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Episode 74





(EXT: The Capwell Hotel- Banquet Room)

---Chip explains to Eden that he wanted to be home as soon as possible and the only way for that to happen was to bring Victoria with him. He tells her that he hopes she isn't upset. Rafael and Carm spring from their chairs and greet their grandson, admiring how much he reminds them of Cruz at his age. He thanks his parents for the compliment and everyone takes their seats again at the table. Eden shows Victoria to her place, quietly speaking with her.

"This is a family dinner, Victoria, for Cruz's family & mine. You should have gone to your room in the hotel.."

"I'm the mother of Cruz's only son, in case that's slipped your mind Eden. I loved him once too you know and I wanted to come and pay my respects."

"Which you could have done tomorrow at the memorial service, but that wouldn't get under my skin enough, now would it?"

"Contrary to what you believe, the world doesn't revolve around you Eden. Every decision I make isn't related to you- to be quite honest, I haven't even thought about you in years. Chip barely mentions your name when we're together..."

Eden doesn't let Victoria get to her, sitting her at the end of the table with Ted, Angela, Mason and Julia. Everyone once again resumes their meal. Eden dotes on Chip, asking him how he's been and when he's coming back home. He tells her that Victoria has another month or so until she should be able to get around on her own. Eden is disbelieving, saying that she's in a wheelchair. Chip explains that she can walk, her legs are just very week and the wheelchair is more convenient. Eden nods and gives Victoria an inquisitive look.

On the other end of the table, Victoria asks Mason & Julia how they've been since she's left, asking about Samantha. Samantha waves, telling Victoria that she's right there.

"Oh my goodness, you're all so grown up now- all of you. I remember when the three of you were all teeny tiny little babies."

"How nice for you," Samantha says. "Could you pass the salt?"

Victoria struggles to reach for it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I should have asked someone else- dad would you mind?" Samantha smirks at Victoria.

Mason gives his daughter a look before passing it to her.

"So- Mason- 20 years it's been now for you two huh?"

"Give or take a couple marriages....." he answers.

"I see you still have your trademark wit."

"It's a curse."

Victoria goes on about how wonderful it is to see them still together, though she knew they would be. She tells them she's happy that everything seems to have worked out for them. Julia gives an uncomfortable nod, then gives Mason a look.

(EXT: London, England)


---Edmund pulls up the long driveway to pick up his "wife." As the car approaches the front of the castle, he sees Sophia in a long ice blue gown, beaded and satin at the top, with flowing chiffon at the bottom. The dress is cut off the shoulders and she wears the sapphire necklace he gave her around her neck. The driver lets Edmund out of the car and he's dressed to the nines, in an old English black tuxedo complete with a top hat. He walks up to Sophia and takes her hand and kisses it.

"You take my breath away Loretta."

"You look pretty handsome yourself there."

"Shall we go?"

He extends his arm out for her and she hooks hers around his. "We shall."

The two of them get into the limousine and take off for the theatre.

(EXT: London, England- Theatre)

---Augusta and Lionel take their seats on the balcony. Lionel tells her he's quite charmed that she wanted to go to the theatre again, remembering when they used to attend regularly.

"Yes, well I've always wanted to see I Hate Hamlet and I've heard this production is spectacular."

Lionel smiles as she begins fidgeting with her binoculars. He watches her grow frustrated as she tries to get them to stay still to look through. He tries to get her to hand them to him, but she pulls away and continues fidgeting, still unable to get them to work.

"Will you hand them to ME Augusta?" Lionel says, taking them from her and fixing them.

She thanks him and takes them back, looking through them at the crowd below.

"What are you looking at? The show hasn't started yet...."

"I'm people watching, Lionel- the orchestra, the people below and such..."

"People watching? Since when do you care about watching people?"

"What are you talking about- I like people watching. We sit outside at restaurants and I look around at people, in the park.."

"The park?"

"Yes, the park Lionel, I visit the park sometimes..." He gives her a look. "Well I DO!"

She looks back into the binoculars and sees Sophia sitting down with Edmund. She's startled and lets out a "Hehhh" noise.

"WHat? What is it? Let me see those...."

"No! A man just spilled his drink on his date, that's all...." she says, staring back into them.

Lionel watches his wife, wondering what she's really up to.

(EXT: The Capwell Hotel- Banquet Room)

---Everyone finishes their meal and the guests begin dispersing throughout the room. Rafael and Carm speak with Rosa, asking if Santana will be in town for the memorial service. Brandon's ears perk up and asks when his mother will be coming. Rosa informs them that she had a late shift at the clinic, but she should be arriving the following day. Carm says she remembers when Santana was young and she and Cruz attending their prom together. Carm begins to choke up at the memory of her son and her husband comforts her, and suggests they get settled in their room. Kelly walks up and offers to show them and Ric upstairs to their rooms. Ashton approaches, offerring to come with them, but Kelly tells him she can take care of it on her own and encourages him to stay with the rest of the family. Kelly calls to Victoria and Chip, telling them she may as well show them up as well. Victoria hesitates, as she's talking with Mason, Eden & Julia, but Chip insists that she needs to rest, after the drive and all.

"You're right- he takes such good care of me this one. Whatever you say son, let's go..."

Chip walks up to Eden and gives her a hug. "Let me just get her settled, mom, and I'll come back down."

She nods in approval as Kelly escorts them upstairs, with Ashton following to kiss her good-bye. CC walks up behind him.

"You're smothering her, Lavery, just like your father did your mother..."

"Don't you dare talk about my father, CC"

CC ignores him. "She can't even have a free second away from you? Don't you trust her? Or are you not as confident in your marriage as you'd have all of us believe?"

"Oh, CC, I'm sure you'd love for that to be the case. But the fact is your daughter is in love with me and I her, and not a damn thing you say is going to change that. In fact, I encourage you to try.....it only seems to make Kelly want me more..."

CC raises his hand to slug him but Rosa walks up and stops him. "Don't let him get to you CC- especially today."

"And there your are again, Rosa" Ashton says, over-pronouncing her name. "You're like a bad penny, you know that?"

Across the room, Adriana tells Eden that she'd like to spend the night over at Samantha's. Eden tells her that she was hoping that she'd be at the house with her, since the memorial service is the next day. She can't believe that Adriana would even consider not being at the house with her.

"It's just for a night...."

"You do want you want Adriana- if you want to go to Samantha's, go right ahead. Leave me alone in the house without you or your father there. You're what's important- you and your wants."

"It's so hard for me to be there, mom, you know? I just really need to get away from there for a while..."

"Again, your needs. You don't think it's hard for me to be there? It's hard enough with you there, but alone? You think I don't want to get away? From the pain I feel every time I see the furniture your father & I picked together, living in the house that he built for the two of us and you and Chip?"

"Let her stay at my house Eden- Mason's staying in the hotel tonight, so they can stay at my house and I'll come stay with you." Julia says interrupting.

"I guess that would be alright...." Eden says softly.

"Thanks Aunt Julia!" Adriana says, as she and Samantha leave.

"You're being awfully hard on her" Julia says.

"I don't mean to be- it's just, with everything that's going on and what's happened...."

"I know, I know you're stressed. Why don't we get out of here and take you home? It's going to be a long day tomorrow...."

"Sounds like a good idea to me, mom" Chip says, walking back in.

Eden smiles and beams that her son is all grown up. Eden asks if Victoria is settled in and Chip says she's fast asleep, which is what Eden ought to be doing. Eden says that she cannot sleep much since Cruz's death. Chip insists that she try and she smiles and promises that she will. She begins to leave with Julia when Mason stops them, saying that he'd like to have a word with his wife.

"Not now Mason."

"We need to talk Julia.'

"And we will, but this isn't the time. It will have to wait until after tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking your sister home."

They leave and CC walks up behind Mason.

"She's not going to put up with you running around the world with your ex-fiance forever, son. Julia is your wife- don't you think it's about time you started acting like it?"

"The day I take start taking advice from you, dad, I'll commit myself. Like you did my mother." Mason says, as he exits.

"Perhaps one day you could give Mason advice on breaking up a marriage, CC. Something you're quite educated in I believe," Ashton says as he walks out.

(EXT: London, England- THEATRE)

---The show ends as Augusta and Lionel stand up to applaud. She sees Edmund and Sophia leaving through her binoculars and begins scurrying to get down there. Lionel cannot understand her rush, but he insists they hurry so they can beat traffic.

"Augusta, there are thousands of people here..."

"All the more reason we should get a move on now pick up those lead feet Lionel."

They hurry down the stairs and she spots Sophia from a distance going to the ladies room. Augusta tells Lionel that she has to powder her nose before they go.

"I thought you were in a hurry...."

"This can't wait Lionel, now stay here...."

She walks into the elegant ladies room and sees Sophia standing in front of the mirror, primping herself. She smiles a devious smile.

"Lovely show, don't you think?" Augusta says, expecting Sophia to recognize her.

Sophia turns around and looks at a smiling Augusta. "Yes. It was wonderful."

"Surprised to see me?" Augusta smiles.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you can cut the double talk. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, but do we know each other....."

"Do we know each other? Who are you trying to kid Sophia?"

"Sophia? I'm sorry, but you must be mistaking me for someone else. I'm Loretta. Loretta Lavery." Sophia says extending her hand.

A flabbergasted August takes it and shakes.

"Augusta Lockridge" is all she's able to get out.

"Nice to meet you Augusta. If you'll excuse me...."

Sophia begins to walk out. Augusta realizes Lionel could see her and yells for her to wait, but it's too late. Augusta walks out of the ladies room and stops cold when she sees Lionel standing immediately outside the door.

"You mind telling me what that was about?"

Augusta plays dumb, asking what he's talking about. She's relieved that he's wondering how she's out of the ladies room so quick.

"The line was so long.....I'll just hold it until we get home. Speaking of which, come on! We have traffic to beat!"

She grabs his arm and runs him out of the theatre.

(EXT: Edmund's castle)

---Sophia and Edmund arrive at home. She thanks him for such a lovely evening and he kisses her passionately. She suggests they go upstairs, telling him to go to the bedroom while she freshens up. Edmund walks into the room and is enchanted when he sees candles are lit throughout and there are rose pedeals covering their bed. He turns around and sees Sophia standing in a long blue silk negligee.

"You like it?"

"How did you do all this?"

"I spoke with Christine before we left and had her set everything up. I wanted it to be perfect. You made today so special for me, I wanted tonight to be special for you."

"Every night with you is special Loretta."

She walks into his arms and passionately kisses him, removing his jacket and his vest. Their kissing grows more intense as she begins unbuttoning his shirt and leading him to the bed. They lay down on the bed and continue to kiss very passionately. Edmund stops for a second, running his thumb on her face and looking into her eyes.

"Are you sure you're ready?" he asks.

She smiles at him. She stands up at the side of her bed and removes the negligee.

"I've been waiting for this for many years, Edmund. Don't make me wait another night."

He grabs her and brings her close to him. He looks at her for a second and kisses her passionately on the lips, bringing her back down on the bed with him . The two of them kiss and careen on the bed as the camera fades to black.

THE END................for now

Nothing definite, but a second episode MAY be posted later tonight- I'll update the schedule sometime in the evening to let you know if it will air tonight or tomorrow.....


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Love that Augusta is in the middle of everything! She cracks me up and I love how you write Augusta and Lionel.

Poor Eden...she needs Cruz. Can't wait to see what's coming up!

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Good episode. I'm a little late to reading your blog so I want to ask if Sophia has amnesia?

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Yes, DH, sort of. Edmund brainwashed her into thinking she's his deceased wife, Loretta. The Capwells believe she died in January, when her aneurism burst. (Edmund manipulated things to make it look that way)

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WOW!!!! :ph34r::blink: :blink: :blink::wub: :wub:

:lol: Much the same my feelings for that chapter...

But, Greg, I must something to mention:

"This is a family dinner, Victoria, for Cruz's family & mine. You should have gone to your room in the hotel.."

I don't think that Eden would say such a thing. It's OK that he dislikes Victoria but it's not her style. Or am I wrong? :blink:

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:lol: Much the same my feelings for that chapter...

But, Greg, I must something to mention:

"This is a family dinner, Victoria, for Cruz's family & mine. You should have gone to your room in the hotel.."

I don't think that Eden would say such a thing. It's OK that he dislikes Victoria but it's not her style. Or am I wrong? :blink:

I think (correct me if I am wrong Greg) Eden is reverting back a little bit to what she was like before she and Cruz were a couple. Because she is lost without her soulmate, she is becoming a bit more rude and self centered. I can't blame Adrianna for wanting a break and I thought it was well done.

Great episode!!!! Good to see Chip and Brandon at the house and interacting with the family. Loved Augusta keeping an eye on "Soretta" while keeping Lionel in the dark about the whole thing. Also really liked Mason, CC, and Ashton taking little digs at each other. Mason has pretty much had that same response everytime his dad has tried to offer him relationship advice. Very in character writing and the addition of Ashton's comments were perfect. Poor CC, Ashton isn't any easier to control than Mason. LOL And to top it off, McCreepy and Soretta get it on. I can't wait to see what happens next.


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You know one thing I would like to see soon though is one of the those great Eden/Mason moments. Like the Eden/Mason scene after Mary died and when Mason sat with Eden all night on the courthouse steps when Cruz was in jail. It would be a good time for Mason to be the older brother and forget his problem for an hour or an evening.


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You know one thing I would like to see soon though is one of the those great Eden/Mason moments. Like the Eden/Mason scene after Mary died and when Mason sat with Eden all night on the courthouse steps when Cruz was in jail. It would be a good time for Mason to be the older brother and forget his problem for an hour or an evening.


I couldn't agree with you more. In times of grief, the family always looks to Mason for composure because he's the only one that has it. She needs him more than she realizes.

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Yes, DH, sort of. Edmund brainwashed her into thinking she's his deceased wife, Loretta. The Capwells believe she died in January, when her aneurism burst. (Edmund manipulated things to make it look that way)

Thanks for letting me know ;)

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