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Viral OLTL

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Look, this is out of character for me...but I'm wondering if there is any way we can make those OLTL ratings trend up?

A lot of people here are on multiple message boards (you know who you are). You also have friends, neighbors, families.

Is there any way we could coordinate a OLTL viewing week...where everyone commits to tune/tape for that week, every day?

Clearly, that would be the only way to send the message ABCD needs.

Is this naive of me? This is really not my nature...but I want to see commitment to excellence, and delivered results, rewarded.

I'm reacting to an intergenerational canvas, newbies woven into the core, excellent casting (is there a bad actor in the bunch?), huge story beats, stories based more on relationships and history than on big events, adequate (not perfect) play for veterans, and historical plots serving as the impetus for today's plots. Some of you are also loving the sheer lightness and fun and camp (the "Dynasty" moments). I like those too...but those aren't what get me to watch. But, with those moments, there really seems to be something for everyone here.

I just hate to see such a rare, gemlike moment in time go past without getting a clear message to ABCD that THIS is the template...THIS is how it is done.

I've already said as much in emails to ABCD :-). But it seems to me that viewership numbers are the only way to go....

(I also praised AMC for partial progress...and said GH was absolutely in the wrong direction. Those are my opinions...)

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I say that there should be a massive letter/email-writing campaign. People always want to do that when they're complaining about the shows, so why should it be any different when a show is exceptionally good and we want the network to know it?

You know what would probably REALLY get them to pay attention? Buy the hell out of the products that they advertise before the first commercial (you know, the "One Life to Live on ABC, brought to you by..." tag).

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