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Posts posted by London

  1. B, I LOVE Laurel. I love Connor to a degree and I adore Wes.

    I'm not invested in them yet I guess. Michaela gets on my nerves... I'm pretty sure if she could Buffalo Bill Annalise she would. Asher is .... as much as I like Matt McG.... I never knew I could hate him as a character but I find his character to get on my nerves so much.

    So I like 3 out of however many supporting. I think Liza is hilarious but I still want it revealed that she either had an affair with Annalise's husband or she held an unrequited love flame burning for him.

    Hahahahahahahaha Rebecca annoys me at this point as does Wes' boner for her. I don't think I could be so willing to help someone out of a murder rap that was so rude to me every time they saw me. Those two reminded me of the book, Why Mosquitoes buzz In Peoples Ear.

  2. I love Alex and happy she has another show. I thought she would have been one of those people to continuously work with Ryan on that series but obviously not.

    The Live+3 ratings are in and TWD S5 premiere is the highest rated non-sports telecast in cable history.... as if there was ever any doubt. The grand total is now 22.3 mil.


    I wonder if NBC continuously hates themselves for not picking this up... these numbers have got to hurt every damn year but I know they would have watered it down and I'm not here for that.

  3. Viola is the absolute saving grace to ABC Thursday nights! The last scene was just so powerful. Removing all of the armor and stripping down to her most vulnerable self as only Viola Davis can?! Wow!

    Otherwise, NONE of the supporting cast moves me. I do like the hubby, tho. The case of the week is weak, especially when you have so many other dramas doing them. I wish Elizabeth Perkins was on my screen more in anything. Last time her saw her wonderful ass was on The Closer!

    That Emmy is Viola's! Next week looks like "don't miss it or die".

    She is but I think they knew that when they cast her... she's much like Octavia in Red Band Society. She's the saving grace and the one that captivates you when you watch the show everything else is just drivel and boring.

    See the supporting cast, I agree with you but I'm most intrigued by Laurel... but like someone else said on another place I go. I fear they may do something with her that'll make me be like meh. But I do like Laurel a lot. I liked when Annalise encouraged her to speak up and have her voice heard because she liked her ideas.

    EP is simply awesome and needs a television vehicle of her own.

  4. I will wait for the day d**k can be said on network television. That was simply an awesome scene watching her take off all that stuff and then saying that to her husband. He seems like the type that would have you sleep with him in order to raise your grade from a F to an A or B+ depending on how good he thought you were in the sack.

    I so need Connor to prove he's worth more than simply sleeping with people in order to get information. He reminds me of the people that f**k for musical tracks in hopes that it'll be a hit and boost them to stardom.

  5. I was dying at Phaedra on Ellen and that big ass hat Ellen gave her to protevt her from the shaaaaade. I hope she does more interviews in the future... Gives a fun balance and not just a lot of Nene. She'd be fun on Fallon if they talked about the right stuff.

    Interesting she won't sully Apollo's name because I'm sure he would not do the same.

  6. Because they didn't hear from her in a couple of days.

    I meant Esperanz's house next week.

    I cant stand Alex's thot ass. Its hard to feel sympathy for her when she is still f--king Randall. Skank. And yes he's coming across obsessive.

    You really can't and I don't see redeeming qualities in either. I just need for Brad to find out and for me to know which episode that will be.

  7. I don't want Brad with Marcie though. I don't want to see them change partners like square dancers. Unless they snap Heather's character out of this steford crap.

    Hahaha right! But to get he was just never there and I can't stand a foul chick like that.

    Joey got a nice body.

  8. I love how he sounded so different in jail on the phone with his mama compared to being out and trying to sass his mom's dude. He must not have ever liked him, because I'm sure the little brother is the second of her four children so he at least knows the damn man and tried to be there for his mother and family as opposed to his other siblings' fathers.

  9. Oh snap! I didn't see that coming but I ain't mad at it. Shaw was hot. But she foul for leaving her kids. I hope she gets hers... I need this to pop back up. I'd drop the case personally but that's just me.

    I loved her line to Michaela... it is so true but it could be said to and about anyone. I need these people to get flashlights in the near future.

    Annalise should not be trusting that cop, I'd pick one of those kids before I'd go to him. She humiliated that man on the stand and she thinks he's going to help her all willy nilly?

    Connor was so swole that he loss his prize. I like Laurel, a lot... I was so indifferent to her before the show but I really like that character.

    Oh hey, another Orange Is The New Black actor... Ms. Alysia Reiner at the end of last night's episode plays(ed) Fig.

  10. Joey about to get alllllllllll the tail.

    I was crying like how it take the neighborhood this long to realize Joey out chea?!

    The little boy telling Joey he had to open the door first before he could go inside.

    That episode was hilarious and I have no clue whete he found her. I could not stop laughing art her over the top and dramatic gasp about Esperanza.

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