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Through the past week, fans of the SONBC drama "Return to Santa Barbara" have been left hanging. Is Cruz really dead? Will Mason & Mary find their child? Will anyone ever find out the truth about Sophia? Or is it Edmund & "Soretta" forever? All these questions hung in the minds of RTSB fans, but there was one that particularly stood out- "Will we ever find out?" We tracked down RTSB exec producer and headwriter juniorz, who's been a bit of a recluse of late, and got the answers.

SONBC: Welcome Back!

juniorz: Thanks for having me again. So what's up?

SONBC: You tell us- RTSB has been on hiatus for a WEEK!

juniorz: I did give some indication that there would be a bit of a hiatus, yes. It is ending though, as of right now, beginning with a double episode to be posted tomorrow! If I can get it going, one of them may even be ready tonight! I've been busy with my job, the holiday, and my birthday over the past week & weekend. Each time I'd try to get an episode up, something else would come up. Honestly, I've missed it. But during the week, I added some things to the RTSB myspace page, including repeat episodes.

SONBC: Repeats?

juniorz: Yes, for those who are getting into RTSB late, I'm taking the time to repeat the episodes from the beginning, with direct links from the myspace page, http://www.myspace.com/returntosantabarbara . The first four episodes are already posted and have gotten a few hits over there & here.

SONBC: And what about those that are current? What's the scoop with the new episodes?

juniorz: As I said, I'm kicking that off with a double-episode tomorrow, followed by an all-new Talkin Santa Barbara! There's a lot of ground to cover this month, since there's a big May ahead.

SONBC: Any May Sweeps Previews?

juniorz: There will be a special May Sweeps Preview put out later in the month. I can't give previews for every story until I'm sure of how far I can move them along.

SONBC: The last episode featured a lot of the new generation. Can we expect to see more of that?

juniorz: Somewhat- they're not going to take over the show, per say, but they'll be featured more heavily than they have been thusfar. With the introduction of Steve and re-introduction of Brandon and Chip, they younger set has been re-invigorated. I have lots of plans for Brandon, but it's going to be a sort of slow build. There are high points coming up in other stories that will take up a lot of time so it's the only way it works anyway. BUT I will say that the slower the build and longer it simmers, the better the end result of the story.

SONBC: So what can we expect when RTSB returns? We couldn't help but notice a spike in Nina Arveson's (Angela) air time....

juniorz: I was actually surprised myself how much I wrote for her last month! But it was essential to lay the groundwork for her storyline. The Lily/Ted/Angela/Warren storyline is more supporting than anything, but it is kicking into gear a bit. Much of the focus of this month will be Eden's search for answers about Cruz's untimely "death."

SONBC: Is Cruz really dead? We can't help but notice A Martinez is still listed in the cast....

juniorz: A Martinez needed time off to shoot episodes of "Raines." It's something we knew about going into the series. It just worked out that the story I had planned called for him to have time off anyway. He'll be back. Whether he's actually alive.....I'm not saying yet. But you'll know for sure either way in the next couple weeks or so.

SONBC: How about Mark McCormick? You took the time to write him in, but he's only appeared twice so far!

juniorz: That's the other story that's really going to move this month. Expect to see Victoria Wyndham re-appear as Maureen this week and Mark & Sherri should return sometime later in the month.

SONBC: Interesting. This whole Mary/Mason/Julia triangle has been pretty evenly balanced so far. We wish it could go on forever...

juniorz: Mason is going to make a final choice very soon, but that doesn't mean complications won't arise down the road. I have a HUGE summer storyline planned for that triangle, something that changes everything. It's funny, because the whole story I've come up with stems from my being tired of writing Mason so nice. It's been very natural, since this is how he is around Mary, but I for one am sick of it. So being the sick freak that I am, I've come up with a situation that will bring Mason's anger and dark side back to the forefront. I'm actually salivating at the thought of it right now.

SONBC: Sounds good. Now we'd be remiss if we didn't ask about Sophia & McCreepy....

juniorz: That storyline is also hitting a boiling point- in fact, this is the story that's going to really explode in May. A character from the past will be returning and all kinds of castle-goodness is planned. It's been so much fun writing the second arc of this storyline- I'm surprised how much I myself enjoy the Edmund/Sophia dynamic. And I LOVE Christine. No matter what happens, Christine isn't going anywhere. Plus, I finally have gotten Lionel & Augusta into the mix with this story and they will remain very much a part of it through the next arc.

SONBC: Last question. Ashton Lavery- we know the guy has angles, but we can't seem to make him out yet.

juniorz: Ashton's agenda is being given out a piece at a time. Eventually, all of the pieces will come together and there comes a point where you'll go "Now it all makes sense..." I'm hoping people don't figure it out beforehand because I want there to be a shock when I get to the first of many climaxes with him. But as I said, things are being put out there about him one piece at a time. Expect to start seeing more of him, along with Joann. She's another one who's had her hand in a lot of pots but hasn't been very heavily featured. I'm making a concious effort to write more for Ashton, Joann, and Warren, so expect to see them.

SONBC: Any last-minute tidbits?

juniorz: Check the cast list for some changes. "Six Degrees" was cancelled last week, so we were able to sign Jay Hernandez to a contract. Expect Chip and Victoria to stick around town for a while. Also, though Shell Danielson isn't listed with the recurring players right now, she's not gone forever. Laken is another one who will be worked in as I go. Additionally, Gina Gallego has been bumped up to contract status.

Thanks juniorz! Don't forget to check out Return to Santa Barbara this week on SONBC!


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Of course word on Keith & his fledgingly harem is always welcome, yet was loving the interview none-the-less - RIGHT UP TO...

Expect...Victoria to stick around town for a while...Additionally, Gina Gallego has been bumped up to contract status.

:blink: <grumblings in progress>

p.s. Happy, HAPPY Birthday+2 to our fearless leader! :D

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