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Posts posted by halee

  1. Halee--apparently GV just got back from vacation and asked to keep the beard for a day or two. But is is gone by next week I think! He is hot to me either way, but I am not a fan of facial hair!

    Well that explains the beard. But what about that hair, and the jacket! Oy Vey!

    Is Tracy supposed to be on tomorrow? I hope there is follow through with Luke walking in on their meeting.

  2. Just finished watching today's GH. I agree it was very well acted. A nice episode. But one question; when did they recast the role of Lucky with George Michael (from the 80's no less) Seriously what was up with that look GV?

    Gonna go check out SOC and got to bed. I'm beat!

  3. Just got home from a long plane ride and was anticipating watching Tracy & GH only to discover it wasn't on, instead coverage of the Olympic Flame Torch Run here in San Fran.Ug. Oh well, thankfully I have SoapNet and can catch it later. Thanx for the in-depth recap Remos. At least I know I have something worth tuning in for.

    I'm not sure what you are talking about Remos, with Tracy spending time with Anna & Kate. But I would love to see that. Maybe they find her wallowing in a martini at the MetroCourt and they decide to help her and give her a makeover! She shows up at the opening of The Haunted Star looking all sexed up and knocks Luke's socks off!

    tl here is that Tracy & the pill clip. You have to go to the beginning of the clip to see that scene. It starts in the middle of the clip. Sorry.


  4. Hey just popping in real fast. I haven't read(except what was posted here) or listened to the TG interview, but it sounds great. I was worried he may be restless and ready to move on to a new co-star or leave entirely so this makes me breathe easier. And it's also good to know that he is out there doing press in general. That's also promising.

    *A favor* if the board is going to be down tomorrow could someone email recaps if she's on or repost the link to SON2 if we are going to be there? Thanks in advance.

    Off to catch the train home now. YAY!

  5. Off Topic:

    OK I got to work a little while ago and I was cooking breakfast for the family. They have 2 little kids and I often include them in the breakfast prep before they go off to whatever they do all day. Anyway I was letting the 3 yr old stir the frittata mixture, turned my back, and he puked right into the bowl.

    Good Morning to me!

    Happy Spring Break Funny!

  6. The very first thing said to me this morning was "Mommy, I think you're having a bad hair day." (Zion, 5)

    I'm trying to explain the difference between "bed head" and "bad hair day", but he doesn't get it. This day can only go up from here!!!!

    Perhaps the truth about Claudia being Tracy's will come out at the HS, Tracy and Claudia will have the summer to deal with it while [hopefully] Luke is off trying to find out how it could be true.

    Ha! Good luck with the bed head.

    And I CAN"T STAND this Claudia character. But if linking her to Tracy gives JE a story line independent of TG, I'm all for it...I guess. I mentioned how I can't stand Claudia right?

    And is this GH montage on Tues in lieu of actually Tracy scenes. Or do we know she is on in addition to the montage?

    Thanks for the morning scoop. Back to my coffee.

  7. This was on SD. Not sure if it was an insider, but I like what it implies...

    Luke and Tracy seem on their way back together. I thought they were going to be on the outs for awhile?

    that was the scabs, not guza

    As much as it pains me, perhaps Guza is good for something other than mob... choke, cough (I need air).

    Remos, What was was the scabs? Luke & Tracy being on the outs?


  8. I am at my wits end with this show. Tracy wouldnt "settle" for anything less then what she deserves,....I wont as a fan either, and these stories are beneath her as a character and an actress

    My 2 cents for the day

    Actually in the area of love Tracy has done nothing but "settle" for less than she deserves. She's strong and fierce in other areas of her life, but not with men. So although I don't like that she has put up with a lot of Luke's treatment of her. I think it's been very much in character for Tracy to do so. The fact that she is working at it with Luke (or she will) shows growth for Tracy.

  9. Legit rant, to be sure...

    SO... why do we actually like Tracy with the f__khead? After this I'm questioning that. Is is simply because when they are on they are breathtakingly amazing together?

    Well I love Luke because he loves Tracy. And yes he is BAD at it. And yes he is a f__head. But no one has ever truly loved Tracy for Tracy. Now he will either get better at loving her or not, that's when I decide.

    Remember they are doing this whole marriage backwards. And to say these two came to the marriage with baggage is an understatement. Complicated people have complicated relationships. I look forward to hopefully seeing them (especially Luke) grow. I saw a sprout when Luke proclaimed his fidelity. It's just a baby step, but it is a step in the right direction...for me.

  10. My thoughts: well, this might be a Tracy day considering the above spoiler. We already know Wed. the 2nd is a Tracy day. Nex, you and I have work this week :D .

    Well I wish I was sleeping since it's 6:40 on a Satrurday but since I'm not, Thanks for all the spoilers Remos!

    I'm very glad you and Nex will be back at work!

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