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Posts posted by AdelaideCate007

  1. Some GH Emmy trivia from GoldDerby that applies to GH:

    -Nicole Forester achieves two feats: an Emmy nomination as Cassie that Laura Wright couldn't land in 8 years on the show. Forester also got it on her very first pre-nomination; Wright had three straight pre-nominations

    -The last time General Hospital had one acting nomination was way back in 1994 when Sharon Wyatt was GH's only nom

    -Rick Hearst is the only acting winner from last year not nominated again this year. Genie Francis was not eligible to be pre-nominated at all.

    GH's best show tapes are February 1st and 2nd; Tracy is in the second episode, but not the first

  2. Hey you guys. Sorry Ive been absent for awhile. My family went full-tilt crazy then they were fine, and now my mother is even more mad at me than she was before because Im now selfish, bratty, show no respect for my siblings, and treat her like dirt apparently **rolls eyes** and now Im back to not being her daughter anymore and that she can see my disdain for them and that I hate being around them and blah blah blah blah. She now wants me to get into politics and go to law school which I HATE and want no part of, but she keeps pushing pushing and just pushing. My mother is also now threatning to throw out all of my stuff and give it to charity. My sister Matilda who I also hate is now here and is already pissing me off. Why does God hate me?? I want to drop out of school! ahh!

    But I did love Tracy and Luke today.

  3. Its moments like this that I think that I must have been switched at birth. There has to be some other child born at Royal Perth Hospital on the 15th of December in 1986 who is living with my real parents right now and having a nice happy life while Im here with the lunatics. My mother has now announced that she'll never be able to look at me and think about me the same way again, and says that Im back to my lying, manipulative, distrustful ways, and that Ive disappointed her. She says that I have had life experiences and that Im lived all of these places and blah blah blah. She was going on and on about how she raised me up and all I wanted to do was scream that they didn't raise me up, they dragged me up and dragged me all over the places and right into the middle of their constant chaos and crap. No one is helping me or defending me. Its all apparently my fault. I've turned myself into the victim and Im making them all look bad and lying about them apparently. IM JUST SO MAD AND HURT AND UPSET RIGHT NOW. I just want to scream. Maybe she can just adopt Izzy since she's wonderful, perfect, a gift from heaven, and she's the daughter she's always wanted and they can just all be one big happy family. Hell maybe they can also adopt Lucy and Zeke's other friends Hannah the crack addict and Jenna the slut, and oh maybe 100 orhpans as well since they are all apparently better children than I've been. Then maybe they can just let me be since Im a "bad", distrustful, unthoughtful person.

    Its moments like this that make me remember why when I was younger I would lay in the bed and dream about who my "real" parents were and when they were coming to get me away from the crazies.

  4. Hey sorry I missed you guys in the br last night. All hell broke loose here. Im now uninvited from going to see my father and Lucy and Izzy left just a few minutes ago, so at least they're gone for a few days. We had big fight about school and all of this stuff. He wanted me to apply for this scholarship and I got everything together, but I just couldnt do it. I felt like I was signing my life away for something I dont want, so I threw it in the rubbish bin and instead mailed him a letter saying that I wanted to take a gap year and do some traveling, maybe volunteer for awhile or get an internship. Well, he got it, flipped out, rang up here acting crazy, my mother then found out, she's now flipping out, and my father now doesn't want to see me and my mother isn't talking to me. We were up until well 3 shouting about it. I ended up crying all night, and haven't seen my mother since last night. Ive been up all night as well. Let me also add that Lucy is now on her second gap year and from what it looks like heading into her third (even stupid Izzy at least makes attempts to go to school) and Zeke took one too, but its now apparently not okay for me to take one. My father is ashamed of my behaviour apparently and my mother is claiming that Im being a selfish immature brat. My father doesnt understand how I could do this to them, and I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that this insisted about them, its about me. Im 21 years old of christs sake and all I have to show for my life is a bunch of lunatic family members. I just want to do something for myself for once and stop living a life that someone else wants me to lead. I think another year of hell is starting again. Just UGH.

    I was so tempted to just leave in the middle of the night, and leave everything behind and then head to the bank and withdraw all of my money, and then head to the aeroport and buy a one way ticket on the first flight to Australia (or maybe Tahiti or Paris) and just never ever come back. I almost did...the bag I packed is sitting on the floor, but I just decided in the end to stay and fight.

    Hope we get something good on GH, I need it right now.

  5. MsQ, I just watched the video over on YouTube! Its really a great video.

    Im so gald Tracy is at least making the spoilers these days. And Im lookingg foward to Maxie sabotaging Lulu. She has no business working at Crimson.

    Ive now been regaled with stories about my sister and stupid Izzy's all night drunken partying, my sister's ONS in Amsterdam :ph34r: and Izzy's 30 year old boyfriend. :wacko: I don't know if any of you know what the soap opera Neighbours is (its from Australia and its shown like everywhere except in the US apparently) but there this girl on their named Izzy Hoyland as well and they act just alike. She's from Australia too (thats how we know her- long story) and I swear to god she must model herself after her, just like my sister likes to think she's Lucy Coe (but she is no Lucy Coe and Izzy is no Izzy Hoyland). Maybe I should join in on the fun and start acting like Addie from OLTL.

    And even better, Izzy and Lucy are now coming to visit my father in Argentina too. Another trip hijacked lol....Im just waiting for the rest of the crew to jump in on this trip too.

    Anyway, its Anzac Day (another Australian thing) and my grandmother is making all of us go out to eat. Maybe we can all fight over who has the most fries again. (rolls eyes)

  6. MsQuartermaine, I thought the video was cute!

    Im about to go post on the SoapNet board right now.

    I didnt get to watch today (see below) but I hear Anna's reaction was great.

    and Halee, this is just for you http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=353661

    and anyway, my day has been very eventful. My sister Lucy was arrested :ph34r: and once I got her out on bail (I had to go because my mother was laying out at the beach...sdnfpernfperfnepirgn! blah), we return home to find out she's invited her equally ill behaved friend Izzy to join in on the family trip. No one knew, she just showed up from Miami (Zeke and Lucy even claim they knew nothing about it but i some how doubt that). And now Im having to share my room with her. Im. so. excited. and oh joy, Izzy just pushed Zeke out of the window of the winnebago.

  7. Im very thankful my mother doesn't like the internet and doesn't get on it alot. If she did, she's find a way to invade my life that way the way she has with every single other thing in my life.

    Me..Im nothing to get excited about lol, and I look extremely fat in this picture for some reason but its the only one I could find:


  8. I have to say Im looking foward to Patrick seeking advice from Luke. That should be good.

    Im so sorry about venting. I just had to let it out lol, and didn't have anywhere else at the moment. I know you gus aren't interested in the dramas involving my family, but it did get a tad better. Zeke decided (as I'm already 5 minutes away from the beach house) that oh yeah he did want to come pick our mother up at airport so I had to turn around and go back and get him. I was mad but at least I didn't have to drive all the way by myself and deal with the vulture on my own. She was of course her normal self, and before saying hello practically was fixing my hair and had already informed me that I'll never get a boyfriend if I look like I just fell out of bed before we'd even left baggage claim. On the way back to the beach house, she got a call from Matilda's school saying she hadn't bothered to come in today. I have no idea why she thought that leaving a horribly behaved 17 year old alone with no supervision for 5 days was a good idea, and I can't believe she thought that she would actually do what she's suppose to do :rolleyes: She's either almost to the Hamptons or Montauk by now or either partying in Manhattan (rolls eyes again)...but she's definately NOT going to go school if there's no one there to force her. Im not even sure why my mother is here, other than the fact that I think she wants to get into my business. and I do have to say that her new boyfriend is definately the youngest yet.

    And like i said, my mother props them to no end and thinks that all of their behaviour is appropriate and wonderful and propably on the eighth day god created Zeke, Lucy, and Matilda. I, on the other hand, am not so special.

    the infamous twins: n5200121_35690884_6524.jpg

    Matilda and lucy: n5200121_41323205_5617.jpg

    who are these people and why why why am I related to them

  9. I hope there's something good on GH this because, ugh, Im having a bad week! and just have to vent lol (Im so sorry)

    Okay, so Im now in Georgia on a holiday to visit my grandmother. It started off that it was just going to me and her. Then my obnoxious 19 year old brother and sister Zeke and Lucy (they're twins) up and decided they wanted to come as well and invited themselves. And now, my mother the vulture, my EXTREMELY ill-behaved half sister Olivia (who's 5), and my mother's newest boyfriend- who I've never laid eyes on but according to Zeke, he's young enough to be her child (this is a habit of her's- Olivia's father was 12 years younger than her)- are now all arriving today (they were not invited either). and, my 17 year old sister Matilda is now apparently coming sometime next week (my mother in her infinate wisdom has left her alone in NY with no supervision...wow what a parent lol) when she gets some sort of break from school. All that's missing is my mother's two daughters from her first marriage, Libby, 25, and Maggie, 27 (who according to Zeke- again i haven't met new boyfriend- are not much younger than the new bf), but they're back in England and in Hawaii. Anytime my mother shows up, all she does is complain and whine and critique me while propping my ill-behaving siblings. If its not my hair, its my friends or my clothes or my manners or my whatever. Its never enough and all she does is whine and complain and swoops in with all of her shrieking and bitching and just generally grates on the nevers. Anytime she shows up, we always end up fighting and screaming so Im very irritated that she's now swooped in with her vulture ways and messed up my holiday. and she ALWAYS is trying to blame me for everything. Case in point, she now claims that I ran up the credit card bill. Do I live NY? No. Do I drive into NYC everyday for work and school, therefore putting gas into two seperate cars? No. So how on earth would I have a trail of charges from Sands Point to Manhattan and back if I dont live there? Oh thats right, its Matilda..then its apparently okay.

    So anyway, my father the sperm bank- who i don't really get along with because all he does is complain about me as well but since he lives in Buenos Aires now, I can somewhat avoid him- has now basically pushed me into coming down there to see my latest new sibling Pippa and have 'bonding time' with him, stepmother, and my half siblings Stella, 6, Arthur, 4, and Pippa. and oh, my older half sister Emma- the one who's almost the exact age as current wife- and her children (yes my father is a grandfather and has children younger than hs grandchildren) are coming over from Sydney. So im now going now there.

    Basically Im super embrassed of my family and their antics and their just general lifestyle and want to go running and screaming into the hills. Im now going to have to go meet mummy at airport and then drive them all the way back to the beach because Zeke and Lucy- who are both completely worthless FYI- are "too tired". UGH

  10. UGH! So everyone knows the tale of woe involving that b*tch who was harassing over on YT right? Well after i blocked her, she just started finding new ways to harass me over there til she finally sent me a very nasty message saying that if i didn't start posting the Laurelton story in the next 24 hours she was going to have my account suspended and now she has. Im like BITCH F*************************************************.

    anyways, I still have everything saved and plan on posting everything over on my new YT account which is now AddieCate007 so go subscribed there now. Im also working now on having everything transferred and available to download for everyone on other sites adn talking to some people so we'll see.

    and Ive sent YT a very nasty message about this skank

  11. Hey! Sorry Ive been absent for a couple of days. My step-mother- who is only ten years older than me BTW- had her third baby with my father- who has a child almost the exact same age as his current wife :rolleyes:- which now brings his grand total of children up to eight (one with his first wife, four with my mother, and three with current wife). Anyway, blah, he now wants to pay to fly me over there to see them next week. rolls eyes again

    Anyway, Im glad Tracy will be on tomorrow!

  12. If you go to Daytimeconfidential.com, you can find the podcast link. its podcast number #226. Their GH 45th anniversary chat is the first thing they talk about!

    also if you listen to #185, they praise Jane Elliot alot in the one as well

  13. Good for you Hooked! That sounds awesome!

    I was listening to this ABC daytime podcast just a few minutes ago and they were talking about GH's 45th anniversary, and everyone picked Luke/Tracy as their current favourite couple and all they agreed that if Laura came that they would want Luke and Tracy to stay together. they also called Jane Elliot divine! Just thought you guys would be interested!

  14. Dude, where were Guza, JFP, and Frons when they let Edward, Tracy, Bobbie, and ALAN! out of the AbcSeniors veterens closet?? Someone needs to hide the key to that closet before Guza gets his hand on it and looks them all back in there. Now if Mac, Monica, and Scott would show up, we could have a full fledged vets day.

    Hooked, JE sounds fun!

    Ms. Q, I've been meaning to how much I love all of your videos! I subscribed!

    Anyway, Ive started clipping a bunch of new GH stuff, including a whole lot new Tracy stuff (stuff from when she was messing around with Scott; some more of her and Ashton; her, Monica, and Lucy messing with Harlan; the whole time surrounding Lila's death; her return in the fall of 2003; and her running over Jenny and Edward kicking her out)

  15. Ms. Quartermaine I'd already seen that video, but its awesome!

    remos I know how those sleepovers go. My sister had one once and my mum let her invite like 13 girls! It was crazy

    Anyway, did you guys know Scott Clifton has his own youtube page? if not, its http://www.youtube.com/user/TheoreticalBullshit

    Right now, Im working on getting my YouTube video blog ready for launch lol. I hope its going to work and go well. and of course, dealing with my obnoxious parents....who let's jsut say I don't get along with (and honestly don't particular like at this moment) and who have different ideas of how I should be living my life and spending my time (and who also think my sisters do no wrong while I apparently do everything wrong lol). Whatever blah.

    I hope to stop by the breakroom tonight if anyone is going to be around tonight


  16. Im Adelaidecate007 there too

    Besides Tracy and the Qs, I like Maxie, Spinelli, Alexis, Lucky, Sam, Nikolas, Nadine, Logan, Luke, and Lulu is fine as along as shes not being a shrew with Carly

    Im also AddieLove on SOC and goldderby

  17. Well, I blocked the person that has been causing me to receive massive emails over on YT. I still might post the clips they asked for, but I just couldn't handle having all those effing messages. Thanks you guys for just letting me vent about that situation.

    and ahhh, Im so glad you guys liked my montage. I just had to do something...GH should be ashamed of that thing that they tried to pass off as a montage. and hey, I would LOVE to take a crack at anything over at GH...clip historian, montage maker, whatever.

    and Hooked, what other boards do people talk about me at and where did someone say that Im their favourite youtubber at? I have to go check these places out lol. I did manage to register at SD now...yeah!

  18. Ugh, okay I just have to vent. Im getting so irritated with this person over on youtube! They sent me a request for me to post clips from this story they wanted. I said fine I'd post what I have, but I told this person it might take me awhile to find them and then clip them. So now, everyday for the past like three weeks they've sent me at least one message a day saying stuff like "Im patient but where are the clips you promised me?", "why are you posting other clips instead of the ones I asked for", and so on. Its SO irritating. I sent them a message back saying that it takes me awhile to get everything together and clipped off the tapes on my tv and then onto my computer and then clip them from there, and they still are sending me messages. Just ugh. and they keep asking me for stuff that I dont have and that Ive told them I don't have and yet they still everyday send me one message full of a requests and one message hounding me for clips that I said i'd post when I get through with them. Its almost to where this person's constant badgering is enough to make me want to not post those clips for them block them they harass me so much. and they have yet to say Thanks once. just BLAH.

    And how bad was that montage the other day? I will give them props for the Tracy and Lila moment but besides that, ick.

    Sorry for ranting, Im just past irritated

  19. About the big stars returning rumor, the canadian TV guide man Nelson Branco said in a soap chat at the LA times soaps room that one of them- from what he's heard- is NOT Genie Francis. He says that from what its he's heard Vanessa Marcil, Tristan Rogers, and Lynn Herring are all being actively recruited, which is fine by me, even if its just speculation. I'd rather GF stay far far away

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