Nikolas & Carly Make Love! S&L: Episodes 74-77

Secrets & Lies: Episode 74-77
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- In Europe…..two people board a plane making it’s way to Port Charles. Though they don’t see each other, both have something in common and have connections to Port Charles. Both haven’t seen people in Port Charles for a while now, but they intend on making up for time lost.
- At Club Evolution…..
Dillon: (sighs) Oh, man....what the hell is going on with me?
Maxie: (walks up behind him): I think I can answer that.
Dillon: (sarcastically) Great...just what I need.
Maxie: Don't get me wrong. I thought that hug you two shared at Kelly’s was kinda cute. Imagine my surprise when yet again, I find the two of you hugging. I guess anything to be in the big strong arms of Lucas huh? Could be the start of a newfound relationship in Port Charles?
Dillon: Maxie, would you give it a rest? There is nothing wrong with me sharing a nice moment with a close friend.
Maxie: If that's true, then why did you burst out the club in a huff? Sorry to burst you bubble, Dillon, but it's plain as day that you want Lucas, and it is tearing you up inside that you cannot have him.
Dillon: This isn't working, Maxie.
Maxie: And it would definitely be a curse to the Quartermaine name. I mean, Edward would disown you from the family, Tracy...well Tracy would have you receive's no wonder you are this way. Look at the family you came from.
Dillon is on the verge on berating Maxie after her latest statement. But then suddenly backs off and not give into the temptation. That makes Maxie gloat even more that since he didn't speak up, he knows what she is saying is the truth. Dillon does nothing but shakes his head and walks away, leaving Maxie looking on with nothing but a smirk on her face.
- Carly & Nikolas are shown talking at Wyndemere. Carly thanks Nikolas for taking her out and showing her a good time.
He smiles at Carly before grabbing her hand. “Carly, there’s no need to thank me. I’ve really come to appreciate and value your friendship,” he starts. “You helped me realize that I can bounce back from a failed relationship. When Courtney left me last year……it was the hardest thing for me. But you were there for me. You didn’t ask me anything in return. You were just there for me and I thank you for that.”
A tear begins to fall down Carly’s cheek. “We’re friends Nikolas. That is what friends are for. I know that you caught hell for letting me into your life, but to be quite honest with you, you helped me too.”
“How so?” the hunky prince asks.
“By helping me not go back to Sonny. I could have used his breakup with Emily to try and get back with him but I didn’t want to. I like you. I like you a lot. There’s something about you that makes my heart skip a beat.” She tosses her hair back and tries to hold back tears. “For some reason, you make me want to be a better person. We’ve danced around our feelings for months now, but tonight is the first time that we’re being open with each other.”
“You make me happy Carly Corinthos.”
“You make me hot Nikolas Cassadine.”
He learns his face against hers, their lips barely touching. “So what do you want to do?” he asks. “I want to feel your body next to mine.”
“And I want you…I want you,” she pauses and moans as he kisses her neck. “We can’t if we’re not ready,” she whispers softly. “We’ve…..we’ve gotta be ready.”
Nikolas kisses her neck and face more. “I’m ready. I’ve been ready for a long time now. Are you ready?”
“I’m ready,” she moans.”
- Jason walks Liz to the Audrey’s front door. The snow storm heading towards Port Charles gets off to a slow start. As the snow falls to the ground, it seems to illuminate the houses in the neighborhood. Liz thanks Jason for a wonderful night and minus the Carly incident, she had a great time. Jason asks if Liz would like to spend Christmas Eve with him, but she unfortunately has to turn him down. She, Audrey and Cameron will be doing some last minute preparations for their holiday celebration. Jason is disappointed, but wishes her a great day anyone.
Jason and Liz both go in for a kiss, but Liz goes for his cheek while Jason goes for her mouth. As soon as he kisses her she feels her heart melt. She wants him badly, but no…she mustn’t. She is married and wants to be with Lucky. It’s her fault that they aren’t together now, but she won’t wreck her marriage any further. She backs away from Jason and he apologizes. It takes all of her willpower to walk into her grandmother’s without inviting him in. She waves goodnight. As Jason is walking back to his car, Liz watches him through the window. Jason gets in his car and watches the snow fall for a bit. He smiles and realizes this is the first time since Sam’s death that he’s been genuinely happy.
*Disclaimer - Love scene ahead - and I tried my best to keep it as a certain extent*
Note: To download this song for the sake of this scene, I uploaded it to Yousendit. Click on the link to download.
Tamia - "Can't Get Enough Of You" from Between Friends
- Back at Wyndemere, Nikolas lights the candles in the room and the fireplace. He pushes the button to the stereo. Soon after, “Can’t Get Enough” by Tamia begins to play.
When I think about You
I Think About Giving Myself To You
Cause You Know I Want You Baby and
I Would Do Anything
I Know You Thinking
The Same Thing Baby
So Come Get It (come and get it baby)
I'm So Excited
I Can't Hide My Feelings Get It
I Want Stop To We Start Over and Finish
Tonight It's All About My Baby
I'm Fiending For You
You Get Me High
I Can't Stop You Feel Me Right
[Nikolas walks over to Carly and slowly unzips her dress from the back. He kisses her neck and rubs his hands down her arms and back. The two of them kiss passionately and bump into objects in the living room. The two of them make their way into the hallway and fall on the floor.]
Close The Door
Bed or Floor?
I Just Want More
I Can't Get Enough Of You
What I Got In Store
It's All Of Yours
I just Want More
I Can't Get Enough Of You
[Carly takes off Nikolas’ shirt. He gets on top of her and kisses her more. In one motion her bra comes off. Nikolas’ rock hard pecks press against her luscious mounds. The two of them roll around until Carly ends up on top. She slowly unbuttons his pans and caresses his muscular legs. She slowly runs her hands up and down his legs before making her way to his boxers. Carly slowly takes all of Nikolas inside her, enjoying every inch of his well endowed organ.]
When I Think About Us
I think About The Way We Make Love
The Way That You Make Me Sweat
Make Me Want A Cigarette and
I Ain't no Smoking Chick
But You Got Me Wanting It
So Don't Stop
[The camera fades into another scene with Nikolas massaging hot body oil on Carly’s abdomen and legs. He blows gently on her stomach and his face further and further down her body.]
You Making Me Feel Really Feel It Right There
Wait Don't Make Me Turn Yet
Keep It Right It There
My Adrenaline is Pumping
My Stomach Muscles Getting Tight
[The camera fades into another scene between Carly & Nikolas. Carly’s eyes roll into the back of her head. Nikolas pours hot wax across over abdomen and blows once more. Nikolas is out of camera range as she moans in ecstasy. She moans for him not to stop. Her hands clench the blankets and her ab muscles contract and detract. More and more she pleads. Finally Nikolas is shown rubbing her feet and thighs.]
Skin So Wet My Fingers Slide
I’m Going To Take You To A Place
You Ain’t Never Been
Again Again and Again
I Want You to Feel It Baby
I'm About To Handle My Business Baby
Make Sure You Handle Me Too
[Nikolas pulls Carly further, deeper, harder into him. The two of them completely in sync with each other. Not to fast, not too slow, he works his shaft methodically through her sugar walls.]
Close The Door
Bed or Floor
I Just Want More
I Can't Get Enough Of You
What I Got In Store
Its All Of Yours
I just Want More
I Can't Get Enough Of You
[Continuing with the song, the two of them kiss and work their way into the bedroom. After making love on the floor in various parts of Wyndemere, they finally make their way to the bed where he lays her on her stomach. He takes a mental picture, wanting to remember all of her curves for as long as he can. Carly takes a deep breath as he enters her gateway once again, this time placing her hands on his thighs to control the rate of speed, especially after hitting her head on the headboard.]
Come Here Baby
Who's Going To Be First To Scream
Out Loud
I Know You Lose After Second Round
The Consequence Maybe
That You Have Switch to The Third Round
And Make Me Scream
Like When I Put It Down Put On A Little Show
To Let Your Baby Know
By Then, I Should Be Screaming
Hope You ready To Stay Up
One Time Is Not Enough
‘Cause Nothing Too Much, Baby
Just What I Want Baby
[The two of them roll around in the sheets. Nikolas gets up, but Carly pulls him into an embrace, kissing him, stroking him, loving him. He goes inside once again, causing her toes to curl up. He places one hand behind her back, lifting her up a little more. She wraps her arms around him, scratching his back as he plows deeper into her body. She lets out an intense scream, calling his name. The camera shots go faster and faster. Their hands meet and lock fingers. They roll once again with Carly coming out on top, her never losing his connection inside her. Another roll lands Nikolas back on top. Carly’s leg quivers and she calls for him to go slower and deeper. Nikolas does as requested. A final thrust leaves both of their bodies quivering and the two out of breath. The camera cuts to the fireplace. The fire continues to rage higher and higher and higher until it goes back to its normal state.]
Close The Door
Bed or Floor
I Just Want More
I Can't Get Enough Of You
What I Got In Store
Its All Of Yours
I just Want More
I Can't Get Enough Of You
[The camera fades to Carly snuggling up to Nikolas in the bed. After an intense night of making love, they fall asleep in each others arms. The snow begins to come down heavily over Port Charles as GH comes to a close.]
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Robin & Patrick have fun in the snow
- Nikolas & Carly plan to spend the holiday together
- Lorenzo & Skye look forward to their future
- The unknown visitors arrive in Port Charles
- Noah & Bobbie look forward to spending the holidays with their families
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