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Posts posted by halee

  1. Bad news guys..hate to be the bearer, but better we all are prepared. There is NO LUKE or NO TRACY on at all this week, according to a reliable person at SD. She Pm'd me too and confirmed it for me. Said it is all Zs all the time. There is some cute spin/max stuff. But no Lunacy!! Not even LUke. Maybe thing could have changed or been edited. But Queen Tracy--we were lied to by a fake scooper!

    Just wanted to let you guys know so we can all be prepared. Going to be a slow week around here! WE all gotta write some fic to get us through!

    DUDE!!!!!! NO!!!!

  2. Good Morning Hooked and Funny!

    Yeah I had a night like that too Hooked. In fact I believe we passed each other online during our wakeful state. I'm down in L.A. this weekend. I am on babysitting duty today and tonight of my almost 4 yr. old niece Sophie.

    Anyway glad you are enjoying youtube stuff. Thanks. I've been getting all these personal Tracy Request in my inbox over there for Tracy stuff. But after what happened to Addie I am a little hesitant to agree to requests. Luckily I am not a clip queen. So I don't have a lot to post. And that's the truth. It's my out!

    Have a great day all! I am off very soon to go to music class & then library with the little one. Wish us luck. It's the first time us girls have been left alone in the city! Woo Whoo!

  3. Addie that is insane! I can't believe that has been allowed to escalate to that level. Is there going to be as much work involved in transferring everything over to your new account as it seems. I hope not. I can't believe one annoying wanker could get your entire channel suspended with ALL YOUR SUBSCRIBERS!

    Well let me know if I can help you in anyway. I have subscribed to your new channel.

    We've all got your back here!

    Good Luck!

    TracynLuke have fun at you prom! Be Good!

  4. TracynLuke this is for you. Here is a link to your special request via the BR. Remember I warned you the quality on this is quite poor. And also I apologize it may take you awhile to download it, my wmv converter is not working. UG! Hopefully the next time you'd like a clip I'll be operating at full speed again.


    Kristin I'm glad you posted. I've missed your updates too!

    Congrats on the new half sibling Adddie. Did you talk them out of naming her "Claudia"?

    Can't wait for Tracy tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

  5. Tracy spoiler!!! Tracy spoiler!!!

    This was on SD and reputed to be in the newest SOD. I'm just repeating I haven't read it myself...


    The Haunted Star lands smack dab in the middle of the mob war. Tracy tries to stop this and Scott will be involved.

    The Q's

    Monica's in rehab, but she is not gone and, true to form, Tracy is unable to behave herself for too long, so her conscience, Alan, will pop back up

    YAY!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Remos!!!!!!

    Ms. Q I just read your post now and I feel like you throw an anchor to me instead of life vest. Let me hope please. It's all I have.

  6. **waves to funny**

    Sorry about the camera MissJane Hope you get it worked out.

    Great meeting TracynLuke in the BR last night and finally chatting with Addie.

    Hooked rereading that email I'd like to reassure you I know the difference between the words utters and udders. Oops!

    Lovely job Ms. Q

    So will Tracy wear a dress to the HS Opening? She looked good last week. Let's hope they don't screw it up again.

  7. There was a spoiler on SD today about

    Lulu follows in her mother's footsteps!

    One can only hope she goes catatonic as well!!

    Too funny Hooked!

    Congrats on the positive feedback! That's fantastic!

    You are definitely utilizing the day better than I. I am wasting the last day of my vacation(well, I still have the weekend) stuck in my tiny apartment waiting for my new sofa to be delivered and my old one to get hauled out of here. Unfortunately in that order. It's going to be a little cramped in here for awhile.

    Have fun being literary!

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