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An EJami-centric Days of our Lives fanfic

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Episode 62

IN THE RUBBLE OF MAISON BLANCHE: Tony stared at his sister confused, but before Lexie could explain Marlena interrupted. “Oh just because we’re family Tony is going to become a model citizen, is he?” Marlena said sarcastically. “Tony once thought he shared parentage of Rex and Cassie with me not to mention how we were once friends, but that didn’t stop him from hurting John over his bitterness about Kristen’s love for him or hurting me when he made me think I was the Salem serial killer or



Episode 61

IN THE RUBBLE OF MAISON BLANCHE: The four of them stared at the heap where Maison Blanche once stood after hearing what they thought was rustling from within the smoldering ash, but when the noise stopped they turned back toward each other. “Oh, I wish I had stopped you when I had the chance,” Lexie said bitterly as she pounded on Tony’s chest. “I wish you had, too,” Tony said to Lexie’s surprise before hugging his grief-stricken sister. “I wish that this night my former friends Marlena



Episode 60

IN THE WOODCUTTER'S COTTAGE AT MAISON BLANCHE: “I can’t do this,” Sami whimpered as Lexie implored her to push. “I can’t.” “Oh, yes you can,” E.J. said, hustling back to Sami’s bedside and taking her hand in his. “You’re Samantha Gene Brady. There’s nothing you can’t do.” Sami offered a grimacing smile in response to the flattery and began pushing with all her might. “That’s it,” E.J. said, biting his lip as Sami’s grip squeezed uncomfortably tight around the hand he had used to knoc



Episode 59

INSIDE THE WOODCUTTER'S COTTAGE AT MAISON BLANCHE: Even as the pain grew sharper and increased in intensity with every breath, Sami’s squinting eyes remained locked with E.J.’s as his calm, inviting face and soothing voice of encouragement offered reassuring warmth despite the frightening prospect she found herself in giving birth before the expected due date and in a strange place. Never did he stop staring at her and smiling almost to the point that it would have made her blush with self-co



Episode 58

IN THE WOODCUTTER'S COTTAGE AT MAISON BLANCHE: E.J. carried Sami into the dusty and primitive one-room cottage and laid her on the bed, still unconscious after she fainted. “Lexie, Samantha’s not awake,” E.J. said, his voice creaking with fear and panic. “Is she going to die?” “E.J., you need to stay calm for her,” Lexie scolded as she fetched a washcloth from a cabinet and ran it under cold water in the sink. “She is going to need your help to get through this. She’s probably just unco



Episode 57

OUTSIDE THE FRONT OF MAISON BLANCHE: Kate, Roman and Anna raced out of the front door and into the driveway toward their car, but John trailed behind them, stopping to turn around and look back at the house several times. “Are you O.K.?” Roman asked Anna once they finally stopped running. “Yes, I am,” Anna said hugging Roman tightly. “But I just hope your daughter is.” Kate cleared her throat, peeved not only at Roman lavishing affections on an ex-wife that wasn’t her but also their



Episode 56

IN THE ATTIC AT MAISON BLANCHE: “STOP IT!” Sami screamed as she watched the increasingly tense situation unfold with Rolf pulling out a gun and threatening to shoot both E.J. and Lucas if they didn’t settle down and be quiet. Sami grabbed her stomach and collapsed in pain while Lucas, at the sight of the gun, tripped backward knocking over a candelabra and setting the wine-colored plush drapes adorning the Jacobean four-poster bed ablaze. Perhaps without thinking, Lexie quickly switched



Episode 55

IN THE MAISON BLANCHE ATTIC: “While we’ve built this friendship that seemed like there could be something more… have your feelings been genuine with me?” E.J. asked. “Or have you just been seducing me to get my help in getting out of this place? Seducing me to get what you wanted… like all those times before.” Sami bit her lip and looked away catching a glimpse of Lucas who was listening to their conversation and judging her with his eyes. “Oh, don’t look at me, Sami,” Lucas said. “I wa



Episode 54

IN THE SECRET PASSAGEWAY AT MAISON BLANCHE: “Just what do you think you are going to accomplish by keeping me and my daughter prisoner here, Antony?” Celeste asked angrily as Tony ushered her down the secret passage hallway toward Stefano’s bedside. “Prisoner? Well, I hardly think that’s the right term to use for Lexie given that she has decided on her own to stay here, but I suppose that will work for you, Celeste,” Tony said sarcastically. “I just don’t understand it,” Celeste huffed



Episode 53

IN THE ATTIC AT MAISON BLANCHE: “I don’t know what is going on up here, but you are all in big, big trouble,” Rolf said. Rolf stood with a gun drawn and pointed in the direction of Sami and Lucas, while E.J. moved to block his aim at Sami. “Rolf, I don’t think that is necessary,” E.J. said walking toward Rolf with his uninjured hand outstretched to block the gun. “Don’t take another step, Elvis,” Rolf said as Lexie stepped into the room behind him. “E.J., what the hell happene



Episode 52

IN THE MAISON BLANCHE ATTIC: “Lucas!” Sami said as she saw her husband standing in the open doorway. “Sami?” Lucas said, his face a snarl of confusion as he saw the embrace E.J. and Sami shared. “What the hell is going on? What the hell did you to do to my wife, huh?” Lucas rushed to come between them and started pushing E.J. back repeatedly in a display of insecure machismo. “You wanna go?” Lucas asked. “Let’s have this out once and for all.” E.J. chose to let Lucas get out h



Episode 51

AT MAISON BLANCHE IN THE ATTIC: “Tony?” E.J. said in shock. “My father?” “Listen, E.J., I am so sorry that I’ve been keeping a secret from you, too, these months,” Sami said. “I found Stefano’s diary and I found out that you are Tony’s son. I was afraid to tell you before because you didn’t have your memory and I didn’t know if I could trust you to tell you. I wanted to tell you so many times.” “What exactly did you think you find that you wanted to tell me?” E.J. asked. “All you



Episode 50

AT THE BRADY PUB: “Roman,” Anna said kissing him on the cheek and sitting down in the booth next to him. “Hi Marlena and John. It’s so nice to see you.” “Yes, it is, Anna, but if you don’t mind I’d like it if we could save the pleasantries for a later time and you tell us what you know about where our daughter is,” Marlena said. “Of course. Umm... well... now I only heard bits and pieces, but I was outside Tony’s office…” Anna said before self-consciously pausing as she looked at Ro



Episode 49

AT MAISON BLANCHE: “What’d you do to him?” Sami asked nervously. “He’s just sleeping and will be for a couple hours. Don’t worry. I just made him a nice, relaxing cup of tea before I went back and got you,” E.J. said smiling. “From your nanny’s recipe?” Sami asked “No, my pharmacist’s,” E.J. said. “Come on. We need to get upstairs where we can talk and plan how we’re going to get you the hell out of here.” E.J. shut the door of the attic behind them and locked it and Sami nea



Episode 48

AT MYTHIC COMMUNICATIONS: Anna crept down the hallway and discovered Tony’s office door wide open, but when she noticed Kate Roberts was inside and talking to Tony she decided to linger outside the door and listen before making her presence known. Tony attempted to brush off Kate’s queries about his mysterious trip to New Orleans, but to no avail. “Tony, we’re partners,” Kate said. “You need to tell me why you’re taking the Mythic jet to New Orleans.” “It’s not important,” T



Episode 47

AT MYTHIC COMMUNICATIONS: “Oh, hi Lucas,” Anna said politely, but uncomfortably as she stepped onto the Mythic elevator and recognized her rather pathetic ex-son-in-law of just a couple of months. “It’s so nice to see you.” “Uhhh, hi Anna,” Lucas said gruffly as he moved to step off the elevator. “Sorry I don’t have much time to talk, but I’m in kind of a hurry.” Anna nodded but when the elevator door closed she shook her head and thought he almost looked and sounded like he’d b



Episode 46

AT MAISON BLANCHE: Lexie walked over to Stefano sleeping in his hospital bed and grabbed his hand. To her surprise, Stefano clutched her hand back and opened his eyes. “I heard you just then, Alexandra,” Stefano said. “And I just want you to know that I appreciate all the sacrifices you have made for the family.” “Oh, Father,” Lexie said uncomfortably. “You should get your rest and not worry about Sami.” “But I need to tell you something, Alexandra,” Stefano insisted. “Somethi




Oops I forgot to post this on Friday. Well here's that installment. AT MAISON BLANCHE: “But Lexie… you can’t. You can’t do this,” Sami said reaching out for the diary while Lexie held it just out of her grasp. “I know you hate me. But I never knew the hatred you had for E.J. And Tony?” “This isn’t about my hatred for them,” Lexie said. “It’s about my love for my father. These past several months I’ve really gotten to know him. For the first time in our lives, I spent time with him a



Episode 44

AT MAISON BLANCHE: “So why not just tell E.J. this?” Lexie said. “He has just as much reason to hate my father for this as Tony does.” “Because E.J. doesn’t remember,” Sami said. “You’ve seen the way he adores Stefano, thinks he can do no wrong. He won’t believe me. And even if he did, Rolf would just zap him again and make him forget everything I told him and I’d be even worse off.” Lexie paused to contemplate what Sami was telling her. “Is there stuff about me in there?” Lexie



Episode 43

AT MAISON BLANCHE: “Lexie… I… I needed to talk you before you let Rolf induce my labor,” Sami said. “I need your help to get out of here. My baby needs your help. And we can help each other!” “Sami, even if I wanted to help you, which I don’t, there’s absolutely no way…” Lexie said before Sami interrupted. “Oh, there is too a way. Right here,” Sami said pulling Stefano’s diary out of her pocket and showing it to Lexie. “This is our ticket out of here and back to our families in Sale



Episode 42

AT MYTHIC COMMUNICATIONS: “Dammit, Lucas! You’re drunk right now, aren’t you?” Kate screamed. “I’m not drunk. If you must know, yes, I just had a beer with my lunch,” Lucas admitted. “But it’s nothing.” “No, it’s something. It’s you giving up on life. I mean, how can you do this to Will?” Kate asked. “In case you forgot, Mom, Will is still living with his Uncle Austin and Aunt Carrie in Europe. It’s not like I’m going to drink around him when he gets back when school starts again



Episode 41

OK if I want to keep up this pic thing I think I'm going to be lazy and just recast Roman with Josh Taylor. Sorry Wayne. AT CHEZ ROUGE: “I take it that’s a no?” Roman asked sheepishly. “No, Roman. I mean… I don’t know. That’s the honest truth. I just wasn’t expecting this at all right now and I need some time to think about what this means,” Anna said. “You understand, don’t you?” “Sure, Anna. Take all the time you need,” Roman said. “How about this – I leave this ring with you



Episode 40

Sorry I'm too lazy to search for Wayne Northrup pics today. AT MAISON BLANCHE: Sami gasped. She ran and hid in a second floor closet while she tried to think of what to do next. Downstairs, E.J. seethed beneath the surface, but tried to maintain a cool demeanor so he could continue the pretense that he had no idea the child Sami was carrying was his and potentially protect Sami through reasoning with Rolf. “There’s a way to do this without being cruel,” E.J. said standing in fron



Episode 39

AT MAISON BLANCHE: E.J. glared at Rolf in disbelief while Lexie looked at them with obvious discomfort. “I’m going to go check on Father,” Lexie said disappearing into the fireplace passageway. “Dammit,” Sami whispered to herself as she saw Lexie disappear. Sami took a few steps up the stairs to head back to her room, but then reconsidered and decided to listen to what Rolf had to say. “E.J., I understand you and Samantha have become quite close these months she’s spent here a



Episode 38

AT MAISON BLANCHE: Up in the attic, Sami finished her breakfast and pouted. She walked across the room to take out the diary and as she sensed its power in her hands, she decided she had to take action now. It had been several weeks earlier that during the long, boring hours she spent in the attic that she had figured out how to use an old bobby pin to pry open the lock on the old attic door. Now was the time to put that knowledge into action, before it was too late, she thought. Sami figu



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