Episode 259
Barbara escorts Dana into her office and has the young woman take a seat. Dana thanks Barbara for the job opportunity and explains how business has always had more pleasure for her than pleasure itself. Barbara seems intrigued by Dana and offers her a job with B.R.O.'s media relations department. Dana overjoyfully accepts.
Craig reveals to Lucinda that during his time in jail, he did some things he's not so proud of and eventually got mixed up in one of Illinois's biggest, baddest drug rings. He gave them almost half of Rosanna's Cabot stocks and ended up causing a huge commotion at Cabot Motors and now, someone's following. Craig crumbles and says that it's all gotten very out of control...and now, he fears for her his life.
Luke refuses to pick up a call from Maddie, furious that she tattled on him to his parents. And in turn, they grounded him. Lily & Holden appear at the door and ask Luke to come with them to the new Chinese restaurant in town. Luke turns them down and after they leave, Will & Gwen ask Luke to come with them to Ice, not knowing that he's grounded. Luke accepts their offer and makes his escape.
Chris is left breathless when Daniel leaves courtesy of a stressed Tom. Kim arrives and thanks Chris for watching Daniel. The two have a candid observation of what just happened. Chris babysat Daniel, who is not only his nephew, but his ex-girlfriend's child. Chris says that he wasn't really himself when he dated Molly, Emily, Alison, etc. Kim is proud of her son for doing some soul seraching and excuses herself when the phone rings. Chris mumbles..."If only she knew....."
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