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Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee


-Hope manages to smile at him, and he says her father’s a fighter and to just remember the night he had a heart attack. Hope chuckles remembering that night, as it is almost funny now, and she thanks him for helping to encourage her. He says Kayla called him and needs something, so he needs to go see her. She nods and they kiss, then he heads off to find Kayla…

-Max walks into the police station and walks over to Abe. He tells him he has something he needs to hear. Abe asks what is it, and Max plays the recording. He says her name is Erin Jade and before this she has gotten a few threatening letters. Abe says she is one of the ones they are searching for, and it’s possible he could have taken her during the chaos when Stefano showed up. Max says he needs to hurry, and Abe says he’ll try to find her as fast as he can, but no promises.

-Marlena walks into Maggie’s room, and Maggie smiles, remarking it’s about time someone came to visit. Marlena says she was around, so she decided to see how she was doing. Maggie says she’s pretty good, just worried for the others. She says any more people lost would be a tragedy, with so many beloved family members already gone. She asks Marlena if she would do her a favor, and Marlena says of course, and Maggie asks Marlena to check on Alice for her….

*Days of Our Lives Opening*

-John and Bo walk into the waiting room, and Kayla comes out of Caroline’s room. John asks what’s wrong, and she says they have news on Caroline. Both of them anxiously ask how she is, and Kayla answers sadly that Caroline has gone into a coma. Bo stares at Kayla for a moment, and asks if they know anything else. Kayla shakes her head, while John does not say a word and paces. Bo then says they already lost Pa and now this. Kayla tries to re-assure them by saying she could be back soon, and that for now they all just need to have hope.

-Tony slowly enters the DiMera mansion, he says it has been a very very long time. He looks around, and notes the emptiness. He says that is perfect and just what he wants. He walks into Stefano’s office, and sits down at the desk.

-EJ walks back into the Salem Inn, and Helena asks if he has their bait, and he responds yes and it is all in place. She says excellent and soon everything will commence. He says soon they can strike, and Helena says she has such big plans for Salem, and Stefano…..

-Vivian awakens, and gasps to see Forrest standing over her. She asks how he is fine and up and about, and he says he knows where to take cover at unlike her, and how money can do wonders to get you released from a hospital early. She says she doesn’t need to listen to him babble on and knows he is only trying to boast about him being the true Alamain heir.

-Marlena says that of course she will, and Maggie thanks her. She says Alice was feeling a bit under the weather, and she doesn’t want her worrying about them. Marlena smiles and says she will do that right now. Maggie thanks her again, and Marlena heads off.

-Kayla, Bo, and John walk back into Caroline’s room, and Kim is overjoyed to see them. She says hopefully Max will come soon, and they will all be together. Bo clutches Caroline’s hand, while John stares in silence at her. Kayla and Kim sit beside each other, and Bo whispers “It’ll be okay, Ma, it I’ll be okay….”

-Tony searches through Stefano’s desk, and suddenly finds a picture of Helena Cassadine! He stares at it for a moment as he holds it in his hand, and suddenly closes his eyes, and opens them instantly. He then says to himself “Now what would Stefano have to do with the rich widow Helena Cassadine?”

-EJ stares at Helena for a moment, and then says “I must get to the hospital, and check on Samantha…” but as he turns Helena says “What is your concern for a pitiful woman such as her? From what I know, she is a foolish girl who is a danger to everyone around her.” and EJ then simply responds “She is…..one I have taken a simple interest in.” Helena scowls and tells him “No. We have your father to worry about. She will be no concern of yours, unless she dares interfere and then I will be the one to deal with her!”

-Vivian and Forrest hear a laugh, and Nicholas walks into the room, having been released from the hospital due to very few injuries. He says it is the never ending battle of his great aunt and every other Alamain. Forrest then says “So this is my rogue nephew. It is no surprise you turned out like this, with Lawrence raising you.” Vivian tells Forrest to just stop with his blasted remarks, and he should just go back to the Alamain mansion. Forrest smirks and says of course, and leaves but warns Vivian to watch out, for her time is coming….

-Marlena arrives at the Horton House and sees the door is unlocked, so she thinks to herself Alice won’t mind if she just walks in. She goes inside, and sees Alice’s body sitting perfectly still in a chair. She gasps and screams out. Tears start pouring out of her eyes as she rushes to Alice’s body, and she says over and over “No no no, oh please no….”


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Very well written, my dear. I LOVE the short paragraphs. Makes it very easy to read.

The intrigue and suspense is building nicely. Some people could take lesson form you in that department. LOL

Like the interaction with the Brady siblings, short as it was. Tony being in a darkened DiMera Mansion is creepy. And.....nice, nice touch of history with Doug and Hope talking about his first heart attack.

Please post more. I'll read this every single day. :)

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My heart goes out to Marlena and the rest of the Hortons. Nice interaction between Marlena and Maggie, I love seeing them together. Love the Brady's together as always

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