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Episode 6




(EXT: the beach, panning up to the gorgeous church)

--- The entire church is stunned to see Angela standing at the altar in place of Lily. Noone is more surprised than the groom himself. Gina immediately stands up & demands that Angela explain where Lily is. Angela gives Ted a look, trying to see if he's okay with her revealing their relationship. Ted looks back at her, still amazed she is standing there.

"Well?!? Are you going to say anything Angela? Where is Lily? What have you done with my daughter?" a ferocious Gina demands.

Angela explains that Lily is fine. She tells them that, before the ceremony, she and Lily had a heart to heart. Angela shocks everyone when she announces that she & Ted have been having an affair. Lily, she says, was completely devastated, however disbelieving she may have been at first. Angela then claims that Lily took off after Rafe, who she realized she was in love with.

"She said she can't live without him.......... Kind of like I can't live without you, Ted Capwell. I don't know how it happened, I don't, but somewhere along the way, I fell in love with you. I'm not going to deny it....."

"Wait. Say that again...."


"What you just said.........Say what you just said"

"I love you Ted"

"I...Love you too Angela.." they begin kissing

"Oh this is ridiculous," Gina hisses, "and I don't believe a word of it. There's no way Lily would give up on Ted....... Ted....... Ted.......... TED!!! You can't go through with this....... You can't believe her"

"Lily made her choice Gina. I love Lily, very much, and she'll always be a good friend, but I'm not in love with her like I am with Angela. I....want her to be my wife......Marry Me?"

"That was the idea....note the dress"

(EXT: a limosine, driving the roads of California)

---Lily wakes up in the back seat of her limosine. Lily screams for the driver to take her back to the church, but the driver tells her he's been instructed not to do so. When Lily commands him to do so, he puts up the separation window. Furious, Lily picks up the phone in the back, but cannot dial out. The driver picks up his phone, telling her it's useless, just to enjoy the ride and they'd be at their destination soon enough. Lily, frustrated, tries all the doors & windows but they are locked. She sits back, miserable.

"You're going to pay for this Angela Cassidy, Mark my words. The second I get back, Ted & I will be married and you can just deal with that."

(EXT: The Church)

--Keith calms Gina down, but she refuses to stay for the ceremony. She calls Lily, but her cell phone is shut off. Keith convinces her that Angela probably was telling the truth and she's with Rafe by now. Gina frets about why Lily would do something like this to Ted and Keith admits his disappointment that Lily won't be a Capwell.

"You think we're still invited for Thanksgiving?" Keith smirks

"I wouldn't count on it..." Gina replies

They head back into the church, taking their seats as Angela and Ted exchange vows. CC remarks to Sophia that he's pleased with the turn of events, while Eden & Julia are completely stunned. Julia asks Adriana where Samantha is, and Adriana goes looking for her. She comes back, telling Julia there's no sign of her anywhere. Julia wonders aloud where she could be and Adriana mentions she saw Rafe pulling up on his bike at the start of the wedding. Julia puts two & two together, as Mason looks at her from the front, asking about Samantha. Julia mouths back to him that she has it "under control" Eden & Julia share a laugh at Mason's expense, since those are the words he'd used with her earlier. Ted & Angela are pronounced man & wife.

(EXT: San Remos Hospital)

---Mary comes out of surgery with Samantha, and Rafe asks to speak with her. He introduces himself as Rafe Castillo, she as Dr. Beckman. Realizing he doesn't recognize her, she asks him if Samantha's family has been notified. He tells her that he's called their house, but can't get a hold of anyone, since they're all at a wedding, and he doesn't know her parent's cell phone numbers. When he inquires about Samantha's condition, she tells him that she made it through surgery okay, but she has a severe concussion and some broken ribs. She tells him that her condition is critical, so her immediate family should be notified as soon as possible. The doctor examining Rafe comes in, telling him he only has some minor bruising and should be okay to go home. Rafe insists on staying with Samantha until her family is notified. Mary heads to her office, where she's visibly concerned about the possiblilty of Mason & Julia seeing her. She flashes back to her supposed last moments before death, on top of the roof of the Capwell Hotel, as the letter "C" comes crashing down on top of her.

(to view the actual scenes, go here http://santa.barbara.free.fr/Videos1986.htm )

Mary then flashes back to Mark, rushing her to an emergency clinic outside of town. There are flashes of her laying in a coma, with a nurse checking on her, and an exhausted Mark McCormack by her side.

(EXT: The Church)

--- Lily finally arrives back at the church and is disappointed that everyone has left. When she sees the priest and asks him if he'll be able to perform the ceremony late, he tells her that the ceremony is over. Lily is confused, but the priest explains that another woman, Angela, walked down the aisle & told everyone, including the groom, that she was in love with him and that you had decided you no longer were. Lily asks where everyone is now, and he tells her he assumes the reception. He agrees to drive her to the Capwell mansion.

(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

--- Mason introduces Ted & Angela as Mr. & Mrs. Capwell. Mason proudly toasts his brother, eloquently summing up the wild events of the day. Gina is annnoyed by the whole celebration. She pulls Angela aside and warns her that she better not have manipulated anything or she'd have her to deal with. Meanwhile, Cruz gets a phone call from his brother, informing him that he & Samantha were in an accident. He tells Cruz that he's fine, but informs him of Samantha's condition. Eden asks Cruz what's the matter & they rush over to inform Julia & Mason. Mason wonders why nobody called him, and Cruz tells him that Rafe tried the house, but didn't have any other way to reach them.

"That's odd. Mother should have picked up...." he wonders.

"MOTHER? As in WHO, mother? YOUR Mother?!?" Julia incredulously asks him

"Yes, yes, I'll explain on the way, where did the take her Cruz?"

"An emergency clinic outside of town, in San Remos"

They rush out. Back at the reception, Ted & Angela cut their cake & feed each other. Just then they are interrupted.

"Excuse me everyone. Can I have your attention? I'd like to propose a toast......" Lily says entering, still dressed in her own wedding dress.

"LILY! Where have you been? What happened? " Gina asks her daughter, as Ted stands looking on, stunned.

"Shall we fill them in Angela?"

Lily gives a speech, about how much she loved & trusted Ted Capwell. When Ted tries to interrupt, asking why she left him then, Lily explains that she never did. She tells the stunned crowd how Angela came into the bridal room right before the wedding and detailed their affair. She explains that she didn't believe her, nor did she care. She was still going to marry Ted.

"Because I loved you. Because I respected you and our relationship and I thought you did too. Obviously I was wrong...."

She tells everyone how Angela used chloroform to knock her out, and proceeded to dump her in the limosine, where she was driven around aimlessly while they exchanged vows. She tells them when she woke up, she still thought she'd marry Ted, but was floored when the priest told her that he was already married. She admonishes each and every one of them for letting this take place. She especially lays into Sophia, who she claims that she thought was moral and wouldn't have allowed her to be humiliated in this way. She tells them that she now sees them as her mother has always seen them- as the cruel, self-centered, egotistical liars that she now knows them all to be. She angrily tells Ted and CC that they will pay for what they have done to her, humiliating her in this way. Lily runs off in tears, with Keith chasing her out. Gina, absolutely steaming, heads for the wedding cake. She picks up the entire three-layer cake and dumps it all over Angela's dress and face. Gina reprimands all of them, telling them that they'll all pay for what they've done to her daughter. She tells Ted that she always thought he had some good in him, that he was the one Capwell she could trust. She talks of how Hayley loved him and how Gina grew to love him as well, through her now deceased niece. She tells him that he's exactly like his father, the lowest most disgusting life form on this earth.

(pan to the bushes, where Pamela stands, having watched the entire scene)

"I couldn't have said it better myself" she smiles

(EXT: San Remos Hospital)

---Mason & Julia arrive and see Rafe in the waiting room. Mason immediately lays into him about the accident. Rafe tells them about the surgery, which a nurse confirms. When Mason asks for details about Samantha's surgery and condition, the nurse tells him they'd have to speak to one of the doctors about that.

"Well where is the doctor?" Julia asks

"Yes could you please get him, I need to...."

"Her" Rafe interrupts.

Mason shoots him a look. "her..... I need to know what's going on with my baby girl. Please can you GET HER NOW!!?"

Mary is seen waiting in her office, looking at Mason & Julia from afar, from her window. Hearing his voice makes her face light up, though her heart is obviously racing.

"Mason can't see me. He can't know.........Not like this...."

THE END.....................for today


Recommended Comments

  • Members

i don't no that much about santa barbara history

and what not, but i do know everything that i have

seen from it i loved wholeheartedly.

this episode was your best one yet.

great great job, loved it so much

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Thanks so much for the compliment amello!

It's much appreciated. Quite frankly, this one

and last Thursday's have been the hardest

for me to write. Glad you're enjoying it! :D

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Add me in as one of those who don't know much about SB

history, nor was I able to watch it when it was on

air(I wish I could). But damn, RTSB is addictive and pretty

good. Great job.

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Thank you so much for the compliment! So cool!

I hope you continue reading & enjoy what you see.

If you're interested in learning some of the 'SB'

history to aid in your enjoyment of the Blog, you

should check out this site:


There are profiles & intrigues for each of the

characters in my cast, many of which I'm drawing

on for the stories being told.

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