Asking For Viewer Feedback

In an effort to better serve you, the readers, the writers at GH are asking for some help. We'd like for you to tell us your opinions on the show overall, our storylines and casting choices.
Are there certain characters or couples that you want to see more of? Less of?
Are there certain storylines that'd you'd be interested in seeing? Do you want storylines to move faster, slower or is the current pace good?
Is there anything that you dislike? Characters you think are pointless or don't see the allure of at this time? Any characters you want to return?
Do you like the current balance of the show? What do you want more or less of? Love, Romance, Violence, Scandals, Business storylines?
Do you think the current story arc is going well? If not, do you want the show to return to it's non-arc way of storytelling?
Any feedback given will be taken and your changes will be implemented. Your responses don't have to be limited to the questions asked. We don't care if it's good or bad or if you're a dedicated viewer or a casual viewer. Your opinion matters b/c without you, we wouldn't have an audience.

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