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Posts posted by London

  1. I gotta rewatch but what I took away from it was that she hadn't told Justice, her son, that Travis want his father. I could be wrong but then I was hollering at Kelly because she was all he deserves to know who his father is blah blah blah and I kept going practice what you preach necausw yours sure as hell will not come out looking like Brad.

    But you're absolutely right that they had entirely too much focus on Alex.

  2. While I agree 100% with you Cheap. It seems as if he knows that he isn't the boy's father. I just think her friends and the little boy don't know that Travis isn't his father. Well, just the boy now since she told Ese and Alex last week.

    Randal is just... No. I feel like he took Fatal Attraction as the manifest your destiny guide to getting and keeping Alex.

    Hahaha Yolanda is Ed's new wife! That mofo is still trying it when all she's trying to do is earn him that the cartel is coming for that ass. Columbians don't play.

  3. Hahaha, take her And! I was screaming when he told Jenny that he didn't know how to reverse. Jenny it's just balls to the wall amazing and I love that character so much. The demon army was scary but I love the imagery/visuals on this show.

    Also, everyone is wasted on Katrina.

  4. Just saw it tonight. This show is good to me. Eddie is bae with his angry ass. I can give him something to take his aggression out on. smile.png

    Want to This Is Sparta over bae? I just love his voice.

    Walk that a** into the house and dream about me, YES PLEASE!

    It''s good despite the faults because I damn sure keep coming back for more. I'm intrigued and I want to diss it. I can't win.

    Marcie is stupid. She gets all defensive with Esperanza, but detected nothing when her husband was in a shed with her friend. Really dumb.

    Hahahahahahaha someone said that on Twitter and it is SO true.

  5. Chile.... this dialogue is abysmal. I feel like I am about to vomit. Only good thing that has come from this show is that it's motivating me to get back on my writing hustle.

    I know you can write better than this. This is a step above The Secret Life Of The American Teenager writing and that was sad as hell.

    LMAO we knew last week he was married. He's a sad individual.

  6. Oh hey.... The super trailer for Hollywood has arrived. Are you ready? Tiearra Marie (I'm sure I butchered that but I don't care enough to go to Google to get the right spelling) is just a hot ass mess. Is she trying to make sure she's the one that becomes a fan favorite because she just looks hella ratchet in these promos. Do better!

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