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"The Heart Attack" - PCE: Episode 71



Endgame- Episode 71
ICU Episode: "The Heart Attack"
Featuring Alan, Monica, Kevin, Lucy, David, Liz, Blake, Jason & The Quartermaines
Monday, August 06, 2007

Written by: Tishy Smith
Ryan Chandler
Jennifer Snyder

Kevin opened the door to his house and was relieved to see Monica there. When he saw the look on her face he pulled her in his arms and kissed her lightly. She welcomed the embrace and returned the kiss. She followed him into the living room where he solicitously asked her if she wanted a drink. She declined, saying she just wanted to be with him. He asked her if it was hard. She sighed that it was terrible, but it was done. She didn’t want to think about it as she raised her lips to his. “Make love to me Kevin”.

At the MetroCourt, Liz and Blake are shown eating dinner. Apparently, Liz decided to take Blake up on his offer and went out with him anyway. They appear to be having a good time. Elizabeth speaks to Alan as he enters the dining area. Alan, who looks very tired, speaks to Liz. Blake introduces himself and asks if he's alright. Alan says no, but he'll be fine eventually. He walks over to the bar outside on the terrace.

“Pour me another.” Alan said morosely as he slid his empty glass towards the MetroCourt bartender. “In fact, just give me the whole bottle.” Alan poured himself another glass as he made a hateful toast to Monica. He downed the drink and poured another. He wanted to get good and drunk. She tore his heart out and stomped all over it. He needed to get rid of the pain. He needed to rid his memory of the horrible day so far.
Hearing about Skye’s new position with Jax, AJ invited Skye to ELQ to discuss business. While she was there, AJ brought up the subject of wresting control of ELQ from Tracy and ousting her from the CEO position. They were so deep in discussion that they didn’t even hear the door open. “What are you two talking about?” Tracy demanded.

Unfazed, AJ said that they were just discussing ELQ business. Skye pointed out that as the liaison between ELQ and Titan, she was here to talk business with AJ. Tracy shot back that she overheard them discussing whose votes they could get to oust her as CEO. Tracy said she wouldn’t allow that to happen and demanded that Skye leave. The three started to argue back and forth when Edward stormed into the room shouting that the whole floor can hear them and that they needed to calm down.
Kevin and Monica lay in his bed, content after having just made love. They lay together with their hands and legs entwined. She kissed him gently and he pulled her close. Kevin talked happily about their plans for their future, maybe even the possibility of moving in together. Monica laughed and kissed him again, remarking that she had just left her husband. But yes, they would be together.

At the same time, Alan is thinking back to his life with Monica. He thinks to all the happy times that they shared both professionally and personally. Alan's memory gates flood open as he recalls the birth of AJ, the acceptance of Jason into the family, the adoption of Emily, Jason's accident, their many fights and breakups, they reconciliations. Alan stood up, intending to head for the men’s room. As he took a couple steps, he gasped and grabbed his left arm. He fell into some bar stools on his way to the ground.

At Kevin's, Monica feels a sharp pain in her chest. She winces in pain, enough to make Kevin rush over and see how she's doing. Monica shrugs off the pain, and instead asks Kevin to make love to her once more time.

Alan writhes on the floor in pain, unable to speak, damn near unable to move. The flashbacks become a lot more violent, only increasing the pain and his chest. Lucy & David step off the elevator, on their way to enjoy a nice dinner when they see a crowd of people screaming out on the terrace. They rush over and see Alan on the floor. Elizabeth is next to Alan tending to him.

"Oh my god, Alan!" Lucy shouts, running over to him. "Somebody call an ambulance! Please!"

"One is on it's way Miss," says Blake, trying to calm down Lucy. "We also told the hospital to let the family know that he'll be brought into the hospital. Just exactly what's going on?"

"This man is having a heart attack," shouts David. David and Elizabeth work together to try and keep Alan's condition from getting worse. Lucy and Liz talk to Alan, trying to get him to stay with them. David gives Alan aspirin and asks for an AED (automatic external defibrillator). The EMT's finally arrive to take Alan to the hospital. David and Lucy inform the EMT's they'll ride with Alan. Blake offers to take Elizabeth to the hospital in his car.
“What is going on in here?” Ned walked in. “Mother, what’s going on?” Tracy yells that he always assumes that everything is her fault. Edward retorts that it’s because it usually is. Edward demands to know what is going on and Tracy tells him that she walked in to AJ and Skye talking about securing enough votes to kick her out of ELQ.

Everyone started talking at once and shooting accusations around when the phone rang. Suddenly everyone's phone begins to ring. Skye crossed over to AJ’s desk and picked it up. She turned to the Quartermaines, “Shut up! I can’t hear!” She turned back to the phone and said, “Oh my God. Where are they now?” She was silent as the group stared at her and saw that tears were forming in her eyes and her face turned 3 shades of white. “Ok. Yes, the rest of the family is here. I’ll let them know. Thank you, thank you for calling.” The phone slipped out of her hand and she lifted her head, tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong Skye?" Edward walks walking over. "Who was that."

Skye is unable to get the words out of her mouth. "Well don't just stand there you idiot, tell us what's wrong!" yells Tracy.

“That was the hospital," Skye says wiping the tears from her face and tucking her hair behind her ear. "Alan's had a heart attack. We have to go to the hospital….NOW!"

Edward stumbles after hearing this news. Tracy and AJ help him regain his balance and he waves them off. They rush out of the office together, seemingly putting their differences aside to rush to the aid of their relative.
Jason had just finished visiting Carly and the boys when his cell phone rings. "Hello?"

"Jason," says the voice on the phone. "It's Elizabeth."

"Hey…what's wrong? You don't sound too good." Jason picks up on the distress in her voice. "Is something wrong with Cameron?"

"No it's not. I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But Alan's been brought into General Hospital. He just had a heart attack."

Jason reels from the shock, speechless. "I'll be right there." Jason hangs up his phone and rushes to his car.
Next…on Port Charles

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An "ICU" episode featuring Jason, Carly, Michael & Morgan. This episode showcases the events leading up to Jason receiving the phone call about Alan. Jason shows up at Carly's and the best friends share a very close moment. The episode will end with Jason rushing off to the hospital.


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  • Members

What a powerful episode. In my mind I can see Alan clutching his arm, as Monica is lying there in bed, feeling the sharp pain. Then seeing everyone rushing to him, while the scene turns back to Monica asking for more love-making.

I love how you had it end; with the Quartermaines finding out; then finally, Jason.

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  • Members

Such a great episode!!! I loved how Alan's heart attack came about and how everyone found out. I can't wait to see what you do with this episode.

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I know writing my scenes were tough on me as it was very close to my heart. Jen & Ryan you two did awesome. Beautifully written scenes you two. Thank you everyone for the feedbcak, its alwys great to reda.

I for one am so happy to be part of suh a wonderful writing team :)

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Each one of you make PC an excellent read.... You each bring the scenerios to life; you all bounce well off of one another; and as I pointed out to someone; the flow of the writing just gels...

You all do a wonderful job in giving us storylines that not only touch our hearts but keeps us coming back each time....

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  • Members

That was a powerful episode yet again. I could see Monica also having pain as Alan was reeling from pain and grabbing his chest. True to life, IMHO. You have yet to disappoint. :)

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