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AMC: Wednesday, April 9, 2008

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Lavery vs. Lavery

Super Ryan is in trouble! Yep the wife Annie has decided that she has had enough of the holier than thou crap and his little bug eyes that scare her worse than Charles Manson on viagara. I guess it is time for them to fight it out in divorce court, even though St. Ryan will try to convince her to stall the divorce for a little while but Annie is a smart woman who knows what is good for her...that would not be Ryan. But now the writers expect us to believe that Super Ryan still has this huge heart because he manages to tell her that he is opening a trust fund for the beloved Emma. Oh gosh let's just erase all of the times he treated Kendall like dirt, nearly abused Greenlee, ripped her heart out over the fight club, pitted Kendall and Greenlee against each other over him when he is not worth the price of a down payment on Front Street, let alone their time. Yea let's bring on this divorce alright because Ryan does not deserve to have anyone in his life! But what he does deserve is to go down six feet where he is eaten alive by disgusting worms that know a filth or two in their time and Ryan is that filth, being the Con H0 that he is. Ryan is now going to have to start proving himself that he is worthy of anyone's marriage so let's see him really start to shed the con days and be a good hearted person. I bet there will come a time where he saved a ten a$$ed cat from a Dynamite Kiddo shaped tree, to which everyone would worship him with Erica doing it for about ten hours straight to become even more tired than a senior citizen practicing doggy style on the latest flavor of the month. But will us the fans buy into this sudden turn around? Don't think so! But the PV citizens have no choice, due to the hack head writers that they got right now. Let's just cut the losses with Ryan/Annie and have them divorce...Emma also need not have his money. Annie is making enough as it is with her job at Fusion while Ryan is not even equipped to flip Dynamite Kiddo burgers on a grill owned by Bubba after he escaped prison by jumping some cons' skivvies to frighten them worse than the Grim Reaper on steroids!


Okay something tells me that they will try and walk down the aisle but, on the big day, the newly returned Jake objects to their union and professes that he still loves Greenlee. Aidan/Greenlee/Jake would continue and that would be one hot story!

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