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Posts posted by MoTheGreat

  1. My only issue is them still not acknowledging Cookie having that man killed.

    But what an awesome hour of television!

    But, the only people knows is Cookie sister & the guy that was hired. But that guy could want more money & could cause trouble.

  2. Anika hook up Elle on drugs in the past too I believe. I wonder why she don't like Elle. & not because she's trying to make Cookie look bad. It seems like Elle & Anika got some kind of history. I wonder Lucious start the Empire before hooking up with Anika.

  3. Andre must have a hard on when he found out that Jamal & Hakeem isn't getting along.

    Cookie, your not his wife & your not his girlfriend.

    Lucious can't show that he's sick or weak.

    Hakeem must really like Camilla but I want Takeem & her girlfriend.

  4. Did somebody kill the Amanda over the little girl?

    & why they would accept suicide over homicide? They all kinds of backwards.

    I wonder how mad Jim going to be before he tells Warlord that Candace stick him for much more money.

    I wonder if that new black girl is one of Jim extra children. & she killed Amanda.

    Benny make sure there isn't blood in the car. Look at the bunker for blood.

  5. She already walked in on him and Michael having sex once. That's the type of thing that gets a parent's key privileges revoked. LOL!

    With Andre, she should knock on his door at home or the office. the way Andre is, he could be doing his secretary. With Hakeem she probably need to sneak around to see why he dislike her.

  6. I'm not getting why others are not seeing this. Cookie is worse than Lucious. He's a [wonderful]jerk to his sons, but Cookie doesn't like the sons that aren't named Jamal, and she has no reason for this. She looked really bad yesterday in spite of being awesome! Cookie should be moving mountains to win over Hakeem and at least spend some time with Andre that isn't about Empire. Fix it, Jesus!

    Have you notice the the only time Cookie talks to Andre, is when he needs to talk about business. The only person she search out is Jamal. She never pops up at Andre place. Why she don't have an extra key to Jamal place.

  7. for the 8th episode Cookie get hip to Anika. The Lyons children does desperate things to save Empire. Jamal get close to singer Estelle character. Hakeem and Cookie come together. Andre doing more then he can handle.

    Don't know if it's true, but I seen pictures of Hakeem & Cookie.

    Can we at least admit that Hakeem & Cookie shouldn't be allow in high scale restaurant ever again.

  8. Couldn't we say the same thing about Lucious though in terms of being all about HaKeem? As long as Hakeem is "bringing the heat", that is. He's not really parent of the year either. I think that neither of these people are the kind of touchy feely helicopter parents we are used to seeing. I see Lucious and Cookie both as pretty hard people. They've had to be, but we've seen into Cookie's head when she was talking to that Black Muslim lady. We know she has regrets and loves her kids.

    As for Hakeem, I think there is going to have to be some kind of plot catalyst before Cookie makes any progress with him. Hakeem is clearly repulsed by her because he wants to f*ck her on some level. I'm not sure how that's going to change, but I don't think Cookie can just bulldoze her way into that without making him pull back even further. IDK, maybe they should show Cookie as being more vulnerable in regard to her children, but it doesn't bother me that she's not bleeding all over the place in every episode. She did 17 years to get these kids onto the sidewalk.

    What's really strange to me is that Hakeem isn't pressing home the fact that he did not hire those thieves. It just seems unrealistic to me that he wouldn't go to his father about it. If my brother accused me of something like that I would not just let it go and I'd say Hakeem and Jamal are closer than my brother and I.

    Yeah, but she just got out of Jail. she the one who should be reconnecting with all her sons. Like Andre said Lucious respect Jamal more then him because Jamal can sing. Isn't Cookie doing the same thing to Andre that Lucious is doing to Andre.

  9. maybe not love, but he doesnt have her contempt. I think she and Andre's interactions have been fine. Not perfect, but obviously not hostile like hakeem

    Really!!! I don't see anything in their relationship when she all about Jamal.

  10. Cookie and Hakeem's relationship is what it is. I dont think it needs to be fixxed anytime soon. She already has the love of the older two. Hakeem provides some conflict and i think they will bond sooner or later. I do agree that I dont like how she's pitting Jamal against him but Lucious is just as much to blame for that. Its more of a power play between the parents and the kids unfortuantely are collateral damage

    Can you really said that Andre loves Cookie? To me him and Hakeem are in the same position with their feelings for Cookie. & it's not in a good place.

  11. I can't wait to see the last episode ratings. It got to be in the 12 millions. I can't believe they use AI as a lead in. They need to get rid of AI then reboot 21 Jump Street or New York Undercover.

  12. I understand Cookie and Hakeem's relationship is strained, but her treatment of him and the competition with her sons is kind of disturbing. She acts as if she hates him. That is not how this relationship should be developing. Fix this!

    I also don't like how Cookie is being written to her other two sons. You just came out of jail & just going to bond with one of them & put her favorite song against the other.

    Is she teaching Hakeem a lesson from the first episode. I hope Cookie hears him calling Camilla mother. & bonding with Anika will open her eyes to what he needs.

  13. So Vernon now helping to keep the secret. I think that Vernon isn't going to tell Andre what he did.

    & I knew that Salty guy was going to get killed.

    I still don't know what's Jamal problem with Hakeem.

    I hope Porsha tell Cookie what Anika is up to.

  14. I thought Vernon already know what kind of relationship Andre and Lucious have.

    I wonder what plan Andre and Rhonda going to come up with now it's confirm that Lucious killing Bunkie.

    I wonder if they start playing songs Timbaland produce for real artist.

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