S&L: Episode 34 (REVISED)

Secrets & Lies: Episode 34
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- GH opens with Lulu walking into Carly’s office. The young blonde flops on the couch in Carly’s office and lets out a huge sigh. Carly looks up, asking what’s wrong. Lulu complains about working at Kelly’s for such a crappy salary.
Carly: Well you know Lulu, you won’t have to worry about the crappy pay much longer. Come next week, you’ll be one step closer to working with me.
Lulu: Oh yeah, that whole “business” plan you were working on. When will you unveil your new company by the way?
Carly: If all goes well with your father and Tracy tomorrow, I’ll be holding a huge press conference the following week. Let’s just say if all goes well, my new company will catapult Carly Corinthos into the history books!
Lulu: You’d better make sure that my name is in the books with you. My father doesn’t have the best track record. And as far as the step-monster goes, I hear she’s pretty ticked off right now.
Carly: Why?
Lulu: Apparently she was trying to acquire this company for ELQ, but was manipulated into backing out of negotiations.
Carly: Damn….anyone who can do that to Tracy is a guy I wanna meet.
- While waiting in line for dinner reservations at Port 22, Brandon and Lucas talk with each other about what happened at Thanksgiving Dinner at the Quartermaines. While talking, Lucas keeps noticing the hostess staring at them. Brandon laughs when Lucas tells him about the fight between Liz and Carly. The couples in front of them are holding up the line by kissing each other. Lucas remarks that dinner would have been a lot better if Brandon was there with him. Lucas kisses Brandon then gets out his wallet to pay for his reservations. The hostess closes the book saying they’re full. Lucas begins to feel uneasy about the place and wants to leave, but Brandon demands to know why all of a sudden the place is fully booked. The woman quietly tells him that Port 22 is a place of fine dining where couples can go to enjoy each other’s company. What the two of them are…well, they aren’t a couple. Brandon gets ready to make a big fuss, but Lucas tells him to just go. Lucas then points out the sign that says management has the right to deny service.
- Georgie and Maxie are talking about Dillon when Mac comes home. Maxie says hi, but Mac ignores her and goes straight upstairs. When he’s gone, Maxie proceeds to tell Georgie that it’s time for her to move on with her life. Georgie doesn’t understand why Maxie continues to try and push her and Dillon apart. Maxie flashes back to watching Dillon eyeball Lucas at the PCCC (Port Charles Community Center). Maxie says that though Dillon may tell her that he’s into her, there’s a chance that he’s not. Georgie gets angry with Maxie and storms out of the room. Maxie promises that she won’t let Dillon lead her sister on and will prove that he’s not into Georgie at all.
- Lucky returns to his apartment to find Sam looking at pictures of he and Elizabeth with Cameron. She questions who the woman and child are and asks where they are. Lucky puts the food down and walks over to take the pictures out of her hand. Lucky tells her the truth, that the woman in the picture is his wife Elizabeth and son Cameron. When Lucky says her name, Sam flashes back to being in a building and someone familiar calling Elizabeth’s name. He calls her over to the sofa so they can eat. While eating, Sam asks Lucky to tell her what happened. Lucky is afraid of what to say to Sam, but he figures being honest with her will be the best thing. He tells her that there were some things that happened to her over the summer. Before he can even begin the story, Sam begins to have multiple quick distorted flashbacks. Sam asks Lucky to stop, not to tell her anything. She begins to sob in frustration because she feels it’s her fault. Lucky comforts her, telling her what happened to her isn’t her fault and will do everything he can to help her through this.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies:
- Lucky is caught buying female clothing
- Monica gets jealous when she sees Kevin flirting with Skye
- The ELQ Board Meeting is called to order
- Alexis thinks she sees Sam at the park
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