Endgame- Episode 63
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
<b>One day later.....</b>
Sonny hangs up his cell phone when he sees Alexis knocking on his hospital door. Carly is in the room with him discussing what happened the day before. She planned on telling him the good news about her pregnancy, but didn't feel this was the most appropriate time. Alexis walks in with a folder in her hands, asking how Sonny's doing. Sonny asks if she's asking as the District Attorney or as the mother of his child. Alexis says it's the latter. Sonny updates her on his condition and the condition of his father, Alexis hopes they both feel better. Alexis gets right to the point, she knows this may not be the best time for this, but it has to be done. She hands Sonny the folder. Sonny opens it and says it's not gonna happen.
Bobbie opens the Brownstone front door and is taken aback to see Mac there. He informs her that he is there on official business and asks if he can come in. Bobbie nervously opens the door wider and leads him to the living room where they sit down. “Bobbie, I need to ask you some questions about the night that Brandon Wexler was killed.”
Bobbie draws in a deep breath and listens while Mac asks her where she was on the night that Brandon was killed. She explains that she and Noah were spending the night alone in the Brownstone. They were watching a movie and discussing the future. She asks him why he is asking these questions.
Ignoring her, he thinks back to the report that Det. Cruz showed him. Mac wants to know what kind of car she had. She tells him and again asks him why he keeps asking these questions of her. Her heart is starting to beat faster and she is breathing heavily. She says adamantly that she and Noah were here all night and asks Mac to leave.
Sam sneaks out of Wyndemere and heads to the bluff. This seems to be the only place where she can clear her head. As she stares out at the water, she had a sudden flashback. Her and Jason are slow dancing on the roof of the penthouse in the rain. Jason whispers the words, 'I love you.' After a few minutes, a figure appears from the shadows, sneaks up behind her, and causes Sam's flashback to end. "I know you're here," Sam says without turning around. "What do you want?"
"Is that any way to speak to your grandmother my dear Samantha?" The camera pans to reveal Helena standing behind Sam.
Sam rolls her eyes and counters back, "Step-grandmother my 'dear' Helena. Again, what do you want? You shouldn't be here. Nikolas might see you."
"Nikolas isn't my concern right now. You are. Have you had any more violent headaches?" Helena pries for information, trying to gauge how much information she needs to divulge. "Any more memory flashbacks?"
"No I haven't. I know all I need to know," Sam turns her back again, running her fingers through her hair. "And before you ask, the answer is no. No one has any idea what we've been planning."
Helena smiles, finally a pawn who does what she's told with no questions asked. "That's good. Keep me updated. One thing I go though….you must not be sidetracked with your problems with Jason. He does not factor into any of my plans. Remember who is calling the shots." Helena turns to walk away but Sam stops her.
"You're right. Jason doesn't factor into any of <b>your</b> plans, but he does factor into mine. And you may be running things Helena, but without me none of this would be possible. Oh, and by the way….Nikolas <b>should</b> be a concern of yours. Carly too." Sam has Helena intrigued. "It looks like you're going to be a great-grandmother yet again."
Helena feels like vomiting. It's bad enough that Nikolas procreated with Courtney, but now he's knocked up the she-beast Carly? Disgusting….. Helena orders Sam not to be concerned with that. Just focus on what she's been told.
Helena heads back off into the shadows. Sam turns around, takes a deep breath and his hit by another flashback.
Back at GH, Alexis has just handed Sonny a folder that his him extremely upset. "There's no way in hell you're gonna keep me away from Kristina. You hear me Alexis? I thought we had all of this resolved."
"As Kristina's primary custodial parent, I have the right to limit your access to her. She could have been with you yesterday when you and Mike were attacked. God knows what those thugs would have done do my daughter."
"Our daughter," Sonny interrupts with much sharpness. "She's our daughter Alexis. And nothing would have happened to Kristina. I would have protected her, the same way I protect my other children."
Alexis laughs sarcastically. "Sonny you could barely even protect yourself yesterday. Without Jason you're vulnerable and I can't allow your vulnerability to affect my child. I won't. You have 2 options. One, you could leave the mob, turn states evidence and begin living your life as a contributing member of society. Two, you could sign the agreement and when things calm down, I'll re-instate your visitation with Kristina. Now since we all know the first choice isn't happening, number 2 is your best option." Alexis grabs her pocketbook and heads towards the door. "Feel better."
Alexis begins walks towards the elevator but Carly rushes up to her. "Carly I'm not in the mood to argue with you. I did the right thi-," Alexis is cut off mid sentence.
"I know you did. I didn't come to fight with you," Carly says. "I just wanted to say that I understand why you did what you did, and I think deep down Sonny does too. I just wanted to tell you that." Carly turns around and walks away, leaving Alexis stunned.
Mac stands up. He doesn’t like the feeling that he is getting from Bobbie. Her eyes are looking everywhere but at him. She is fidgeting and picking at her nails. He walks to the door and says, “For your sake Bobbie, I hope that Noah can back your story up.” Mac closes the door and Bobbie bursts into tears.
Moments past and Bobbie catches her breath and stops crying. She races to the phone and calls Noah. She is told that he is in surgery and cannot be disturbed. She puts the phone down and runs upstairs to one of the old rooms where she stashed a bottle of vodka. She stares at it for a long time before making a decision. She dials a familiar number and is relieved to hear the one voice that never lets her down.
“I need you”

Next….on Port Charles
-Carly notices some hostility between Lucas & Maxie
-Bobbie confesses all to Luke
-Anna is upset when she sees Skye and Jax together
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