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Posts posted by halee

  1. Now child.... that was NOT nice!

    *Just a joke. I'm "seasoned" too ya know. Does salty count as seasoned? Ok, I'm just bitter. Forgive me.

    *Loving the pics! Hating that TG & JE aren't together in them.

    *Mailed my letters & picked up some postcards on my way home.

  2. Hope everybody had a good weekend! Halee, I hope you're feeling better. :)

    Just a reminder for anyone who wants them: Comment line numbers and snail mail addresses to the studio are on the main page: TracyLuke.info

    Hooked, I think you're right about everything being up in the air. The fact that Jane and Tony want to work together probably counts for a lot (TG's clout), but so much is changing. Wading through much of the hooey at SD, one insider, or so they said, claimed that the highers-up were "livid" about the state/ratings of ABC daytime, and there would be changes by summer.

    Maybe the one good thing about the ratings being at an all-time low, following a horrid sweeps, is that they are basically forced to listen to their audience...while they still have one.

    Thanks. I got some antibiotics and a steroid inhaler prescribed to me on Saturday, so I am starting to feel better. You gotta love prescription drugs!

    Anyway with the letter writing thing, maybe we should be targeting Frons more than anyone else? He is actually the one I have written the least. But if they are thinking about making big changes, maybe we can help influence more via Frons?

    I'm losing hope. :(

  3. Let me see if I have that one timelessTQ. I think it was from 2005....if so, I will post it very sooN! Someone help me out with what month and year that was. I lost a lot of my clips when my computer crashed. I will check though.

    Halee--Rat Pack sucked! LOL. The guys who were playing sammy davis and Frank Sinatra were good in their roles, but the overall production was a snooze I thought...shouldn't have been a broadway show IMO!


    You guys... I just wanted to reiterate what TL said last night...we really all should still write in and call the comment line now. I think they are deciding the fate of Luke/Tracy still. I have seen some more stuff about couples doomed, etc pop up. Since they are only shooting early april now, maybe we can voice our opinions and maybe continue the postivie lunacy vibe!

    I wrote 3 different letters this weekend and if I can get off my sick couch tomorrow I will go out and mail them.

    I also thought I would mail out some "Where are Luke and Tracy?" postcards.. quick, easy, and to the point.

  4. What Tracy Q storyline should i watch next? And has she ever hooked up with a Cassadine? Because i think that would be great.

    Okay my self medicating didn't work. I am totally awake, having severe heart palpitations, and an incredible urge to go salsa dancing. But I digress, JP you can't watch an entire storyline on YouTube, but I could not recommend highly enough watching all things TrAsh!!!! That is Tracy & Lord Larry Ashton, her first husband and Ned's dad. They were a HOOT together!!! There have been some new clips added recently and you can also find a lot of clips of them under "Dead Canary & Songbird" on YouTube. Fun Stuff!

  5. Wow Hooked, thanks for all the good info, as always. I like that NLG is friends with JE, my only two actresses I like on the show.

    Today was disappointing (to me) It was fun, but 3 minutes can not make up for three weeks of nothing. Not cool. But I thought JE's hair looked as good as it could. And I'm sorry Ms. Q, LC's hair could not look more wiggish.

    Okay, I want to write some snail mail this weekend griping about balance and the deluge of mob crap and violence. But since I don't actually watch the show(shh) can someone hook me up with some blatant examples I can include in my letter so I seem like a fulltime viewer they may lose, rather than just a Tracy watcher?

    Okay off to self medicate and hopefully slip into a coma for 8 hours.

    Good night all.

    *oh yes, and Sarah Brown has really big face.

  6. Halee--where ya been girl??? come chat wiht me and lainey for a few...it is 10 50 centrla time

    Sorry I missed you in the br. Had to get to bed early. I'm sick like everybody here lately.

    Thanks for the heads up about the fantastic Tracy bounty at YouTube. How great! I decided since I couldn't watch them all, I wouldn't watch any. I'm saving them for the weekend. :)

    *Does anyone know if our voting for JE & Luke and Tracy paid off in the issue of SID? Wasn't that one on stands this week? Just wondering?

  7. -Yay. I gotta sleep in this morning. I'm catering a big business dinner for my employers tonight. So that's all I have to do, no personal chef-ing for the family today. Yay.

    -Anyway just wanted to say I don't like the Rick Webber stuff being brought up randomly either. And I hate to admit it but I've begun to resent TG anytime see him onscreen if JE isn't on that day or had equal time.

    -And I did call the comment line last night and complain!

    -Happy Hump Day All!

  8. Just checking to see if some fantastic Tracy spoiler had broken since I checked in last at lunch. No such luck.

    Glad you are getting some good feedback Timeless TQ.

    And now, I just spent the last two hours trying to teach a group home full of mentally retarded adults how to make spaghetti & meatballs. You guessed it...I need a drink!!

  9. Waving to BSG, Halee and whoever else is around lurking!

    I have a horrible burning cough in my chest...strange cause I am not congested at all....

    Gotta get soem sleep tonight...

    catch you guys tomorrow!

    Maybe it is from your kitchen getting torn up, all the dust and what not. Hope your feeling better soon. Go to bed!

  10. Oh Ms. Q, your video was a welcome oasis in this Tracy desert we are in. Fabulous and Fun as always! Loved it!

    *Yes LadyA the TrAsh hounds are out again. I know you are aiming for this summer to get it all on dvd. Just didn't want you to forget to put me on the list when you do. HINT HINT!!!

    *Also what was the Coleman/ Luke in tux clip? That was not in Jen's LuNacy dvd edits. I never saw that episode.

  11. sorry I keep posting to bump up the thread instead of editing...plus I love my new avatar!

    So does anyone remember where that podcast was with Scott Clifton and his video of Luke N Laura's wedding? The wheels on the bus one. I can't find it on ABC daytime...I was wondering if anyone had ever downloaded that and saved it and can upload it for me. I wanted to see that again sometime.

    I think our best hope for TQ is Wed. cause we know luke is on.

    Can't believe they aren't on again. Okay, yes I can but, man.

    And you can find that podcast on iTunes Hooked.

  12. Oh God, is someone spreading that awful Divorce rumor again?

    They divorce and I'm gone.




    I think all Carrie meant is that there are no Luke & Tracy or Tracy spoilers out there. So we don't want to hear about them, meaning the other spoilers.

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