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Posts posted by detroitpiston

  1. I couldn't stand Rhonda. I didn't care much about the others, especially Amanda. I never understood why she was so popular because I found her very dull, especially in the later seasons when she suddenly became the victim.

    I liked Rhonda. I hated how they just wrote her and Terrence off. And I so agree about Amanda. She sucked ass those last two seasons.

  2. Sam bored me from day one. I can't believe she was there for so long or that they considered her to be interesting enough to make a regular.

    I think they needed someone to fill the void left by Daphne Zuninga(Jo) which is why they kept her for so long.

    And I love love loved Jasmine Guy's short but memorable stint on the show. I really wish they would have kept her. She and Jack Wagner were HOT!

  3. I agree Cheap, the last 2 seasons were awful. Everyone I loved was gone except Michael and Amanda and the new characters the old ones were replaced with were awful. My Alyssa Milano love went down dramatically when she played Jennifer. And Jennifer and Billy????????? WTF??????????? And don't get me started on Lisa Rinna's Taylor(my nickname for her was lips LOL). And who could forget that annoying Sam. Uh and Kyle. :rolleyes: I only liked Lexie.

  4. melrose_l.jpg

    My List:

    Kimberly pulls off her wig and reveals her scars from the car accident

    Kimberly blows up the Melrose Place apartment complex

    Jane and Sydney bury Richard alive, only for his hand to rise out of the dirt minutes latter revealing he;s still alive

    Alison and Billy make love for the first time

    Sydney gets ran over after marrying Craig

    Craig commits suicide in his car

    Micheal get ran over with Jane's car(Kimberly did it)

    Alison gets drunk and gets into a catfight with her ex best friend over Billy

    Jane confronts Kimberly over her affair with Michael

    Amanda announces to Billy and Alison she has bought the Melrose Place apartment

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