk. Jodie smiles at her.


"You can smile all you want. But this is not over you Bitch!"


"Tootles" Jenn storms off.

Upon her leaving, Ty comes out his office and ask Jodie to come in his office so her can talk to her. Jodie wonders if this will be a break through in penetrating Ty's dirty dealings.

The Blue NotePolinesia4.jpg

Kevin walks in and over to the bar. He orders a Heineken. He looks over to his left and sees his good friend Lauren, starring off into space.


"Lauren, I didn't even see you there. I'm sorry for what happened to Daniel."

Lauren looks at himkutdo.jpg

"Thank you Kevin. I heard about Sharan being kidnapped. Any leads with that?"


"Dre kidnapped her but he's not telling us where she is. He keeps saying he has nothing to do with the kidnapping."


"This is so surreal. The people we love has been taken away from us. It's funny because Chris insists he didn't stab Daniel to death."


"Strange indeed." Drinking on his beer as Lauren sips on her gin and juice. "It's been a long time since we've seen one another."


"Yes it has. Too long. Your face is just what I need." She says hugging him as Jenn walks in. Jenn sees Lauren hugged up on Kevin.

"What is it with these sluts in Pasadena?" Jenn has a flashback of Ty comforting Lauren at Dahlia's funeral. Jenn walks over to Lauren

"Can we talk Lauren?"


"I guess Jenn."


"You two go ahead, Lauren, I'll be on the deck when you are done." Kevin grabs his beer and heads to the deck that sits over a bright blue illuminated pond.


"Why are you so cold with me these days?"


"Is this what you want to talk to me about? I really don't have time for this." She says as she begins to get up an leave. Jenn grabs her.


"I'm not done!"

Lauren, shrugging Jenn's hand off her

"You better get your damn hands off me."


"Well you do the same with Ty."


"Excuse me?"


"I saw you all up in Ty's arms at your crack head boyfriend's funeral. Your such a hypocrite and a phony. One minute you tell me you hate Ty and that you don't want me to be with him but in the next minute your up in arm with him. Where do you get off?"

Lauren throws her drink in Jenn's face

"I just lost someone very close to me and all you can worry about is yourself. I am so glad we are not friends no more. Get the hell out of my restaurant before I throw you out myself." She says as she walks away. Jenn wipes the wine off her face as patrons stare at her

"I don't believe this!" Jenn grabs her soiled purse and heads to Ty's Mansion on Lavender hill.

Back at TC Hotel

Jodie sits in a chair in front of Ty's desk.


"I just wanted to apologize on Jenn's behalf for treating you the way she's been treating you."


"You don't have to apologize for her actions. Jenn does not phase me."


"I'm glad to hear it."


"It looks like you have a lot on your mind. With Daniel being dead I know you are going through a lot of emotional distress."


"You have no idea. I can't believe this is happening."


"Well I am here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always here for you."


"Thank you, that's means so much to me." His office phone rings

"Thank you chief and good work."


"Was that about Daniel's murder?"


"Not at all. My father is coming home" He says with a smile on his face.

Mona's Underground Bunker

Looking at her cell phone, Mona sees she has 7 missed calls from Ty

"That dumb fool. I know he going bonkers wondering where I am at and what happened to Santino. It's time to play with his head even more." Mona dials some numbers on her cell phone. A woman answers on the other end


"Is everything ok?"


"Yes it is. I'm outside Ty's mansion right now."


"Good, Make the delivery and call me when it's done" Mona hangs up

Lavender Hill,

The woman on the phone, who is wearing red high heels, gets out her van she's in and wheels a body in a wheel chair up to Ty's front door. The woman rings the door bell and hurries off to escape being discovered. Jenn having just stepped out the shower, wraps a towel around her and opens the door. She is horrified and screams out at the top of her lungs as she looks at a charred body in a wheel chair. 100CharredBody.jpgWho is it? And who is the woman wearing red high heels?ladyinred.gif


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I knew we were in for a treat from the funny title. First we had The Lady in Black and now we have The Lady in Red. Can't wait to find out who it is. I bet it's Sister Patterson. In speaking of family, aren't Mona and Sharan sisters? If that's true then Mona is beyond sick. If there is such a thing.

Jenn's so pathetic and that's why I think the original actress, the one who plays Meg on ATWT, would be so much better for this role. Meg and Jenn are so much alike! Now if that were Jodie who spilled a drink in her face, you know Jenn would've dove over that table to fight her.

When did Santino die? Or did Ty just kidnap him since he was falling for Miss Pathetic?

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