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Posts posted by London

  1. I shouldn't stick to sh!t I don't watch. If you're not confused then CONGRATULATIONS!

    I absolutely love this clip ABC released and TVLine uploaded.


    Wes, Laurel & Connor are my absolute favorites. I hope he's saying what I think he's saying because I want to see Michaela's reaction to THAT!

  2. I don't see how that's so confusing.

    I'm an easily confused person! In reality ish that shouldn't be confusing is to me when it comes to television. Then you have neighbor girl who seems like she can't bloody stand Wes and his attempts to try and start something up, no matter if that be friendship or something more and NG rebuffs him... then at the end of the episode she's kissing him and telling him to not leave her while in a seedy motel. You tell me that's not confusing when I don't even know when these things take place.

  3. There are no flashbacks boo. There is present day (the students being hired, defending the client of the week, Violas affair, ongoing murder mystery of the student Violas husband may have been having an affair with) and then the flash FORWARDS to the night that Violas husband gets murdered, the students hiding the body, Wes/Rebecca meeting in the hotel room.

    ETA: I guess the "present day" stuff could be seen as a flashback from the murder of the husband stuff, but still there are only two timelines here.

    Thanks Mr. Vix, yeah I considered some of the stuff as "flashbacks." I need a drink to keep up with this show, or a lot of reminders from y'all.

  4. Finally finished the episode and it was good. The endings still make me sit there and go o_O even more than the actual case. I liked that she finally remembered laurel's name by the end of the episode and you most definitely have to watch out for the quiet ones. So they're saying the motive for the daughter killing the wife is that she found out that the father killed her birth mother?

    I was weak at Liza's character when she was saying that she's nice and thus people think it is ok to talk to her and ask her questions.

  5. Creep mode is all Randal. So damn sad. I need for that storyline to explode soon.

    OMG I was crying at Ed crying. I knew he was going into Ese's room and not out the door. I'm ready for that storyline next week.

    I was too through with that scene. But he should have respected her wishes and left her house when she asked him to. Now I'm interested in her because I want her to get something.

  6. Whoa, whoa, whoa.... someone is speculating that...

    The body in the rug is Prof. Keating's husband. And that he was having an affair with the student that was found in the water thingy.

    I actually had a feeling about an affair with her because of his reaction to her death. I mean it isn't out of the ordinary for a Prof. to be taken aback by a student's death.... and I also feel like he's getting it in with Liza's character judging by the look she shot them when they embraced.

    idk idk idk idk

  7. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, my newest television obsession has arrived.

    I think the girl in that apartment and that dude had something to do with that college girl's murder.

    Prof. Keating's right hand look like she's her husband's side chick judging by the way she looked when he hugged and kissed his wife.

    I'm intrigued and I can't wait until next week.

    Oh, and I agree with that girl... it looks like they plotted that killing... the wife and the mistress.

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