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The Funeral Pt 1 Episode45



Greater Yonders Funeral Home295122396_ded131d657.jpg

alexis_thorpe06.jpgAlexis walks up to Ashley's coffin and looks over her dead sisters body.ashsmall-2.jpg The Funeral Director approaches her

"Ms. Jones, Is everything Ok?"


"No. I don't like her hair or make up. She's too pale."

"I'll fix that right away ma'am"

Alexis grabs a seat as guest begins to arrive, The first being Karim,karim3.jpg


and Sharan.sanaa_lathan_150b.jpg

Alexis turns around and sees Karim walking towards her. She smiles and gets up.


"Thanks for coming."


"I am glad I can be here for you. I am so sorry for your loss." He hugs Alexis just as Ria walks in to see. Ria frowns up.

raypred.jpg"Oh, Hell to the no!. I know he is not kissing that white Bitch! He moved on already. I lost to her. I don't even think so." She says as she begins to confront the two.


Episode: 45

Written by ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHES

The next guess to arrive are Bryan and Sabryn. They walk up to see Ashley's body.


"I still can't believe this is happening. I can't believe she's really dead. Sabryn, her death is my fault." He says looking into her eyes,


"It was an accident. You could not control what you were doing. Hell I could not of even. A U-haul rammed into the back of my car. And it was storming like crazy. It was a series of miscounted events. No one is to blame, well maybe that u-haul driver. We need to find out who was driving the u-haul."


"But if it wasn't for me having an affair with her, she would not have been put in a position to have been runned down."

"So you must be Bryan and you're Sabryn." They both turn around and see Alexis.


"And you are?"

"Alexis Jones"


"You're Ashley's sister?"




"Damn. The roaches keep showing up."

Alexis, chuckling

"My sister has told a lot about that nasty attitude of yours."


"Your point would be what?"


"I'm not Ashley Bitch! This is a new ball game. There's a new sheriff in town."


"Good for you. Is that supposed to mean something to me?"


"Things are going to be a bit different around here. I'm going to make you two pay for hurting my sister."


"I didn't hurt her on purpose. It was an accident. I lost control of my car."


"What? Are you saying you're the one that mowed my sister."


"No Bitch. He said it was an accident now if you'll excuse us." Sabryn grabs Bryan's hand and brushes right past Alexis.


"I guess I have to show this city what I am about." She pulls out her cell phone and makes a call…

Natalia arrives, and greets Ria, before she has a chance to confront Karim and Alexis.


"Girl we got a problem."


"What is it?"


"Karim was all kissy at the mouth with the broad over there" Pointing to Alexis.


"You can't be serious, The Mister, "I'll never date a white woman.""


"Tell me about it. He's already moved on. I can't believe this. It's like nobody wants me anymore. What the hell is goings on? I'm beautiful, I'm classy, sensual. What is it? I feel like I'm played out."


" And aggressive." Ria looks at her and rolls her eyes at her smiling, Natalia smiles back at her." Look, Don't say that. Maybe you need a little break. It's not you that's played out, it's Karim and Dondre. You have been with Karim for what 5 years, Being aggressive aint so bad neither. They always closed mouths don't get fed."


"Girl, I know that's right"


" We can go to the club tomorrow night to find you a new man."


"I don't want no new man. I want Karim and Dondre back."


"You can't have your cake and ice cream too. Besides, move on. If it's good sex you are looking for, there are other men besides, Dre, or as you call him Mr. Mandingo. And if you want a more, educated, renaissance man there's plenty of them out there too."


"I'll think about it. ."


"You so crazy. I'm going to get some money from Bryan I'll meet up with you soon."

Ty's Limo pulls up and Santinosant.jpg lets Ty and Jenn out the limo. They walk inside the Funeral home and see Mike and Jodie paying their respects to Ashley.


"Looks like we got a new super couple."


"It makes me want to barf all over Jodie's face. She makes me sick to my stomach."


"She's really a nice person. You should try and get to know her. Let's go over and say hi." Jenn is gives Ty a "WTF" look and distantly follows him.

Dondre and Chris arrive at the Funeral.


"I thought you said Lauren would be meet you here?"


"I did. She should have been here by now. I'm going to call her."


"Ok, I'm going to say hi to Sharan."


"Wait man, you sure that's a good idea?"


"Why wouldn't it be? "


" I am just saying, things have really been intense lately. Good luck" He says as he walks off and calls Lauren cell.

Kevin and Sharan walk over to Karim and Alexis.


"Kev, Sharan, this is Alexis, Ashley's sister"


"Alexis, I am so sorry for your loss and so sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. Our prayers and thoughts are with you."


"Thank you. That means a lot to me."


"If there is anything we can do, let us know."


"Thank you. It was nice meeting all of you."

Alexis hugs them both, and Kevin and Sharan go grab seats.

Alexis turns to Karim

"I see sexy does run in the family."


"What are you trying to say? My brother is sexier than me?"


"No body is sexier than you "

Ria walks up to them

"Karim we need to talk"


"Ria, we have nothing to talk about."


"Who is this Bitch?"


"Excuse me!?"

Karim grabs Ria by her arms and escorts her outside.

Coming out the men's room is Bryan. As he is about to go back into the seating area, Natalia intercepts him.


"Can I help you with something?"


"Yes you can. But I could help you more?"


"What is that supposed to mean?"


"Let's take a walk outside."

Seeing what just happened, Sabryn wonders, what her baby's father, and Natalia could be talking about. When she is about to walk off and confront the two, Alexis blocks her.


"You don't know me. I am warning you now, I am not Ashley. I am no push over by any means necessary."


"You're lame just like your sister. She's a nobody, well now she's a dead nobody. And Just like her, I am not worried about you and your empty threats. I'll take you out like I took her out"


"Are you saying you killed my sister?"


"Stop the dramatics. I have other pressing matters to attain to and now that your sister is dead, I only have 98 problems left. Thank God for that!." Alexis socks Sabryn in the jaw.


"Bitch! Not you too?" Sabryn grabs Alexis and tries to push her down onto the floor so she can have easier access to her foe, by pinning her down to the ground, a lesson learned from the two go rounds with Ashley. Alexis, proves she is not having it, and ultimately with more strength, and with a big force of might, Alexis pushes Sabryn back, so hard is the push in fact that Sabryn falls in to Ashley's casket and the movement causes the lid to close, enclosing Sabryn and a dead Ashley together.

Chris walks over to Dondre.

"Did you get a hold of Lauren yet?"


"No I haven't and that's not like her.. So I am going to her house to make sure everything is ok?"


"You gone be cool man?"


"I'm cool. Just make sure you don't make the Williams brothers angry."


"Aint nobody worried about them." Chris smiles and leaves to check on Lauren

Outside the funeral Home,


"Don't be grabbing me like that, well unless we having sex."


"You were making a scene like you always do."


"Is that why you moved on already? Because the white girl is not loud?"


"Don't even go there. "


"Don't go there, Mr. I'll never date a white woman"


"Well as you can see, I didn't mean it. You are in no position to question me. You cheated on me with Dondre. You broke my heart, and the less I see of you the faster my pain will go away. So do yourself a favor, stop embarrassing yourself and leave me the hell alone." He turns and walks away. Ria closes her eyes and shakes her head, as a tear rolls down her cheek" I have really messed up" She looks over and sees Dondre approaching Sharan, leading into the hallway of the bathrooms, She decides, to sneak in the lobby, and stand around the corner to see if anything is going to happen.


"Sharan hold up" He says as she exit's the bathroom


"Dre, I really need to get back to Kevin."


"What's the rush?"

Sharan, looking at his moist lips, thinks of when they were kissing at the shop. Not knowing why she continues to think of the kiss, she decides, to break the news of her engagement, to maybe to confirm to herself that she is truly in love with Kevin and to let Dondre know she is now off limits.


"Dre, Last night, Kevin and I got engaged."


"I am sorry to hear."


"At least be happy for me. Is that too much to ask?"


"Sharan, I want to be happy for you, but I know, you being with Kevin won't make you happy. I will make you truly happy. I just need a chance. That's all I am asking for." Also thinking of the last kiss he planted on her, he knew she was drawn in so he tries it again and begins to passionately kisses her, Ria looks around the corner when she doesn't hear them talking no more and sees Dre and Ria and kissing. She walks out from her hiding spot

"Look at you two. Sharan, I really can't believe you. You is one fake Bitch. I've been waiting for this." She says as she cracks her knuckles, and pulls her into a pony tail. Sharan is panicked, having been caught by Ria, kissing Dondre……Ria has now turned the tables On Sharan


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Another very good episode. I really like the fighting between Sabryn and Alexis. I also liked the ending with Ria catching Dondre and Sharan.

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Can't wait for the next episode for obvious reasons. I was shocked to find Alicia Silverstone as Jenn...I'm sort of on the fence about that. Loved the fight between Alexis and Sabryn but the way it ended was both morbid yet halarious! Very Desperate Housewives-esque.

For once I was actually into Ria/Dondre/Sharan story plot because it moved at a very fast pace. Plus any scene with Ria & Natalia is great. Ria's line about Alexis definitely made me laugh.

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