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NOTE: For this episode only, it shall be Bo and Hope-centered and in a new style for this episode only.


Bo, Marlena, Roman, and Allan all shakily head to Julie’s hospital room, where all the Hortons are. Maggie and Hope are about to tell Julie about Doug, but are interrupted as Bo slowly opens the door, walking in.

He gives a simple nod to Maggie and the other Hortons, and Hope says to him “Hey, Brady.”

“Hey, Fancy face…..” he says back and tries to forge a smile as she slips her fingers in between his, and Marlena, Roman, and Allan walk in

Marlena gulps and thinks to herself Dear Lord, please give us all the strength to deliver this news….

Bo continues in speaking, and says to Hope “Hope, uh, I need to speak with you privately……”

“And I need to speak with the rest of you.” Marlena tells the others, and briefly glances back at Roman

“Don’t worry, Doc…..” he whispers

“Bo, I was ju-” Hope starts but Bo cuts her off

“I know, but this….its……” Bo starts “Important.”

“Well so is this.” Hope argues with confusion in her voice

“Hope, just, please…..” Bo says and looks away for a moment, trying to hold back a tear

Be strong, for her… Bo thinks to himself, trying to assure himself he can do this

“Fine.” Hope says with a sigh and they both slowly walk out of the room, while Marlena sits down and begins to tear up as Roman puts his hands on her shoulders

Bo and Hope walk into the hallway, and Hope grits her teeth. She briefly glances back to the hospital room, and then whispers to Bo “What are you thinking, Brady? I was just about to tell Julie about Daddy. Please don’t make this harder than it already is.”

Hope begins to tear up, and Bo closes his eyes for several seconds. He opens them and keeps his hand clutched to her hand, and slowly pulls her into an empty hospital room. She silently wonders what is going on, and he sits her down on the bed, and stares straight into her eyes. She stares deep into his, and for a moment there is nothing but a deep staring between the two. “Bo, what happened?” she asks suddenly, in a complete monotone on the outside, but Bo knew there was worried ness in it

He strokes her cheek slowly with the other hand that is free, and he tries not to choke up as he finally tells the truth “Hope……” he starts “Your aunt Maggie………asked Marlena to check on Alice last night……..and Marlena did, but…she found that....Alice passed away………”

Bo looks away after the last word comes out of his mouth, as several tears run down his face. Hope continues to stare, no emotion anywhere. She is completely silent, and for several minutes silence is between the two. “No…..” she finally says, in a soft tone as tears run down her cheeks as well “Bo, no……”

Bo finally looks back at her and takes her other hand and squeezes them tight, as he looks at her and tries to say something “It’s…..true….her body is here……it was through natural causes……”

Hope merely looks at him, not sure what to think. She stares back into his eyes and knows it is true. “NO!” she screams “NO NO NO NO NO!”

Bo pulls her into an embrace, and they both cry. “I’m so sorry, Fancy Face…..” Bo slowly says

Hope does not say a thing as tears continue to pour. She slips her arms around Bo’s waste, and slowly says “I still have so many memories……….she was always so happy and such a pillar for our family….now she’s gone….”

Hope silently recalls some of her times with Alice. She remembers twenty years ago, in 1987, when she and her cousins Jennifer and Melissa sang to Alice( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEVyADg8Qnk )

She manages to smile at the memory, but it only brings more tears. “I remember singing to her…..I remember planning my….eighteenth birthday with her and Julie…..”

Hope chuckles, and smirks as she slowly leans out of the hug with Bo. She continues to recall memories, such as planning her eighteenth birthday( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOsJ0WhlziI ).

Bo sits beside her on the bed, and says as he finally begins to talk clearer “Just remember the good times, Fancy Face…”

Hope next remembers all the Horton Christmases( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIpogPtrTMY ). She slowly rests her head on Bo’s shoulder, and says sadly “Oh, I can’t believe we’ll never have Christmases like-”

“No.” Bo says to her firmly “We can, you know she would want us to.”

“You’re right……” Hope says, partially trying to deny it, but she knows it is true

Tears drop from her cheeks onto Bo’s shoulder, and she remembers arriving at Tom’s funeral when she thought she was Gina( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0H5-fwy_e4 ). “She was so strong there……she always has been…..she always helped me, she helped everyone around her…..”

“Shh, I know, Fancy Face, I know…” Bo says as he remembers how even Alice helped him at times

Hope stares off, at the wall, as she remembers Alice’s life, times she was there for or heard about( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t92tU0rHNmQ ). She cries harder, and slowly whispers to Bo “Why did she have to go Bo? Why did she have to go?”

Bo pulls her into a full embrace yet again, as Hope remembers Tom and Alice( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlxUCnQvG9c...ted&search= ) “Both of them are now gone………” she says slowly

Bo is silent as he cradles Hope, and she lets out a loud scream of sadness as more tears come, faster than they ever have in her whole life……as she remembers her sweet grandmother…


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  • Members
I like the new style. What made you do it and can we expect more?

Good dialog too

Thanks for the comment.

Well, it is just with emotional episodes like these I think they should be more in the style books are written, which is why I did it.

As for more. Alice's funeral shall be written like this but the rest I am not sure. We'll see.

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  • Members

Wonderful job. very. very emotional. Truly loved the way you handled this. Not done as some stupid stunt, just good, honest emotion.

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