PCE: Episode 100

Endgame- Episode 100
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler
Port Charles begins with a continuation of a scene from the day before…
"Monica, I had to see you." Kevin quickly strides into the room and pulls her into a tight embrace. He catches her face in his hands and begins passionately kissing her. He continues to kiss her until they are both breathless. "I want you to remember what we have Monica. I don't want you to forget that I love you." Kevin whispers as they break apart.
Monica leans her head against his chest. She doesn't move out of his arms but eventually pushes him away. "I know that Kevin, but I can't do this right now. I need to be with my husband. Please don't make this any harder than it already is. I have to stay with Alan for now, I thought you understood that."
"I understand this." He bends his lips down and touches Monica's lips softly, "And this." He kisses her again and pulls her closer as if to imprint his body with hers, "And this." Monica sighs as she gives herself up fully to the kiss. Kevin walks her backward to the bed and places her on it. He follows her down on the bed, fully intending to make love to her right then and there.
Neither of them hears the door open until it slams. Both Kevin and Monica jump up as if they were burned. "Oh for God's sake Monica, how low class of you to meet your lover in a hospital bed." Emily spit out scornfully. "Lest you forget, Alan, your HUSBAND, who suffered a major heart attack is lying in this hospital down the hallway! Don't you want to know how or why I found you? Or should I leave the two of you alone for your little rendezvous?" Hatred poured out of every inch of Emily's body as she glared at the two of them.
At the PCPD, Anna walks into her office and finds Mac sitting in her chair with his feet propped up. Anna tells Mac to get out, but he doesn't move. Instead he dances around walking in during Anna's little rendezvous with Lorenzo. Anna acts as if she doesn't know what Mac is talking about. Mac walks over to Anna and talks about their sworn duty to serve and protect, not serve on your back. Anna has a surprised look on her face. Mac shifts his eyes to her desk and makes a disgusted facial gesture. Anna hauls off and slaps Mac across the face for his blatant disrespect.
Mac tells Anna that her extracurricular "activities" with Lorenzo has officially become a conflict of interest. Mac says Anna acts with a heir of superiority, when she's no better than the people she's supposed to take down. Mac says she's not in the spy business anymore, she can't get in so deep that she can't dig herself out of it. Mac says things around the PCPD better begin to change around here, or he'll go the mayor and tell him everything. Before Mac goes, he asks Anna if she'll be able to make the right decision when the time is right. The camera shifts the door as he closes it. Anna flops down in her chair looking worried. She reluctantly admits to herself that Mac is right. She has become too involved. Anna then hears a chime on her computer. She opens up her Outlook account and finds an encrypted e-mail. Remembering her training from the WSB, she decodes it and finds a message telling her this person has important information regarding the recent mob attacks. The e-mail instructs Anna to meet with him/her at Pier 24 at midnight tomorrow. She takes out her phone and places a call to Lorenzo, but gets his voicemail. She tells him they need to meet as soon as possible.
At Wyndemere, Nikolas knocks on the door to Michael's room. After being told he can come in, Nikolas finds Michael listening to his iPod. Nikolas asks Michael how he's feeling. Michael sits up in pain, still feeling the affects from his attack a few weeks before. Michael says he's fine, and though he's not trying to be rude, all he wants to do is be left alone. Nikolas says he'll leave after he asks Michael something. Nik asks if Michael would be interested in having a little party with some of his friends at Wyndemere tonight. Nik is surprised when Michael snaps at him.
"You mean have friends here? Have them come all the way out to Spoon Island where they not only have to deal with my dad's security, but yours as well? Thanks, but no thanks. Besides, no one wants to hang out with me after what happened. They think something could happen to them. And I would feel really bad if something did."
Nikolas can't blame Michael for being worried for the safety of his friends, and says he understands. He promises Michael that things won't be this way forever, saying Sonny is doing his best to protect his family. Michael snaps back, his best just isn't good enough anymore. The camera zooms in on Nikolas as he turns his head away. The camera pulls back into the next scene.
Skye is shown sitting at the bar in the MetroCourt Hotel. She flashes back to only a few minutes before where she ordered a dry martini. She stares at the glass and fiddles with the olive in her glass. Skye knows she should probably call her sponsor right now, but just one sip..one taste would quell her craving. Skye's battle with alcoholism is no secret, it's been a tough battle for her to overcome but it's a battle she eventually won. The hardest part is resisting the urge to fall back into comfortable patterns. Skye is about to take a sip from her glass when she sees Jax enter from the corner of her eye. She immediately puts down the glass, gives the bartender money and exits the bar. Jax sees Skye rushing out and calls her name. When she doesn't answer, he turns and backtracks her movements, realizing she was at the bar. He begins to worry about Skye's sobriety and decides to pay her a visit.
Kevin sat up and pointed a finger at Emily, "Don't you talk to your mother like that! Treat her with the respect that she deserves."
Emily walks towards Kevin and turns up her nose as if she smells something badly. She looks at Kevin, tilts her head and slaps the hell out of Kevin. "Don't you ever talk to me about respect Kevin. Respect is given to those who earn it. Grandfather, Tracy and I were visiting my father…you know, her husband, your supposed close friend when he suffered another heart attack. He almost died while you were about to have sex with this jackass Monica. I heard the page and saw Kevin come flying down the hall. Locked, cocked and ready to unload right? Emily shouts sarcastically, "So sorry that I interrupted Kevin, but when my father almost dies I get a little upset." Kevin opens his mouth to protest and Emily yells at him to shut up.
Monica stands up to hug Emily. Emily slaps her hands off her. "Don’t touch me. Down that hallway less than an hour ago, my father almost died and Grandfather almost lost it. If he sees the two of you together, it will kill him." Emily does a good job of keeping herself from losing control. She opens the door and whispers to Monica that she needs to begin putting her husband first. When Monica is far enough down the hall, she shuts the door and turns back to Kevin.
"If you know what's good for you, you'll go home. Take a vacation, go visit your daughter, do something. Do anything that'll keep you away from my mother. As much as I dislike what she has done to my father and my family, she still is my mother, and I will do anything I can to make sure my father is happy. If I ever hear about or see the two of you together again in this hospital, or it even seems as if there could be anything beyond a professional relationship, I'll have you fired. I will ruin your career, simply because I can."
Kevin warns Emily not to start something she can't finish. Emily warns Kevin not to test her patience. She once again, strongly recommends he takes a vacation for a while. Emily walks out of the room and slams the door. Kevin flops down on the bed and exhales deeply. He takes out his cell phone and places a call.
"Livvie? It's dad. I'm going to be taking a little vacation soon and I wanted to know if you would be up for a visit. I know Caleb err….Stephen will be going on tour soon, so I'd like to see you before you go. I really miss you Livvie. Call me when you get this. I love you."
Kevin closes his phone and walks out of the room.
Skye pulls into the driveway of the Gatehouse. She bangs her hands on the steering wheel and screams in anger. Why do bad things always have to happen to her family? Alan accepted her into the Quartermaines even when he didn't have to. He adopted her knowing she wasn't his biological father. He's shown her more love than Adam Chandler ever did. She can't lose that. She can't lose the man she calls her father.
Next…on Port Charles
- Skye falls off the wagon
- Jax is there for Skye in more ways than one
- Sonny has an ominous dream

An unexpected tragedy will affect Nikolas & Carly. Find out this November...only on Port Charles
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