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Episode 19




(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Eden arrives at Capwell and is floored when Kathleen informs her that Capwell has merged with Wayne, INC. Eden asks where everyone is and Lily emerges, informing her that the board is in a meeting. Eden greets Lily warmly but a prickly Lily asks her why she wasn't there any sooner.

"Frankly Lily, not that it's any of your business, but I had family matters to tend to that couldn't wait. Now, if you'll excuse me....."

"I guess when it's daddy's company, you can just disappear in the middle of a crisis, if need be....."

"Look, Lily, I'm sorry for what happened with Ted. My heart goes out to you.....really, it does. But that doesn't give you the right to take your anger at him out on my entire family."

Eden walks off, leaving a bitter Lily to wait with Kathleen. She enters the board meeting, where CC is speaking and Mason, Ted, Angela, and Elizabeth are sitting already in attendance. She's caught off guard when CC introduces her to Elizabeth Wayne, her aunt. Eden is very gracious in meeting her, though her curiosity is obviously peaked. She takes her seat next to Ted and whispers to him.

"I never even knew mama had a sister. She spoke of a brother who died but....."

"Don't look at me Eden, this is the first I've heard of her...."

CC takes the floor back at the board meeting, announcing that Wayne, INC is now 50% owner of Capwell Enterprises, though he will remain CEO. Elizabeth interjects that she will be working at both offices and plans on being very hands on at Capwell, especially during the transition, which she hopes will be a smooth one. She apologizes for interrupting CC, but he's more than okay with it.

"Please, continue. Elizabeth Wayne, the floor is yours my dear."

(EXT: Poor Section of Town, rundown houses)

---Angel meets up with Rico and Terrence, old friends of his from the neighborhood. Both are surprised to see Angel out of prison, and he informs him that his lawyer worked some magic and got him out on a technicality. Angel asks Rico if he's still doing "business" and Rico tells him all is still good. Terrence questions why he'd want to get back into that, so soon after getting out of the joint. Angel tells him his daughter wants to go back to school next semester and Carla's income certainly wouldn't be enough for her to go on. He tells them how brite she is and though she could go to a community college, he wants her to have the chances he never had growing up. Being a convicted felon, he explains, it will be hard for him to get any kind of work where he'd make the kind of dough he needs. Rico sees his point and tells him he'll talk to the boss and see if he can't work something out for Angel. Angel thanks him, but tells him the sooner, the better- it'd be nice to provide a good Christmas for his family his first year back.

(EXT: Santa Barbara Chronicle)

---Warren is having an extremely busy news day, with the presidential press conference to cover. He assigns work to some of his reporters when Keith Timmons enters the building. Warren is surprised to see him and Keith tells him he has some information that Warren might find handy. Warren takes him into his office.

"Alright Timmons, what do ya got for me? Convictions? Arrests? Wait.......corruption in the DA's office.....though I can't see you 'outing' yourself like that....."

"You're way off Lockridge...... It's about Capwell"

"Capwell? What kind of knowledge could you possibly have of the goings on there?"

"You'd be surprised by what I know.......... There's been a merger. Company called Wayne, INC came in and saved them from the takeover"

"Wayne,INC.......that's Sophia's maiden name, right? The only company I recall her being involved with is Armonti...."

"Ah, but you've got the wrong Wayne. Wayne,INC is run by Elizabeth Wayne......Sophia's sister..."

"Now that is interesting......anything else?"

"Isn't that enough? Not really..... I don't know much about the company or it's owner, unfortunately..."

Warren thanks him for the information and they bump into Cruz as Keith is leaving.

"Timmons, what the hell could you be doing here? Don't you have innocent people to railroad?"

"They're not all innocent Cruz, as I'm sure you know. Perhaps if the departement would concentrate on finding guilty parties and stop boasting to the press, I'd be a busier man. Good day."

"That man.....sometimes I just wanna deck that little weasel."

"I think we've all felt that way at some point, what can I do for ya Cruz?"

Cruz thanks him for his part in keeping Angel's release quiet. Warren tells him anytime, so long as he'll still be getting the exclusive. Warren asks if there's any other reason he's there, he seems tense. Cruz admits he needs to blow off some steam, that it's been a rough day. Warren agrees and suggests they go and get a drink, since they're off-duty.

(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

---Sophia sits on the couch, relaxing and talking with Rosa. Rosa asks her if she's feeling any better and Sophia claims that her headache has let up some. When the doorbell rings, Sophia starts to get up to answer it but Rosa insists she rest. Rosa is annoyed when she sees Keith Timmons standing on the other side of the door.

"What are you doing here Keith? You have no business in this house....."

"Nice to see you too, Rosa. I'm here to speak to Sophia actually."

"I'm sorry but she isn't feeling very well and isn't up to seeing you today. Perhaps if you had called first, you could have been saved the trip...."

"Unfortunately Rosa, this cannot wait..."

Sophia enters. "It's all right Rosa. I can handle Mr. Timmons."

Rosa looks at her and asks if she's sure. Sophia nods. Rosa tells them she'll be just in the other room and warns Keith not to upset Sophia. Alone, Sophia asks Keith what it is he wants. He asks if she's heard the news.

"What news?"

Keith replies that it's about the takeover and Sophia gets defensive, telling Keith he knows nothing and she's not giving him any information. Keith tells her that it's quite the opposite, he comes bearing information for her. Keith informs her that CC was successful in his attempt to work out a merger for Capwell. Sophia is overjoyed but wonders why Keith would want to come by to give her good news.

"I thought you'd be interested in the company they merged with..."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because the company is called Wayne, INC......Owned by your very own sister, Elizabeth? Ring any bells? Tell me, Sophia, why haven't we ever been introduced? And here I thought we were friends....I didn't even know you had a sister..."

Sophia blasts Keith and insists he's making this up, that Elizabeth wouldn't want anything to do with Capwell or helping CC. Keith replies that he's finding her more intriguing already. Keith insists he's telling the truth and asks why Sophia is being so touchy. She yells for him to get out of her house, at which time Rosa appears and escorts him out the door. When he leaves, Sophia seems almost hypnotized, as she walks over to the couch. Rosa asks if she's alright and Sophia claims to be fine, and asks that she be left alone. Rosa obliges.

"It can't be.... What could she be doing here? And why would CC make any kind of deal with her?"


---Drinking a beer, Cruz tells Warren that Eden found out about Angel's release. Not only that, but she's taken it upon herself to snoop around in the investigation. Cruz tells Warren that the case could be dangerous and Eden could blow things wide open. Not only that, but she could put the entire family at risk. Warren reminds him that when he re-married the headstrong Eden, he knew exactly what he was signing on for. Cruz concurs, but can't help that he gets frustrated with her at times.

"She knows I'm always looking out for her, man. Sometimes I wish she'd just let me do my thing, if only so I didn't have to worry about her so damn much..."

"She wouldn't be a woman if she did that, let alone be Eden."

Cruz chuckles and agrees he's probably right. Cruz asks Warren what's eating at him and Warren brings up the issue of his paternity. Though he loves Lionel and he'll always be his father, he admits that a part of him needs to know where he came from. Cruz tells him to just ask Augusta, and Warren informs him that it's not so simple, since Augusta is dead set against him finding anything out. Lionel has no idea and CC has been no help. Warren mentions that Augusta seems concerned about Pamela and wonders if she possibly could know something. Cruz remarks that Pamela would have been long gone by the time Augusta had the affair and isn't exactly the person Augusta would confide this sort of thing in. Warren agrees, though he still finds it curious. Cruz notices the time and realizes he should head home, before Eden begins to worry.

------Ending montage--------

Cruz arrives home and sees his wife waiting for him. He walks up to her and kisses her without saying anything. He then leads her upstairs.........

flash to

.....though the window of Angela's condominium, she & Ted are seen arguing and finally adjourning to separate rooms..............

flash to

The Capwell Mansion....... CC comes up to bed after a long day and smiles as he sees Sophia sleeping. He gets into bed next to her, unsuccessfully trying not to wake her.

"I heard about your merger.....Congratulations!"

"Yes, I think it's going to work out quite well...."

"Really? You do? Because from what I've heard, I'm not so sure...."

"What have you heard?"

"The company you've merged with- it's Wayne, INC, isn't it?" CC remains silent.

"Oh my God it's true. I don't believe it. What could you possibly be thinking? I haven't spoken to her in years and frankly, I don't see why she'd want anything to do with you, especially after what happened all those years ago...."

"Sophia, can't we talk about this in the morning? I've had a long day and I certainly don't want to start dredging up things that happened a lifetime ago...."

"That's fine CC. But you're making a mistake trusting her. It's going to come back and bite you" She sees he's fallen asleep. "Just you wait and see....."

THE END..................for today


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Oh, Juniorz1!

How I love them! :rolleyes:

Just one thing: CC doesn't trust in anybody. Never and nobody. After a long-long-long time - perhaps.

But I like your fanfiction. I can't wait the next chapter. :)


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Thanks so much Viktoria- glad you joined & are

enjoying it so far. CC doesn't fully trust Elizabeth-

they have a history together, as you'll learn,

that's blurring his judgement a bit here. Also, it was

either merge with her or lose the company. Stick

around- there's more to come!!! :D

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Excellent job on the takeoer. C.C. never can live by the

things he says. He cheats on his wife with other women,

but then expects his children to always live up to his

standards. I hope Elizabeth lets him have it, but good.

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