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Posts posted by MoTheGreat

  1. God I love this show. Cookie is hilarious. I love the drama. I don't think I've missed too much - maybe only the Porsha stuff (like wouldn't Cookie be upset knowing she was spying on her for Anika?). But otherwise, I'm good.

    I still think Porsha told Cookie & Cookie was like spy on her for me instead.

  2. Ok they are moving too fast again.

    I really want V to stay with Empire.

    Jamal, Andre needs more then that song to get him through.

    It look like Lucious knows something is wrong with Andre. Once again Lucious not taking care of his children.

  3. Cookie is so loud.

    So, Porsha did agree to spy on Cookie. Get that extra money.

    Every song Jamal sang isn't great for his voice. Now he sound like old Prince.

    V, going to leave with the other dude because what happen to her manger cousin.

  4. Aww man!!! Jeffery I thought you was brave. Jeffery needs to find away to get to Candace.

    It would be funny if Quincy ends up with Jeffery. I wonder what Veronica would do.

    Hannah tell him that his dad wanted a organ from him.

    Time for Katherine to sleep around.

  5. These some ridiculous mofos! I swear, sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy!

    TPH was approached first and agreed if they brought in Howard! Monique's basic ass only believes she was supposed to be Cookie. Did she say she was approached or was her ego talking?

    I'm thinking Lee told her, he's working on a tv show. & she took it as he wanted her to be the lead. When he probably just telling her about it. I could see her as Tasha Smith character.

  6. Monique said she suppose to have played Cookie. I thought Lee approached Ms Henson. 2nd I know Monique lost some weight but not enough to hit her butt like Henson did in that episode.

    Now I see why Monique is blacklisted.

    & Diddy suppose to be suing because he said Lucious is about him.

  7. Why should Cookie be stressing over the hit? When only people who knows about the killing is her sister & the guy who was hired to do the hit.

    I believe that Cookie going to be stressing over the guy she was testifying against.

  8. I don't think Jamal is more lovable because his closeness with Cookie. I dislike Cookie because she acts like Jamal is the only child she got. Is she forgetting that she left baby Hakeem. Hakeem don't know her & what he knows about her, is her bossy ways. I wouldn't be surprise if Hakeem mommy issues go deeper then Camilla.

    I know I didn't like Jamal the saint when he punch Hakeem for no reason. I'm still confuse of why people was cheering, when Hakeem have been nothing but supportive of Jamal issues. & it was Hakeem who reach out to Jamal. It was Hakeem who came to Jamal apartment to say how proud he is of him.

  9. This writing is so lopsided when it comes to flashing out Hakeem & Andre. It reminds me of writers who just write for white characters, they get all the juicy storyline & flashing out.

    I believe Danny Strong is gay too. I believe that's why Jamal get better writing then Hakeem & Andre.

    Wednesday Episode I wanted Hakeem to say, She trying to control me when I don't know her like that. Or something about her not being there when he needed her the most.

  10. The show is really about how great & talented the gay middle son is. Cookie loves him a lot. & Lucious loves him because he knows he can be the next runner of the company, but he's gay. The other sons, the hell with them.

  11. The lady that plays Anika was on Afterbuzz tv on youtube. & she mention that now Cookie around she have step off the sidewalk to get onto the street.

    It had me thinking about next week episode, what she willing to prove to Lucious.

  12. Okay I'm just gonna say it: I think this was the weakest episode of the season. ph34r.png Don't get me wrong, "bad" Empire is still wild, crazy fun but something seemed really off in this episode. It felt choppy and insanely rushed.

    That impromptu therapy session in the studio with Cookie, Lucious and Hakeem could've been SO powerful. ("Hakeem, tell your mother why you're mad at her.) but this episode treated it like an afterthought.

    Rhonda/Andre's conflict only scratched at the potential drama of how damaging this episode was for them as a couple and as individuals.

    I'm not trying to be negative. There were lots of positives: Jamal's coming out was a triumphant bit of television and exquisitely soapy. The scenes between Hakeem and Jamal - both in the church and at the apartment - felt like something out of Friday Night Lights, which is some of the highest praise I can give and Andre's playing at suicide was powerful but at the end of the day, this episode just felt overstuffed and wrong.

    I always feel like they are rushing through the show. I hope when they come back from the hiatus, they slow down a little. Danny Strong gave a interview that the show is basically pro Jamal because of Lee Daniels experience from his father for being gay. I feel like we might not ever get a equal amount of parents time for Andre & Hakeem. For some reason I'll be rooting for them.

  13. Didn't Dru say something to her at one point? I feel like at one point she called someone out for dating a white person. I found it realistic and not necessarily racist, unless noticing any difference is inherently racist. In general, I think some parents just see it as a rejection when a child picks someone they see as very different from themselves.

    Was this CK first run as Lily when Dru had this conversation. Because I haven't watch CK 2nd run.

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