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Episode 50





EDITED- change of plans on the double episode- see the 'RTSB' schedule for details!!!

(EXT: LONDON, England- Edmund's Transylvanian Mansion)

----Edmund sits in his study, reading. He remembers talking to CC Capwell on the phone the week before and the thought brings a smile to his face. He's startled when Sophia appears in front of him, wearing an old-fashioned white satin robe of Loretta's, worn over her night gown.

"Where did this come from? These things aren't mine........You changed me? Why would you do that?"

"I didn't see any reason for you to remain in those same garbs you'd be wearing, so I had them washed. And I didn't actually change you- the nurse did, while you were resting. Your clothes actually should be clean by now- if you'd like, I could get them for you....."

"That's not necessary.........I'm sorry if it sounded as though I were accusing you of something inappropriate......."

"It's quite alright."

Sophia tells him that she feels agitated, edgy almost. She also says she feels as though she's slept for days and her memories are muffled, blurry even. Edmund again tells her that it's just a side effect of the treatments, which he tells her, have been far more effective since she began hypnosis. He goes so far as to show her two separate x-rays and charts, highlighting the differences and improvements in the results. Sophia admits to feeling far more relaxed after having their sessions and wonders if the agitation she's experiencing could be related. Edmund explains that since the sessions are so intensive on a specific portion of the brain, that it actually causes some stress to the area, after an initial period of relief. He relates it to going through withdrawal- just like a hangover, the best thing to fix it would be a session. She agrees and asks when they begin, but he tells her to be patient, that he doesn't want to overwhelm her.

"I'm not overwhelmed- really I'm not. I just want to get through this and be healthy again. Please. When can we begin?"

Edmund smiles at her, looking her over in Loretta's clothing. "Please go wait for me in the study then. I'll be in shortly."

(EXT: LAS VEGAS, Nevada- Caesar's Palace)

---Keith & Elizabeth's room is shown, a mess of clothes and tiny empty bottles of liquor. The camera pans up to the bed, where they are laying side by side, apparently wearing nothing at all. Elizabeth wakes up, immediately grabbing her head and then covering herself when she realizes she isn't dressed. She looks at the bed next to her and sees Keith sleeping, with something of a grin on his face. She reaches for her robe and puts it on, adjourning herself to the bathroom. She splashes water on her face and walks back out, putting on a pot of coffee. When she has it brewing, she notices a DVD with TIMMONS PARTY written on it.

"I wonder what this could be.....something from the hotel maybe? Maybe that's how they bill you here now.......wait. I should've known- they probably want money- Keith was probably Cheating at Black Jack!"

She puts the DVD Player and turns it on. She's confused by the menu that appears, remarking it seems awfully fancy for surveillance footage. She clicks on play and hears a honkey tonk version of the Wedding March play. She laughs when she sees Keith at the altar, with the wacky looking priest standing next to him. She wonders aloud who the fool was that married him at 4 AM. She's horrified when she sees herself, walking down the aisle, carrying a plastic bouquet.

"Oh My GOD- KEITH!!!!!! KEITH WAKE UP!!!!!!"

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

----Ted stops by CC's office, who's in a meeting with Joann. Ted apologizes for interrupting but Joann tells him it's quite alright, that they were just talking about him. Ted asks what she means and CC tells him that there's a convention in New York that he attends every year, but doesn't really feel up to going this year. It's important that someone be there to reperesent the company, since many of their distributors, contacts, and customers are going to be present. He says that Joann thought that Ted would be the perfect choice to go.

"Me? Why me?" he asks her.

"Your father has a lot of faith in you Ted, as do I. No offense to your sisters- hell, I'm a woman myself, but this tends to be more of a boys club kinda thing- sexist pigs, cigars, whiskey, you know the bit. There's plenty of downtime and socializing, not as stiff as business as usual- and there definitely would be opportunities there for you to expand your network . What do you think? Is it too much? I know your mom just died and you're a newlywed and all...."

"Actually, it's perfect. It's exactly what I need right now."

"What's perfect?" Angela asks, walking into the office with some paperwork in her hands.

"Ted's just agreeing to attend a week-long convention in New York, in place of his father."

"Oh he did, did he? Congratulations, Ted. When do you leave?"

"I don't know....Joann....when...?"

"Later this afternoon actually, since you lose three hours going and the kick-off breakfast is at 8 tomorrow morning- you'll need to be rested of course"

"Of course" he replies.

"Well that's just wonderful. You have a good time in New York- excuse me....." Angela says, her anger mounting.

Ted excuses himself to go after her.

(EXT: LAS VEGAS, Nevada- Caesar's Palace)

---Keith is as stunned as Elizabeth when he sees them getting married. He tells her it must have been some kind of joke and asks her if she remembers even going to the chapel.

"No, Keith, I think I'd recollect the Elvis-inspired music and the minister in the gold-sequined cloak! Not to mention what looks to be his 90 year old mother throwing rice at us.....My GOD! What have we done?"

Keith laughs and insists it must be some kind of joke, that no way would either of them agree to do anything like that legally. He also says that even if they did, nobody in their right mind would have legally married them, seeing how intoxicated they were.

"Nobody? Nobody would let that happen?"

"Yeah, nobody.....nobody with any sense. I mean, who would you think would let two people sauced out of their brains get hitched?"

"Who? THOSE people, that's who Keith!" she says, pointing to the minister on the screen, who is putting on his star-shaped sunglasses and sits down at the piano, breaking out in the honkey-tonk version of the end march, with his 90 year old mother stroking the chords on the guitar.

Elizabeth insists that they go down there and talk to these people, and find out what the hell is going on. Keith agrees, but excuses himself to the restroom first. He goes in, splashing some water on his face. The camera pans up to his face, his devilish eyebrows arched. He begins to smirk at himself, mutterring "Elizabeth Timmmons" and bursts into full-blown hysterics.


"NOTHING!!!!........." He looks at the mirror and grins. "Nothing at all...."

(EXT: London, England)

----Edmund walks into his small office and sees Sophia already laying down on the couch, waiting for him.

"My you are anxious today, aren't you?"

"It's hard to explain...to put my finger on.....but almost like a thirst.....like my brain is thirsty for the treatment...."

"I understand, believe me I do. Patients before you have said the very same thing. I'm just so pleased with your enthusiasm is all."

Sophia tells him that she's just ready to get better and back to her normal life. She remarks that it's London she's in, such a beautiful city, and she can't even enjoy it because of her condition. Edmund promises to take her sightseeing as soon as she's up to it.

"But first....."

"Yes...I know,, I need to get well.....so let's begin- I'm ready."

"We shall.......Concentrate on a place where you're happy- could be a beach, a picnic, the mountains, whatever brings you such serenity. Listen to the sound of my voice as the breeze brushes gently over your face, slightly blowing your hair. Focus in on the sound of my voice as I count back from 30. When I land on 1, I'll snap my fingers twice and your mind will be completely relaxed, completely open, and ready to take in rather than let out. 30.....29......28......27..........26........25......"

He smiles as he counts, watching her drift off and a serene, almost vacant look comes over her face.

(THE END.............until later.......)


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Elizabeth Timmons! I LOVE it! I can't believe Keith did this, he is so devious. I love it. I absolutely love the way you write Keith, by far my favorite. I can see him snickering too.

Creepy that Sophia is dressed in Loretta like clothing and wants more therapy. Edmund is such a great villian.

Please, please please let Ted meet up with Laken in NYC and let them have a wild affair!

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Knew hilarity would ensue from Keith & Elizabeth's drink-a-thon! :lol:

Edmund is indeed a great villian. Sort of reminds me of really sinister Marcello - only interesting!

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"You changed me? Why would you do that?" :unsure:

Poor Sophia! She has NO idea! Nice double meaning!...

Edmund walks into his small office and sees Sophia already laying down on the couch, waiting for him.

"My you are anxious today, aren't you?"

"It's hard to explain...to put my finger on.....but almost like a thirst.....like my brain is thirsty for the treatment...."

Ewwwwwwwwww! :P

Great episode! Can't wait for the next part!

Keith+Lizzie=2 wrongs making a right!!!

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Let's hear it for the next super couple......Keith and Lizzie.....they could be as big as Cruz and Eden. Good job of pairing them up.


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Haha, I had a feeling that SOME of you would be relieved at Keith & Elizabeth's wedded bliss! On a side note- don't you think Deas & Adair would be dynamite together? Makes me kinda glad I re-cast both characters before marrying them! :lol:

I mean, this was always the plan, but for some reason, in my mind, it works better with these two than it would have with Tuc & Christine playing the parts.

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On a side note- don't you think Deas & Adair would be dynamite together? Makes me kinda glad I re-cast both characters before marrying them!
Sorry to say I'm not too familiar with Adair's work, but Deas is dynamo with anyone!

Haha, I had a feeling that SOME of you would be relieved at Keith & Elizabeth's wedded bliss!

SOME of us not named Gina anyway! :lol: Looking forward to her wedding 'present' for the blissful couple! :wub::D

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