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Episode 35




(EXT: London, England, eventually setting on a gothic, castle-like home)

---Edmund sits at his desk in the study, smoking a pipe. A nurse walks toward him and informs him that the patient is awake and has many questions for him. He tells her to let Sophia know he'll be in shortly to consult with her. The nurse exits and the camera zooms in on Edmund. Edmund flashes back to telling Sophia how the treatment would effectively attack the aneurism, explaining it would 'burst' into many pieces, which he would then attack. He then flashes to preparing the serum to inject in her. That fades into Sophia coming in and accepting the treatment, with him giving her the first injection, followed by the next times she came in. Next, he flashes to the SANTA BARBARA MEDICAL CENTER, where he tampered with certain machines, including Sophia's heart monitor, the respirator, as well as the machine used to give her the MRI, giving the readings of her brain activity. He leaves the X-Ray machine alone, knowing it would show the aneurism had burst. He then flashes to receiving the phone call from Pamela, telling him Sophia was on the way. He listens in as the doctors talk about which room she'll be put in and he then ensures that the proper heart monitor & respirator are placed in there. After that, he remembers donning a surgical mask and being given orders to take Sophia to the crematorium after the morgue. He then switches Sophia with another dead female and delivers the other to the crematorium, taking Sophia with him. He then gives Sophia another injection, waking her up in an almost hypnotic state, where he convinces her subconcious that she snuck out of town under the guise of an extended business trip. He then flashes to them together on the plane, and Sophia waking up. The camera focuses back on Edmund, in the present, as he heads off to Sophia's room.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---CC walks into the office and Kathleen is surprised to see him there so soon. CC acts annoyed, telling her that he needs to get back to work, to keep his mind off of everything. CC walks into his office, slamming the door behind him. He sits down at his desk, placing his hands over his head, not noticing that someone else is in the room, sitting on his sofa.

"Welcome Back, CC" Gina says

"What are you doing here? Honestly, Gina, I'm in no mood....."

"I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from work very long," she says, ignoring him "and there's something I'm a bit.....well, curious about..."

"Can't you satisfy your curiosity tomorrow? I have enough on my mind right now, I don't need you in here quacking about some trivial....."

"Our son isn't trivial, CC."

"Little Channing? Is he sick? something wrong....."

Gina assures him that the boy is just fine, that it's nothing about his health. Gina tells him that she had an interesting conversation with Elizabeth the day of the funeral and that when she mentioned Channing IV, Elizabeth acted surprised that she was his mother. An annoyed CC doesn't get Gina's point- so she hammers it in, telling him that Elizabeth brushed it off, saying that he had told her about all of his children, including the ones without Sophia. Yet, if she knew that Channing IV wasn't his son with Sophia, why wouldn't she ask about his mother?

"This, THIS is what you're pestering me with? My wife just died, Gina, what Elizabeth does and doesn't know about Channing IV- well, so what? So what if she didn't ask who the mother was? Big Deal."

"I just find it odd that she made a point of knowing that Channing wasn't Sophia's, yet she didn't know who's he was. It doesn't add up- why would you even be talking about him with her in the first place?"

"It was conversation, Gina, we hadn't talked or seen each other in years and frankly, our relationship and the manner in which Channing IV was conceived aren't exactly part of the highlight reel of the last 40 years of my life. Now would you do me a favor and leave me to work in peace?"

"I'll go, CC, but this isn't the last you've heard about it. I don't understand why you've let this woman have so much influence over you lately and why you're talking to her about MY son. I can promise you this- I'm gonna find out, with or without your help...."

Gina turns and exits, leaving an annoyed CC rubbing his head with a pained look on his face.

----Ted sits in his office, looking at a picture of his mother and father at their second wedding. He's startled when Laken pops in.

"Is this a bad time?"

"No, not at all, come in. I could use a friendly face..."

Laken smiles and walks in, admiring the picture of CC and Sophia. Laken tells Ted that she was always impressed with his mother and he concurs. Ted asks why the visit and Laken explains that she wanted to check in on him before she leaves for New York. He asks when she's leaving and she tells him she's actually en route to the airport right now, this being her last stop. Ted tells her he's disappointed her visit was so short and she laughs that she actually had to extend her stay for the funeral. Ted is surprised and thanks her for staying in town to support him and his family. She says that he was a very big part of her life once upon a time and that she will always care for him and worry, no matter how much time passes. He blushes and reminisces about some times in their wilder days, such as climbing on top of a billboard in Santa Barbara with Jake Morton on it. Laken laughs that she was just trying to push his buttons then, remembering happier times before. Laken tenderly tells him that no man has ever made her feel like he did when she was a girl. She walks up to him and plants a kiss on him. He stops and looks at her, then kisses her back, with some ferocity.

---Outside of the office, Lily is shown walking up, to check on Ted as well. She opens the door a crack and sees him making out with his ex-girlfriend. Without hesitation, Lily takes out her cell phone and begins snapping pictures.

(EXT: Angel Ramirez's Home)

---Cruz pulls up in his car and knocks on Angel's door. Marta answers.

"The cop. What do YOU want?"

"I need to speak to your dad- he here?"

"Leave my dad ALONE. Haven't you done enough?!?"

Angel walks out his bedroom door and tells his daughter to let Cruz inside. Marta is resilient, telling Angel that if he won't put a stop to this, she will. Angel informs his daughter she'll be doing no such thing as he crosses in front of her and holds the door open for Cruz. Cruz walks in and Angel asks Marta to leave the room. Marta is hesitant, saying that she's not going to let Cruz convince her father to mix himself up any further. She says that the SBPD got what they wanted and they need to stop harassing her family.

"Marta, you show some respect and go to your room. I'm an adult and I can handle my business without any help from my 20 year old daughter. Now GO!"

Marta leaves and Cruz thanks Angel for defending him. Angel tells Cruz not to thank him so quickly, since he happens to think a lot of what Marta said was true. Angel asks Cruz just what it is he needs from him now. Cruz explains that though they were hoping he wouldn't have to, it looks as if Angel is going to have to testify against Carlos. Angel is resistant, saying that wasn't part of the deal- he was just supposed to help bring him in and that was to be it. Cruz explains that Carlos' lawyer has been able to get certain things thrown out and is trying to get Carlos off completely, saying that he was only present for said transaction, but had no part in either end of it.

"Doesn't surprise me. Do you have any idea who you're dealing with here?"

"Of course- I've watched this guy operate for years, it doesn't surprise me in the least that he's come out swinging."

"Exactly and once he knows I'm on the witness roster for the prosecutor, what you think he's gonna do?"

"You'll be protected at all costs."

"Protected? That's a joke, right? You honestly think the SBPD can protect me and my family from Carlos Esteban? Hell, you needed ME just to put him in jail....."

"It's the only way, Angel. The DA's office is willing to play hardball with you on this, if that's how you want to do it. They're not going to give you a choice...."

"What u mean? I don't gotta do nothin...."

"Your charge hasn't been dropped yet- without your testimony, the DA's office is refusing to grant you immunity."

"What? The charge is bogus anyway....I was only doing any of this to help You guys with the investigation..."

Cruz agrees and says he doesn't like it either, but the DA isn't budging so they have to go along with it. Cruz promises that he'll personally ensure his and his family's safety.

"This coming from the guy that put me away for the past 20 years.....I'll protect myself, I did it for 20 years in the Joint, and I'll do it now."

Cruz tells him that they need him to come in and give a statement and he agrees. Angel leaves with Cruz as Marta emerges from the opposite room, where she's been listening in.

"This crooked system took my dad from me once.......I'll be damned if I'm going to let them do it again...."

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Elizabeth sits in her office, typing up a report, when Keith Timmons stops in to see her. She remarks that she's had enough of his stalking and asks what he wants.


"You followed me yesterday from the funeral, and now here you are again..."

"I was merely concerned is all- I didn't want you getting into an accident or doing something foolish over CC & Sophia..."

"I don't need your concern, I'm just fine, thank you very much."

Keith agrees that she is, noting that she looks sexy as ever. Elizabeth asks what Gina would think if she heard him talking about that and he insists Gina & he are merely friends. Elizabeth shoots back that they look like a lot more than that to her.

"Okay, friends with benefits, but nothing serious."

A slightly annoyed but flattered Elizabeth asks again what he's doing there and Keith informs her that he'd like to take her to dinner. Elizabeth asks why he'd want to do that and Keith says that he'd just like to get to know her better is all. She tells him she'll think about it.

"What's to think about? A beautiful single woman having dinner in a nice restaurant with a distinguished, handsome man like myself? Can't imagine you'd turn that down...."

"You obviously don't have a very vivid imagination. I'll think about it Keith..."

Keith winks and hands her his business card, telling her to call him. Or perhaps he'll be in touch sooner. She holds onto it as he turns and leaves, bumping into CC on his way out.

"CC- I'm surprised to see you here. Shouldn't you be at home in a robe, watching home movies of you & Sophia on one of your honeymoons?"

Keith smirks at him as CC gives him the look of death, before turning to enter Elizabeth's office.

"CC. I'm surprised to see you." she says

"It's not a social call- this is business... what have you been telling Gina Blake?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she was waiting for me in my office, asking a bunch of questions about Channing IV and how you knew about him..."

"Oh, that.....I'm sorry, it slipped out, I did my best to cover, but she just was relentless with her interrogation. Don't worry, she doesn't know anything and I'm going to keep it that way..."

"Good. Because the last thing I need right now is for Gina to have any idea that I've amended my will so that Channing IV will inherit Capwell Enterprises and if I found out that you've told her anything about it.....I'll just say I won't be held responsible for my actions."

CC turns and leaves, leaving behind an upset Elizabeth. She takes out Keith's business card and calls him, offering to go out for drinks instead of dinner.....

(EXT: LONDON, Edmund's "Castle")

---Edmund enters Sophia's room, set up like a hospital, complete with machines, bed, and monitor. He sees her sitting up in her chair, wearing a gorgeous white robe. He flashes back, to his wife Loretta donning the same robe, and then flashes again to Sophia, the light hitting her just so, looking serene and pure in the robe. Sophia tells him of her concerns about her memory loss, saying that the events from the past week are just a blur to her. Edmund explains that the medication and the shots directly affect and break up the aneurism, saying that it's not uncommon for the patient to undergo short term memory loss from the drugs. He explains that the laser treatments they're beginning will have a similar effect on her, saying that she'll go in & out of conciousness, probably not remembering conversations she had while awake. Sophia asks how her family is taking everything and Edmund again reminds her that her family thinks she's on an extended business trip and they have no idea about her actual condition. Sophia wishes desperately that she could remember telling them that but she doesn't. All she remembers is feeling light-headed on New Year's Eve and waking up in a car with Edmund on the way to the airport, seemingly days later. Sophia begins to cry, saying she can't remember saying good-bye to her own children or husband, damning the condition that she is in. Edmund tries to calm her, insisting that she cannot get agitated while undergoing the treatment. Sophia begins to wail further, saying she misses her family and she doesn't like the confusion she's experiencing. Edmund offers her something to calm her down and she refuses it. Edmund insists, restraining her and asking if she wants to get better so she can be with her loved ones again.

"Of course I do."

"Then take the pill, Sophia. Your blood pressure is racing I'm sure and these hysterics are doing you only harm and no good."

Sophia looks at him, still crying, but slips the pill in her mouth and drinks her water. She lays back down in her bed, drifting off to sleep as Edmund's voice soothes her, telling her that everything will be alright so long as she does as he says. The camera zooms in on Edmund as he stands over Sophia.

"Sleep well, Sophia, sleep well.. There is much work to be done but you and I- we can do anything if we work together and that we will. Welcome Home, my love....."

THE END...............for TODAY


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"CC- I'm surprised to see you here. Shouldn't you be in home in a robe, watching home movies of you & Sophia on one of your honeymoons?"

LMAO Juniorz!!!! Very nice! I guess CC only sits at home watching home movies when Eden dies. LOL!!!!

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"CC- I'm surprised to see you here. Shouldn't you be in home in a robe, watching home movies of you & Sophia on one of your honeymoons?"

LMAO Juniorz!!!! Very nice! I guess CC only sits at home watching home movies when Eden dies. LOL!!!!

I was thinking the same thing!!! LOL Great line, it sounds like something Keith would say!!!! :lol:

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Fantastic episode! I too loved the Keith line. I will be honest, at first I didn't see anyone but Justin Deas in the Keith role. But Tuc Watkins fits perfectly. I could hear him say that line. Perfect casting. Excellent job again.

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Another outstanding episode my friend. What does the evil Edward have in store for our beloved matriarch? Will Sophia figure out what is going on? Will her family? How is Cruz going to protect Angel? Can he? What is going to happen with Mary/Mason/Julia? So many questions and I am on the edge of my seat. If you can't tell, I am so ADDICTED!!!!!!!! You rock and I can't wait to see where all of the storylines are going.

I work in a hospital and been in the medical field for about 18 years now. I was really wondering how you were going to explain Sophia's "death." Especially since Mary is now a doctor and Mary would definately not be a party to faking a death. Although I have a hard time believing an MRI machine can be altered in such a way, the computer used to display the results could be altered to give a fake reading. The heart monitor could be easily misled and if you set the repirator to the exact rythym of Sophia's breathing and just made it appear to be hooked up, it just might work as long as you didn't let anyone (like Mary) inspect the set up too closely.

All in all, I think you did a pretty good job of explaining how he did it. Way to go and I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode.


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I work in a hospital and been in the medical field for about 18 years now.......... Although I have a hard time believing an MRI machine can be altered in such a way, the computer used to display the results could be altered to give a fake reading. The heart monitor could be easily misled and if you set the repirator to the exact rythym of Sophia's breathing and just made it appear to be hooked up, it just might work as long as you didn't let anyone (like Mary) inspect the set up too closely.


Very interesting Teri. I had problems with the MRI machine being rigged as well but I knew that the readings had to be falsified in some way. I didn't know how to technically explain what he did, so I kind of glossed over it. But what you said is basically what I had in mind, just wasn't sure how to get it across. Oh......and the next episode is tonight, in an hour or so.

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"CC- I'm surprised to see you here. Shouldn't you be in home in a robe, watching home movies of you & Sophia on one of your honeymoons?"

LMAO Juniorz!!!! Very nice! I guess CC only sits at home watching home movies when Eden dies. LOL!!!!

:lol: Good one SBGrad! That Keith line had me rolling - that guy hasn't changed at all and Juniorz's characterization is spot on!

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